This day.

A piece of incredible news spread out of the outer city of Buddhism.

Fozi, who had been licking her for five years, suddenly announced in public that he had terminated his engagement with the eldest daughter of the Lin family and had nothing to do with the Lin family anymore.

The shock of the news is no less than pouring oil on a hot pot.

The crowd of ghosts were shocked.

after all.

The Buddha's five years of kneeling and licking her were too unrestrained, and she turned the future heir of the Buddha Kingdom into a clown. He was still the type who couldn't even lick her.

It can be said.

What the Buddha did has become a joke in the huge Buddhist country.

If it were not for the face of Zhenfo Temple, someone would have ridiculed him in person.

Many people even believe that the eldest lady of the Lin family beheaded Fozi and planted some kind of supernatural curse, which turned Fozi into the ultimate licking dog.


In the face of such rumors, Zhenfo Temple did not explain it out loud, and even acquiesced to what Buddha did, which seemed to be indulgent.


It is impossible for the Lin family to prostitute so many supernatural resources from the Zhen Buddhist Temple for free.

But now...

Fozi broke off the engagement.

Still in full view.

Even the marriage certificate was torn up.

For a while.

An idea popped into the minds of the ghosts for no reason:

The sky in the Buddhist country is about to change.

the other side.

[Side mission: Break off the engagement (completed)]

[Reward: Initial favorability +20 (limited to people close to the Buddha)]

Glancing at the scarlet panel.

Shen Jian showed a weird smile.

This 45% of the horror game permissions is easy to use.

With the privilege of modifying the main plot and side tasks at will, he can do things exactly as he wants.

Even if Foguo really controls the mission system of the thriller game, it will not affect him.


Shen Jian set his sights on the main mission.

[Main mission: Find that noble existence and help him complete his 100th reincarnation. 】

Unlike previous main quests in horror games, the main quests in this copy are extremely biased, and players have no choice at all.

There is no chance to choose the lineup.

The only lineup is the protagonist, or the true Buddhist disciple, Ksitigarbha.


Anyone who opposes a true Buddhist is defined as a villain.

And he is the biggest villain in this copy.

It’s still the type where the protagonist won’t be able to play without weakening it first.


Only then will there be a plot where fake Buddhists kneel and lick without any bottom line.

Think about it.

Shen Jian started modifying the main tasks again.

[Main mission: Kill the True Buddha (modified)]


[It has been detected that the player [King Yama] has modified the main mission and is being analyzed. 】


[The current main task is unreasonable and has been dismissed. 】

[Note: The True Buddha is the core of reincarnation and cannot be killed. 】

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

A question occurred to him.

The source of the Buddhist kingdom, that is, the owner of Tianzhao Sin Qi Celestial Palace, one of the six heavens of Luo Feng, is a suspected existence of Ksitigarbha of the underworld. This source ghost holds complete authority over Luo Fengtian.

He is the well-deserved master of the fourth place, Luo Fengtian.

If he directly killed this true Buddhist disciple, the result would be that Luo Fengtian would be completely shattered.

This is completely different from Luo Fengtian's situation falling into chaos.

The latter only needs a part of the underworld to suppress it, but the former is no longer habitable and will take a long time to repair.

Think of this.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

The other party took the inheritance from the underworld as his own, but he, the real master, had to work hard to regain Luo Fengtian's authority while ensuring that the other party would not die.

The first thing that needs to be done is to reduce the other party's control.

In layman's terms, it means suppression.

Suppress hard.

Let this protagonist of Luo Fengtian become useless, become estranged from all relatives, be spurned by the entire Buddhist kingdom, and be disliked by Luo Fengtian. In this way, he can gradually extract the fourth place of Luo Fengtian from the hands of Ksitigarbha. Leave.


Shen Jian had a new idea.

[Main mission: Become the Lord of the Buddhist Kingdom (modified)]

[Content: Fake Buddhist disciples are also Buddhist disciples, and they also have the qualifications to inherit the Buddhist kingdom. In fair competition, whoever is stronger will be the real Buddhist disciple. 】

[It has been detected that the main mission has been modified and is being analyzed. 】


[The current main task is reasonable and has been adopted. 】

[The main mission has been successfully modified. 】

See this.

Shen Jian smiled.

The smile in his eyes grew stronger.

This thriller game is really not very smart.

This seems to be a fair competition, but he is still the nominal Buddhist son of the Buddhist country, and the protagonist does not know whether he has risen yet. He wants to crush the opponent in all directions, but it is really easy.

I just don’t know if the protagonist will be shocked to the point of collapse when he sees his childhood sweetheart humiliatingly obeying him and showing a spoiled expression in front of his love rival.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's mood fluctuated.

Lin Yanxi, a female ghost in a red dress, is not considered stunning among female ghosts. She is full of tricks and is only as good as the female knights around the princess.


This is the heroine appointed by Ksitigarbha.

In the 100th reincarnation, she is Ksitigarbha's childhood sweetheart and future wife. Even if he kills his wife to attain enlightenment and cuts off the worldly bond, at least for now, the protagonist does love the heroine. In this case, The identity of Lin Yanxi, the female ghost in the red dress, has become different.

It has become quite valuable as a guide.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Take back your thoughts.

Shen Jian awakens the Bone Bodhisattva again.

Children, tell me about the situation in the Buddhist country.

The Bone Bodhisattva paused for a few seconds and explained: Master, there is actually nothing to say about the situation in the Buddhist Kingdom. The True Buddha Temple is the only one here, and there is no supernatural place that can be the opponent of the True Buddha Temple.

In addition to the apparent Lord of the Buddhist Kingdom, there are a total of six ghost Bodhisattvas in the True Buddha Temple. Below that are the ghost abbots, ghost Vajras, ghost protectors, and ghost monks who serve us.

Further down, there are the major supernatural places conquered by the True Buddha Temple, stationed on the left and right. Later, these supernatural places conquered the supernatural places further down, so ghost cities were formed, which were called Buddha Kingdoms. The rest Yes, I don’t care too much.”

Hear the words.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

The Bone Bodhisattva makes it simple, but in fact, the six Ghost Bodhisattvas alone are enough to overwhelm everything.

after all.

These are six world-destroying ghosts and gods.

Coupled with the apparent lord of the Buddhist kingdom and Ksitigarbha, who is the source of the Buddhist kingdom, he is a disaster-level ghost and god that is far above the world-destroying level ghosts and gods, maybe even higher.

The Qing Kingdom, the Yi Lai Empire, the City of Entertainment, the City of Blood, all the world-destroying ghosts and gods in Luo Fengtian in these four places are not as good as Luo Fengtian in the Buddha Kingdom. The horror of its supernatural background is evident.

What's more.

This is just the foundation of a supernatural place in Zhenfo Temple, not the entire Buddhist country.

The nine-star copy is well deserved.

What about the fake Buddha?

Fake Buddha? He is just a pitiful ghost. He jumps up and down, fighting against my Buddha with all his strength. In the end, he is defeated and humiliated every time, until the last bit of value is squeezed out and my Buddha is completely raised. His mission is over... Huh? Why is it so dark? Master, why are you covering my eyes?

It's okay, I just think you are too noisy, go and close your eyes and think about it.


Bone Bodhisattva did not dare to refuse Shen Jian's kindness.

I can only continue to sleep.

Shen Jian glanced at the time.

Step out of the temple.

Walking towards the Lin family.

at the same time.

The players who had finished watching the show gathered in an alley in a daze.

Big eyes stare at small eyes.

Nothing else.

They really don't know what to do.

The main mission requires them to find the true Buddha and help each other complete the 100th reincarnation.

But they have no idea where to start.

The fake Buddhist disciple has been silent again.

They could only hide and wait in place.

A level 50 four-star player looked at the bustling ghost people, shivered, and murmured almost desperately: My old swan, none of the ghosts passing by here have a terror level lower than that of the Ghost King. Most of them are even above the Abyss-level Ghost King, which reminds me of the first time I entered a horror game, and how helpless I was.

As soon as these words came out.

It immediately resonated with everyone.

Which one of them is not a sought-after great player in the outside world? Either the leader of a certain force, or the person in charge of a certain provincial level, or even worse, the person in charge of a first-tier city.

Even if they enter a four-star dungeon or even a five-star dungeon, they at least have the ability to protect themselves and are not the lowest level in the dungeon.

But in this nine-star dungeon in Buddha Country, a group of players above level 50 are at the lowest level of the food chain.

Even the beggars on the street have a higher level of terror than them.

It is possible to kill them instantly.

How could they not panic in such a situation?

Even [King Quan], the number one person in the Dragon Kingdom's supernatural circle, a five-star player, is only at the bottom here and does not dare to act rashly.

In such a difficult situation, they were forced to shut themselves up.

What are you doing here?

If they had not received the compensation reward of the horror game, with the blessing of Buddha's light, and with their size and terror level, they might have been attacked by any ghost at any time and lost their lives.

This is no joke.

But the situation is so damn serious.

at this time.

The chat interface has new trends.

[Tianlong: The breakup of the engagement just now was just an accident. Trust us again. I got the news that the fake Buddha has left for the Lin family, saying that he is breaking off the engagement. But based on the information from my previous lives, I think the fake Buddha is more likely to regret it. . 】

[Tianlong: I guess that the fake Buddha is more likely to regret it and go to the Lin family to seek forgiveness. This is in line with the original plot. After all, the previous plots are exactly the same as in previous generations. It is impossible for such a big change to happen here. . 】

In words.

Tianlong vowed.

He put his credibility on the line.

I guarantee that there will be absolutely no changes in the plot this time.

This reaction made everyone suspicious again.

Apart from anything else, the two players who entered the nine-star dungeon were worthy of their trust just because they had a game level of over 60.

Even if you make one mistake.

Nor has that trust been exhausted.


The other party was so confident that although they had doubts, they still believed it.

[Wang Quan: Trust you again. 】

[Tianlong: Don’t worry, you will definitely not go wrong this time. 】(End of this chapter)

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