at the same time.

Outside the temple.

[The mission has been started. 】

[Player’s current characteristic: Buddha’s light blessing. 】

[Buddha's Light Blessing: Players can pretend to be a monk in any temple, and no one will detect their identity, as long as they are not encountered by the real owner. 】

Looking at the font on the scarlet panel.

The players who were forced into the dungeon by the horror game were filled with grief and anger, and their faces turned pale.

They took a clear look at their surroundings and found that they were standing in a wave of ghosts, becoming a crowd of onlookers.

This time.

It almost scared them to death.

Because they discovered that none of the people watching with them had a level of terror lower than that of the Ghost King.

Even a beggar who is facing the loess, dressed in rags, looks dirty, and has severed hands and feet has a high level of terror. It seems that in this dungeon, the lower limit of the terror level of a ghost is the Ghost King.

This discovery made their scalps tingle.

The nine-star copy is really terrifying.

In other game areas of Horror World, the Ghost King, who was already regarded as a four-star supernatural land mini-boss, was placed here and turned out to be just a general public.

The ghosts here must have grown up eating flesh-eating ghosts.

Otherwise, how could the lower limit be raised to such an extent.

The lower limit is so outrageous, what about the upper limit?

World-destroying ghosts and gods? A bunch of world-destroying ghosts and gods? Or is it possible that there are existences above the world-destroying level ghosts and gods?

Think of this.

All the players were heartbroken.

at this time.

On the chat interface, a message suddenly appeared.

[Tianlong: Hello, welcome to the players who have entered the dungeon through the 100th reincarnation. I am your senior and have experienced several more reincarnations than you. 】

【? ? ? 】

The appearance of this message was like an earth-shattering news, causing a storm among the players.




How can this be.

The thriller game clearly shows that this nine-star copy is the first in the world, and it is also the first time it has been opened.

In this situation.

How could any player enter this dungeon faster than them? Judging from the meaning, the opponent seems to have experienced this kind of reincarnation several times and is a veteran.

This is even more impossible.

A reincarnation is a copy.

If the player survived, he would have cleared the dungeon long ago and entered the settlement stage. How could he enter the dungeon again?

[Tianlong: I know you don’t believe it, but you can verify it yourself first to see if there are more people. This is the most direct evidence. 】

See this.

The 99 players who were still confused about the situation reacted immediately.


If you want to verify whether the other party is playing a prank, just check to see if there are any extra players.

A total of 100 players entered this instance.

If the 101st person appears, it proves that what the other person said is true.


The number one person in the Dragon Kingdom's supernatural circle with the ID of [King Quan] pondered for a second and sent out a verification message.

[Kingdom: 1. 】

His face was covered with stubble, his eyes were lifeless, and his eyes were covered by the hair on his forehead. His whole person was filled with a negative emotion of decadence and loneliness, and he seemed to have a low pressure.

After a while, this negative effect transformed into another.

Extremely weird.

Just now.

He used special supernatural props to detect the traces of players around him.

A total of 34 players were found gathered outside the temple.

Each level is no less than level 50.


There is no higher level of play than him.

This situation is very abnormal.

Although he is the number one person in the dragon kingdom's supernatural circle, his game level is only level 63, which is far from the number one. But now, not only are there only 34 people around him, but he is also the highest level person in the game.

There is only one possibility for this to happen.

Western players are not here.

These 34 players are all from the Dragon Kingdom.

Thriller games divide Eastern players and Western players into two battlefields.

Just thinking about it.

99 players have completed the check.

Including [Tianlong] who expressed his opinion at the beginning, there are 100 people in total.

This time.

All players were angry.


You little bitch said it so convincingly that we almost thought it was true.

It's best not to let us find you.

Otherwise we wouldn’t mind pulling an extra back pad.


The players are frustrated.


The next second.

Another brand new message was sent.

[Tian Yang: Are you a 100-player copy? Then why is there another player silent? We don't have much time to waste. You'd better cooperate, otherwise, even if you have the compensation reward given by the thriller game, you won't be able to pass the level alive. 】

Message 101 appears.

at once.

All the players exploded.

The depression on his face immediately turned into stiffness.


In the dungeon of one hundred people, the 101st person really entered. No, it should be the 102nd person.

Because [Tianlong] also entered the copy randomly.

The reason why only 100 people were gathered was because there was still one player who didn't speak out.

And that player...

The one who rides the horse, the silent one, is he the madman who took the initiative to activate the nine-star copy?

I'll go, I've thought about it, it's very possible.

Fuck you, that bastard. If you want to die, you don't have to drag us to be buried together. We haven't offended you, right? As for going to the Nine-Star Dungeon to die?

Shit, don't let me find you.

The 99 players present are all leaders in the thriller game.

They are the strongest group of ghost masters in the world.

I have been playing in horror games for many years. If I didn’t have some thinking ability, I would have been eliminated long ago.


Just through this clue, they were keenly aware that this silent 100th player was the culprit who opened the nine-star dungeon.

It was the madman who dragged them into the abyss.



Quite a while.

In a restaurant.

It took these two to figure out the situation.

Hiding in the darkness, he took a deep breath.

They were the unlucky ones who accidentally got the token and were dragged here, unable to escape from the dungeon. The 99 players who entered the dungeon seemed to have similar experiences to them.


This is even more unlucky than them.

after all.

When they first received the token, they accepted the invitation with the intention of actively entering the special instance.

This group of players was forced into the dungeon without any preparation.

More importantly.

Someone actually dared to take the initiative to open the nine-star copy.

How many dishes are there on horseback? You are so drunk.

Even if it is equipped with a gentian, I wouldn't dare to be so aggressive.

for a long time.

The two of them came to their senses.

Continue to speak.

[Tianlong: No matter what, you have now entered the Buddhist kingdom. If you want to survive, you'd better listen to me. It's already the 100th reincarnation. As long as you survive this reincarnation, everyone can pass the level and return to the real world. . 】

[Wang Quan: Why should I believe you? Being able to break into this copy proves that you entered voluntarily and had some purpose. With your strength, it is obviously not enough to convince me. 】

[Tianlong: I have been reincarnated here five times and have been here since the ninety-fifth reincarnation. I am very familiar with this place. 】

[King Quan: It’s useless. The thriller game has already given a hint. In every reincarnation, the noble existence will change its identity, and there is a high probability that even the background will be different. I think that in this life, you will continue to change your identity. You probably don’t know anything about that big shot’s identity. 】


[Tianlong: You are indeed the number one person in the Dragon Kingdom’s supernatural circle. You are right. I really don’t know the other person’s identity in this life, but you guessed one thing wrong. The background of each reincarnation is the Buddhist Kingdom, and the scenes are different. It will change, and the experience will not change, only the identity of the other person will change. 】

[Tianlong: So I know that the current Buddha in the Buddhist Kingdom is fake. In every reincarnation, this fake Buddha serves as the final villain to give experience to the protagonist. Therefore, as long as you pay attention to the news about this fake Buddha, the real Buddha Buddha will soon meet him, and then it will be easy to find the big shot. 】

[Tianlong: I know you don’t believe it, but it doesn’t matter, I have a way to verify it all. 】

[Tianlong: According to the information I have accumulated in the next three lives, at this point in time, the fake Buddha should be pursuing the daughter of the owner of a five-star supernatural place in the outer city. He will first fall in love and then cut off the mortal relationship. Moreover, once the fake Buddha is gone Once you have chosen a target, you will not change it, you will keep licking it, and you will comply with all the requirements of this young lady. Even if you are disgusted and treated as garbage, you will still be immersed in the supernatural influence and kneel and lick without any bottom line. 】

King Quan:…

A group of players:...

It feels like a familiar sight.

[Tianlong: Don’t you believe it? I know some of you are watching in front of the temple. At this point in time, the fake Buddha will follow the young lady all the way to the temple, be rejected for the hundredth time he shows love, and will not get angry after being insulted, but will continue to act like a fool. Followers. 】

I saw this decent information.

Rao is the king, but he also believed it in doubt.

after all.

This information is too detailed.

It is so detailed that it is the result of deliberate collection.

How could we know so much if we didn't have an in-depth understanding of the Buddhist people in the Buddhist country.

If things develop as the other party said, it would be enough to prove that what [Tianlong] said is true.

The opponent does have the ability to foresee things in the copy.

if that is the case.

Following the other party is the best result.


The 34 players, headed by Wang Quan, looked more seriously.

at the same time.

Shen Jian looked at the chat interface and secretly clicked his tongue.

He has been a palace eunuch, a jailer, a prisoner, a priest, and a prince, but...

I really have never been a dog licker.

Even when he was conquering the princess, he only played an affectionate male lead, not a lot of licking.

not to mention.

If you can lick your hand, how can you call it a licking dog? It is clearly just a necessary means of strategy.

But this fake Buddha is really licking.

Although it is a supernatural influence, it is necessary to have feelings before cutting off the earthly ties, but it is still too disappointing.

It is clear that the name of Buddha only needs to be used a little bit, and no matter how much the other party disagrees, they have to obey, rather than forcefully licking him for five years.


All these plots were designed by Ksitigarbha.

The fake Buddha is just a high-level NPC, how can he know this?

But he is different.

He also quite liked the forced drama.

When I think of the heroine appointed by Ksitigarbha in the 100th reincarnation, he used her identity as a fake Buddha to coerce her into obeying him in humiliation, while the true Buddha she longed for could only be helpless and furious. .

It’s exciting to think about.

Just thinking about it.

Lin Yanxi, a female ghost in a red dress, spoke again, stared at Shen Jian with disgust and said: Don't pretend not to hear here, you will only make me feel sick, now disappear from my eyes immediately...

People who use their identity as a Buddhist disciple to force themselves to sign a marriage contract with him are disgusting.

The Bai Yueguang in her heart was never this person.


Don't wait for the female ghost in the red dress to finish.

Shen Jian had already said quietly: Also, from today on, the engagement between you and me is void.

in discourse.

A strange smile flashed away.

Wang Quan:? ? ?

Other players:? ? ?

[Wang Quan: The fake Buddhist son you mentioned has broken off the engagement. 】(End of this chapter)

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