The moment when the nuclear bomb was actually detonated.

Janna's pupils trembled violently and she stood up suddenly.

A look of horror.

She never expected that the Holy See's real trump card would be a tactical nuclear bomb, the Big Ivan with an yield of over 1,000 tons.

No matter where a nuclear bomb of this level is detonated, the damage caused will be fatal.

Within 100 kilometers, there are almost no humans or animals left.

Within 150 kilometers, third-degree burns will occur on the human body.

Within 200 kilometers, permanent damage will appear to the naked eye.

One can imagine.

What kind of terrifying killer weapon is Big Ivan of this level?

It is definitely the most powerful destructive weapon in human history so far.


The Holy See was so crazy that it detonated this kind of nuclear bomb in the Dragon Kingdom.

She saw it clearly.

The height of Seraphim Gabriel is only about a hundred meters.

It can be seen with the naked eye.

You can see clearly with the most common telescope or even a camera.

If a 1,000-ton nuclear bomb is detonated at such a height, the entire Dachuan City will be buried with it, and even the two adjacent cities will be fatally affected.

It became a dead city.

This is no longer just crazy.

Totally anti-human.

Are they crazy?

Want to start a nuclear war sweeping the world right now?


After just a moment of shock, Janna came to her senses, and her thoughts were running rapidly in her mind:

Aren't modern thermal weapons ineffective against ghosts? In the last incident in Ferro City, there was also an immortal god carrying a pyramid and swaggering away. Ferro City deployed all its armed forces, but it could not do anything to the opponent. Unknown to the Immortal Is it too reckless to launch a nuclear explosion when a god is immune to thermal weapons?


The elder of the Holy Knights with the ID [Jason] said: You are thinking very fast. Indeed, we cannot verify whether the gods in the underworld are immune to modern thermal weapons like ghosts. Therefore, the premise for us to detonate nuclear bombs is that gods Immunity to modern thermal weapons.


She was slightly startled.

Somewhat confused.

Since it is determined that the gods of the underworld are immune to thermal weapons, then this move...

Haha. Zack, whose ID is [Lord of Heaven], chuckled sinisterly. Nuclear bombs are ineffective, but we can transfer the power of nuclear bombs through supernatural power into supernatural attacks that can cause fatal damage to ghosts.

Hear this.

Janna's heart was shocked and she subconsciously said: That will-o'-the-wisp?!

Yes, this is a supernatural thing that I have been begging for for a long time and finally got. As long as it is tempered by this ghost fire, even a stone can cause considerable damage to the ghost, let alone A devastating nuclear explosion.

Zach smiled very sinisterly.

Don't talk about ghosts and gods, even real world-destroying ghosts and gods will fall into a state of panic due to fatal attacks without any defense.

Although Gabriel was sacrificed, it was worth it if he could drag the gods of the underworld with him to be buried with him.

The words fell.

Everyone at the roundtable laughed.

Happy that the plan came to fruition.

One Gabriel can be used to exchange for a god from the underworld. The deal is worth it.

Only Janna was like falling into an ice cave.

I just feel like the world is spinning.

A will-o'-the-wisp can cause a nuclear bomb to explode into a supernatural attack that kills world-destroying ghosts and gods. How could such a supernatural thing be accessible to players?

The same principle applies to the previous ghost rosary.

This is completely beyond the reach of five-star players.

Zach, the number one player in the horror game, what exactly did he experience in the horror world, and what weird copies he came into contact with, to be able to obtain so many supernatural things that surpassed his original class.

Even the Eli Empire may not be able to produce these things.

Is it possible that the dungeon that Zach experienced could be more difficult than the Eli Empire?

What's more.

How did he, a human being, survive in such a difficult dungeon?

All kinds of confusion linger in my mind.

It made her thoughts become more and more confused.

But she knew.

Shen Jian is in danger.

Being caught off guard by such a supernatural attack, even if you have the power of the world, you will not be able to exert it at all.

Did she lose the bet?

the other side.


The brilliance that was more dazzling than a thunderbolt became the only brilliance in this world. Under the destructive power of an instant, time seemed to have lost its original meaning and seemed to be slowed down ten times or a hundred times.

Unprecedented light and heat hit us.

Nuclear explosion center.

The air, dust, including the densely packed scarlet ghost eyes on Gabriel's six wings, all vaporized and evaporated in this instant, and disappeared completely without leaving any traces, with a sharp scream like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

at the same time.

High-temperature radiation of tens to millions of degrees spreads rapidly.

Completely submerged Shen Jian and Gabriel.

The first one to bear the brunt was the Seraphim Gabriel, who was closest to the nuclear explosion. Under the supernatural transfer of the will-o'-the-wisp, Gabriel's wings began to crack. The raging high temperature and devastating impact ignited his body and melted his ghost. Body.

The tip of my nose was filled with the stench of burned skin.

When normal people face this kind of situation, as long as they still have a glimmer of hope and a chance to react, they will subconsciously take measures to protect themselves and escape from the scope of the nuclear explosion.


Gabriel didn't.

He was incinerated with a ferocious face.

But he had no intention of escaping.

on the contrary.

Some die calmly.

Because there was a sentence echoing in his mind:

If I were the devil, then I would be burned by the holy fire; if I were Gabriel, then the Lord would protect me.

And now it seems.

He failed to withstand the test of the Lord.

The holy fire continued to burn his body, dragging him into death.

Since he is a devil, there is no need to live.

With this thought.

Gabriel died generously.


He glanced at Shen Jian from the corner of his eye.

His originally silent expression suddenly widened.

Under the extreme heat and impact of the explosion, the God of Sinners stood motionless in the sea of ​​fire. Even though the destructive energy washed over his body, he did not suffer any injuries.

It was as if he was independent outside the Nine Heavens, and nothing could corrode his body.

this moment.

Gabriel was stunned.

The face that had been burned until only bones remained showed obvious shock for the first time.


Why is this sinful god so damn fine?

I, Seraphim Gabriel, the most devout believer, cannot withstand the test from the Lord. You, a sinful god in a sinful place, don’t even believe in the Lord. How can you survive the Lord’s test without any harm?

This is absolutely impossible.

Something must have gone wrong.

Under the threat of death and Shen Jian's abnormality, Gabriel's human emotions surged wildly. His eyes were split, and his vocal cords seemed to be at home, and he let out a low and dull roar:

God of Sin, why don't you accept the trial obediently? You should cry bitterly in repentance.

I am the most devout believer of the Lord.

False God, you deserve to die, why don't you die!

Gabriel's roar continued.

But more than two-thirds of his ghost body had been burned clean.

Only one head was left, still screaming desperately.

To this.

Shen Jian just glanced at the other party.


The simplest bad mouth, the most extreme enjoyment.

For a fanatical believer who has been transformed physically and mentally, nothing he can say can change the other person's mind, nor can it cause the other person's emotional fluctuations.

In this situation.

Shen Jian would choose the simplest insult.

Because the opponent will break the defense on his own.

as expected.

Gabriel:! ! ?

After hearing Shen Jian's two words, which seemed to contain all the insulting adjectives in the world, his face became ferocious.

What he said to Shen Jian made him feel depressed.

No matter what the other party says, he has the opportunity to refute.

Only the word Shabi made him unable to refute.

Because the insulting meaning of these two words is too clear, any rebuttal will be eclipsed in front of these two words.

I want to scold him back, unless he says Shagou.


He is a believer in the Lord and the most devout believer in the Lord.

Such low-level vocabulary is simply unacceptable, let alone cursed.


Gabriel's face turned red and his lips were trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

My mentality just collapsed.

Those hateful eyes seemed to say: You really deserve to die, you don’t have any godly character at all, you just open your mouth when you have a bad mouth, it’s so dirty.

With such grief and anger that he wanted to tear Shen Jiansheng alive, Gabriel was completely burned.

Not even the dregs are left.

Shen Jian curled his lips.

His eyes were silently staring at the sea of ​​​​fire all over the sky and the nuclear explosion that would wipe Dazhou City off the map of Dragon Kingdom if even a single leak was revealed. His deep black eyes instantly turned into a deep whirlpool.

Between the eyebrows.

The marks of the Seal of Reincarnation gradually appeared.


Shen Jian's lips trembled.

The voices of ghosts and gods resounded.

The originally rapid and explosive destructive energy completely stopped at this moment.

Time and space have lost their meaning at this moment.

Heaven and earth have lost their movement.

It was as if Shen Jian was the only one left in the whole world.

He stepped out of the fire.

Five fingers flexed.

The spread range of the stationary nuclear explosion is shrinking little by little.

It's like there is a mirror that covers everything, gradually collapses, compresses into a point, and finally returns to nothingness.

This is one of the active talents of the Seal of Samsara - Zhi Ge.

More generally, space stops.

Compared with the passive talent of the Seal of Reincarnation, which cannot be looked at directly and all worlds are unified, this great magical power requires the initiative to use the authority of Emperor Fengdu.

But the effect is not generally good.

In the Zhi Ge state, wherever he looks, the space will be frozen, allowing him to fabricate it at will.


This has touched upon the concept of time.

Things frozen under Zhi Ge will still maintain their original appearance before being frozen when they are released.

There won't be any damage.

If you freeze a person with the talent of Zhi Ge and release him after ten thousand years, the other person will still maintain his vitality and lifespan.

It is said that space stops, but it is more like time stopping.

Do it all.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

It's like doing a trivial thing.


He slowly looked up.

Grinning, he made a mouth shape towards the satellite in the sky.

You can see it if you look carefully.

That's a sentence.

I'm going to give you gifts.

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