Western Holy See.

at the round table.

The members of the twelve seats took their seats one after another.

This is a symbol of the highest authority of the Holy See.

at the meeting.

Seven people came in total.

Among the seven people, the youngest is the princess of the principality with the ID [Jana], and the oldest is an old man in his sixties who is leaning on a cane and is about to wither.

These seven people are all five-star players.

Including the dead [Adolf], [Sam], and [William], the number of five-star players in the entire Western Holy See is as high as 10.

This is the true heritage of the Holy See.

In addition to the seven five-star players, the remaining five vacancies are filled by the heads of several countries who were at the peak of power before the supernatural resurrection.

These twelve people determine the development direction of the Holy See.

at this time.

Not far from the round table, a huge screen came into view.

What is shown above is an aerial view of Okawa City.

at this time.

A middle-aged man with a strong build, three-dimensional facial features and blue eyes sat in the main seat.

Everyone looked at him with a bit of fear.

Nothing else.

Just because the opponent's ID is [Lord of Heaven] and the game level is as high as 68.

It is truly the first person to play horror games.

He was also the first player selected by the horror game at the beginning of the supernatural revival invasion.

The sequence is No·1.

It can be said.

No one knows horror games better than him.

No one knows what level of terror he has reached.

But just being as high as level 68 is enough to show how powerful he is.

The title of the number one horror game player is well deserved.

Zach, the first person in the thriller game, spoke to break the silence on the field.

How's the situation?

Everything goes well. The pope of Philo City Cathedral gracefully propped up his cane and stared at the big screen, the fire in his eyes lingering for a long time.

After testing, Gabriel's mental state is very normal, and he has no desire to eat people. However, perhaps it is also due to this aspect that the angel body he controls has early developed the characteristics of a demon. Gabriel The six wings are covered with spots like ghost eyes, and ordinary people will die on the spot even if they look at it.

According to Gabriel, he cannot control the direction of the ghost eye's rotation. If he forcibly controls it, his consciousness will fall faster. I guess this should be related to the ghost eye puzzle he controls, even if he has a ghost rosary. Help and trickery have taken over the angel's body, but the ghost's habits still operate instinctively.

The fragile will of human beings cannot be compared with the bodies of ghosts and gods. Once the ghost's habits are violated, the speed of the ghost transformation will be accelerated. Ideally, the stability period can be maintained for three years, but the premise is that it is not allowed to move outside. , otherwise it can only last up to half a year.”

Hear this.

Everyone on the field was lost in thought.

His brows furrowed.

Compared with the original three-year stable period, half a year is obviously not satisfactory to them.


It's not unacceptable.

after all.

Even if it only takes half a year, the terrifying strength of ghosts and gods is enough to help them rule the world.

What's more, if one ghost and god can't do it, then two, three, four...

The only problem now is to deal with the factors that hinder their rule.

Otherwise, no matter how many ghosts and gods there are, it will be useless.

The blue-eyed man with the ID of [Lord of Heaven] had a cracked mouth from the corner of his mouth to his nose, looking like a real crack ghost. He let out a sinister laugh: How is Gabriel's brainwashing status? I don't want to , because of Gabriel’s momentary wavering, he missed the best opportunity.”

The Great Pope of Philo City also smiled sinisterly: Don't worry, Your Excellency, Gabriel will be our most loyal dog and will not hesitate in our orders. After all, the medicines and supernatural props I have spent over the years have not been in vain. of.

Very good, then the plan officially begins.

Listening to the gloomy expressions of everyone in the meeting.

The female player with the ID [Jana] was shocked.

When she knew that Archangel Gabriel was heading to the Dragon Kingdom, she already had an ominous premonition.

after all.

The Holy See is not a fool either.

You don’t know that the Dragon Kingdom has an underworld, a city god, and a king of hell.

Sending a ghost and god there is just to send someone off.

She understands such a simple truth, how could others in the Holy See not understand it.

In this situation.

Still choosing to send Gabriel out is enough to show that the Holy See has other hidden plans.

This hidden plan is the real killer move of the Holy See.

And he believes that this plan can cause a fatal blow to the underworld.

Think of this.

Janna looked in disbelief.

If the Holy See has mass-produced dozens or dozens of ghosts and gods at this time, it may indeed pose a threat to Shen Jian, but what does one ghost and god mean?

Besides Gabriel, what other stronger trump card does the Holy See have?

It's noisy.

This is absolutely impossible.


She immediately said: What are you planning to do by letting Gabriel go to the Dragon Kingdom? Don't you know that there are real gods in the Dragon Kingdom? Even if you want to attack the Dragon Kingdom, you have to get at least the twelve main gods out, right?

Hear the words.

There was silence for a moment.

Zach, whose ID is [Lord of Heaven], smiled: This plan was proposed together with the Lord God's plan. It was not put in writing to prevent it from being intercepted by some special supernatural props. And you were not twelve at the time. Xi, it’s normal not to know.”

Do you think the plan of the Twelve Lord Gods can be hidden from the Dragon Kingdom?

Janna was stunned.

She immediately remembered that in the Yi Lai Empire copy, Shen Jian's condition for saving her was to know the full story of the Twelve Lord Gods' plan.


She shook her head.

No, although the Holy See has blocked the qualifications of people from the Dragon Kingdom to advance in the West, it is impossible to hide such a big thing. Even the Dragon Kingdom officials may have already known about Gabriel's existence.

Zach cast an approving look, So, the Dragon Kingdom, or the so-called underworld, will never watch us take out all the twelve main gods, and will probably destroy it in advance.

At that time, what do you think we can rely on to hold on?

Janna's frown deepened.

Of course she knows.

Can't hold on.

With the supreme power that Shen Jian showed in the northern border of the Eli Empire, it was impossible for the Holy See to stop him, and there was not even the slightest strength left to resist.

She also asked Shen Jian why he didn't just destroy the Holy See.

The other party's argument is: He does not need a West that needs to be rebuilt, which will slow down the progress.


She was very puzzled by Zach's words.

Can't hold on.

She responded honestly.

Zach stopped smiling and his expression turned ferocious: So, we need to take action in advance to destroy the Dragon Kingdom before the underworld is destroyed, so that the underworld has no time to take into account the changes in the Western world.

Even killing the so-called City God, Prince of Hell, on the spot is not impossible, and what we paid was only one Gabriel. What a generous reward.

Zach opened his hands and hugged his arms, with a sinister smile on his face.

The grin on his lips became wider and wider.

This crazy scene.

Janna couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

This Zach, the first person in the horror game, is his mental state really okay?

If it weren't for the fact that the others were silent, she would have thought that the other person was a real ghost.

Bloodthirsty and crazy.

But she still swallowed and asked: The Holy See, does it still have a trump card that can kill ghosts and gods? Even the gods of the underworld above the ghosts and gods?

Zach said no more.

Instead, look at the big screen.

If you watch it, you will know that this is definitely the biggest fireworks show you, or even the whole world, have ever seen.

Okawa City.

Gabriel stood a hundred meters high in the sky, fanning six white wings, like a real angel.


On those holy wings, scarlet ghost beads emerged one after another, constantly turning, and from time to time they would cast their scarlet eyes towards the city below.

Every time he cast his gaze, a human who tried to glimpse the true face of the angel died on the spot.

To this.

Gabriel was unmoved.

Ghost eyes are indifferent.

Because in his world view, the Dragon Kingdom is the source of evil, and the humans rooted here are all sinners.

The human beings who died because of spying on him were undoubtedly those who could not withstand the baptism of God and were guilty of serious sins.

Just waiting like this.


There is movement in the distant sky.

A golden light tore through the sky.

The moment the golden light dissipated.

The figure inside was revealed.

It was Shen Jian.

He looked at the Archangel Gabriel in front of him with the same indifferent expression.

The City God's Temple is being built in Dachuan City, and there is no City God in charge yet. Otherwise, this seraph would not be able to cross the river bank and reach Dachuan City.

And the moment Shen Jian looked at it.

The six wings behind Gabriel immediately opened more scarlet ghost eyes, which were densely covered with the angel's wings, and countless eyeballs projected the gaze of death.

Enough to cause trypophobia.


Shen Jian was indifferent.

The scarlet ghost stared even more vigorously, his eyes widened, and he looked like Why aren't you dead yet?

Shen Jian ignored it.

Looking at Gabriel in front of him with great interest, the ghostly voice sounded: I heard that you want to see me?

Hear this.

Gabriel raised his head and stared at Shen Jian, You are guilty. I am the Archangel Gabriel, here to judge your sins.

As the god of sinners, I give you the opportunity to choose to sacrifice yourself or the sinners below.

There was no warmth in his voice.

It looks like a ghost imitating human speech.

But his thinking is still that of a human being.

Humans are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, gods are not gods.

The words fell.

Gabriel raised his hand.

A layer of ghostland was torn open.

The items inside were revealed.

There is a dim flame of Buddha's light lingering above it.

Play some kind of special effect.

at the same time.

Shen Jian also looked surprised.

He said word by word: Tactics, nuclear bomb? Yield... 1,000 tons...

The words were left unfinished.


An extremely dazzling, violent, and bright enough light to blind a person's eyes pierced the eyes and descended into the world.


Janna's eyes widened.

He was so shocked that he slapped the table and stood up.

The horrifying sound accompanied the nuclear explosion and sounded at the same time:

Big Ivan!? (End of this chapter)

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