Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 917 You look so embarrassed when you run away with a bucket

Western Holy See.

at this time.

The whole place was silent.

Staring at the big screen blankly.

The image from Gabriel's perspective had already lost the signal the moment the nuclear bomb was detonated.

What is now projected on the screen is a real-time image from the satellite.

In terms of satellites, both before and after the supernatural resurgence, the West was far ahead.

Not only has it been upgraded, but it has also been researched on how to broadcast satellite images in real time despite the interference of the ghost magnetic field.

That's why.


They saw real miracles.

in the screen.

The sea of ​​​​fire spread out at a speed of tens of kilometers per second.

Even the coverage efficiency of the ghost domain is not as fast as the burst of this destructive power.

It can be said.

Once a nuclear bomb detonates, there is no way it can be stopped.

But now...

They saw it.

At the center of the nuclear explosion, a figure walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire as if walking on flat ground. With just a movement of his lips, the devastating impact that had swept dozens of kilometers stopped abruptly in mid-air.

It seems.

It's like time has been frozen for tens of kilometers.

He was the only one left in the world.


Even more so.

The sea of ​​​​fire all over the sky collapsed layer by layer, and was directly compressed into a point, turning into an inconspicuous dust.

This horse is still a human being! ?

What a joke!

Is the God of the Dragon Kingdom really so outrageous that he can even eliminate a nuclear explosion with the equivalent of 1,000 tons?

This is the most powerful weapon capable of destroying mankind within a radius of 200 kilometers.

At least you are acting more difficult.

Move your mouth, then move your hands, and the nuclear explosion will be erased.

Cheating is not such a method.

Is there really no one to care about?

Let's ban this cheater.

this moment.

The twelve members of the round table meeting were mentally disturbed.

One by one stood up.

He stared at the big screen, his eyes almost popping out.

Shit, how is this possible? Even Gabriel was killed directly, which is enough to prove that nuclear bombs can pose a fatal threat to evil spirits. Why is he okay? Even if his terror level is higher than Gabriel's, it is impossible that there will be no impact at all. That’s right.”

Some people can't accept this fact.

He roared regardless of his image.

Hell, according to the plan, the best result is to directly kill the god of the underworld, and the worst result is to cause damage and let the other party recuperate, but the other party is safe and sound. This is not within the scope of our consideration. What should we do?

what to do?

This sentence echoed in everyone's minds in the conference room.

Who the hell knows?

Who is a good person who makes plans with the goal of 100% failure?

In their view.

The worst result that can be accepted is to severely damage the gods, prevent the other party from extending its tentacles to the west, and give them time to complete the plan of the twelve main gods.

but now……

God is fine.

These three words are simply a nightmare.

They could not imagine how a god who had experienced a nuclear explosion and remained unscathed would deal with the Holy See.

That is absolutely beyond their imagination.

Especially when I saw on the big screen, God raised his head, stared at the sky, and his mouth moved silently.

I'm here to find you.

This sentence.

It was basically said to them.

God has already discovered them.

They sent God a brilliant fireworks show.


God said: I will repay you.

It was obviously a kind word, but it made everyone present feel cold all over.

The chill started from the feet and went straight to the sky.

I just felt a tremor in my heart.


The pope of the cathedral swallowed his saliva and looked at Zach on the main seat.

He said hurriedly: Your Excellency, the plan failed completely and even Gabriel was killed. What should we do next? What is the backup plan? Since you can formulate a plan to nuclear explode the gods, you will not have no follow-up plans.

Twelve members:...

The corners of their mouths twitched.

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

This time.

There really is no follow-up plan.

This is meant to be an adventure.

All follow-up plans are also centered around the heavy damage to the gods, and there is no time to take care of the west.

Like this situation now.

It was indeed brought up when they made the plan, but it was not included in the discussion.

Because there is no solution.

If the Holy See does not take action, it can only wait for the gods of the underworld to kill Gabriel and destroy the main temple they established.

They had no choice but to make a plan for a nuclear explosion without considering what would happen if it failed.

If they were considering failure, they would not make dangerous moves, but would wait obediently for the underworld to be recruited.

Think of this.

The other twelve members also looked at Zach.

after all.

The initiator of the nuclear explosion plan was Zach, and the ghost rosary and ghost fire were also provided by the other party.

It can be said.

Zach is the man in charge of this project.

They couldn't think of any good solution, so they could only turn their attention to the first person in the horror game for help.

for a long time.

Finally someone noticed something was wrong.

One of the nearest five-star players touched Zach with a slit expression in surprise.

The next second.

The number one player in the horror game who was smiling sinisterly just a few minutes ago was now nothing more than a piece of human skin.

A light touch.

Unable to maintain the supernatural power, it turned into human skin and fell to the ground.

? ? ?

Everyone was confused.

He stared blankly at Zach, who was left with only a piece of human skin.

Damn it!

Did you fucking run away?

You are the initiator of the plan, you are the one who speaks loudly, you are the one who provides the props, you are the one who bets on the future of the Holy See, and now... you are the first one to escape, and you are the one who steps on the horse.

Too grassy.

Why are you so stupid?

Running with a bucket is so slippery.

Even if you stay and tell us your follow-up plans, it's not too late to escape.

For a while.

Everyone is messed up.

I just feel like there are a hundred thousand grass and mud horses running through my mind.

after all.

Zach's extremely arrogant attitude a few minutes ago, as if he was strategizing and capable of killing world-destroying ghosts and gods from thousands of miles away, was really bluffing.

A complete lunatic.

Running away without saying a word and now are two extremes.

Fortunately, they believed each other's evil intentions.

After doing all the bad things, he left gracefully, but left all the mess to them.

If I could do it again.

They definitely slap each other in the face.

So infuriating.


The remaining eleven members also rolled their eyes.

Although they didn't know where Zach had escaped, the general location was unmistakable, and that was the world of horror.

Only by escaping to the horror world can we avoid being left alive in the ensuing wrath of the gods.


The next moment.

A row of scarlet panels suddenly appeared in front of them.

【warn! warn! Serious warning! 】

[It has been detected that the management of Thriller Game has modified the game permissions, and the rules have been modified. 】

[New rules: Players who belong to the Western Region and Northern Region of Horror World are currently unable to enter the game copy. Horror World has refused your entry. 】

[It is detected that the modifier is not the manager of the Western Region and the Northern Region, and the speed of the rules taking effect is shortened. 】

[Effective time: 1 hour. 】

When they saw this line of prompts, everyone in the conference room felt numb.

Opened his mouth.


Horror games deny them entry, even a copy of the game?

At other times, this would undoubtedly be a huge surprise for players.

But now...

Only fright.

They only felt that the dead souls were dying.

This line of scarlet text appeared sooner or later, but it happened to appear just when they were about to run away.

If this was a coincidence, they would take the heads off and use them as chamber pots.

no doubt.

This was definitely done by the god from the underworld.

The other party is the management of Thriller Games.

It is also known as gm to players.

This is blatant cheating.

Before anyone arrived, they were given a one-hour ban by the Western Ghost Controller.


The other party also expected all this.

The thought of this.

Everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to where Zach was.


Damn Hun Dan definitely knows this.

This way he didn't alert everyone, and he slipped away quietly the moment the nuclear explosion failed.

And they are all big grievances.

Just thinking about it.

The Holy See headquarters has issued an alert.

A staff member anxiously opened the door to the conference room and reported: Chief, the air defense radar has detected an abnormal life form approaching the headquarters quickly. The speed is too fast and cannot be intercepted at all. What should be the next step...

The words have not yet fallen.

No, the life form has arrived at the Holy See headquarters!

The words fell.


outside world.

The main city where the Holy See headquarters is located.

Thousands of armed men and ghost warriors who looked like a formidable enemy saw in shock.

A great sun that hung nine times in the sky was setting at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, they covered a distance of several kilometers and settled over the headquarters of the Holy See.

in the city.

A large number of white people, black people, mixed races, and Chinese people all raised their heads in horror, staring at the scene in the sky.


The sun is gone.

The slender figure inside was revealed.

He has black hair and black eyes, handsome and indifferent features, and a blood-stained ghost rope is fluttering on his wrist.

It added a bit of weirdness to him.

at this time.

The whole city fell into silence.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

The twelve members, symbolizing the highest authority of the Holy See, also walked out of the headquarters and looked up at the figure high in the sky.

They want to cry but have no tears.

I really want to say that they were also deceived by that piece of shit Zach.


No matter how they defend themselves, it is a definite fact that Shen Jian carried out the nuclear explosion plan, and nothing can change it.

In this situation.

Even if you sell the Holy See, you can't let go of the relationship.


They walked out of the headquarters.

I was going to try to see if I could talk to Shen Jian to let them go.

the other side.

Shen Jian stood in mid-air.

Overlooking the city below.

According to his original plan, he did not intend to touch the Holy See headquarters.

This is the headquarters of the Western Ghost Controller Organization. Once destroyed, it is likely to make the situation in the Western world worse and fall into greater chaos.

This would seriously slow down the progress of the underworld in occupying the west.

but now……

There is a shadow of the Buddhist Kingdom behind the Western Holy See, and it is very likely that it has been secretly controlled by the Buddhist Kingdom.

In this situation.

If we leave it alone, we don’t know what trouble will happen.

Just like the nuclear explosion just now, if he hadn't been there, any city god would have died on the spot.

If this nuclear bomb is allowed to detonate over Qingshi, all his hard work in the past two years will be in vain.

Such a result was unacceptable to him.


Shen Jian took his thoughts back.

His eyes fell on the Holy See headquarters again.

His eyes were full of desolation.

The voices of ghosts and gods echoed in the sky.

It's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. If you send me a big fire ball, then I will give you a big water ball. (End of Chapter)

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