Okawa City.

Located on the border of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is separated from the western continent by a river.

Zhou Xiao looked at the photos on the computer screen and fell into memories.

In the photo, there is a figure standing on the scorched earth, with his back to all living beings. His profile is handsome and handsome, but it is filled with a kind of deep darkness. Staring at him, it is as if he is staring at the endless hell.

She watched fascinated.

This photo was taken more than half a year ago when she was traveling to Tongluo City in Tay Binh Province.


She learned on the Internet that many new City God temples were built in Xiping Province and that many strange things happened. She wanted to go and see for herself how magical this City God temple was.


She personally visited the Chenghuang Temple in Tongluo City, but found nothing special. It was just a normal temple.


Just as she was returning home, the Chenghuang Temple was suddenly attacked.

A group of vampire-like monsters with scarlet eyes and sharp fangs swarmed up, trying to break into the City God's Temple and tear everything in sight into pieces.

She heard that tourists who were also besieged in the Chenghuang Temple said that it was a ghost.

Monsters that only exist in ghost stories.

And what is resisting the evil spirits outside is the underworld's underworld that also only exists in legends.


The confrontation between the two sides ended with the underworld being outnumbered.

Just when she thought she was going to die, a thunder exploded outside.

She looked out the window.

A purple thunder pierced the sky, landed above the City God's Temple, and finally revealed a slender and majestic figure.

The vampires, who were invincible to all the evil forces of the underworld, were powerless to resist in front of this figure.

Thunder falls in the sky, and the gods travel.

This is the most perfect interpretation of the original scene.

at last.

She secretly took a picture of the other party's profile with her camera.

Because she knew that this might be the closest she got to the gods.


She has been endlessly collecting related miracles.


She was sure that the figure she took the photo of was probably the Lord of Hell in the underworld.

To this.

She was very excited.

Not only did she print out the photo and post it in her boudoir, she even changed the screen saver on her phone to this photo.

At one point, her friends thought she was in love.

All eyes are on the other person.

And only she knew that it was the true face of God.

She is lucky.

As a mortal, I caught a glimpse of the face of God, was saved by the gods, and spent all my luck in this life.

She even felt.

Even if I have bad luck in the future, it will still be worth it.

Just thinking about it.


A violent sound of breaking through the air echoed.

It was like a plane flying overhead, making a harsh noise.

Zhou Xiao looked out the window.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw a figure standing steadily above a hundred meters in the sky.

The six pure white wings fanning behind him are exactly the same as those of the legendary angels.

I am the Seraph Angel Gabriel, the God of the Dragon Kingdom. Please come and see me.

A loud but not sharp sound lingered over Dachuan City.

that moment.

The whole city was boiling.

Countless people raised their heads blankly.

His eyes were full of horror.

Six wings...angels! ?

Can this world get better?

Why did the Archangel Gabriel even show up?

Are you sure this isn't some kind of joke?

It's noisy.

Holy shit! What's going on? Gabriel? The archangel Gabriel recorded in the Bible?

Are you kidding? I remember not long ago that an angel appeared in Ivy City? I remember there was a copy of the portrait, saying that the angel had been judged.

I am from Ivy City, and I can tell you from my own experience that an angel really appeared and used a very strange ability to project his appearance into our minds. No matter how far apart we are, we can clearly see the angel's face. face.

Fuck, I also heard that the original angel could eat people. He obviously had the characteristics of an angel, but he had the head of a devil. This seraph wouldn't be like this, I had a hard time moving here. , it’s too bad for you to step on the horse.”

There was a lot of discussion throughout Dachuan City.

Especially when they heard that angels can eat people, many people panicked.

They all fled back home.

While carefully observing the movements of the angels high in the sky, I took photos and spread them on the Internet.

Just a few minutes.

The news that a seraphim descended over Dachuan City, claiming to be the Archangel Gabriel, became a hot topic on the Internet.

Caught everyone's attention.

【shock! The angel descends and the myth restarts! 】

【Shock! Alien creatures have appeared in the sky above Dachuan City. Is all this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature? 】

[The angel appeared in Dachuan City and publicly shouted: Let the god of the Dragon Kingdom appear. 】

[Archangel Gabriel; God of the Dragon Kingdom, get out. 】

【shock! The angel openly provoked, saying that the gods of the Dragon Kingdom were all rubbish. 】

Hot search.

A large number of messages are added at a rate of 99+.

Even the supernatural circle was stirred up by a storm.

The appearance of the seraphim is like a bomb dropped into shallow water, causing thousands of waves.

No one is paying attention to all this.

Especially as horror game players and ghost masters, they are more aware of the value of angels.

That is definitely a real ghost and god.

It is a ghost that only exists in legends.

It is an existence that players like them cannot touch in their lifetime.

Who is the person in charge of Dachuan City? Are you there? Come out and give us a reply.

In the paranormal forum.

A pinned post was deliberately highlighted in red.

Click in.

A large number of forum owners called out to the person in charge of Dachuan City.

I am here.

Not long after.

The person in charge of Dachuan City replied.

The message was followed by a tearful expression.

What happened? What is this ghost and god doing?

The person in charge of Dachuan City: I don't know. He just shouted in public. He should be calling the City God of the underworld or the Lord of Hell, and then he stayed motionless. There is no danger for the time being, and I don't know if his killing pattern has not been triggered yet ( Crying face)

Where did he come from? There are not even a few top ghost kings in the real world. How could ghosts and gods come here so quickly?

Looking at the direction, it seems to be coming from the west. A four-star player just looked at this ghost and god through the telescope. The moment he saw the opponent's true appearance, he died on the spot, and the three ghosts in his body also died. I It is suspected that the killing pattern of this ghost and god is if you look at his true appearance, you will die. Once he lowers his figure, the entire city of Dachuan may be wiped out in an instant.

Saw this news.

The faces of all the ghost masters in the Dragon Kingdom's supernatural circle changed.

If you see your true appearance, you will die. This killing rule is too overbearing.

If the other party was published in the newspaper or photographed, wouldn't it only take one chance to spread the news, and more than one-third of the entire Dragon Kingdom's population would die?

This is too dangerous.

The so-called ghosts and gods are so terrifying.

no doubt.

This is a ghost that can easily wipe out a large number of people in the Dragon Kingdom.

Hazard level assessment: SSS level.

A national-level disaster.

Damn it, it came from the west? Could it be the product of the god-making project? Then why didn't this ghost and god go crazy in the west and become a ghost that only knows how to eat people? It seems that this ghost and god still has reason at all. Is it possible? Isn’t it controllable?”

Some forum owners made speculations.

See this.

Many players’ blood ran cold.

It was broad daylight, but my hands and feet were cold.

Because this sentence undoubtedly means that the West has left them far behind.

While they were still preparing for the birth of another five-star player to narrow the gap with the West, the Western world unexpectedly revealed that the five-star players were no longer their top combat power.

It’s the ghosts and gods.

How ridiculous.

Five-star players are converted into fierce ghosts, and their terror level is above the ghost king and below the abyss-level ghost king.

Follow this rule backwards.

The upper limit of six-star players should be below the top ghost king.

Only seven-star players can barely touch the threshold of ghosts and gods.

Eight stars and above are the realm of ghosts and gods.

The game level of a five-star player is level 60. According to the standard of one star level at level 20, a six-star player is only at level 80.

Level 100 is a seven-star player.

Only at level 120 or above can players upgrade the horror level to ghosts and gods.

The current number one player in the world in horror games is only level 68.

The gap between level 68 and level 120 is like heaven and earth.

Look at it this way.

It’s strange that they are not cold-hearted.

Because the gap is too big.

It's so big that it can't be compensated at all.

It's so big that everyone despairs.

In this case, let alone them, even the official attitude is probably negative.

We're fucked?

Someone whispered in self-defeat.

Person in charge of Dachuan: Wait, it's here, it's finally here. Someone finally shows up in the underworld. It seems to be the Lord of Hell. I think we can still save him.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone suddenly woke up.


They also have a foreign aid plug-in - Hell.

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