A snap of the fingers.

Tens of thousands of ghost slaves were wiped out, leaving no room for resistance.

This scene was too shocking.

So that everyone could not calm down for a long time.

They naturally knew that there was a big gap between themselves and the rumored Lord of the Underworld, but they never expected that the gap would be so big.

Above the ghosts and gods are the world-destroying level ghosts and gods, and above the world-destroying level ghosts and gods are the disaster-level ghosts and gods.

The ghosts and gods are already equivalent to the level of a city god. The world-destroying ghosts and gods are equivalent to the city gods who govern a continent. They are comparable to the four great judges. The disaster-level ghosts and gods are already above the judges and have reached the level of the King of Hell. threshold.

In their view, the current underworld has just recovered less than two years ago. As the master of the underworld, the Lord of the Underworld is the first to face the various negative impacts brought about by the shattering of the six paths of reincarnation, the disappearance of the eighteen levels of hell, and the disappearance of the underworld. The serious injuries suffered are unimaginable.

In such a short period of time, if the opponent can recover to the level of a disaster-level ghost, it is already an ideal effect.

But now...

This guess was shattered.

This is no longer something that disaster-level ghosts and gods can do.

Perhaps in terms of strength, disaster-level ghosts and gods can easily deal with an army of tens of thousands of ghost slaves, but ghosts of this level will never be able to wipe out the army of ghost slaves with just a snap of their fingers.

This is not a supernatural means or a magical power, but a higher level of power.

Point to the rules.

Ordinary immortals and gods cannot master it.

And Shen Jian, who has regained control of this rule, can imagine that the other party has recovered to an astonishing stage.


All the ghosts and ghosts from the Hundred Ghost Society swallowed hard.

The world-destroying ghosts and gods have been their lifelong pursuit.

The disaster-level ghosts and gods above that are even more distant and important figures. Looking at the entire horror world, ghosts of this level only exist in legends.

Maybe even none.

after all.

That has already reached the threshold of the King of Hell.

A ghost possesses the power of the King of Hell, which is beyond their imagination.

As for Shen Jian, the level of terror is still higher than that of disaster-level ghosts and gods.

Look at it this way.

Isn't this pure invincibility?

What is the horror world still resisting? It would be nice to wash your body obediently and wait for the favor of the underworld.

It would be even more exciting if you resisted...

the other side.

Different from the turbulent thoughts of hundreds of ghosts and ghosts, tens of thousands of ghost slaves were wiped out behind him, leaving only fear in the heart of the evil ghost king.

The gap...is so big?

The army of ghost slaves that can even swamp him is just a matter of moving his fingers to the Lord of the Underworld?

This is so desperate.

A feeling of powerlessness swept through him.

His whole body was like a deflated balloon, deflating directly.

The Evil Ghost King's eyes were about to burst, and he couldn't help roaring: You have such strength, why didn't you show up when we were pulled into a terrifying world, besieged by thousands of ghosts, and consumed to death one by one here!

His voice was filled with sadness and anger.

Full of hysteria.

When he faced despair and could only watch helplessly as the fierce ghosts came one after another and drowned him, no one in the underworld stood up. The city god, the judge, the king of hell, the ghost emperor, and even the lord of the underworld, no one stood up, like now This saves him.

Then he betrayed the underworld and joined the horror world. What reason did this person have to kill him?

Just because he is just handsome and there are hundreds of people like him, so isn't it worth saving?

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

A step forward.

Walked straight over.

The voices of ghosts and gods resounded: The city gods you said could save you all fell into the world of horror. Two years ago today, the underworld was deserted, with only a lonely Yama Temple located here.

Whether it is the earthly world or the horror world, there is no longer any legend about the underworld and the deeds that have existed. This is the reason why the underworld does not come to save you.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was shocked.

Even Po Meng, who had been standing quietly, changed her expression.

They believe that the resurrection of the underworld means that when the underworld has recuperated to a certain extent, it will come to the world again. During this period, countless Yin gods sleeping in the underworld will gradually wake up.

But now...

From Shen Jian's mouth, what they heard was an underworld that was dead and full of waste.

The city god, the judge, the king of hell, and the ghost emperor are all gone.

Only an empty hell was left.

How can this be!

Doesn’t this mean that everything in the underworld needs to be rebuilt?

no doubt.

This is a big project.

Whether it can be restored is a question, let alone return to its heyday.

If this is the case, then it would be perfectly normal for the underworld not to come looking for them.

after all.

The underworld is gone and the people are gone, who can still remember them?


The Evil Ghost King was also shocked by Shen Jian's words.

He was stunned for a few seconds.

They never thought that the reason why the underworld didn't come to save them would be so simple.

It was so simple that his betrayal became particularly glaring.

Even if you want to point fingers at Shen Jian from the moral high ground, it seems unfair.

This made him very uncomfortable.

Feeling aggrieved.


Beaten again and again.

It can't be said.

It doesn't make sense at all.

This is too grassy.

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian had already walked up to the Evil Ghost King and grinned: Of course, I'm not saying this to show off my misfortune, I just want to tell you that my killing you has nothing to do with you being a handsome and sinister person, and it doesn't matter if I betray you or not. You were doomed when you took action against my client.

It is the King of Hell's business to forgive you, and I am only responsible for sending you to hell.


Shen Jian's tone became sinister, and his big hand was about to catch the evil ghost king.

at this time.

The Evil Ghost King seemed to have thought of something in his mind.

He shouted in horror: You can't kill me. Once I die, the dungeon where that woman is imprisoned will collapse on the spot. It is not an ordinary dungeon, but a supernatural environment created by me. I will be exiled to an unknown place with my death. place, that way, you’ll never be able to find her again.”

This is his last bargaining chip.

Although that woman is not the heir to the underworld, she must have a lot of connections to be entrusted by the Lord of the Underworld to collect Luo Fengtian's authority here.

Nor does he ask for more.

He just asked Shen Jian to let him go and let him fend for himself.

Otherwise, once the master of the underworld takes action, he may not even have a chance to reincarnate and will completely disappear between heaven and earth.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian paused.

There was a bit of weirdness in his eyes, and he said quite unexpectedly: So you don't know. In that case, let you die without regrets.

Say it.

Shen Jian raised his head and waved his hand: Stop peeking in the dark. This fool doesn't even know you have come out. It's boring to peek into the privacy of such a fool.

What an evil ghost king:? ? ?

He was slightly startled.

Damn it.

Why are you starting to curse?

Even if you were the Lord of the Underworld, you would not insult others like this.

Just thinking about it.

A heavenly sound of disgust exploded in my ears.

It's really boring. I've been spying on him for several days, and this guy has been moving around Luo Fengtian. There's no privacy at all. It's boring.

The Evil Ghost King followed the sound and looked.

I saw the glorious ghosts and gods who were supposed to be imprisoned in the dungeon. I don’t know when they had appeared here. They were wrapped in golden light, only revealing their beautiful figures that aroused people’s imagination. They stretched lazily and very lazily. .

The tone was full of disgust.

She curled her lips with disdain, as if she was ashamed that the other party wouldn't even reveal his privacy to her.

? ? ?

He was even more dumbfounded.

How the hell did you break free?

And this...you've been secretly spying on me for several days?

And I didn’t notice any trace?

Then how did you get caught by me?

at once.

The evil ghost king's scalp exploded.

Understood something.

Breathing becomes rapid.

You, you deliberately let yourself be captured?!

He roared with disbelief.

After all, I am also the oldest being who is closest to the disaster-level ghosts and gods. You are a world-destroying level. Even with the underworld artifact, it is impossible for you to be on par with me, let alone the supernatural environment arranged. How can you have the confidence to do so? Trapping me?

The glorious ghost couldn't hide his disgust in his words.

He has the attitude of a common man, really humble.

The Evil Ghost King:...

The corners of his mouth trembled violently.

A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

Because he really felt that the supernatural environment he had set up could trap the glorious ghosts and gods.


This was before he only knew that the glorious ghosts and gods were new to the level of world-destroying ghosts and gods.

Take a look now.

The other party was a newcomer to the world-destruction level just like him, and he was clearly an existence that was infinitely close to the disaster-level ghost and god.

Even if it is placed in the underworld, this is already equivalent to the level of the four major judges.

For a while.

His face turned green and black.

I was so angry that my teeth were about to break.

You two... you are really a dog compared to a horse.

The evil ghost king stretched out his hand tremblingly, pointing at Shen Jian and the glorious ghosts and gods who also had evil tastes, feeling extremely sad and angry in his heart.

He still doesn't know that he is just like a clown at this moment.

Being fooled around.

I was cheated out of my pants.


Why don't a bolt of lightning strike this couple to death?

So abominable.

Facing the evil ghost king's gaze, the sneer in Shen Jian's eyes grew even stronger.

No hesitation.

Reach out and wipe.

The passive talent of reincarnation - cannot be looked directly at and takes effect simultaneously.

In an instant.

The body of the evil ghost king turned into sand in front of everyone.

This is erasure directed at the source.

It is to remove the opponent from reincarnation.

The existence that has been erased will not enter reincarnation in this life, and there will be no afterlife. There will no longer be proof of the other party's existence in this world.

This is one way reincarnation manifests itself.

In Shen Jian's view, just a superficial use of reincarnation is far more domineering than the priestly talent of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The latter still needs to be activated, and is still in the category of great supernatural powers.

The former, silently, is the application of rules.

Just obtaining the exclusive token of Emperor Fengdu, the Seal of Reincarnation, brought about such a huge change, which made Shen Jian look forward to the true status of Emperor Fengdu.

He unlocked the last six paths of reincarnation.

Even Jesus could not stop what he said. (End of chapter)

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