Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 907: Those who look directly at reincarnation will lose their true life

Meng Po, I pay my respects to the Lord of the Underworld and wish you rebirth...

Ethereal yet slightly vicissitudes of life.

On the horizon not far away, a layer of ghost realm suddenly appeared.

In the ghost realm.

The moon is like frost, and a blood-colored gloomy flower is swaying, and in the center, stands a woman in a red dress, bright and moving, with a pair of dark eyes that seem to have experienced the vicissitudes of life, there is a kind of change over the years, but I don't Become unique.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

She lowered her head and looked at Shen Jianjian for a long time, then knelt down on one knee.

The great Lord of the Underworld welcomes your arrival, and is the messenger who leads you on the way to the afterlife. I would like to sincerely congratulate you.

This moment.

The whole place was dead silent.

As if the pause button had been pressed, he remained motionless.

The Evil Ghost King, the Great Ghost King, and even the six remaining ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Association all had their pupils shrinking suddenly at this moment, their mouths opened wide, and they didn't know how to close them.

Earth...Lord of the Underworld! ?

Damn it!

This is a big joke.

Aren't the heirs of the underworld still imprisoned in the dungeon by them, unable to move?

Why is there another one?

Who is the glorious ghost and god imprisoned by them?

For a while.

Everyone is confused.

My mind is buzzing.

I just felt a chill going straight up to Tian Ling Gai.

His whole body started to tremble.

If the imprisoned glorious ghosts and gods are not the heirs of the underworld, but the man in front of them, doesn't it mean that they have just been against the Lord of the Underworld?

Think of this.


Except for the Evil Ghost King, the other seven ghosts and gods all had their knees weak and fell to the ground, their lips trembling.

Targeting the underworld behind his back and betraying him in front of the lord of the underworld are two completely different things.

In the former case, they can still pretend that nothing happened, but in the latter case, it's just the old man eating arsenic because he doesn't want to live long.

To know.

Although the hierarchy of the underworld is not strict, there are clear distinctions between superiors and subordinates.

The lowest existence is undoubtedly the wandering soul living in the City of Death.

Next came the underworld officials.

Gui Cha is a slave.

The bad guys are the grassroots people, they move wherever they need to go.

Then there is Yin Shuai, who is at the level of team leader and has a little power and can have his own Yin Cha team.

They belong to this group.

Further up, there is the city god and the judge.

Then there are the ten palaces of Yama that maintain the order of the underworld.

Then came the Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions and the Guardians of the Six Great Luo Fengtian.

Finally, there is the Lord of the Underworld, the Lord of the Underworld.

One can imagine.

What a huge gap there is between these shady guys and the real lord of the underworld.

Under normal circumstances, the highest-level leader they can see is the King of Hell.

But now...

They passed through an unknown number of levels and met the legendary Lord of the Underworld.

As soon as this idea came up.

The ghosts were about to cry.

They were indeed curious about the legendary Lord of the Underworld, and they did want to meet this legendary being, but... not when they betrayed the underworld.

Who said that the underworld has disappeared and the gods in the sky have died?

Open your dog eyes and see clearly, if the immortal god is dead, how did the Lord of the Underworld appear?

You little bitch, let us jump into the fire pit

It's too silly.

The group of ghosts looked at the evil ghost king with grief and anger.

That ferocious look made him want to eat the other person up.

The Evil Ghost King:...

He was also confused.

There was a storm in my mind.

But the next second.

As if he couldn't accept this fact, he yelled at Po Meng: Meng Po, do you think I will believe it if you say this? Don't be kidding me. Luo Feng's heavenly authority was broken more than a year ago, and the underworld I have just recovered not long ago, how could it be possible that there is already the Lord of the Underworld? What are you barking at?

Besides, if you knew who the Lord of the Underworld was, how could you have chosen to attack the headquarters of my Hundred Ghost Society last night? Obviously, in your heart, the little girl imprisoned by me is the real heir to the underworld.

Hear this.

Po Meng glanced at the Evil Ghost King lightly.

There was a hint of contempt on that weather-beaten but still charming face.

I saved the person in the first place because I knew that the other person was the master of the temple of Zongfei Qilingtian Palace, a being born from faith, and I would not be interested in other Luo Fengtian's authority at all, so that she could make such a big show of it. Collecting it can only be done by someone entrusting her to find it.”

And you haven't seen the methods of the Lord of the Underworld, but unfortunately, I have seen it. The eyes that flashed over Luo Fengtian a few days ago are the unique abilities of the Lord of the Underworld.

That's when I knew He was coming.

Hear this.

The evil ghost king's face became increasingly pale.

His steps staggered a few times and almost gave way.

His mind went blank.

He actually believed 90% of Meng Po's words, especially when the other party knelt down, but he couldn't believe it.

Because that means he's finished.

He was completely finished.

Being targeted by the Lord of the Underworld, regardless of whether he is a sinister commander or a world-destroying ghost, the outcome is already doomed.

In this situation.

How could he accept this fact?


The Evil Ghost King looked at where Shen Jian was.

Just in time.

Shen Jian also showed a weird smile towards him.

As if to say: Are you surprised or surprised? How does it feel to betray someone in front of the emperor? Isn’t it exciting?


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He always felt that the Lord of the Underworld in front of him was different from the ones he had heard about.

In rumors.

The Lord of the Underworld is the master of hell and the supreme being in the underworld. He rarely appears without speaking. Every time he speaks, it is only a few words. It is so threatening that people don't even have the courage to raise their heads.

Majesty, coldness, mystery, and power are all synonymous with the Lord of the Underworld.

As for the man in front of him, other than being strong, he couldn't be described as anything else.

Majestic... My family, the majestic Lord of the Underworld, would actually show such a nasty smile, I'm really humbled.

Cold... mad, a guy who disguises his identity the whole time and makes fun of everyone, how can he have anything to do with coldness? He is not a devil.

Mystery... This is indeed mysterious, but other people's mystery is used to improve their performance. Your mystery is to prevent others from knowing your identity and directly frightening them, and not having enough fun.

Is this guy with such a bad character really the lord of the underworld?

For a while.

He was also messy.

His steps subconsciously began to retreat.

Want to escape from this place.

Nothing else.

Between death and a chance of survival, he chose the latter.

In his opinion, there is still hope for him.

After all, the Thunder Snake couldn't catch up with him, and the Golden Crow's Divine Punishment couldn't hit him.

Even if Meng Po takes action, as long as he only thinks about escaping, it is impossible for Meng Po to catch him at the same level.

As for Shen Jian, the Lord of the Underworld, he was indeed afraid.

But if you think about it carefully, the underworld has just recovered not long ago. As the master of the underworld, Shen Jian cannot be without any injuries. Whether he can exert half of his strength is a question.

In this situation.

He felt that he still had a chance to run.


Provided there are enough obstacles.


He really fucking has it.

In an instant.

The evil ghost king spreads the ghost realm around him.

In the ghost domain, mountains of corpses are everywhere.

There are corpses of evil spirits everywhere.

It was not an illusion or an illusion, but a real scene.

This is the number of evil ghosts he killed when he and a group of the top ten shady men were forced into the horror world and were surrounded by tens of thousands of evil ghosts.


After so many years of erosion, these fierce ghosts have long become ghost slaves in his ghost domain.

A densely packed area.

At least there are more than 40,000.

And the level of terror is not low.

All members are above Ghost King level.

Even if he becomes a ghost slave and cannot display his full strength, it is not a big problem to stop Shen Jian for a short time.

With this thought.

The Evil Ghost King showed a fierce look on his face and commanded an army of tens of thousands of evil ghosts to rush out of the ghost domain in a mighty manner, occupying the entire originally spacious street without leaving any gaps.


Rushing forward in a mighty manner.

But he himself turned around and ran away without a trace of nostalgia.

See this.

The faces of the ghosts and gods in the Hundred Ghost Society couldn't help but change.

It was as if he had seen a desperate scene in which his group was pulled into a terrifying world, surrounded by thousands of ghosts, and could only be consumed to death by roars, and completely submerged.


The scene seemed to reappear.

The feeling of despair and powerlessness when facing the ghost tide came to my mind again.

But this time, the Lord of the Underworld was also with them, as was Po Meng.


They looked at Shen Jian.

I want to know how this Lord of the Underworld, who only exists in rumors, will deal with the ghost tide.

What is the gap between them and each other?

Is it to pull the thunder clouds and summon thousands of thunders, or to drive the golden crow to bring down the light of divine punishment?

As soon as this idea came up.

A group of ghosts and ghosts from the Hundred Ghost Association saw Shen Jian standing there, with the corner of his mouth raised in a sarcastic mockery, Meng Po has been found. This trip is complete, and you should die.

The words fell.

Shen Jian's originally dark eyes seemed to turn into a deep whirlpool, with ripples appearing, and then...

Those who look directly at reincarnation have lost their true destiny.


Shen Jian snapped his fingers.

The crisp sound is like the prelude before the opening.

The next second.

The army of ghost slaves that originally came in a mighty manner all dissipated at this moment.

That's not an adjective, that's a noun.

The group of ghosts saw that at the moment of snapping the fingers, all the ghost slaves turned into fly ash and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Not even a trace of its existence can be detected.

! ! !


The ghosts' eyes widened.

Nest grass!

What kind of magical power is this?

He just snapped his fingers and there was no movement at all. All the ghost slave army was gone?

Even if it's a magical method, it should still be reasonable.

Those who didn’t know this might have thought it was some kind of special effects show.

too exaggerated.

The ghosts couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

The soul was shocked.

Because they had no idea what methods Shen Jian used.

It seemed like it was just a snap of the fingers.

Doesn't this mean that if Shen Jian wanted to kill them, all he had to do was move his finger?


Looking at it this way, you really were playing tricks on us just now.

It's so funny.

The Lord of the Underworld really likes to do some underworld operations!

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