Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 909 I can sit in the position of the King of Hell, and so can you.

Seeing the evil ghost king's body disintegrating inch by inch, turning into grains of sand and dispersing in the sky, the scalps of all the ghosts and ghosts went numb.

The president of their Hundred Ghost Association, and the initiator of uniting them to betray the underworld, a true world-destroying ghost and god was wiped out without any resistance.

To know.

This is not a simple crash.

But complete death.

Not only was the physical body annihilated, not even the soul body was left, let alone reincarnation.

For any living being, this is an unbearable punishment in life.

Because this means that there is no trace of my existence in this world, not even similar flowers.

Think of this.

The six ghosts and gods lowered their heads.

The fear threshold in my heart has been seriously exceeded.

If their hearts were dug out at this moment, they would find that their hearts beat as fast as a pile driver and their blood vessels would bulge.

One can imagine.

How nervous they were already.

The footsteps getting closer and closer were like the whisper of death, which would take away their lives at any time.


Before Shen Jian finished speaking, the Ghost King Da Zheng had already lowered his high head at Shen Jian's feet and swallowed his saliva: Sir, we are willing to accept the punishment. No matter how many years we stay in the eighteenth level of hell, we are also willing to wait until the sentence is over. Release, we are willing to atone for our sins, start from the grassroots level, and contribute our share to the reconstruction of the underworld.

Yes, sir, I am also willing to accept the punishment. No matter how many years it takes, we will atone for our sins, work hard without complaint, and work conscientiously to help the recovery of the underworld.

The same goes for us.


A group of shady handsome men pledged their allegiance.

Once the emperor and his ministers, now the underworld is prosperous, it is a great time for them to invest in the construction of the underworld. No matter how many years they live in the eighteenth level of hell, as long as they can survive, they are willing.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

Not much was said.

Whether he kills these old underworld tribes or not has no impact on him.

He only kills the evil leaders.

The rest depends purely on his mood.

And now...

He was in a good mood.


Shen Jian waved his hand: Go away and clean up the mess.


Ghost King Dazhao looked happy.

He stood up immediately.

The joy of escaping from death and surviving a disaster made his face turn red.

The sense of belonging to the underworld suddenly reached its peak.


He strictly followed Shen Jian's orders.

While standing up, he rolled his body towards the direction of the Hundred Demons Club.


The other Yin Shuai blinked their eyes.

In his heart, he was full of contempt for the actions of the Ghost King Dazhao. He was so spineless.


They got out too.

One is faster than the other.

It seemed that he wanted to tell Shen Jian which of them was more thorough in executing orders.

the other side.

A scarlet panel emerged.

[Random mission: Participate in the competition to find a bride (completed)]

[Note: It is detected that the player entered illegally, and there is no reward for this task. 】


Shen Jian looked back.

He looked at the biggest target of this trip - Po Meng.

Wearing a red dress, the sea of ​​flowers on the other side is visible behind her.

That bright face seemed to have gone through the baptism of a long time, weathered, and the dark eyes reflected the vicissitudes of life.

There is a unique beauty of history.

grown ups.

Po Meng bowed slightly and looked respectful.

Shen Jian was also unambiguous and spoke bluntly: Mother Meng, do you know how long I have been looking for you? From the first time I stepped into the deep ghost realm, I heard about You's whereabouts in Qingguo, and until the fifth place Luo Fengtian, I finally met you.

Po Meng was stunned.

There was some thought flashing in his eyes.

Your Excellency, you have heard of me in Zhou Jueyintian Palace? Is it a mountain god? I remember the only time I took action was to help the evil mountain god stabilize his divinity. Unfortunately, the ghost nature in his body has already taken over his body. I became the subject and there was nothing I could do.”

Speaking of which.

There was a bit of regret in Mrs. Meng's tone, but then she smiled: But if he can survive until he meets you, sir, he has already recovered. He is lucky.

As for making you search so hard, my lord, this was not my intention. I was searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the last Luo Fengtian, searching all the way up from Zhou Jueyin Tiangong, but I didn't know that you were already here.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Why are you looking for this last place, Luo Fengtian?

Meng Po paused, looked into Shen Jian's eyes, and said word by word: Because I got clues, the last place of Luo Fengtian that has been missing so far is likely to contain the truth about the disappearance of gods and Buddhas all over the sky. The underworld is broken. The truth is probably among them, and I want to know what’s going on.”

Hear this.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

It's just a place called Luofeng Tian, ​​burying the truth behind the disappearance of gods and Buddhas all over the sky?

It's not that he meant to belittle his own industry, but it was ridiculous.

Luo Feng Liutian is just a small world in the underworld. Although its guardian has strength comparable to that of the five ghost emperors, compared to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, it is still not enough to see in heaven.

Where did you get the clue?

Shen Jian questioned, but continued to ask.

Tian Zhao is guilty of the Heavenly Palace. Po Meng said truthfully.

Shen Jian's face was expressionless.

However, there was still a look of sure enough in his eyes.

Because the Heavenly Palace of Tianzhao’s Sinful Qi is exactly the fourth place of Luofeng Heaven, which is where the Buddha’s Kingdom is located.

Apart from the Buddha Kingdom, he really couldn't think of anyone else who had clues about the immortals.

What exactly?

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

He had some doubts about the authenticity of this information.

after all.

Ksitigarbha is probably the only one who can grasp such clues.

The other party who revealed such clues to Po Meng must have a plan.

Po Meng didn't know this, so she explained: I once entered the Heavenly Palace of Tianzhao and experienced a life cycle. When I woke up, I peeked into a corner of the past and saw the scene of the fall of immortal gods. , and the place where he fell was the last place in Luo Fengtian. Among them, I also saw ten Lords of Hell and the Five Ghost Emperors.

Shen Jian said nothing.

This statement was different from what he had learned.

From the information he knew, the Ten Palaces of Yama and the Five Directions Ghost Emperors all disappeared together with the underworld; but in Meng Po's eyes, the Ten Palaces of Yama and the Five Directions Ghost Emperors perished in the last place, Luo Fengtian.

To this.

Shen Jian believes in the former more.

Nothing else.

The disappearance of the underworld was witnessed by the surviving City God, and the corner of the past that Meng Po spied on was deliberately allowed to be seen by the existence of the suspected Ksitigarbha.

not to mention.

What ability does the horror world have to make the sky full of immortals and Buddhas fall?

Unless behind the horror world, there is a world with a higher latitude.

But this is impossible.

If there were traces, there was no way he wouldn't be able to detect them at all.

In Shen Jian's view, he prefers the rules of heaven and earth. The order has undergone tremendous changes, making this era unsuitable for immortals and gods to survive, and then disappeared.

As for the horror world and horror games, they just took advantage of the end of the mythical era and the final period of the disappearance of the underworld and heaven to fully invade this world.

As long as there are one or two immortals and gods above the King of Hell staying here, it is impossible for the Horror World to invade so thoroughly.

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings.

That's the truth.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's lips curled up.

Although he did not find the truth behind the disappearance of the underworld, he felt that he was very close to the dusty history. The rest was nothing more than getting more detailed clues from Ksitigarbha's mouth to support his conjecture.

As for the last place, Luo Fengtian, there may be clues about the disappearance of immortals and Buddhas all over the sky, but it can never be the truth, let alone the place where immortals and gods fell.

He suspected that the reason why the Buddha Kingdom was looking for the last Luo Fengtian was just to become the master of the last Luo Fengtian and obtain more permissions for horror games so that he could completely become the master of the horror world.


Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Show that you know.


He stretched out his hand and said with a smile: Come back with me. The underworld needs you. Without your presence, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is missing the most important link and has never been able to be put into operation.

Po Meng was startled.

He looked steadily at Shen Jian's extended right hand.

A bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

There was even more excitement in my heart.

That is the lord of the underworld, the lord of the underworld, and the supreme master of the underworld. Except for Yama of the Ten Palaces and the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, ordinary people cannot see such a being.

And now...

However, Shen Jian stretched out his hand to her and told her that the underworld must be hers. This kind of attention made her feel a little frightened.

Yes, Po Meng, the messenger who guides you on the road to death, must live up to your expectations.

Meng Po Zhuang Su said.

A posture of devoting oneself to one's best, even to the point of death.

The fire in her eyes told Shen Jian: She was on fire and was ready to invest in the construction of the underworld and shine.

See it.

A satisfied smile appeared on Shen Jian's face.

Po Meng gathered them together, and the last thing left was the Sansheng Stone.

Three Lives and a Hundred is located in the Buddhist Kingdom where Luo Fengtian is located in the fourth place. He only needs to make one more trip to disturb the Buddha Kingdom, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation can be completely unlocked.

By then.

He obtained the status of Emperor Fengdu and became the legitimate lord of the underworld.

The underworld officially comes to the world, sending the dead souls into reincarnation and reincarnation.

The human world can also stabilize the situation and drive away the horror game completely.

Kill three birds with one stone.

Everyone has a bright future.

very nice.

Shen Jian's smile did not diminish, he patted Po Meng on the shoulder, and said as if he was asking for money: Very good, I am very optimistic about you. Leading the messenger is not your end. I can sit in the position of the King of Hell. If he can sit, you must also sit.

Now I give you the first task of returning to the underworld. Collect the authority of Luo Fengtian here and give it to me. This is my trust in you, do you understand?

I know. Po Meng ate the big cake in a daze.

Wait for her to react.

Shen Jian was no longer where he was.

The second temple master, Luo Fengtian, also disappeared.


She seemed to see the two people walking towards her Pavilion of Rebirth.

It was Shen Jian who was holding the other side.

It seems.

The relationship between the two seems to be profound.

But then she thought about it, one was the Lord of the Underworld, and the other was a local ghost from a mere horror world. Although they were the oldest believers in supernatural beings, the gap between their identities was huge. She must have misjudged them.

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