Shen Jian's words were like thunder on the ground, hitting everyone's hearts.

They were left in a daze, with only one thought left in their hearts:

Let the tall guy come out and hold it.

And the tallest person in the entire bloody city is undoubtedly the president of their Hundred Ghost Association, the King of Evil Ghosts, a world-destroying ghost and god.

No hesitation.

As if grasping the last straw, Ghost King Da Zheng immediately took out a severed finger from his body.

Pull hard.

Along with the crisp sound of fractures, a mysterious supernatural wave swept the entire place.

at the same time.

A surprised voice also sounded simultaneously.

That woman, Po Meng, showed up?

Okay, okay, you have done a great job in holding her back. This era is destined to be ruled by us.

As soon as this voice appeared, the Yin Qi surged above the Dazheng Ghost King, and the Yin wind blew up. A ghost shadow crossed the space and projected its figure into the void.

The next second.

Psychic mediums are becoming clearer.

The ghostly shadow also gradually appeared.

That's a Yaksha.

A face that resembles a humanoid, but has the characteristics of a fierce ghost. It has a ferocious face, a tall body, and two huge horn crowns inserted upside down on both sides of the temples, like a demon in hell.

He is the president of the Hundred Ghosts Association, the King of Evil Ghosts.

The only two world-destroying ghosts and gods in the bloody city.

He was also one of the former underworld handsome men.

at this time.

The evil ghost king showed the most ferocious smile on his face.

As soon as he appeared, his whole body exuded a terrifying and abnormal supernatural threat. The aura of a world-destroying ghost and god instantly swept across the entire place, shrouding a corner of the huge bloody city in its own ghost realm.


He was trying to catch a turtle in a jar.

Destroy all the enemy's vitality.

And all of this was completed within three seconds of his body appearing.

Do it all.

The evil ghost king seemed to be unable to suppress his excitement, and laughed sadly: Mother Meng, you also have this day. In the underworld, I am one of the many evil handsome men, and I am an inconspicuous part of the underworld. And you are the messenger on the road to death, and your status is above that of ordinary judges, but so what? Don’t you want to...

The words have not yet fallen.

The Evil Ghost King cast his gaze leisurely.

Everywhere you look, there are ruins.

Po Meng's figure was not among them.


His words stopped abruptly.

A question mark slowly emerged in my mind.


He cast his gaze on the embarrassed-looking Ghost King Dazheng and his colleagues, and said grimly: What's going on? Where's Po Meng? I didn't see Po Meng, why did you send a message?

Dazheng Ghost King pointed to the sky with a stiff expression.

Tell the other person to look up.

Maybe there are some unexpected surprises.

? ?

The evil ghost king was stunned.

He looked up abruptly.

at this time.

Above the sky, the Thunder Snake leaned most of its body out of the thunder clouds. The electric arc swayed uncontrollably, emitting deafening thunder. In a pair of vertical pupils full of thunder, the figure of the Evil Ghost King was reflected.

The golden crow also spreads its wings, and the bright golden light emerges from the phoenix's eyes, like a god who judges the world, and wants to bring sin and punishment to this evil ghost king who looks up to the sky.

That moment.

Six eyes facing each other.

The atmosphere suddenly became dead silent.

? ? ?

The face of the Evil Ghost King turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His pupils were wide and round.

My eyes almost popped out of my head.

Damn it?

What the hell is this.

I want you to find Po Meng, not a god.


Thunder Snake, Golden Crow, I must be dreaming back to the mythical era, otherwise how could these inhuman things appear in Luo Fengtian.

How did his colleagues get into trouble with these things?

A series of question marks appeared in the mind of the evil ghost king.

But soon.

He made the right choice.

Emma, ​​I'm scared to death.

A cry of surprise.

The evil ghost king immediately turned around and ran away.

At this time, how could he think about losing his job? It was more important to save his life.

The sky full of thunderclouds and the menacing golden crows looked like they were not something that a world-destroying ghost and god like him could afford to offend.

Even if he holds a soul-shaking hammer, a soul-suppressing gong in his hand, a soul-suppressing bell around his waist, and a soul-seducing chain, he still can't resist the attacks of the two mythical creatures.

Not to mention, there are more than one or two such mythical creatures.

Only fools stay.

at this time.

The Evil Ghost King had already scolded his former colleagues bloody in his heart.

After provoking such a thing, he asked him to deal with the aftermath. First of all, he also thanked these people for thinking so highly of him, but... what he was special about was not the bastard in the wishing well, nor could all future troubles be solved.

How evil, save me!

When the Ghost King Dazheng saw this, he shouted.

Get out of here, uncle.

The Evil Ghost King didn't even look back and flew directly towards the distance.

At this time, whoever doesn’t run will have Shabi.

See this.

All the ghosts and gods were dumbfounded.

Damn it, you are so spineless.

We struggled a bit anyway.

It would be better for you to just take a look and run away without saying a word.

How evil, stop, otherwise I will keep following you. The Razer and the Golden Crow are locked on target, and you will never escape.

The Ghost King Dacheng roared angrily.

This tall guy has weak legs.

It's overwhelming at first glance.

But in this situation, Duo Xing is their last hope. If they can't solve it, they can only die together.

The Evil Ghost King:...

He paused.

The whole person was a little unbearable.

Damn it.

It turns out you are waiting for me here.

You broke the supernatural medium and asked me to come over, not because you thought I could withstand these two devastating attacks, but because you thought we were on the same team and should die together, so that you wouldn't feel like you were at a disadvantage?

You know how to dig holes for your teammates to jump out of.

Too stupid.

Think of this.

He stopped abruptly.

His face turned completely dark, and he gritted his teeth and forced out a sentence: Listen to me, Dazheng, such magical powers cannot be used by ordinary people, and they will dissipate soon. And you also know that in this era, The immortal gods are dead, and there are no great magical means at all. The thunder clouds and golden crows may seem scary, but their actual power is not great.

And who are we? The Yin Commander of the Underworld is the lucky one left in the Underworld. We have abilities that are ahead of this supernatural era. These methods cannot kill us.

I even think that if we rush into the thundercloud like this, we might be able to break it up.

He is the boss after all.

He is the first among his colleagues to advance to the level of world-destroying ghost and god.

Even if my heart feels hairy and my hair stands on end, I can't say it outright. Instead, I can say encouraging words to inspire the confidence of others.

Dazhao Ghost King:...

He looked at the other person with different eyes, In that case, do you dare to come back and talk again?

The Evil Ghost King:...

The corner of his mouth twitched.

He showed an expression that was uglier than crying.

What a hell joke.

What's the difference between letting him walk back into the dense thundercloud area and hanging a hanging rope around his neck?

Then think about it again.

Even if the Ghost King of Dazhao follows him, what does it matter?

He is a world-destroying ghost and god, while Dazheng Ghost King is just a ghost and god. Moreover, he also holds four or five underworld weapons, so he can suppress the opponent at will.

He has already thought about it.

If the Dazhao Ghost King really dares to follow him, he will be ruthless.

With this thought.

The evil ghost king turned around again.

See this.

Dazhao Ghost King also understood the other party's plan.

Adhering to the concept of facing difficulties together,


He shouted at the top of his lungs: Sir, he wants to escape.


The Evil Ghost King was slightly startled.

I don’t understand what the other person is shouting.

The next second.

He got it.


Thunder struck straight down, followed closely by the beam of light.

Along with the thunderous roar, a huge pit was blasted out of the Evil Ghost King's body, and he stood on a stone pillar only two centimeters in the center of the pit.


This looks like a scene bombarded by precise control of the attack range.

that moment.

The Evil Ghost King had a ridiculous idea in his heart: the thunderclouds in the sky and the mythical Golden Crow were all controlled by humans.

And that person is exactly what the Dazheng Ghost King calls the master.

He had just observed his surroundings.

In addition to their eight underworld commanders, there was only one man with a bloody hemp rope around his wrist.

At first, he thought the other party was a passerby.

but now……

What kind of passerby is this? This damn thing is clearly a hidden boss.

When he thought that the thunderclouds surging in the sky and the golden crows spreading their wings and roaring fiercely were controlled by this person, he was inevitably frightened.

This is outrageous.

It was just a dream.

In this supernatural age, how could anyone still display such great power?

This is a method that only immortals can use.

He does not belong to mortals, nor to ghosts, nor to Yin Shuai.

Think of this.

The Evil Ghost King's pupils shrank sharply.

Something seemed to come to mind.

at this time.

Shen Jian also walked out.

He did not look in the direction of the Evil Ghost King, but looked into the distance, with a hint of excitement at the corner of his mouth, and the voice of ghosts and gods rang out:

Mother Meng, come out, I've been looking for you for a long time.

As soon as these words came out.

There was a commotion on the field.

The eyes of the Evil Ghost King and his group were immediately attracted.

Is Mrs. Meng here too?


There was silence for a few seconds.

A supernatural wave spread.

A figure emerged.

At the same time, there was an ethereal voice:

Meng Po, I pay my respects to the Lord of the Underworld and wish you good recovery.

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