Buzz buzz——

At this moment when thick clouds rolled in and lightning and thunder intertwined, the entire bloody city fell into an extraordinary panic. Countless ghosts raised their heads in confusion, clearly feeling the destructive aura coming from the sky. Boiling.

That is destruction.

Complete destruction.

A doomsday disaster that no one can resist.


Everyone panicked.

I just feel like my hair is shaking.

Especially when they were at the wedding ceremony, the audience in the center of the thunder cloud had their pupils dilated and their eyes widened.

One by one, they stood up in a panic.

Escape towards the exit.

The grimaces were filled with fear.

What the hell, is this a supernatural method?

Are you crazy or are we crazy?

Cheating is cheating, can you not give this behavior a name of normal means?

We have never seen normal supernatural means that can destroy the entire bloody city at once.

You have such ability, why don't you come to participate in some kind of martial arts contest to recruit a bride? You just have thunder clouds above your head, asking hundreds of ghosts to hand over the bride. Isn't this delicious?

For a while.

The scene was chaotic.

The Dazheng Ghost King, who was located in the center of the thundercloud and in the ring, looked at the scene of swaying thunder above his head. Even if he knew that he had summoned it, he could not help but feel a twinge of heart palpitations.

The mouth is open enough to fit a tennis ball.

A look of horror on his face.

Nothing else.

Just because he can't control this magical power.


As the person involved, he is also locked by this magical power. In other words, he will also be bombarded by thunder.

What's the point of riding a horse?

Get rid of it!

For the first time, this idea emerged in Dazheng Ghost King's heart.

His supernatural power is copying and imitating others.

Under normal circumstances, this is not a special supernatural ability, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but after he became the Yin Commander of the Underworld, this supernatural ability has undergone tremendous changes.

Not only can he imitate others, he can imitate everything about the other person.

As long as it is an object copied by him, he will automatically copy everything about the opponent, including but not limited to supernatural weapons, supernatural means, ghost skills, and combat experience.


There are flaws too.

That is, he has no memory.

He only knew that he could use this method, but he didn't know what it was.


Under normal circumstances, he will only use the supernatural means most commonly used by the person being imitated.


He never expected that Shen Jian's most commonly used supernatural method was to draw thunder from the sky, trigger a large thunderstorm, and turn the place into a thunder purgatory.

This special thing is actually a common method.

If you tell me this, no one will believe it.

This is a big move that is a bit out of character. It is clearly a super kill, but you use it as a level A?

It's too luxurious.

You have unlimited blue bars.


If it were just like this, Da Zheng Ghost King would not panic. After all, this was what he used to kill the enemy. Naturally, the stronger the better.


He had no control over this supernatural method, or magical power.

He can only use it.

And he himself became a victim.

What's more important is that they can't remove it yet, and they can only watch the thundercloud take shape, with more and more electric snakes swaying uncontrollably in it, and they will chop down at any time.

He was about to cry.

This thundercloud only needs to strike once, and he will die on the spot.

This is no joke.

But it can really kill people.


The Dazheng Ghost King cast his gaze on Shen Jianjian not far away, and yelled with a broken mentality: No, you are sick, you actually use this uncontrollable magical power as a common method, why don't you just do this directly? I'll kill you with a thousand cuts.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked strange.

He didn't expect that the Dazheng Ghost King would actually use thunder, but it seemed that the opponent couldn't control the large thunderstorm, and couldn't even control the thunder from falling on him.

Look at it this way.

Even if the imitation is successful, it can only be a superficial imitation.

Not even a beginner.

Think about it.

Shen Jian laughed and said: Don't you think this is exciting? This is just trying your luck against the enemy. If you chase him, he will escape. You can't escape with your wings, but I can tell you a little trick, the uncontrolled thunder strike There is a reaction time of 0.01 seconds when going down, but under normal circumstances, this time is not enough to react.

In other words, if you want to avoid the thunder, you need to run all the time, so that the thunder will always be one step behind you.

Shen Jian spoke seriously.

The expression is serious.

There is no falsehood at all.

She looked like she was having a heart attack.

Dazhao Ghost King:...

God is so exciting.

Don't use this method if you want to get an adrenaline rush.

Isn't this purely harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself?

He stared at Shen Jian.

Gritting teeth.

But he knew that this method might really be the only option.

As the instigator, he could clearly sense that the thunderclouds in the sky had been gestated, completely out of his control, and would strike at his source at any time.

If you don't escape, it will really be too late.


He couldn't care about Shen Jian anymore.

He didn't care about the wedding contest and ran away.

Very fast.


The next second.

The night seemed to be torn apart by lightning.

A thunder snake about ten feet long, with a roar that shook the sky, struck hard at the ring where the Ghost King of Dazhao stood at the beginning.

Accompanied by a shocking loud noise.

The entire arena was torn apart and turned into a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten centimeters.

The deep pit was scorched black, and arcs of electricity escaped.

! ! !

See this.

The Ghost King Dazhao was even more panicked.

His face turned visibly pale.

He gave himself two hard slaps.


Why do you have to be so mean?

If he had known this would happen, he wouldn't have dared to use this magical power.

In his underworld perception, he possesses several similar methods, but now...

He didn't dare to use any of them.

He was afraid that he would come up with another magical method that he couldn't control.


The Ghost King Da Zheng caught up with the remaining eight ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Society.




The thunder struck down faster and faster.

Often when the Dazheng Ghost King ran less than three meters away, the Thunder Snake would strike three meters away. The huge movement made his heart beat violently.

All the souls of the dead are gone.

at the same time.

The eight ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Society were also extremely frightened.

Fuck! Don't come over here!

Damn it, you ran somewhere else. Why are you running in our direction?

Gan, you're about to get hit. Don't let us cover up the noise you made yourself. We can't cover it up.

The eight ghosts and gods looked in horror at the Dazheng Ghost King who was getting closer and closer to them, and they started yelling and cursing.

All of them are eloquent.

Even the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors scolded him all at once.

With such a vice-president on the stand, they would be in trouble for eight lifetimes.

What was just a good competition for marriage was turned into a parkour game, where you will die if you stop.


Another thunder struck down.

It just hit one of the ghosts and gods.

Ahhhh! You deserve to be blamed for criticizing your uncle.

After a scream.

Only a charred corpse was left on the spot.

See this scene.

The ghosts screamed and their curses became more intense.

The brotherhood and brotherhood of the past are completely gone.

The Ghost King Dazhao also fell silent.

But it only took a moment for him to feel at ease.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The most important thing right now is to save your own life.

As for these colleagues who have been together day and night for thousands of years, they will die if they die.

It is better for the other party to die than for him to die.

He just discovered it.

When Leiyun locks its attack target, it mainly targets existences with a high level of terror.

In the entire bloody city, the only ones who could match him in this aspect were the Evil Ghost King and Po Meng.

In addition, he still has the buff of the instigator. Unless the thundercloud dissipates, he will be chased and hacked no matter where he escapes.

In this situation.

The first way he thought of was to blend into the crowd.

And it's not enough to have a low level of terror, it has to be something similar.

Therefore, he found his former colleagues in the underworld.

as expected.

After blending into this group of people, Thunder no longer struck specifically at him, but instead struck at a general range, which gave him a chance to breathe.

first timing.

Da Zheng Ghost King began to scan around Shen Jian's location.

When he found that the other party was walking leisurely in the Thunder Purgatory, letting the thunder strike around him without any change in his expression, he completely broke his guard.

Why is it okay for you to ride on a horse?

He was confused.

In his opinion, Shen Jian's terror level should not be lower than his, maybe even higher. Lei Yun should chase the opponent and attack him.

but now……

He saw Shen Jian walking in purgatory with a relaxed expression.

There was obviously no dodge, but the thunderbolt couldn't hit the opponent at all.

How is this going? !

Is there any way to avoid it?

Think of this.

A trace of astonishment appeared on Dazhao Ghost King's face, and then he suddenly realized.


If there is no way to deal with it, how could pulling the thunder from the sky become Shen Jian's most common method.

Even if you compare luck, you can't be so lucky every time.


He began to perceive in more detail other magical means that were reproduced by copying the supernatural.


Shen Jian said with a teasing look on his face: No matter how fast the thunder is, how can it be compared to the speed of light?

These words shocked the Ghost King Dazhao.

Because he seemed to have indeed sensed the ability to reproduce, shining with bright golden light.

He gritted his teeth.

I doubted what Shen Jian said in my heart, but then I thought about it, pulling the thunder in the sky is the magical power of gods and gods. If he, a ghost and god, uses it beyond his own power, it is inevitable that he will lose control.

But the other side's other supernatural methods can't be compared to the thunder in the sky.

I really think I am a god.

Any ability is a great magical power.

With this thought.

The Ghost King Da Zheng directly used the golden light method that was copied from the supernatural being.

at once.

The bright golden light reaches the sky.

Rays of golden light condensed into miniature suns, hanging in the sky.

The next second.


The loud and violent cry resounded throughout the bloody city.

Everyone saw that the miniature sun solidified by golden light turned into a golden crow that came out of the mythical era. It spread its wings to the sky, and a pair of golden phoenix pupils shot out bright beams of light.

Boom boom boom boom——

The thunder and the beam fell at the same time.

Destructive fluctuations spread across the capital.

The earth-shattering explosion also echoed at this moment.

Dazheng, you are such a **** (little cutie), what did you do when you stepped on the horse!

Looking at the Golden Crow spreading its wings in the sky and casting down the light of divine punishment, the mentality of the six ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Society completely collapsed.

You can't control it, how dare you use it?

You are a really special tiger.

Why didn't I realize before that you are also a stubborn person?

Dazhao Ghost King:...

He looked blankly at the Golden Crow who lost control again and brought destruction to the bloody city. He was completely confused.

Subconsciously he looked at Shen Jian.

Just in time.

Shen Jian's bewitching voice echoed:

Call out your leader, otherwise not only will you die, but this capital will be reduced to ruins.

Think about it, isn't it that the big brother who takes the lead is there to help you withstand danger? When the sky fell, there was a tall man holding it up. Now that the sky is falling, if you don't call for the tall man, what are you thinking about?

Group of ghosts:......

All the ghosts and ghosts from the Hundred Ghost Society paused for a moment.

It makes so much sense.


Creatures like Big Brother are just for pushing ahead.

If you don’t shout now, when will you wait? (End of chapter)

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