
There was a loud noise.

The steel rod collided with the ghost hand, and the ghost hand exploded instantly, hitting the head of the Ghost King of Sanshang with a blow without any loss.

In an instant.

A figure flew out like a cannonball.

A ravine hundreds of meters long was plowed out of the ground.

That moment.

The ghosts were shocked.

Damn it!

After all, he was the core figure of the Hundred Demons Club, a terrifying being whose level of terror was not inferior to that of the vice-president, and yet he was just smashed away by you with a stick?

Do you want to be so fierce? !

The eyes of the ghosts moved with difficulty from Shen Shen's body to the huge pit hundreds of meters away. When they saw clearly that half of the body in the huge pit had been blown up, and the Ghost King of Sanxia had completely lost his supernatural fluctuations, their hearts began to beat violently again. Jump.

In addition to being horrified, I also felt a bit contemptuous.

The former targets Shen Jian.

The latter is naturally aimed at the Ghost King who spreads calamity.

What the hell, he boasted so arrogantly in the ring, saying that blocking two of your blows is not too much. He looked like he was strategizing and confident, which made us all get excited.

Who knew that he would be hit with a stick directly?

If you don't have some diamonds, don't take the porcelain job.

Acting like a clown.

It's really unlucky to step on a horse.

Waiting for nothing.

At this time, if the Ghost King of Sanshang comes to life again, he will definitely be angered to death again.

That guy doesn’t know what he grew up on, and he has amazing strength. Even the strength of a world-destroying ghost and god can’t withstand a stick. Who am I to argue with him?

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have even tried to show off.

Instead, he becomes a tortoise.

I wouldn't feel bad if it really took a thousand years for the soul pearl to be conceived.


the other side.

The nine members of the Hundred Ghost Society looked at this scene in shock.

His pupils were full of shock.


Is this fucking thing gone?

It's noisy.

The Ghost King of Sanshuang is the third-ranked existence among the group of surviving ghost kings. During the period when the underworld still existed, his performance level was one of the best among the top ten yin commanders.

Because of this, you can get the ghost skin refined from the skin of the world-destroying ghosts and gods, plus the existence of the soul beads, even if you face the real world-destroying ghosts and gods, you can compete in a short time without falling behind.

But now...

The Ghost King of Sanshang, who had used all his methods, was killed instantly.

Are you sure you're not kidding them?

Even if Shen Jian is really a world-destroying ghost and god, he can't do this.

Think of this.

The nine ghosts and gods were stunned.

Especially the Ghost King Dazheng looked in disbelief.

It seemed unimaginable that there was someone in Luo Fengtian who could pose a fatal threat to the underworld commander.

To know.

Although they are also ghosts, they are actually different from ghosts.

Because they are handsome.

What he possesses is the body of a Yin god.

To a certain extent, they are Li Gui's nemesis.

A normal Yin Shuai's terror level is at least at the level of ghosts and gods. Coupled with his own ghost weapon, he is enough to capture ghosts across half a level. If replaced by dead souls, they will not even be afraid of real world-destroying ghosts and gods.

It stands to reason that even if the Sanshang Ghost King faces world-destroying level ghosts and gods, he is definitely capable of fighting.

What's going on with this horse riding now!

Is that president of the Black Dragon Society really a ghost?

For a while.

The Ghost King Dazhao was in confusion.


Shen Jian didn't give the other party much time to think.

The look of disgust in his eyes was very obvious.

That's it, that's it? No, no, will this be the end of it? That would really disappoint me.

Hear this.

The remaining nine ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Society all had eyes that were about to burst.

I was so angry that my teeth were about to break.

What the hell, you killed one of our brothers, and you dare to taunt us here.

You really don’t know how to write the word death.

Dazheng, let me go. If you dare to underestimate our evil commander, he already has a way to die.

Damn it, I can do it too. His weakness is very obvious. He doesn't have any decent weird methods. He can only rely on large-scale offensives to suppress the enemy. As long as he can guard against this, he has nothing to fear.

My violent temper, compared to my brute strength, I have never been afraid of anyone.

Controversy among ghosts.

Everyone stared at Shen Jian in the audience.

There is a posture of if I go up, I can win for sure.

Stop arguing. I've waited until the flowers withered. Let's come together so as not to delay my being the groom tonight.

Shen Jian grinned.

The words were full of sarcasm.

A sinister handsome man died, but the evil ghost king behind him remained indifferent. It seemed that he had indeed shifted all his attention to finding Po Meng.

As for Po Meng, she is not here either.

But Shen Jian was not in a hurry.

He still didn't believe it. He ended the wedding contest ahead of schedule and dragged the glorious ghosts and gods into the bridal chamber. Po Meng could still resist showing up.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place suddenly fell into an uproar.


This is too inflated.

I know you are powerful, but there are people outside the world. You are not even the strongest in the Bloody City. How dare you provoke others?


Even if you are the strongest in the bloody city, don’t you know the principle of beating a master to death with random punches?


The president of the Black Dragon Society is over-inflated.

Who the hell is going to treat him?

What we dislike the most is this arrogant guy.

Da Zheng Ghost King also stared at Shen Jian.


Stand up suddenly.

I'm going to end this farce.


On the ring, the figure of the Ghost King Dazheng appeared.

On the naked upper body, a scar ran from the chest to the back, almost cutting it off at the waist.

Even just standing there, there is always a sinister aura exuding from his body.

This is a survivor of a brutal war.

Just at the first glance, it gives people the impression that the other person has crawled out of a mountain of corpses.

Cold, dark, and penetrating.

You are very powerful. In my thousands of years, this is the first time I have seen such a contradictory individual like you. You are very rare, but you should never interfere in this competition. It is not for you to participate. war.

The Ghost King of Dazhao spoke sadly.

Even though the other party was standing right in front of him, the sound seemed to come from all directions, so erratic that it was impossible to tell where the source came from.

Shen Jian looked strange.

He ignored the entity in front of him and looked at an open space on the left. He raised his eyebrows and said, Why, you speak so hard, but you need to hide? Your mouth and body are not hard.

Dazhao Ghost King:...

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

There was silence for a moment.

Show up proactively.

His eyes were filled with emotion.

You are really powerful. Even the real world-destroying ghosts and gods cannot see through my disguise. I didn't expect you to notice it at a glance. Can you tell me how you did it?

He asked curiously.

There was absolutely no intention of taking action.

Just stared at Shen Jian.

If you look carefully, you will find that the figure belonging to Shen Jian becomes clearer and clearer in the pupils of the Dazheng Ghost King's reflection.

It was not an ordinary reflection of another person's body, but it was becoming complete bit by bit.

Like copying.

He copied Shen Jian's figure bit by bit into his pupils.

at this time.

An anxious voice suddenly sounded.

The source comes from the Black Dragon Club's box.

And it was the beggar ghost who spoke.

Brother, interrupt him. I remembered that the supernatural power of the vice-president of the Hundred Demons Society is copying and imitation. Once the supernatural power is activated, he can imitate anyone, and during the imitation, he can use the quilt Everything the imitator has, including supernatural powers, weapons, and even the most hidden methods, can be used.

He's copying you!

This sentence.

Like thunder on the ground.

The shock made the scalps of all the ghosts go numb.

Imitate another person and use all the other person's methods? Can even those that have not been displayed be used?

This is too outrageous.

With this supernatural power, wouldn't it mean that you are inherently invincible?

after all.

What the opponent has, you also have. No matter how you fight, the result will be a 50-50 split.

In this case, as long as the imitator's terror level is higher than the opponent's, it is a completely magical skill.

That's what I thought.

The Ghost King Dazheng also tore away his calm exterior, revealing a ferocious ghost face full of ferocity.

Hahaha, it's too late. The copying has been completed. I have engraved it on you. I also own what you have, including this weapon.

The words fell.

An inexplicable supernatural feeling enveloped the entire place.

The group of ghosts saw that on the ring, the Dazheng Ghost King, who had nothing in his hand, suddenly had a two-meter-long black steel rod with more than a dozen six-pointed stars flashing on it.

There was a faint sound of wailing ghosts coming from inside.

This moment.

The whole audience was shocked.

Damn it!

It's really imitated.

Not only the supernatural weapons, but even the tens of thousands of malicious faces in the weapons were imitated.

This is so fucking outrageous.

You must be cheating.

How about it? Now what you should have, I also have. The advantages and disadvantages between us have been offset.

The Dacheng Ghost King was holding a black steel rod, with a twisted expression that couldn't help but turn up at the corners of his mouth.

The blessing brought by this wail of ghosts is so wonderful.

He had a feeling that since he was now infinitely close to the terrifying level of the world-destroying ghosts and gods, coupled with this black steel rod, he would be enough to suppress the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

This is no longer the normal category of supernatural weapons.

But the underworld weapon.

And it is far more powerful than standard underworld weapons such as soul-suppressing bells, mourning sticks, and soul-enchanting chains.

It is possible that he has reached the level of a judge.

Holding this underworld weapon, he even felt that no evil ghost king was his opponent.

anything else?

See this.

Shen Jian also had some interest in his eyes.

There was no trace of panic, horror, fear or any other emotions in his expression, only a hint of curiosity.

Haha, there are indeed more. You have so many secrets. In addition to this supernatural weapon, I feel in the dark that you have many similar methods. The most commonly used one is probably this.


Dacheng Ghost King put his hands together and roared: Leifa Tianshu!

In an instant.

The clouds are raging.

The heavens became angry.

A roaring thundercloud formed over the bloody city.

In thunder clouds.

The thunder swayed and the arc flashed, like a scene of a doomsday natural disaster.

this moment.

The whole place fell silent.

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

He stared blankly at the thunderclouds and swaying thunder in the sky.

This, this horse riding is also a method possessed by that man?


You fucking cheat.

How was this summoned? ?

Take it back.

People will die.

The horrified eyes of the ghosts all fell on Dazheng Ghost King one after another, and they were all frightened to the extreme.

Scared to the point of peeing.

Nothing else.

This is really beyond their imagination.

Once the thunder strikes, let alone them, the entire bloody city will be disintegrated.

Damn it! Dazheng, after accepting this magical power, do you also want to kill us?

The eight ghosts and gods of the Hundred Ghost Society also spoke.

His eyes were full of shock.

And at this time.

The Ghost King Dazhao, who was at the center of the incident, was also horrified:

Gan! This is actually the magical power that pulls the thunder in the sky. Run away quickly, I am also locked on the horse.

Damn it, why did you interrupt me?

A scream like a slaughtered pig came from the mouth of the Da Zhao Ghost King. (End of chapter)

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