Listening to Bone Bodhisattva's explanation, Shen Jian's eyes became darker and darker.

Reincarnation for hundreds of lives is indeed a professional saying in Buddhism.

In the eyes of Buddhism, reincarnation is not a kind of torture, but a test that can make people transcend. As long as you don't understand the truth of the impermanence of the world in reincarnation and eliminate all the troubles that lead to life and death, you can be reincarnated and die. Beyond the three realms and five realms, achieve transcendence and achieve the status of Buddha.


Does Ksitigarbha still need a breakthrough?

In myths and legends, Ksitigarbha is the Bodhisattva of Karma and the incarnation of Buddha. It is rumored that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also the incarnation of Buddhas in the ten directions. The reason why he did not become a Buddha is just because he made the great wish that hell will not be empty. If you don't become a Buddha, otherwise you would already be a Buddha.

In terms of strength, this non-staff person with a special status in the underworld has a power comparable to any of the kings of hell in the ten palaces of hell, or even slightly higher.

Only the Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions and the Great Emperor Fengdu dare to claim that they can overwhelm them.


This refers to personal combat power.

If the Yamas of the Ten Palaces join forces, even if the ghost emperors from all five directions come together, they can't say that they can surely win.

after all.

In terms of status, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor is only half a step higher than the Tenth Palace Yama.

Such a being who is comparable to Buddha wants to make another breakthrough?

Breakthrough of what?

Have you achieved the body of a true Buddha and come to the position of Buddha?

Think of this.

Shen Jian went deeper.

He doesn't believe this.

In this era where the gods and Buddhas in the sky have died, heaven no longer exists, and the underworld has disappeared, the era of gods has ended. The current order of heaven and earth is dominated by ghosts, and it is an era of supernatural revival.

No matter who it is, as long as they want to have power comparable to that of gods and gods, they will inevitably be tainted with the aura of ghosts.

In this era, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to break through the upper limit.

almost impossible.

What's more.

Even if Ksitigarbha really found a way to break through the long years, what he would achieve would not be the body of a true Buddha, but the body of a ghost Buddha.


Shen Jian also thought, is this I Buddha really making a breakthrough instead of healing?

after all.

Even existences like the Great Emperor of Fengdu, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, and Yama of the Ten Palaces disappeared along with the entire underworld. How could Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha escape safely?


Shen Jian came to his senses.

He continued to ask: How does he reincarnate?

The Bone Bodhisattva paused for a moment: I don't know, because when we came to my Buddha, the Buddha's kingdom had been established and completed, but... I had close contact with my Buddha during his thirty-fourth reincarnation. There, I saw the true body of the Buddha, a huge stone tablet towering into the sky, with a corner missing. The Buddha was sleeping in the stone tablet, and everything around him was in ruins.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

That's why you know that the Buddhist Kingdom is not a real world at all, but an illusory place formed by a ghost realm. The real fourth place, Luo Fengtian, is actually only a ruin.

The Bone Bodhisattva nodded dully.

Shen Jian didn't feel any fear.

It’s just the Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of your hand.

Nothing surprising.


The Bone Bodhisattva is in over his head.

Although the Buddhist Kingdom is not the real Luo Fengtian's current situation, the Buddhist Kingdom does exist, but the living environment has become a ghost land.

To put it in a more fashionable way, the fourth place, Luo Fengtian, is the outer world, while the Buddhist kingdom is the inner world.

The two do not interfere with each other, but they are integrated into each other.


This is not the point.

The point is, he did get clues about the Three Life Stones from the White Bone Bodhisattva.

His previous guess was correct.

Ksitigarbha's hundreds of reincarnations relied on the power of the Three Life Stones.

All it takes is a trip to the Buddhist Kingdom to collect the remaining fragments of the Three Life Stones.

very good.

Shen Jian showed a satisfied smile.

The clue problem of Sansei Stone has been solved.

The next most important thing is undoubtedly Meng Po Soup.

In fact.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation can already be run.

In addition to the path of gods, others such as the path of Asura, the path of humanity, the path of hell, the path of animals, and the path of hungry ghosts have long been unlocked and can send the dead souls into reincarnation.

The reason why it was not opened is because of the lack of Meng Po Tang.

Meng Po Tang can make the soul of the deceased forget the past and present lives and reincarnate with new memories. Without this, the soul of the deceased will be born with the memory of the past life.

By then.

The Yang world will be in chaos.

There are rebirthers and travelers everywhere.

This is not allowed by the underworld.


Only the six paths of reincarnation will remain stranded.


It's time to put it on the agenda.

Shen Jian thought a lot.

The conditions for unlocking the Heavenly Way do not require that Luo Fengtian's authority be reclaimed, but as the lord of the underworld, he cannot just watch the things in the underworld wander outside. Even if he does not bring them back to the underworld, they still need to be in his hands.

Whether he is looking for the Sansheng Stone or retrieving Meng Po, he needs to go to other Luo Fengtian. He can recover it without any trouble.

real world.

Shen Jian took one step forward.

The figure immediately appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

He didn't alert anyone.

Just quietly looking at this world filled with supernatural beings.

Look far away.

On the Eastern Continent, the underworld is expanding at an extremely fast rate.

In the twenty-one provinces of the Dragon Kingdom, the Underworld has spread its footprints to seven provinces. If you look at the map, with Xiping Province as the center, the Underworld has successively occupied three surrounding provinces, and then spread in a single line in the direction of Nanlin Province.

Because the three provinces to the west of Nanlin Province are the national border.

Going further, it is the territory of the Western Continent and the territory of the Holy See.

According to Shen Jian's original plan, he planned to occupy the entire Dragon Kingdom and then spread to the western realm to occupy the whole world, which even the underworld in the Mythical Age had not been able to do.


The Western Continent took the initiative to cooperate with the Horror World and allowed a copy of the game to come to the real world. It was so deeply eroded by the evil ghosts that it was ready to launch a war and start a world war.

to this end.

The underworld can only change its target first and take the initiative to spread to the Western world.


A red dot appeared on the chat interface.

Shen Jian glanced away.

[Janna: Your Majesty, things are going according to my plan. Adolf and his party were all wiped out in the dungeon, which caused an uproar in the Holy See. I took the opportunity to tell the truth about becoming a five-star player, and my family immediately took action. Let me become one of the twelve seats of the Holy See, and I got more specific information about the Lord God's plan. 】

[King Yama: Tell me. 】

[Janna: The main god plan attempts to create twelve main gods of the West. According to the current information, the king of gods Zeus, the queen Hera, the sea god Poseidon, the war goddess Athena, the sun god Apollo, and the war god Athena. The six main gods of Reese have begun to take shape and are widely believed in the Western world. In addition, the Holy See has also formulated the Archangel Michael, the Angel Gabriel, Hades, the Lord of Hades, and Odin, the Lord of Alaska. Wait for the temples of mainstream Western gods. 】

[Jana: Because of the full support of the Holy See, no less than thousands of similar temples have been built across the West in recent months. In order to speed up the collection of beliefs, a large number of supernatural props have also been used. According to this trend, The power of faith required for the birth of the twelve main gods can be collected in less than a month. 】

Janna, who was far away on the other side of the Atlantic, looked at the information in her hand and couldn't help but take a breath.


This move by the Holy See is too crazy.

In less than three months, more than 3,000 new temples were built.

I don’t know how much manpower and material resources were used.

The amount of money and resources consumed is countless.

Almost half of the entire Western power was expended on this.

There is quite a kind of madness in trying to lose everything and succeed if you don't succeed.


The effect is also significant.

Western people saw the sincerity of the Holy See and the truth after the Holy See's guidance. They changed their own doctrines one by one and worshiped a series of mainstream gods introduced by the Holy See.

In less than three months, faith has been collected.

If one could really create twelve ghosts and gods, the outcome would be unimaginable.

The Holy See will become king of the world.


She still chose to betray and pass the information to Shen Jian.

For the real world, the birth of twelve ghosts and gods means invincibility.

But she had seen with her own eyes the great power displayed by Shen Jian.

It is an invincible majesty.

It has been imprinted on her heart and cannot be removed.

Compared with the Holy See, she is more willing to believe that Shen Jian is the light of hope for mankind.

[King Yama: Where did the most important body of ghosts and gods come from? 】

See this.

Janna immediately opened the information.

Suddenly he looked startled.

[Jana: Your Majesty, there is no information about this part. I tried to use my power of twelve seats to search, but I couldn’t find any information about this part. 】

[King Yama: Well, keep checking. 】

Shen Jian looked away.

Think for a moment.

At the beginning.

He thought that the way for the Holy See to collect the bodies of ghosts and gods came from the Eli Empire, and that it might have colluded with the royal family, but now... he is the new king of the Eli Empire.

He has investigated and found that there is no such contact between the Eli Empire and the Holy See.

Suspicion can be ruled out.

If you put it this way, the source can only be the Buddhist Kingdom.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

In this Buddhist country, the tentacles are very long.

There are plans not only in the horror world, but also in the Qing Kingdom and the City of Entertainment. The Yi Lai Empire also has the Ghost Bodhisattva, the Bone Bodhisattva. Now, the real world seems to be within the scope of the intervention of the Buddha Kingdom.

But think about it.

The Kingdom of Buddha holds many game rights for horror games.

It is very likely that he is the ultimate heir to the thriller game like him. It is not difficult to spread his footprints in these places.

Fortunately, Ksitigarbha did not wake up, but only handed over part of his authority. Under such circumstances, the Buddha Kingdom could not interfere too much in the operation of the thriller game, otherwise it would not just leave traces, but fully occupy it.

Think about it.

Shen Jian opened the game panel.

Take a look at Thriller Game Permissions.

[Thriller game authority: 35%. 】

Occupy three game areas and gain a total of 15% game rights.

Recycle Qingguo and get 10%.

Recycle the Eli Empire: Gain 10%.

As for the recycling of Entertainment City, because the recycling location is not in the world of Thriller, the little scoundrel Game Thriller found the bug and refused to give the game permission.

So the current total is 35%, accounting for one-third of the complete permissions for thriller games.

He guessed that this was almost the case in the Buddhist Kingdom.

He also needs to be faster.

Think of this.

Shen Jian clicked on the authority of Taisha Liangshi Zong Tiangong, and a two-realm passage immediately appeared in front of him.

Shen Jian stepped into it.

[The player has entered the territory of Eli Empire. 】

[Selected coordinates: Elim Temple. 】

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