[Entered Elim Temple. 】

[The player's identity is detected as the King of the Eli Empire, and the alarm is cleared. 】

[Note: The master of the temple has formulated Luo Fengtian's rules. Anyone who comes to the temple cannot directly enter the interior. 】

Shen Jian stepped forward.

When he reappeared, he had arrived in front of the magnificent temple.

A row of scarlet panels flashed in front of him.

And right in front.

Two disciplinary knights wearing white armor had already noticed the intruder.

The two seemed to be wondering.

I doubt what I saw.


Just two seconds later, the two disciplinary knights knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: See the sun of the empire.

The sound is huge.

Pedestrians passing by were also shocked.

His Majesty?

The new king has come to the Holy City?

This moment.

There was an uproar.

Everyone looked around.

Looks uplifted.

Although the holy city where the Elim Temple is located is independent of the rule of the Eli Empire and is not controlled by the royal family, it still lives in this land after all. In addition to being believers, they are also subjects of the empire.

As for the new king, the fourth prince, who has not heard of his legendary deeds?

That was the most prestigious king among the past dynasties.


How could this new king not arouse cheers from the people of the Holy City when he appeared in the Holy City?

Greetings to Your Majesty.

I have met the king.

Dear King, welcome to the Holy City.

Many civilians saluted in a decent manner.

For a while.

The streets are deserted.

Shen Jian:......

What a pain in the ass rules.

Is this anti-privacy?

The sense of boundary is so strong that it will be difficult to start at that time.

He waved his hand.

He said calmly: I came to discuss something with the Saint. It involves the royal family and the temple, so there is no need to make a big deal about it.


He walked in with ease.

The disciplinary knights behind him and the people of the Holy City all looked in admiration.

On the second day after taking the throne, he was so diligent.

Traveling thousands of miles away, he came to the temple in person as the king of the country to discuss state affairs with their saint, full of sincerity.

His actions gave the saint enough face.

Only in the hands of such a great king can the empire prosper.

They are truly lucky to be the people of this king.

They are just a group of ordinary civilians and cannot share anything. They can only spread His Majesty's virtues.


It only took less than half a day.

The people of the entire Holy City knew that the Sun of the Empire came to the temple to discuss state affairs with the Holy Lady.

It is said to be very important.

It’s about the royal family and the temple.

It caused many people to start speculating.


Inside the temple.

Shen Jian hugged Saint Leia's slender waist, pressing her chest tightly against her proud capital, and looked lovingly at the saint's twinkling eyes, Did you miss me?


Saint Leah was heartbroken when she was stared at by Shen Jian.

The girl Huaichun originally wanted to stay with her beloved.


Shen Jiang came to see her the day after he ascended the throne. How could she be unhappy?

How much do you think?

Shen Jian continued to ask.

With a slight smile on her face, she looked at the nun with a foul figure in her arms, who was also a saint today.

Leah is still wearing the white saintly dress that she has repeated all year round. Her skin is fair and almost translucent, and her long pale golden hair hangs down to her buttocks.

An astonishing arc held up the loose clothes, and the strange feeling from the pressure on his chest made him feel excited.

It looks both holy and charming.

Especially the look of youthful love on a young girl's face made people unable to help but execute her on the spot.

Contaminate her sacred body with filthy things.

I really want to.

Saint Leia expressed her love very honestly.

His eyes narrowed, filled with happiness.


The look of her being held by a man made Delila hate herself.

His eyes immediately turned scarlet.

Hengji said: Do you know that in order to find you, Leah personally rushed from the Holy City to the North. After hearing the news of your absence, she rushed to the Royal City without stopping. You stinky man, how can you understand Leah? of contribution.

Sister, the doctor is also very busy.

Leah defended Shen Jian.

Being busy is not an excuse, but if you really don't have time, forget it. I'm not that unreasonable, so I'll forgive you.

Lila curled her lips and glared at Shen Jian angrily.

It's my fault, I will definitely spend more time with you.

Shen Jian opened his mouth and came.

Keep saying words of praise.

Full of emotional value.

After a series of compliments, even Lila felt embarrassed and took the initiative to shrink back.

The little face looks happy.


Eyes facing each other.

Shen Jian's eyes finally fell on Leah's lips.

Lia's body trembled slightly when she was looked at by such a scorching gaze.

For her who had already experienced things between men and women, how could she not know the meaning in Shen Jian's eyes.


This is the temple.

It was her place of prayer.

The last time she had sex here and defiled the sacred temple, she prayed for a whole month before she got rid of the guilt in her heart.

Doctor, this is God...um~

The words are not finished yet.

The lips were blocked.

Saint Leah's body went limp, as if lightning flashed through her mind. Her thoughts were suddenly crushed and turned into a blank. Only a stream of electricity came from her lips, making her body numb. Unknowingly, she was already Being held in Shen Jian's arms, he tasted the red lips of the saint enshrined by the believers in the Holy City.

for a long time.

Until the suffocation hit me.

This passionate young couple finally let go.

Leah moaned repeatedly, her body rose and fell, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were full of spring, and her holy temperament could not resist this charm from the inside out.

Two temperaments coexist.

It’s simply addictive.

Shen Jian was itching to see it.

He picked up the other person and walked towards the dormitory in his memory.

Doctor, the glorious ghost is watching us.

Saint Leia buried her head in Shen Jian's chest and said shyly.

Shen Jian paused.

There was a strange look on his face.

If that glorious ghost with voyeurism is really watching, then he should really be grateful to you.


He also knew that no one knew about this little hobby of the Glory Ghost and God except him. What Saint Leah actually meant was that this was a temple, a supernatural place established by the Glory Ghost and God. This watching was An adjective, not a noun.

It's normal for a man to fall in love with a woman. Did the glorious ghosts and gods tell you to cut off any love? How can a stranger who has no love even serve you adults wholeheartedly?

Shen Jian talked eloquently.

So, love is the best accelerant, allowing you to serve you adults better.


She was defeated by the shamelessness of this stinky man.

But she didn't stop it either.

Because she and Leah have a twin relationship, everything Leah can feel will be completely returned to her.

For example, the passionate kiss just now made her collapse and her face was red.

She was looking forward to everything that came next.

Looking forward to going to Qiu Mingshan with this stinky man.

That...can only happen once.

A shy voice came from far away.

It seemed like a moan that had been suppressed for a long time.

It immediately ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

Doctor, isn't it just once?

I haven't..., not even once.

But I've..., now I'm... um~ Doctor, you're in violation.

Smelly man, my sister has fainted, that's enough for you.


Wait, I'm convinced.

outside world.

The two disciplinary knights stood guard from morning to night, looking at every passerby who came and went with wary expressions.


They are given a sacred mission.

That is to guard the door of the temple and not let anyone disturb the conversation between His Majesty and the Saint.

Is this discussion taking too long?

You don't understand. National affairs are related to the country. If they are not handled well, it may cause turmoil in the empire. How can we not be more rigorous?

Yes, there is no small matter in the empire, and His Majesty is too diligent in his work. I cried to death.

It is indeed the empire's good fortune to meet such a good king.

for a long time.

Saint Leia wakes up leisurely.

She pouted and looked at Shen Jian angrily.

Doctor, you are too foul.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

You can just tell me if it's just once, but if you really feel sorry for me, I'll help you talk to the glorious ghosts and gods, and I'll take you out directly next time.

Leah repeatedly stopped him, Doctor, please stop teasing me. Besides, even if you want to contact the glorious ghost and god, you can't.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

could not be reached?

Leah nodded and explained: Since more than a month ago, I have been unable to contact the glorious ghosts and gods. I can feel that the glorious ghosts and gods are in the same state, but the connection is not possible and I cannot talk.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

More than a month ago?

Wasn't that when he was still recovering Luo Fengtian in the Qingguo dungeon?

at once.

Shen Jian suddenly remembered.

After he obtained the dragon energy from the dragon energy host in Hutou Mountain, he contacted the glorious ghosts and gods and explained to them that he no longer needed the dragon energy from Luo Fengtian, the fifth place. The glorious ghosts and spirits told him that the dragon energy fell into the hands of others, which was terrifying. The level is not low, at least it is the world-destroying level ghost and god.

He originally thought that the glorious ghosts and gods were worthy of each other.

but now……

Something seems to be wrong here.

So much so that the glorious ghosts and gods could not even take back the incarnation of their faith, and were forced to cut off contact.

Think of this.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

A hexagonal golden disk appeared behind him.

The disc rotates.

It froze on a ghostly figure shrouded in black robes.

That was the secret guard commander of the Qing Kingdom dungeon, and he had the power of sinking.

All your thoughts are true.

Just outline the image of the glorious ghosts and gods, and the other party will follow the medium and come here.

The price is to be swallowed up by the glorious ghosts and gods.


Supernatural activation.

The yin energy in Shen Jian's body was constantly declining, and the downward trend was rapid.

His frown deepened.

Because the quality of the Yin Qi that had just been swallowed was already equivalent to the amount of several ghosts and gods, this situation was obviously abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, the glorious ghosts and gods would not need to swallow so much of his Yin Qi to descend through the medium.

It feels like there is an invisible layer of restraint among them, blocking the formation of the medium.

Shen Jian looked gloomy.

A faint light flashed in his eyes.

More pure Yin Qi keeps flowing out.

The next second.

Bright golden light began to emerge, interweaving a figure shrouded in golden light.

A shout also sounded:

You shameless man, I was trying to help you, but you only think of me now!

Shen Jian:......

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