Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 888 If you don’t worship the emperor, your name will be on the reincarnation monument

With the official end of the King's Trial.

The scarlet panel also appeared immediately.

[This round of game has ended. 】

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the Bloody King Road dungeon. 】

[The copy is being settled...]

[Rating: SS+. 】

[Experience gained: 1500%. 】

[Note: You have been promoted to level 67. 】

[Item obtained: Thriller Coin*100000. 】

[Obtain special reward: Taisha Liangshi Sect Heavenly Palace permission. 】

[Note: The player collects the royal power ring and the divine power scepter, has completely recovered the Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace, becomes the master of Luo Fengtian, and can mobilize all the resources of the Eli Empire on his own. 】

[Receive special reward: the new king of the Eli Empire (title)]

[Note: The player has exceeded the limit of branch tasks, unlocked the final hidden plot of the game identity, regained the four realms, and became the first king in history to complete the achievement of unification. The people's support is with you, and all your instructions will be unimpeded. 】

[Get special reward: Lord Buddha’s Suspicion. 】

[Note: The player has transformed the Bone Bodhisattva from the Buddhist Kingdom, which has attracted the attention of the Lord of the Buddhist Kingdom, who is suspicious of your identity. It is currently anchored in a special state. Under the special state, the player enters the supernatural world belonging to the Buddhist Kingdom. The coordinates will be exposed automatically. 】

[Obtain special reward: Three Life Stone Fragments (1/3)]

[Note: Players have collected legendary fragments of divine objects from the underworld, which have the incredible power to illuminate other people's past lives. If you collect three complete pieces, you will obtain the ownership of the Three Life Stones. 】

As the scarlet panel flashes.

Everything in front of me started to change.

Shen Jian opened his eyes.

He let out a long breath.

Looking at the dense scarlet fonts, a strong smile appeared on his face.

Nothing else.

Great harvest.

Needless to say, the most important authority of the Taisha Forgiveness Sect’s Heavenly Palace is the last indicator to unlock the Asura Path, one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. After unlocking the Asura Path, he is closer to allowing the complete Six Paths of Reincarnation to reappear in the world. One step closer.

The title effect of the second special reward is also very powerful.

[Title: The new king of the Eli Empire. 】

[Effect 1: Equip this title, pressure +max, reputation +max, intimidation +max. 】

[Effect 2: All lineups with national attributes have trust +100%. 】

[Effect 3: Blessed by the national destiny of the empire, the supernatural damage immunity is 50%, and the supernatural attack comes with a 40% damage bonus. 】

This is a perfect title.

The effect is so strong that it is unreal.

Damage increase, damage immunity, and also comes with celebrity buffs, giving you a natural affinity at the beginning.

After canceling each other out, the negative effects of titles such as Dungeon Collapser and Ghost Seeing Sorrow will no longer affect him at all.

After all, there is even some leftover.

When he enters the next dungeon, he will also be born with a favorability level of +30.

have to say.

He was very satisfied with this title.


Shen Jian turned his attention to the game panel.

[Name: King Yama. 】

[Level: Level 67. 】


[Special status: Lord Buddha’s suspicion. 】

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Is this Buddha Lord Ksitigarbha?


If this were Ksitigarbha, it would be too inferior.

Everyone has already turned their attention to him, but they still can't tell his identity. No matter how much Ksitigarbha spreads his hips, he won't stretch his hips like this.

This Lord Buddha should be the actual manager of the fourth place, Luo Fengtian.

The authority belongs to Ksitigarbha.

It's like he is the king of the Eli Empire, but he lets the six queens supervise the country.

Think of this.

Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

The figure moved.

The whole person has arrived at the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Six whirlpools appeared before his eyes.

Four of the whirlpools are rippling and are in an unlocked state.

[Tiandao: (unlocked)]

[Asura Road: (Unlocked)]

[Humanity: (unlocked)]

[Hell Path: (Unlocked)]

[Beast Way: (Unlocked)]

[Hungry Ghost Road: (Unlocked)]

See this.

Shen Jian's lips curled up.

Just click on Asura Road.

[Asura Road: (Unlocked)]

[Unlocking conditions: Complete recovery of Sanjo Luo Fengtian (completed)]

at the same time.

The cold system prompts also sounded simultaneously.

Mission: Rebuild the Underworld.

Stage 4: Unlock any of the Six Paths of Reincarnation (Completed)

Reward: Seal of Reincarnation (Exclusive to Emperor Fengdu)

See it.

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

My mood couldn't help but start to fluctuate.


He was right.

The unlocking of the Asura Path is related to Emperor Fengdu.

The Seal of Reincarnation, the exclusive token of the identity of Emperor Fengdu.

Its meaning is the same as the jade seal of the City God in the City God's Hall.

It is both a status symbol and a companion.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand.

A palm seal that glowed like a stone tablet fell into his hand.

The seal is divided into six scales.

Corresponds to the six paths of reincarnation.

Not long after.

Shen Jianfu to the soul.

He clearly understood the true meaning given to him by this token of Emperor Fengdu.


What he has gained now is the ability to master reincarnation.

Think about it.

In Shen Jian's body, the divine ability belonging to Chakravartin, the Lord of the Tenth Palace of the Underworld, is manifesting.

A golden ring appeared behind him.

The ring is also divided into six frames, and is fixed on a graceful figure that charms all living beings.

This is the supernatural of Cleopatra.

past future body.

You can summon yourself from the past three days and the next three days at the same time to help out.

Before, when Shen Jian activated this supernatural power, six whirlpools would appear in the void in front of him, and six identical selves would walk out of them.

And now.


After activating the supernatural power, nothing happened.

Shen Jian knows.

His worlds are unified.

At all points in time, whether in the past or in the future, he has collapsed to the present, and he is the only one in this world.

Even if there is a powerful ghost who has the ability to see into the past and the future, or even go back to the past, travel to the future, etc., he will no longer exist at any point in time that the opponent enters.

Wherever he is, there is the only place.

This is reincarnation.

Gods and Buddhas all need reincarnation, but he doesn't.

Because he is reincarnation itself.

Shen Jian digested the various powers of the Seal of Reincarnation.

The unity of all worlds is just a passive effect.

In addition to this passive, he also has a passive effect.

That is, mortals cannot look directly at themselves.

This is not literal.

Rather, it means that anyone who utters his name, imagines his appearance in his mind, or looks at his own photo is regarded as a kind of looking at him.

And as long as you watch him, his life is in his hands.

He looks at others, which has the same effect.

With just one glance, he can completely manifest the opponent's past and present lives in reincarnation, and then follow the source to destroy the target.

It can be said.

As long as he watches, everything is over.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

His eyes were filled with emotion.

They have not yet used the true magical power of the Seal of Reincarnation. Just inheriting the passivity of reincarnation is enough to make people despair.

That is truly impossible to look at.

Anyone who dares to peek into reincarnation will be swallowed up by it.

With this.

It can be said that no enemy can escape his pursuit.

As long as the enemy dares to think about his name, think about his appearance, or even hear about him from others, he will be locked by reincarnation.

Shen Jian thought of a sentence——

If you meet the emperor and do not worship, your true name will be lost, and your name will be on the reincarnation monument.

He feels this way now.

for a long time.

Shen Jian was calming down.

The Seal of Samsara turned into a stream of light and disappeared between his eyebrows.


He returned his gaze to the six paths of reincarnation in front of him.

at this time.

The five whirlpools have rippled.

Only the middle one is left, still a mass of gray

Shen Jian clicked on it.

[Tiandao: (unlocked)]

[Unlocking conditions: The underworld descends to the human world, officially connects with the Yang world, and sends the souls of the dead into reincarnation. 】

See this.

Shen Jian looked slightly stunned.

He was not asked to recycle the remaining three Luo Fengtian.

This was beyond his expectation.

In his opinion, the condition for unlocking the Asura Path is to recover three complete Luo Fengtian pairs. According to this rule, the condition for unlocking the Celestial Path should be to recover the remaining three Luo Fengtian pairs.


But in fact, it's not.

The only condition for unlocking the Heavenly Way is to let the underworld run and send the souls of the dead into reincarnation.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Want to do this.

He needs to gather the last two fragments of the Sansheng Stone, find Meng Po, and complete the most important part of Meng Po Soup.

He did know a bit about Po Meng's traces.

It is suspected to be located in the extremely yin place of Luo Fengtian, the fifth place.

But he had no clue about the fragments of the Sansheng Stone.


Shen Jian seemed to have thought of something.

Look down.

He saw a bone head hanging on his waist, his eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

Slap him awake.

Bone Bodhisattva:?

He opened his two recovered bone eye sockets in astonishment, and the ape light began to flash.

Anger began to rise.


Who bothered him to lick his wounds alone.

If you really become a Buddha, you won’t get angry?

Do honest people deserve to be bullied?

one look.


It turns out that he is a master of great mercy who saves those in distress.

That's okay.

There must be a reason for the master to do this.

Maybe I just want to see if I have a tolerant heart in this situation.

The Bone Bodhisattva thought so.

Immediately I stopped being angry.

Looking ashamed.

Master, I was wrong.

Shen Jian:?

He subconsciously said: What's wrong?

But the next second he shook his head and said: The my Buddha you said refers to the Lord Buddha? What did you mean when you said he was in reincarnation before?

The Bone Bodhisattva was startled.

The upper and lower bones opened and closed, making a crisp skeletal sound: That's not the case. The Lord Buddha is the Lord Buddha. He is just the controller of the Buddha Kingdom, similar to the king of the Eli Empire, and I Buddha is the founder of the Buddha Kingdom. , is our mentor who teaches us Buddhist principles.

As for being in reincarnation...

The words paused for a moment, and then he explained: The Buddhist Kingdom is actually a large-scale place of reincarnation, or a super-large supernatural place constructed by My Buddha in his sleep. Everything inside revolves around My Buddha As the center, we jointly prepare for the reincarnation of my Buddha for hundreds of lives.

speak English.

Oh, my Buddha will be reincarnated in hundreds of lives. As long as he realizes himself clearly in each life, refines his mind in the world of mortals, and gives up his obsession, after a hundred lives, my Buddha will be able to wake up and break through his own limits. Lead the Buddhist kingdom to regain the power of the Buddha in the past.”

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

What life is he in now?

The ninety-ninth life. (End of this chapter)

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