Inside the palace.

The ministers were silent.

It was obvious that everyone outside the palace was celebrating the birth of the new king and jumping for joy, but inside the palace that was separated by a wall, there was dead silence.

Everyone is silent.

Digesting the news.

There are doubts, confusions, and inexplicables.

no doubt.

This is definitely the most ridiculous thing they have seen in their noble careers.

On the first day after the new king ascended the throne, he completely delegated power.

Damn it, the crown prince was chosen on the spot.

The person he chose was not his direct bloodline, but his sister.

It gives people the impression that they can't wait to hand over the throne.

Think of this.

Many nobles couldn't stand it any longer.

Damn it.

Is this throne a hot potato?

Why do we feel that you are somewhat unwilling to be a part of it?

If you don't want to, then why did you want to grab it in the first place?

It's fun?

at this time.

The Sixth Princess came out.

The little face said calmly: I don't want to.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was shocked again.


Don't you want to be the crown prince?

This horse is the crown prince.

It is the crown prince who has the power to supervise the country under the personal orders of His Majesty.

what does that mean?

This means that unless Shen Jian changes his mind in the future, the next leader of the country must be you.

Why don't you want to?

Are your generation of royal heirs really sick?

For a while.

Many nobles were in confusion.

The grimaces looked blankly at the six princesses in the audience and Shen Jian on the throne.

They looked at each other speechlessly.

See this.

Shen Jian replied similarly.

No, you do.

No, I don't want to.

No, you do.

I do not want to.

would you like.


Well, you don't want to.

No, I am willing to...

The words fell.

The Sixth Princess seemed to react.

Just as he was about to retort, Shen Jian already shrugged and said, Okay, everyone has heard that you are willing. There is no joking under the throne, it's settled.

Sixth Princess:...

Her facial muscles twitched slightly.

You scheming bastard.

You have worked really hard to push this crown prince out.

Even psychological tactics were used.

How much do you want to do nothing?

She screamed silently in her heart.

On the surface, he looked calm. Under everyone's gaze, he accepted the royal order and officially became the crown prince of the Eli Empire.

There is an extra Dad on his head for no apparent reason.

A group of nobles:...


Your behavior of evading each other really makes us have the urge to rush up and beat you up.

You two are really not normal.

Is it really okay for the Eli Empire to fall into the hands of such an unreliable new king and crown prince?

this moment.

Their faces were full of sorrow.

There is a worry that the empire may be ruined.

Not long after.

A nobleman stood up.

He is the Duke of the West.

Grandfather of the eldest prince.

After Shen Jian completely captured the Western Territory, the twilight duke stayed in the royal city and acted as a transparent person. However, he stood up on the day when the new king succeeded to the throne, making everyone's eyes fall on him.

To congratulate His Majesty on taking office, I specially brought a group of people to give you a big gift.

The Grand Duke of the West’s voice was hoarse.

Looking at Shen Jian on the throne, his eyes were full of complexity.

His territory was robbed, his foundation was taken away, and all his subordinates were slaughtered. The power he had worked hard for decades collapsed. Back before liberation, only the title of Duke was left. Logically speaking, he should hate Shen Jiancai. right.


Game of Thrones is like that.

Either you die or I live.

Since he lost and was unwilling to die, the only thing he could do was to beg Shen Jian for forgiveness.

In this way, he may have a chance to take charge of the Western Region again.

Say it.

19 players headed by Adolf were brought up.

Just a glance.

The nobles present frowned.

Because this group of people is too weak.

Among the 19 people, only three were close to the Abyss level in terror, and the remaining 16 were all weaklings below the Ghost King level.

In this palace, even the palace maids and servants may have a higher level of terror than this group of people.

What kind of gift is this to a bunch of weaklings?

Many people think so.

Those who were eager to show off in front of the new king raised their own questions on the spot: Your Majesty, where did you find this bunch of rubbish? How can such rubbish come into His Majesty's eyes? What are your intentions?

A group of players:...


Although our terror level is not high, there is no need to yell trash every time, right?

We are intelligent talents!

The white five-star player with the ID [Adolf] took a deep breath and looked at Shen Jian, who was standing on the throne with one hand on his face and a look of amusement on his face, feeling in awe.

Don't dare to look directly.


He knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: I have met Your Majesty. The reason why our terror level is not high is because we are human beings, not ghosts.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place exploded.

Countless pairs of sinister and stern eyes fell on the 19 players for the first time.

For a while.

A terrifying and unusual supernatural threat suddenly enveloped the place.

It made many Western players feel like they were dying, their legs and feet became weak, and they originally kneeled on one knee instead of kneeling on the ground.

Don't blame them for being spineless, it's just that the threats in the hall are too terrifying.

To know.

This is the palace of the Eli Empire, and it is also the first day of the new king's succession. All the nobles from the four realms and above the marquis in the royal city gathered here.

The lowest level of terror is also the top ghost king, and a third of them are at the level of ghosts and gods.

Only having weak legs and not being frightened to pee is already a reflection of their extremely high psychological quality.

[Adolf] also turned pale, and felt that the ghosts he was driving were making frightened sounds. He hurriedly said: Your Majesty, although we are human beings, we are useful. We can improve the flintlock gun, and we can make something more powerful than the flintlock gun. A powerful supernatural weapon.

More importantly, we have brought His Majesty a way to expand the area of ​​the Eli Empire several times.

Hear this.

The ghosts still looked coldly and glanced greedily, but the supernatural threat stopped.

The land area has expanded several times, which is no joke.

If what these humans say is true, then the empire's power will enter a stage of rapid expansion, and nothing can be done carelessly.

the other side.

Hear this.

Shen Jian, who was sitting on the throne, was thoughtful and said simply, Say.

Yes, Your Majesty, you must also know that we are just a group of poor people who were forcibly sent in by the horror game, but this time is different. Among the 50 humans sent in by the horror game, one of them is from the three game areas in the southern region of the horror world. City Lord, we have calculated that the total area of ​​these three game areas is not much less than that of the Eli Empire, and the number of supernatural lands it possesses is countless.

What's more important is that there are no ghosts and gods in the horror world. Just send a ghost and god to occupy these places.

As long as Your Majesty mobilizes the power of the whole country to find this human being hiding in the dark, these unexplored treasure lands will all belong to Your Majesty.

Adolf was impassioned.

Explaining the bright future to the new king of the Eli Empire.

He believed that any new king who had just succeeded to the throne would want to make some achievements to prove his ability.

And the horror world, a wasteland with vast resources but no ghost-level power, is undoubtedly the most fertile target.

Any king who wants to expand his territory cannot resist this temptation.

In particular, kings like the Fourth Prince who captured territory through war were even more enthusiastic in this regard.

To this.

He was very confident that he could convince the new king in front of him.

Hear the words.

There was a strange look in Shen Jian's eyes, and he couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth: Oh, then do you know what this human being looks like and what characteristics he has?

This... Your Majesty, I'm sorry, that damn guy was hidden too deep and there is no trace at all, but we guess that his initial arrival place should be in the southern border. His terror level is at least at the top ghost king level. He may be able to compete with ghosts and gods. level, and his game ID is [King of Yama], we can start from this aspect and search for all clues.

Adolf suggested sincerely.

In fact.

He really didn't know much.

Apart from the game ID and knowing that the other party is from the Dragon Kingdom and the city lord of the horror world, the rest is all guesswork.

It would be extremely difficult to find such a human being based on vague clues in such a vast and deep ghost realm.


With all the strength of the empire, this is not impossible.

after all.

The fact that the other party is a human being cannot be changed.

As time goes by, the difference between ghosts and humans is still very obvious.

Not to mention that there may be some kind of special supernatural being that can distinguish human beings in the deep ghost realm.

As long as the new king believes his words and provides support, it is only a matter of time before he finds this [King of Yama].

Just thinking about it.

A new message suddenly refreshed in the chat interface.

[King Yama: I heard you are looking for me? How about looking up? 】

See this

All players were stunned.

What the hell is this guy from the Dragon Kingdom doing?

Why send a sudden message at this time?


The other party seemed to know what they were doing, and also knew that they had found the new king of the empire.

Look up?

What to see?


19 players, including Adolf, all raised their heads.

That moment.

Their pupils are shaking.

The moment he raised his head, the new king sitting on the throne had a sinister smile on his face. The expression seemed to be mocking, ridiculing, and playful.

And the top of the other person's head.

A line of game information appears.

【King of Yama. 】

[Level: Level 64. 】

at once.

All the players were struck by lightning.

I just felt a chill running straight through the sky.

Yama...King of Yama! ?

If they were not blind, at this moment, the new king of the Eli Empire would have a game ID that only the player had and could only see.

That game ID was exactly the person from the Dragon Kingdom they were looking for.

King Yama is the fourth prince and the new king!

Think of this possibility.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

A completely dull look.

His lips were trembling violently, as if it was unimaginable.

It is difficult to accept that a human being has become the master of a deep ghost realm.

He became the new king of the empire where Western players advanced in the horror world.

Doesn’t this mean that the Western world has been sanctioned?

Being grabbed by the throat directly from the source?

It’s over!

that moment.

This thought popped into the minds of all Western ghost masters.

you you……

Adolf's eyes were about to burst, and he pointed tremblingly at Shen Jian, who was looking down at them on the throne. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Because they know that everything is over.

The moment they stepped into the palace, no, the moment the fourth prince became the new king, their ending was already doomed.

Boring reaction.

Shen Jian waved his hand.

The voice of ghosts and gods sounded.

Drag him down and kill him.

A simple sentence directly pronounced the fate of 19 players.

From heaven to hell, that's all.

Do it all.

Shen Jian glanced at the game panel.

[The final hidden plot: ascending to the throne (completed)]

[The trial for the king has ended. 】

【Settlement in progress...】

[Detected number of survivors in the current copy: 4. 】

[The player's current position is detected: the new king of the Eli Empire. 】

[It is detected that the remaining players have no positions. 】

[Player [King Yama] is the only winner. 】(End of this chapter)

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