Three days later.

this day.

The atmosphere in the royal city was very lively, and long red and gold flags were hung on the streets and alleys, extending from the city gate to the palace.

Such brilliant colors are undoubtedly a different scenery in the deep ghost realm that is slightly lifeless and twilight, adding a sense of celebration.

The streets are also decorated with lights.

There was a great uproar.

So lively.

Ghosts big and small were cheering and celebrating.

Because this day is the day when the fourth prince ascends the throne.

Under normal circumstances.

The ceremony of succeeding to the throne is complicated and cumbersome. It takes at least three months from the beginning of preparations to the official conclusion, but... the new king of the empire is obviously a person who does not have much patience.

The ceremony, which was originally scheduled to take three months to officially begin, took only three days to hold.

Time is so rushed.

For an ordinary new king, this would undoubtedly be against the rules and not allowed.

after all.

The ascension of a new king is not only a matter for the king alone, but also a moment for the Eli Empire to demonstrate its strength and national status. If it is started in a hurry, it will only make the people of the empire think that the royal family has weakened to this point.

But the current new king, the former fourth prince, is an exception.

He wanted to take over the throne in three days, and no one dared to object, and no one had any objections.

Because the fourth prince not only conquered the four realms during the King Trial, but also eliminated all the princes forcefully, and became the only winner in just two years.

Known as the strongest prince in history.

It is said that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is a legendary world-destroying ghost and god.

Beings of the same level as the glorious ghosts and gods of Elim Temple.

His ascension to the throne indicates that the Eli Empire has a foundation that is not inferior to that of the Elim Temple, and finally does not have to be at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the divine authority.


Not to mention that the fourth prince just wanted to shorten the time to succeed to the throne. Even if they tried to snatch the daughter of the people, they would just treat it as invisible, and even give up their own daughter to reach the sky in one step.

In such a joyful atmosphere.

A group of more than a dozen people were walking towards the palace.

It is the Western Ghost Controller who entered the copy here.

There are 16 people in the team.

They come from the Western Territory, the Eastern Territory, and the high seas.

As for the players in the southern and northern borders, the former were all killed when the Duke of Elk sent troops to conquer the border town, while the latter only had three people left, Janna.

The total number of people added up to 19.

The five-star dungeon is still a hell mode with a team of 50 people. There are still 20 people left alive. The survival rate is not generally high. Under normal circumstances, this is simply impossible to happen.

The reason for this is simply that Adolf and his party have never walked in the dungeon.

In the early days, he relied on Adolf to play the role of the son of the steward of the Viscount's Palace, shrinking still. Later, he came into the sight of the eldest prince and was locked up in the underground of the Duke's Palace in the West to make flintlock guns.

There was no danger, so how could there be casualties.

I should have chosen the fourth prince in the first place. The timing was just right. It didn't take much effort to join the border town.

At this time.

A white player was upset.

He looked remorseful.

The other players also showed similar expressions.


Five days before the start of the dungeon, the fourth prince was still the infamous playboy, and the border town was not well-known. At this time, it would be a very simple matter to join the border town and join the fourth prince's command.


Such hindsight is useless.

Even when the fourth prince occupied Eagle City and was about to become the Lord of the Southern Territory, they still did not think that the long-dormant prince had any chance of winning.

Even if it were to happen again, their choice would not be biased towards the fourth prince.

Adolf, now that the fourth prince is about to take over, he has wiped out all the enemies and is invincible in the world. Do you think he will still pay attention to the advanced technology of the flintlock? We obviously don't have enough chips.

one player asked.

There was some concern in his tone.

The reason why they were confident that they could join the Fourth Prince's lineup was naturally due to the advanced manufacturing technology of the flintlock gun. But at that time, they did not know that the Fourth Prince could successfully rise to power in just a few days and eradicate the enemy. All roadblocks.

An empire without any rivals will have limited value no matter how much it values ​​science and technology.

This bargaining chip was obviously not enough for all of them to join the Four Princes lineup and successfully clear the dungeon.

The fourth prince became the new king. This really caught me off guard, but... one chip is not enough, so add a second one.

The white five-star player with the ID [Adolf] flashed wisdom in his eyes.

the second?

Yes, the second one is [King Yama]. He is from the Dragon Kingdom, and he is the city lord of the three game areas in the southern region of the thriller game. If these three game areas were combined into one, how much do you think they would be worth?

As soon as these words came out.

All the players were shocked.

None of them are fools.

As soon as he heard it, he knew Adolf's plan.

You want to sell the clues of [King of Yama] to the fourth prince? This is indeed feasible. That is a whole three game areas. Together they are not much smaller than the dungeon here. If occupied, the land area of ​​the Eli Empire will be expanded by one Times, if you can enter the world of horror through this, the benefits will be huge.

All the players took a deep breath.

This idea is really a little genius.

What is the difference between this and presenting a world map to Qin Shihuang who unified the six countries?

And it also comes with the latest technology.

Guaranteed the Ilai Empire’s crushing position in the war

This Adolf must have a very good brain.

No wonder others are five-star players, but they are only four-star players.

this moment.

The players are convinced.

the other side.

royal palace.

All the nobles have already gathered.

It is divided into two sides, standing in the palace hall dedicated to holding ceremonies.

Welcome the arrival of the new king.


Shen Jian stepped into the hall.

He was wearing a king's robe. Under the robe, he was wearing a black uniform with gold. The cuffs and collar were embroidered with gold threads. His long golden hair hung down, forming an excellent foil.

A crown symbolizing the king's power is worn on his head.

The golden eyes are as deep as a prison, making people just take a look at them. I dare not look directly at his appearance and bow my head.

The whole body exudes an indescribable aura.

Long live my king!

The first person to kneel down on one knee was the ghost scribe Kali Tier who had been following the fourth prince. Her eyes were full of stars, and her watery blue eyes seemed to be smiling, as if to say: Your Majesty is so handsome.

Following closely behind was Ghost Duke Siris.

Long live your Majesty!

She is the head of the Inoaden family, one of the four holy families, and one of the four holy dukes of the empire. With her status, she does not need to be the one to respond at all.

But she still did it.

Kneel down on one knee as well.

The long, gradually changing fiery red hair bounced along with the length of her body, and the scent of red roses was intoxicating.

She also looked at Shen Jian.

His eyes were full of tenderness.

It's all about Shen Jian.

Next, there are the six princesses.

She looked at Shen Jian who was walking towards him with an indifferent expression, as if she were a pervert, but she still responded.

Get down on one knee.

Long live the king!

In an instant.

Everyone also knelt down on one knee.

Long live the king!

Long live the Empire!

Long live your Majesty!

The sound of the oath was deafening, reaching into the sky.

The crowd seemed to be exploding. The salute and the long bell rang at the same time. The moment they complemented each other, it meant that the new king of the Eli Empire had officially succeeded to the throne!

A new king is born.

The whole country celebrates.

Everyone was immersed in the excitement.

A vigorous wave was set off.

Shen Jian sat on the throne.

Smiled as well.

Now, he can somewhat understand the feeling when Princess Miaolin ascended the throne and proclaimed herself emperor, becoming the empress of the generation.

Not bad indeed.

No wonder the position of the Ninth Five-Year Master can attract so many people to compete for it, and it can attract many heroes to compete for it.

Occasionally, when a fatuous king appears, a minister presents his wife, which seems quite touching.


Shen Jian noticed the expressions of the Sixth Princess.

That look of unthinking contempt and a dead-eye look simply said he is a pervert nakedly written on his face.


He chose to skip it.

Because he did forget last time.

I never expected that this short loli sixth princess could guess that he was at the Grand Prince's Castle, and sensed the movements of the castle very carefully, so that he was listened to.

But it's not a big deal.

after all.

It will always come out.

He didn't intend to hide it either.

Today, I announce something.

The king cannot have children, so the sixth princess will take over the position of the crown prince and exercise the power of supervising the country. Her orders are my orders.

Kali Tire will serve as the royal prime minister and assist the crown prince in managing the entire empire.

The head of the Hillis family is the sword of the empire, wielding the power of life and death.

Shen Jian opened his mouth.

The voices of ghosts and gods resounded.

Everyone present was shocked.

Damn it!

You are making such a fuss.

On the first day after taking the throne, did you decentralize power? !

And if you don’t have any heirs, just give birth to a child.

We can open a harem for you right now.

Why should the sixth princess become the crown prince? She is not your daughter.


The princess can't become the crown prince either.

Although there were indeed stories of princes and daughters vying for the throne in the history of the empire, in fact, the Eli Empire has never had a queen, and naturally there will be no queen.

This is the first example.

The new king decided on the spot.

This is ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

So that everyone immediately suspected that Shen Jian was out of his mind and looked at Shen Jian with a dull look that said, I'm stunned.

To be disrespectful, they even seemed to want to open Shen Jian's head to see what was going on in his mind.

Why could Wang Ling say such an outrageous thing?

His Majesty……

When a minister wanted to speak, Shen Jian glanced at him, and he was so frightened that he immediately retracted his head.

This is not something that nobles like them can manipulate at will.

The number of ghosts killed by the other party was the largest among princes and kings in the past.

It would be an understatement to say that there were numerous corpses.

If you contradict him, the consequences will be serious.

I'm informing you, not negotiating.

Shen Jian made a faint sound.

Then he looked at the Sixth Princess, raised his brows, and raised his eyes, as if to say: Remember what I said before, don't come out and call daddy yet.

Sixth Princess:...

this time.

She really couldn't handle it anymore.

The reason why you let me take over the position of crown prince is because you want to take advantage of me in terms of title?

You are the king, and the crown prince is usually the heir of the king, so you are my father?

For a while.

She is messy.

There should be a limit to your nonsense!


When did I say that I was willing to take over this position?

This is compulsion.

I'm not convinced.

Never call me daddy. (End of chapter)

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