Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 885 If it’s not green now, then when will it be better?

This night.

Many people are destined to suffer from insomnia.

This was the case for the eldest prince and his party who were swallowed into the unknown shadow land.

This is what happened to all the nobles in the royal city.

The same is true for the four holy families.

After learning that the fourth prince had successfully ascended to the throne and became the new king of the Eli Empire, the whole city was in an uproar and spontaneously gathered at the palace.

Everyone wanted to see this legendary king as soon as possible.


Waited for a long time.

There was no movement from the direction of the palace.

Ghost Duke Siris asked doubtfully: Tyr, do you know where he went?

Kali Till was equally confused.

They were the first group to gather at the entrance of the palace. If the situation had not permitted them, they would have followed.

But now.

Although he had received the supernatural message that the fourth prince had become the new king, he never saw the new king appear, as if nothing had happened.

The six princesses also stood in the crowd.

Under the dark night.

Her golden eyes were shining brightly, and her little face was full of calm.

But if you look carefully, you can still find some emotion hidden in this calmness.

Who would have thought that in the end, the person who would eventually become the new king of the empire would be the fourth brother who was known as the Prince of Waste in the past. Such a dramatic result made her feel a little bit different. .


The fourth brother succeeded in taking the position and deserved it.

Especially those who have experienced the arrival of the Bone Bodhisattva, they feel that if the four princes cannot sit on this throne, it is even less possible for the other princes and daughters to sit on it.

Nothing else.

The advantages are too great and too obvious.

A crushing ending has been formed.

If he does not become king, then the Eli Empire will have no king.

At this time.

Kali Tier muttered: Not only is His Highness not here, but the woman doesn't seem to be here either.

The Sixth Princess was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

This should refer to her sister-in-law Ainiya.

She really didn't know much about the relationship between her fourth brother and her sister-in-law, but she was good at observing, especially micro-expressions.

In her opinion, the relationship between the fourth brother and the sister-in-law is not simple. Although it seems that there is no real progress, she can clearly see a certain degree of entanglement, conflict and fear in the eyes of the sister-in-law. The other party looks at the fourth brother. His eyes were also full of complexity.

If there was no ambiguity in this, she wouldn't believe it even to death.

And now.

The fourth brother is not here, and neither is the sister-in-law.


She thought of something.

His face stiffened slightly, and his expressionless face became as stiff as a corpse at this moment.

No way.

This is impossible.

No matter how ridiculous the fourth brother is, the sister-in-law does not dare to risk the disapproval of the world. She must be overthinking.

Think about it.

She backed out carefully.

That's enough, Your Majesty, we can't make the same mistake again and again.

The eldest princess turned her head away.

His face was crimson and his breathing was unstoppable.

I just felt a fire burning in my chest.

But she still maintained her dignity as the eldest princess and the fourth prince's sister-in-law.

Your Majesty, it is really wrong for us to do this. You are now the new king of the empire, and I am your sister-in-law and the wife of your elder brother. Even if he is unkind and unjust, it is not the reason for us to do this.

She tilted her head, not daring to look into Shen Jian's eyes, and put her delicate hand on Shen Jian's chest to prevent the two from getting too close.

Little did I know.

Her words and contradictions were the important factors that contributed to Shen Jian's desire to conquer.

Sister-in-law, if a man like this is not green now, when will he be better? He can send you out and let other men take advantage of you. Today it is me, maybe tomorrow it will be someone else. You have lived according to the rules for so long, is it possible? Have you never wanted to break through this restraint?

Shen Jian opened his mouth.

The eyes are sincere and affectionate.

In general.

He doesn't overdo it, but knows when to stop.

But things are different today.

If I don't get into the heart of this good sister-in-law now, I will have no chance in the future.

To know.

Once people are given time to weigh the pros and cons, the level of confusion will only skyrocket.


What prompted Shen Jian's action was his already extremely high favorability.

【Princess Ainiya】

[Current status: Shy, panic, conflict, lust. 】

[Favorability: 84 (Intimate)]

84 points of favorability, this is the limit of favorability he finally reached after a chat over tea.

In the intimacy stage, we have entered the passionate love stage of a normal couple.

If you want to improve after that, it will take time.

At this stage, there is a trick, which is intimacy, which requires physical contact and couple affairs.

Hear this.

The princess's eyes flashed.

In his emerald-like emerald eyes, there was deep hatred and disgust, as well as the urge to take revenge.

Shen Jian seized the opportunity.

Forcibly turning the head of this good sister-in-law, Shen Jian faced each other and said word by word: Sister-in-law, I want to take care of you. This may be my only chance. I don't want to give up.

To tell the truth... the princess' eyes dodge: You are the new king of the current empire, and I am the recognized princess. There will be no results between us. Once it is exposed, your reputation will be bad, unless you want to I became shady.”

Then I will give up this position.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

For me, this position is not as important as yours.

This is the truth.

Shen Jian did not use ghosts and gods to cover up.

to him.

Whether it is the throne of the Qing Kingdom or the throne of the Yi Lai Empire, their importance is not high.

It's something that can be thrown away at any time.

after all.

He is already the master of Luo Fengtian.

No matter how great the emperor is, he still ranks under the way of heaven.


The princess didn't know this.

All she knew was that the man in front of her regarded her as a treasure and wanted to be with her even if he abandoned the throne.

In comparison, her husband is a complete beast.

Maybe... I should seize the happiness in front of me.

As soon as this idea came up.

The eldest princess struggled less.

There was some complexity in his eyes.

If you betray me, I will commit suicide.

She lightly bit Shen Jian's neck.

A faint bite mark was left on the neck.

It turned into a supernatural mark.

This is a curse.

Once Shen Jian changes her mind, the supernatural power will make her freeze on the spot.

No one can be saved.

She had never used this curse on anyone, which did more harm than good.

But when it comes to Shen Jianjian, she is willing to take a gamble.

The next second.

Before she could react.

Shen Jian had already hugged her.

He placed it on the bed next door like a treasure.

Her hair was spread out, falling on the soft sheets.

In front of him was Shen Jian, who was looking down at him with fiery eyes like a hungry wolf.

Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful.

Shen Jian approached step by step.

The eldest princess couldn't help but curl up her toes.

Their legs were intertwined and their necks were intertwined.

The lips were also intertwined not to be outdone.

The originally neat quilt was rolled up into chaos.

the other side.

The six princesses quietly came to the castle where the eldest prince was.

At that time.

The news that the fourth prince became the new king has already spread.

The news of the eldest prince's defeat also spread throughout the royal city early in the morning.

There is no one left here except some maids and attendants who don’t want to do it.

Naturally, the whereabouts of the six princesses could not be found.

Just when she was using her psychic powers to sense the situation in the castle, a cry mixed with a bit of pain came to her ears.

This stopped her immediately.

There was a bit of disbelief in the originally calm heart.

He also made an indecent act of swallowing saliva.

This undoubtedly the sister-in-law.

Not long ago.

The eldest brother failed in the fight, and the second brother and the third prince's sister were taken over by the fourth brother, making it impossible for them to return to their castle.

What's more, at this time, she didn't believe that Brother Wang still had such thoughts.

That is to say.

There is someone else here who is just trying to get along with my sister-in-law.

at once.

A figure appeared in her mind.

Brother Siwang.

this time.

She was really shocked.

He wanted to speak, but when the words reached his lips, he took them back.

next moment.

She sighed.

He regained his previous calmness, rolled his dead fish eyes, and laid a layer of ghostland over this place.

Brother, you are indeed a pervert.


She turned and left.

The next day.

The sun is just right.

Shen Jian opened his eyes

What he saw was the princess who pulled out a piece of his hair and tickled his face.

The head was still resting on his arm.

Sister-in-law, provoking a man like this is not a wise choice.

Shen Jian turned over.

Suppress this good sister-in-law.

His eyes wandered around.

It's as if you are admiring some beautiful scenery that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Your Majesty, don't forget, you have more important things to do today.

The eldest princess blushed and pushed Shen Jian away.

Stroking Shen Jian's rolling Adam's apple, she left her own supernatural curse on it.

Put your life entirely on the other person not to change their mind.

This is a stupid thing to do.

But she just wanted to give it a try.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

I wish I could push this beautiful sister-in-law down again and ask her to beg for mercy.


He does have something else going on.

Shen Jian turned his eyes.

The chat interface appears.

[Jana: Your Highness, no, congratulations, Your Majesty. I have something to report to you. 】

[Janna: A group of players led by Adolf have arrived in the royal city, and they seem to be preparing to find an opportunity to approach you. They want to take advantage of the deadline for the settlement of the instance to join your lineup and complete the mission. 】

[Jana: I think you don’t want these people alive. 】

Saw these messages.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

Joining his squad was something he really wasn't expecting.

It was clear that the enemy these Western ghost masters were looking for was him, but they still wanted to join his lineup without knowing it.

There is a sense of absurd art.

He wanted to know what the expressions of this group of people would look like after learning the truth.

It should be pretty good.

[King Yama: What? You seem to have a Western lineup too, so you can’t wait to let them die? 】

[Jana: Yes, once they die and I become a five-star player through this mission, my status in the Holy See can be improved by more than one level. I can also get more specific information about the plans of the twelve main gods of the West. . 】

[Janna: Your Majesty, I hope you will give me a chance. I want to serve you. 】

[Janna: You are the hope of mankind. 】(End of this chapter)

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