About...my husband?

The eldest princess Ainiya looked suspicious and looked at Shen Jian with some confusion.

She guessed that what happened when the fourth prince took away his husband and the second prince, and when the third prince and daughter went to the palace, but... what does this kind of royal secret have to do with her?

Sister-in-law, do you think Brother Wang has trusted you?

Shen Jian's words immediately made her frown.

If it were anyone else, she would have been displeased by this time and would have driven him away.

after all.

In her opinion, this was a clear attempt to drive a wedge between the couple, to criticize her, to arouse her emotions and make trouble for the eldest prince, making him tired of troubles.


The person who said this was Shen Jian, the fourth prince who was willing to protect her silently, even if she got married, and had no regrets. He just wanted her to be happy. His words made the princess instantly recall all the past in her mind. .


She pursed her lips and nodded, Of course he trusts me. I am taking care of the castle where I live now and most of the properties in his territory. Isn't this trust?

Shen Jian was noncommittal.

He smiled mysteriously.

He opened his mouth and said, You are outside, come in.

The eldest princess was stunned.

The female knight had already walked in with an embarrassed look on her face.

She lived in the side hall, and she had actually noticed it when the two of them were talking, but she didn't expect that the doggy man actually pushed her out.

Although she had been mentally prepared, at this moment, she could not help but dodge, scratching her head from time to time with a sneer on her face.

You come and tell my sister-in-law what your mission is.

Shen Jian shrugged.

Well...actually...I think...that... The female knight gave Shen Jian a hard look, her look clearly showing anger.

Don't talk nonsense, otherwise you will suffer a lot.

Shen Jian had something to say.

The female knight wanted to cry but had no tears left.

She now feels that there is nothing wrong with suffering a little.

After eating too much, I don’t seem to feel the bitterness anymore, and I can drink the bitter water.

Well, the eldest prince sent me to you so that I can monitor you and record whether you have used your selfish motives and used his power to benefit the Belkia family for personal gain. If necessary, I need to collect evidence.

When you went to the south, the eldest prince also ordered me to monitor your every move, and told me not to let the fourth prince get close to you. The same goes if other men get close.

The female knight finished speaking in one breath.

He lowered his head in shame.

To be honest, the eldest princess has always been very good to her. Although she always felt that Ainiya had robbed her of the princess' position and had a very cold attitude towards the princess, she had always treated her with courtesy and never felt indebted.

On the contrary, she didn't like him at all times.

After listening.

The eldest princess Ainiya was struck by lightning.

Pupils contract violently.

She took a step forward and stopped, her emerald-like emerald eyes bloomed with a dazzling halo at this moment, and then her face turned pale.

The truth...

There are no more sincere words than those under her supernatural control.

What the female knight said is all true.

This made it impossible for her to deceive herself even if she wanted to.



Aren't they a couple?

Aren't they married to his matchmaker, and they were married under the witness and blessing of the entire royal city?

If she doesn't even have this bit of trust, and needs to have an undercover agent by her side at all times to feel at ease, then why did she make the oath of eternal love in the first place? Why are you chasing her? Isn't it good to tell her directly that it is a family marriage and there is no emotion between the two?

Sister-in-law, I'm sorry. I really didn't expect that Brother Wang would be such a person. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have done this. I will pull her away now.

at this time.

Shen Jian seemed to be an afterthought.

His face was full of guilt.

He immediately pulled the female knight out of the room.

Female Knight:......

You are a bitch, but you are willing to go to great lengths to covet your sister-in-law.

After hearing this Green Tea speech, I had to give a thumbs up and call you my good sister.

What a bitch.

You are now the new king of the Eli Empire, can you please be more restrained?

She looked at Shen Jian angrily again.

He lowered his voice and said, Dog... Your Majesty, you are too immoral.

Shen Jian glanced at her, and where the princess couldn't see it, he hit the erect part with his big hand, and said in a seductive tone: Be cooperative, aren't you jealous of the princess? You don't want to ravage this princess's body in person one day. , press her down?

Female Knight:? ? ?

This sentence.

It really confused her.

It took a while to react.

The ghost's eyes turned into vertical pupils in shock.

He looked at the man in front of him with a stuttering expression.

Does this newly appointed King of the Eli Empire, this bitch, want to play with the two of them?

If this was the case, she could really ravage the princess and pin her down.


Aren't you the one who will ultimately benefit from this?

Your calculations are too loud.

It made me think you were really good for me.


After suffering, I still have to eat fresh mushroom soup.

That's what I thought.


A shout sounded.


The eldest princess seemed to have reacted and called out to the two people who had already opened the door.

A pretty face was completely pale: If there is anything else, tell me everything. I want to know whether he treats me with true love or a pretense.

This time.

There was no need for Shen Jian to take the initiative to speak.

The female knight has handed over the human skin paper.

Then she retreated to a position an inch in front of Shen Xiang, and allowed this bitch man to put his hands behind her. She found that she quite enjoyed this taboo-like desire to be watched.

the other side.

The eldest princess took the human skin paper, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

But I was quickly attracted by the content above.

[eldest prince: There is an emergency in the manufacturing of flintlock guns. I need you to do something now. Tell the princess to let her seduce my fourth brother. My fourth brother's nature is hard to change and he cannot resist. When the time comes, Just ask the princess to suggest taking her to the core place where flintlocks are made and find out the key. 】

[Female Knight: Your Highness, this is not good, she is the princess after all. 】

[Eldest Prince: It’s okay, just go ahead and say it. Whether it’s for me or her family, she will be willing to explain it to you if you can. Just say that I won’t dislike her. 】

Shen Jian looked at it.

His eyes flashed slightly.

He did not modify any of these contents.

All are the most authentic communication records.


He deleted some of the previous flirtatious remarks.

In this way, the female knight is just an undercover spy on the princess, not her former love rival. This way, the acceptance will be higher in the future.

He believes it.

The eldest prince probably never thought that the content of this chat would be seen by the person involved.

It is precisely because of this that after reading it, the color on the princess's face was gone.

She had a cold face.

Resentment kept coming out.

Let her seduce other men and say you won't dislike her?

What right does he have to despise himself?

How can there be any reason in this world for a husband to let his wife seduce other men?


She felt guilty towards her husband.

after all.

She was not firm in her position. Although she was already a married woman, she still developed a crush on the fourth prince and even developed a lip-to-mouth friendship.

but now……

The shame is gone.

What replaced it was deep hatred.

How could a man make her feel so disgusting.

He is simply unworthy of being a husband.

It's not worth it to help people like this.

this moment.

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness and confusion.

My legs and feet went weak.

He just fell to the ground.


at this time.

Shen Jian moved his steps.

Crossing a hundred meters in one step, he directly supported this good sister-in-law and leaned into his arms.


Wen Yu is in her arms.

The proud capital was pressed against his chest, and his plump and passionate body was hugged directly by him.

The breath is filled with a unique fragrance.

Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Brother Wang, but... he went too far. I think you should have the right to know about this matter.

Shen Jian continues to export green tea culture

Be soothed.

at this time.

Being hugged by this broad chest, the eldest princess Ainiya's delicate body also stiffened slightly.

But she only struggled symbolically, not violently.

on the contrary.

This alluring body struggled and rubbed in Shen Jian's arms, making him boil on fire.

at once.

The eldest princess noticed it.

Finally he hurriedly planned to get up.

But this time.

She didn't succeed.

Because just when she was about to leave, Shen Jian pulled her back again.

This made the eldest princess blush even more.

Even more nervous.

It made her body feel angry.

I just feel regretful.

She regretted that she had chosen the wrong lover and that she had not met Shen Jian earlier. Otherwise, she would definitely not be like this now.

What are you doing?

The princess was breathing rapidly.

Sister-in-law, I have said before that if Brother Wang does anything to make you unhappy or makes you sad, then I will do whatever it takes to get you back from him.

He doesn't know how to cherish you, sister-in-law, but there are people who do.

Shen Jian's eyes are deep and his whole person is affectionate.

Eyes facing each other.

The eldest princess could clearly see that the eyes of the brother-in-law in front of her, who had an abnormal reaction because of her, were full of fire.

The heat seemed to melt her.

Ever since.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly and she slowly closed her eyes.

The female knight saw this.

His eyes were brightened by more than one degree.

He hurriedly encouraged Shen Jian: Your Majesty, what are you waiting for? Come on quickly.

Shen Jian:......

He looked at the female knight with an incomprehensible expression.

The look in his eyes seemed to say: If we don’t go out, we’ll just have a threesome.


The female knight ignored his gesture.

She was also prepared to see the princess's precious moments with her own eyes.

How could he be willing to go out?

Shen Jian glanced at her again.

Behind him, shadows swam.

Swallow the other person.

at the same time.

The eldest princess was also shocked.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

There was a blush and shame on her face that couldn't be overcome.

She almost forgot that there was a third person in the room.

If this really happened, she would be embarrassed to see anyone.

Your Majesty, I...


The words have not yet finished.

The lips are blocked.

Don't worry, it's just the two of us here now.

Shen Jian kissed him.

Regardless of the struggles of this good sister-in-law.

the other side.

The female knight who was swallowed into the shadow was furious.

Dog man.

When she is needed, she cooperates in every way, but when she is not needed, she is not even shown the drama.

Just thinking about it.

She realized she had landed.

Entering a caged place full of shadows.

it's here.

She saw the eldest prince, the second prince, the third princess, and the old king.

Four people were imprisoned here.

When the eldest prince saw the person coming, his expression immediately changed.

Aren't you following the princess closely? Why were you swallowed in? Where is the princess?

The female knight pouted.

Probably... I'm studying my specialties with His Majesty. (End of Chapter)

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