[Final branch mission: ascend to the throne. 】

【Turned on. 】

Look away.

Shen Jian's lips curled up.

The final branch task, it seems that this is the limit of the copy here.

The main task of this copy is to continuously climb up during the King Trial. The thriller game will calculate rewards based on the player's final position. The higher the status, the better the rewards will naturally be.

This model is the same as the Nanjiang District Championship he once participated in.

Extremely high degree of freedom.

There is no need to worry about being restricted by horror games and attracting the covetousness of evil spirits outside the safe zone.

Landing on the throne is a personal branch exclusive to him.

The basis is his initial identity.

If he were to be someone other than a prince, the final hidden plot would be to become a duke of the empire.

It's so difficult that it's not even a six-star mission, let alone a five-star main mission, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's a seven-star mission.

Even more.

after all.

The player's personal size cannot be compared with Luo Fengtian's final judgment level.

To complete this task, the player's game level must be above level 100.

The level of terror must be at least comparable to that of a real ghost or god before it can be completed.


For human players, it's almost impossible to do.

Because the upper limit of a ghost master is right there.

The level of ghosts and gods is already equivalent to the city god in charge of a small area. Without the method of cultivation and purely relying on external objects to increase strength, it is impossible for humans to advance to the level of ghosts and gods.

In other words.

Players may never receive missions with difficulty levels above seven stars.

Shen Jian shook his head.

This is the limitation of the times.

In this era of strange resurgence and rampant terror, he is destined to be the only true god. He is the first and only one in the world who is the only one with his own laws.

Think of this.

Shen Jian thought of something again.

The underworld has been revived and rebuilt, but what about the heaven in the mythical age and the gods and Buddhas in the sky?

Like Emperor Fengdu, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, and Yama of the Ten Palaces, who disappeared between heaven and earth for some reason? Or is it also waiting for recovery?


Shen Jian calmed down his racing thoughts.

Entering the Duke's Mansion in the south.

Your Highness.

A cold voice filled with anxiety, worry, and some complexity sounded out.

Shen Jian looked around.

At the entrance of the Duke's Palace.

The eldest princess Ainiya stood there.

Wearing a brown silk dress, she stood swaying in the wind, reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ears.

Such a scene is like the most exquisite artistic photo, which makes people unable to help but take pictures and keep them.

A flash of surprise flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

No matter how many times I see her, the charm of this good sister-in-law is unmatched by other women.

Sister-in-law, I'm very happy that you are finally willing to see me.

Shen Jian smiled very warmly.

A loyal and tragic male duo who says As long as you are willing to look back at me, I will always be there.

In other words, the dog-licking character.


He didn't mind doing it as long as he could lick deeper.

Licking the dog to the end, that's all.


Seeing Shen Jian's affectionate look, the princess swallowed back the words she blurted out, her eyes began to dodge a little, her lips bit slightly, and she subconsciously became a little panicked, not daring to look directly into the man's fiery gaze.

If they had a pure friendship before and she could have a clear conscience, then...she and Shen Jian already had a lip-to-mouth friendship, and it was no longer innocent.

She was not unaware of this ambiguity.

I am also worried that I will make a mistake.

Because of this, she wanted to leave the South Territory.

In her opinion, as long as she leaves, the fourth prince will forget her sooner or later and meet a woman he likes again.


Plans cannot keep up with changes.

She was distraught.

But he still held on and asked his question.

Your Highness, I have received information that you have recovered the Western Territory? Then...where is my husband? How is he?

The eldest princess pursed her lips and said.

Although she had known that her husband was no match for the fourth prince in front of her, she never expected that the Western Territory would fall so quickly.


The ghost secretary Kali Tier who came back with Shen Jian curled his lips and looked at the princess in front of him with some hostility, who was more charming than her. He said unhappily: The ending of the prince is naturally not much better. He It is really despicable to join forces with the three princesses and an army of 100,000 evil spirits to attack His Highness alone.


The eldest princess was shocked.

His palms trembled.

An army of 100,000 evil spirits attacking one person?

Just by thinking about it, she knew how dangerous the situation was.

That is basically a situation of ten deaths and no life.

And now...

If the fourth prince returns intact, then her husband will inevitably face the wrath of the fourth prince's thunder.

Even if it were to be cut by hand, it would not be an exaggeration.

after all.

It was her husband who did not think about brotherly love.


She grabbed Shen Jian's hand, as if she was afraid of learning the unbearable truth from Shen Jian's mouth.

After all, he was still her husband.

Everything between him and the fourth prince was just a ridiculous involuntary incident.

See this.

Shen Jian skillfully put his other hand on his sister-in-law's soft, cold little hands, and said in a slightly ambiguous tone: Sister-in-law, given our relationship, do you think I can be cruel? I don't want to see it either. It makes you sad.


Kali Tire once again became a compliment: Your Highness, I think you will regret it. Even if you don't kill them, you should imprison and restrain them. Otherwise, if they return to the royal city, they will find a way to cause you trouble. of.

It's okay. It's nothing more than causing trouble for me, slandering my reputation, or secretly colluding with other royal nobles to prevent me from ascending to the throne. I don't mind.

On the surface, Shen Jian stopped the aristocratic lady from continuing and acted calmly, but he secretly talked about the serious consequences of letting the eldest prince go.

as expected.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Shen Jian could clearly feel that the hand that Princess Ainiya had originally planned to pull out suddenly paused and subconsciously clenched her fist.

His expression became even more complicated.

Shen Jian watched with a smile. Judging from his experience of seeing so many female ghosts, the good sister-in-law's inner thoughts at this time should be: He has sacrificed so much for me.

Thank you. I can ask the Belchia family to fully support Your Highness in your ascension to the throne and help you resist all rumors.

There was silence for a long time.

The eldest princess finally spoke.

Sister-in-law, don't take it to heart. This is of my own free will. You don't need to feel pressure. Besides, if you really want to thank me, I have a better way.

Shen Jian said with a smile.

any solution?

Of course it's a physical...method. For example, don't hide from me in the future. We are innocent and have a clear conscience. Why bother worrying about what others think.

Shen Jian almost couldn't hold it back, but he came back in a serious manner.


She looked at the brother-in-law in front of her slightly speechlessly.


Are you sure this is an innocent relationship between us?

To give birth to five innocent children is to have twins with a clear conscience, right?

Don't you feel any guilt at all?

No matter what, you are trying to pry into your elder brother's corner.

If this was a clear conscience, then there would be no lies in the world.

For a while.

The eldest princess choked a little.

I don’t know how Shen Jian dared to say this.

But when I thought that the fourth prince knew what letting her husband go meant, but still chose to let her go and let him return to the royal city, this feeling was too great.

It was so big that she couldn't refuse Shen Jian's request.


She nodded.

Okay, I understand. I won't hide from you in the future, nor will I deliberately avoid your presence, because between us... we are innocent and have a clear conscience.

On the last two sentences, Princess Ainiya emphasized her tone.

It was as if he was cheering himself up and strengthening his belief.

Sister-in-law, you are so kind.

Shen Jian smiled brightly.

He grabbed the princess's right hand and kissed the back of it gently.

The eldest princess Ainiya suppressed the shyness in her heart, pursed her lips, and gave Shen Jian a sweet and angry look.

Although this was just a common hand kiss among upper-class nobles, she had never been kissed like this by a man since she entered the social world, not even by her husband.

Shen Jian was the first man to put a kiss on her hand.

very special.

It made her feel like a deer bumping into each other.

And deep down in her heart that she didn't want to admit, she didn't resist Shen Jian's behavior at all, and even thought it was a bit sweet.

at this point.

She never dared to admit it.

I can only suppress it blindly.

the other side.


The eldest prince, who had been sleeping for three days, suddenly revived. His thoughts suddenly returned and he sat up. His extraordinary face was full of frustration and unwillingness.

He lost.

He was even stunned on the spot.

It can be said that he was a complete failure and was humiliated at his grandma's house.

What he couldn't accept the most was that he could no longer pose even the slightest threat to the fourth brother.

As the eldest prince, he did run a force in the royal city, but after he returned in defeat, how many people in this force were willing to stand on the same line as him?

almost none.

after all.

Who in the entire Kingdom and Continent does not know that the fourth prince has unified the four realms and is the strongest prince in history. Once he succeeds to the throne in the future, he will be the great king who realizes the unification of the Eli Empire.

In this case, who would dare to stand with him?

I'm afraid even the Four Holy Families themselves have to weigh it up.

Brother, you have recovered.

Just thinking about it.

A sinister voice sounded in his ears.

The eldest prince was stunned.

Turn around and take a look.

I saw two people standing beside his bed.

They are the second brother and the third sister.

Both of them were also losers in the King Trial.

Now, they are gathered together in his palace.

You... want to deal with him?

After just being stunned for a moment, the eldest prince reacted.

Besides his fourth brother, who else could make the other princes and princesses come together spontaneously?

What are your ideas?

No hesitation.

He immediately expressed his position.

The second prince smiled sinisterly: Originally, there was no such thing. He pretended to be too good. Whether it is strength or his own power, he is not something we can deal with now, but he has exposed his biggest weakness.

That is the identity of the Holy Son of Elim Temple.

No matter whether this identity is true or false, my father and even the royal family will not allow a prince who relies on divine authority to inherit the throne. Otherwise, a hundred years later, no one knows whether this kingdom will be ruled by divine authority or royal authority. No one wants to take the risk.”

The third princess also gritted her teeth and said in disgust: It doesn't matter if it's fake, we can make it real. If he is stupid enough to expose this weakness, he should have thought that this weakness will make him farther and farther away from the throne.

After listening.

The eldest prince's expression also turned grim: In that case, let's nail him to the Elim Temple on the day he returns to the royal city.

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