Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 873 Player: We want to join the Four Princes lineup

There were no surprises in the return of the Western Territory.

In just three days, Shen Jian swept away all obstacles, truly suppressed the territory with the most fierce resistance, and became the lord of the Western Territory.

At that time.

The news of the defeat of the eldest prince and the surrender of the three princesses spread throughout the kingdom.

The whole country was in an uproar.

Everyone was shocked.

Although they were mentally prepared, they still felt incredible when the fourth prince actually did all this.

The first strongest heir in history to unify the four realms and eliminate all the princes, princesses and daughters during the King's Trial appeared.

His achievements are unprecedented and unprecedented.

The only one for the whole world.

Created a generation of miracles.

Everyone knows that once the fourth prince succeeds to the throne, he will be the greatest king in the history of the Eli Empire. His power will rival that of the founding emperor. In his hands, the territory will reach its most glorious moment.

The people of the kingdom are prosperous.


The cheers reached their peak when they heard that the fourth prince had defeated all the heirs, ended the trial for kingship ahead of time, and was about to return to the royal city.

All the ghosts were looking forward to this great king's first appearance back in the royal city.

It was definitely a highly anticipated moment.

Destined to cause an orgy.

And at this boiling time.

The underground of the Duke's Mansion in the West.

All the players were sitting on pins and needles, all looking haggard.

How many days has it been?

Nearly six days have passed since the eldest prince issued the biggest ultimatum, and the white five-star player with the ID [Adolf] came to give his advice.

Logically speaking, regardless of failure or success, it’s time for the eldest prince to pay a visit.

But in fact, they waited for six days and still didn't see anyone.

It's like being isolated from the world.

Not a single bit of outside intelligence was collected.

Live with the anxiety of approaching death every day.

If this continues, it won't be long before their psychological defenses collapse.

Adolf, what's your idea? Why is there no movement outside? Brother

The black five-star player with the ID [Sam] couldn't help but ask again.

[Adolf] frowned and had some doubts in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm and said: Why are you anxious? No news is good news. Otherwise, we should have gone to hell a few days ago. Now the longer it takes, , the more beneficial it is to us, which shows that it is difficult for the fourth prince to be penetrated, and maybe in the end, the eldest prince will choose us to be undercover.

While talking.

He recalled the conversation with the eldest prince at that time.

When he made it clear that the manufacturing process of the flintlock gun was missing the most important link and could only be obtained in the Fourth Prince's camp, the eldest prince burst out with the terrifying aura belonging to the top ghost king and wanted to kill him directly.

If it weren't for the supernatural props that raised the eldest prince's favorability to more than 60 points, he would have died long ago.

Even if he succeeds, the eldest prince still doesn't have high trust in him, but he mentioned that the people he trusts are with the fourth prince. He can think of a way, but if he fails, all the players in his group will die.

That's all he knew.

As for who this so-called trusted person is, he doesn't know.

Whether it was a success or a failure, he didn't know.

But as he said, the eldest prince has not come yet, which is good news.

At this time.

He suddenly thought that he was not without sources of information.


He opened the chat interface.

After seeing that the game account with the ID [Jana] was not extinguished, I breathed a sigh of relief.

[Adolf: @Janna, Princess Janna, how are you doing over there? We are trying our best to persuade the eldest prince to send troops to the north to retrieve you. Now we need outside intelligence to analyze the situation. 】

See this.

The attention of all the players was attracted, and all of them had different expressions.

Good on you Adolf.

A little expert at painting cakes.

Lies come out of your mouth without any shame.

Worthy of being a five-star player.

[Jana: Huh? You have no external intelligence channels, so no wonder I haven’t seen any movement from you. 】

[Adolf: What do you mean? 】

[Janna: His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has unified the four realms, eliminated all the royal heirs, and became the only winner. The eldest prince you are loyal to was brought back to the royal city in despair three days ago, and the Western Region has also It has fallen into the hands of the fourth prince. 】

A light sentence, in the eyes of other players, is nothing less than a storm.

The shock shocked their scalps.


Damn it, the Fourth Prince has already won?

What a joke.

It has only been less than a month since we entered this five-star dungeon.

Now tell us, the trial for the king is basically over, and the fourth prince has become the final winner?

It's noisy.

The Flash is not that fast.

at this time.

All the players who were squatting at home stared with their eyes wide open, almost bulging out of their eyes.

I felt a bit ridiculous inside.

Isn't this five-star dungeon just a matter of looking at the right lineup and choosing the right lineup to win?

They thought that if they chose the Fourth Prince lineup from the beginning, even if they did nothing, they could lie down and pass the dungeon comfortably?

The thought of this possibility.

Their mouths twitched wildly.

It's so cute, I told you earlier.

As a result, they were looking for people, looking for backers, and forging weapons. In the end, nothing was done, and the copy was about to end.

So what does all they do count?

Playing house?

[Adolf: How do you know? Aren’t you already in danger of protecting yourselves? 】

[Janna: The North has been liberated, and it has also fallen into the hands of the fourth prince. The evil spirits that ravaged the North and their source, the Grand Duke of the North, have also been killed. My side is now free. 】

[Janna: Oh, yes, the fourth prince is very nice. He also lets us live in the Duke's Palace in the North. We live like rice bugs every day. It's really annoying. 】



Their eyes became even weirder.

Damn it!

Is this showing off?

This is definitely showing off.

In other words, while they were still worried about when the eldest prince would kill them, the Princess Janna had already lived a stable life in the north.

Compared with the other party, their lives are simply worse than those of social animals.

If the performance cannot be achieved, the boss is really a person who knows how to do it, or he is the kind of person who is involved in the nine tribes, one person, all of them.

[Adolf: Do you know the Fourth Prince? Can you tell me, we also want to join the Four Princes lineup. 】


Janna, who was far away in the Duke's Mansion in the North, was lying on the sofa. When she saw this news, her eyes became strange.

Joining the Four Princes lineup is quite cool.

It's like lighting a lantern in the toilet and seeking death.

It's no different than throwing yourself into a trap.

If this group of people knew that the fourth prince they were talking about was the ghost controller of the Dragon Kingdom who they clamored to show up and kill quickly, they would not know how wonderful their expressions would be.

That scene must be unforgettable for the rest of my life.


She didn't take matters into her own hands.

After all, Shen Jian's attitude towards her was also full of uncertainty.

She felt that if she had not known the plan of the twelve main gods of the West, she might have ended up not much better.

What should we do? She doesn't seem to be willing to let us join the Fourth Prince lineup.

Seeing that Princess Jana did not respond, all the players became anxious on the spot.

Gritting teeth.

They took this as a sign that the other party was unwilling.

But think about it.

They were a group of people, and there were three five-star players among them. Once they all joined the Four Princes lineup, her status would be in jeopardy.

In this case, how could the other party recommend them to the Fourth Prince.

The white five-star player with the ID [Adolf] looked cold: When she told this information, she had already lost. I'm afraid she would never have thought that she and others were underground at the Duke's Palace in the West. Since The Western Territory has been occupied, which means that all the people in the Duke's Palace belong to the Fourth Prince. It is too easy for us to see the Fourth Prince.

Hear this.

The other players also sneered.

Disdainful of Janna's behavior.


They are now underground in the Duke's Palace. The reason why they cannot go out is just because the eldest prince gave an order not to let them step out of the forging room. Now that the eldest prince has failed and the Duke's Palace has been occupied again, they will not die even if they go out. .

Then I'm still afraid of getting caught.


A group of players pushed open the door to the forging room and walked out.

The purpose, naturally, is to join the Four Princes lineup through referrals.

at the same time.

Shen Jian returned to the southern border first.

Just stepped in.

The scarlet panel flashed.

[Branch Task 4: Unify the Southern Territory (Completed)]

[Task requirement: Cover 90% of the southern territory with reputation. 】

[Completion standard: 100%. 】

[It has been detected that the player has overcompleted the task, the Dungeon Terminator title effect has been triggered, and the reward has been issued. 】

[Reward for destroying the plot: initial favorability +20. 】

[Current favorability: 60 (Southern Territory)]

Shen Jian glanced at it.

Somewhat disgusted.

There are times when this thriller really isn't very smart.

He has unified the four realms, and only then did Thriller Game give him the initial reward.

Just thinking about it.

New panel prompts flashed before him.

[It has been detected that the player has overcompleted the branch task and a new branch has been opened. 】

[Branch mission five: Unify the Eastern Territory. 】


[It is detected that the Lord of the Eastern Realm is a player, and the task is automatically completed. 】

[Reward: Initial favorability +20. 】

[Scope of application: Eastern Territory. 】

[The next stage branch has been opened. 】

[Branch Task 6: Unify the Northern Territory. 】


[The Lord of the North is detected as a player. 】

[Under testing again...]

[It has been detected that the player is the Lord of the West. 】


[It is detected that the player has unified the four realms. 】

[Branch task six, branch task seven, and branch task eight have been completed actively. 】

[Reward: Initial favorability +20 (all over the Eli Empire)]

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

The +20 favorability point applies to the whole territory. In this way, his favorability in the hearts of the people in the southern border has reached as high as 80 points, and in the northern border it has reached 90 points.

The favorability points in the east and west realms are also above 50 points.

This is the true will of the people.

Even if he rebels now, I'm afraid many people will be willing to follow him.

The southern and northern borders are even more die-hard loyalists.

Look at it this way.

Luo Fengtian's fundamentals here are already stable.

It has become a logistics base for cultivating talents in the underworld.

at this time.

A scarlet panel rose in front of him.

[The final branch task has been started. 】

[Branch Task 9: Succession. 】

[Content: As the strongest prince who unifies the four realms of the kingdom, the player has won the hearts of the people and is more than qualified to become the new king of the Eli Empire. 】

[Task requirement: Ascend to the throne and become the new king. 】

[Note: This branch task is the final hidden plot and is unique. Players can decide whether to accept it or not. 】

Shen Jian smiled.

It’s only now that I tell him whether he accepts it or not. What’s the difference between riding a horse and farting with his pants off?


[The final hidden plot: ascending to the throne. 】

【Turned on! 】

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