
this day.

It's an unforgettable day.

Because the final winner of the King Trial, the fourth prince who has unified the four realms, will return to the royal city on this day.

According to the rules, this is not allowed.

During the trial, there is only one way for princes and princesses to return to the royal city, and that is to be eliminated and become losers. Only in this way can they step into the royal city and return to the prosperous capital they are most familiar with.

Now, there are still three years left in the trial. If someone else doesn't know how to adapt, the fourth prince may be declared disqualified the moment he enters the royal city.


Even if there is such a person who doesn't know how to adapt, the people around him will hold him back.


The fourth prince is not the heir to the royal family in the past. He is the owner of three-quarters of the territory of this kingdom. His power, status, identity, and background are enough for him to establish a new kingdom, even if it can restrict the royal family. It is difficult for the four holy families to restrict such a prince.

He wants to return to the royal city, who can stop him?


A sound of horse hoofs broke the silence of the royal city.

A ghost horse with blue supernatural flames burst into the entrance of the royal city. On the horse's back, a man with blond hair and golden eyes, clear facial features, and an extraordinary appearance looked at the bluestone wall dozens of feet high.

Behind him was a mighty army of ghost gunmen.

Holding a flintlock gun, the ghosts' faces were full of murderous looks.

At first glance, he looks like a master of kings who has been trained through a lot of killing.

That is……

It's His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince!

That's right, the one who has such a good reputation can only be the fourth prince who unifies the four realms.

this moment.

The whole city was shaken.

The ghosts were in an uproar and poked their heads out one by one, wanting to see the most powerful prince in history.

Nothing else.

The other party's deeds are too brilliant.

It is the only one in eternity.

His power is as powerful as that of the founding king.

Who wouldn’t want to meet such a great king?

What's more, the legend of this fourth prince is far more than that. He also has many unexplainable topics.

For example: How did the fourth prince grow step by step from the infamous, incompetent and useless prince to the strongest prince today?

The strong is stronger, but after all, it is not as topical as the weak counterattacking and becoming the king.


The result was that the Fourth Prince's fame grew day by day, and relevant discussions were everywhere in the streets.

Now, the real owner has returned, which immediately caused a stir in the audience.

the other side.

Seeing this scene of cheers from the whole city, Shen Jian was neither sad nor happy, as if he was used to it, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Kali Tire also rode a ghost horse forward and smiled: Your Highness, do you feel that your depression has been washed away? When you left here, you were denounced by thousands of people, and everyone was celebrating. You left the royal city, and now, you return to the royal city, and they are still celebrating, celebrating your return to the royal city.


A trace of emotion flashed across her blue eyes.

As the fourth prince's personal secretary, she still remembers the scene when many nobles celebrated with each other when the fourth prince left.


This shame was finally washed away.

She let out a rare breath of anger and was sincerely happy for His Highness in front of her.

Not bad.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

He has experienced this kind of scene so much that he is almost immune to it.

Let's go into the city.

Shen Jian chuckled.

Entered the royal city.

The prosperity of the royal city is similar to that of the holy city.

It is also comparable to the Qing Kingdom, but one has an ancient background and the other has a medieval background.

The same ghostly energy, the same sinister wind, the same raging evil spirit.

Shen Jian was very satisfied.

Not only because of the admiring glances from both sides of the street, but also because the environment here made him feel happy.

Although it is not as good as the Ten Halls of Yama where the underworld is located, in terms of the richness of the Yin Qi, it is barely comparable.


Shen Jian glanced at the final hidden mission on the game panel.

He needs to ascend the throne before the end of the copy here. He does not have time to wait for the old king to abdicate. The best way is to let the old king hand over the throne to him now.


This approach will lead to a series of consequences.

For example: the old king is unwilling; the eldest prince, the three princesses and the heirs are blocking it; other powerful nobles will not support his reckless action; the four holy families may also become obstacles.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

The old king doesn't want to, it's not a big problem, the big deal is that the father is kind and the son is filial.

If the other heirs don't want to, it's not a big problem. They're just respectful brothers.

It doesn't matter if the powerful nobles don't support it. He is best at turning enemies into friends and mediating conflicts between the two parties.

As for the four holy families, this is a problem.

Unlike the Qing Kingdom, the Yi Lai Empire was an imperial autocracy, and it did not have a king who was powerful enough to suppress the entire country. The external influence of the Elim Temple, a theocratic rule, divided the empire.

Internally, there are four major holy families that restrict the behavior of the royal family. To a certain extent, the four major holy families combined are equivalent to an alternative royal family.

If the four major holy families are determined not to stand on the same front with him, there will be unrest in the future.

This is not what he wants to see.

Subconsciously, Shen Jian glanced at Kali Tiel beside him. This noble lady was the daughter of the old duke of the Kali family, one of the four holy families. To a certain extent, she could represent the position of the Kali family.

Marrying her is equivalent to gaining the support of the Kali family.

Among the remaining three holy families, Ghost Duke Hillis is the new holy head of the Ino Adam family. If she is taken down, the Ino Adam family will have the strongest backing.

As for the Belkia family... the eldest princess Ainiya is the eldest daughter of the family. Now she is married to the eldest prince. As long as she is captured, it will not be a problem to capture the Belkia family.

The last eldest son of the Ennuo family is the fiancé of the third princess. It is difficult to win over him. However, the three major holy families have agreed. How dare the remaining one disagree?

Think of this.

Something strange flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

It feels a little strange.

It's quite an interesting experience to win the support of the four holy families by relying on soft food.

He wouldn't mind doing this once.


The voice of Ghost Clerk Kali Tire sounded at the right time: Your Highness, you can't let down your guard yet. As long as you don't succeed to the throne, the result is not guaranteed. You still need to expand your influence and get more nobles. Only in this way can you stabilize your position.


Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

So... there is a social banquet tonight to celebrate your return to the royal city. You must come, but you can't disappear for several days without any reason.

Kali Till warned.

He repeated with distrust: Your Highness, did you hear clearly?


Shen Jian was silent for a moment.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

But think about it.

He agreed anyway.

after all.

He also wanted to see what big disturbance the third princess could make.

He is interested in everything about the Buddhist country.


The grand banquet held by the Kali family attracted the attention of all the nobles in the entire royal city.

Countless powerful nobles brought their daughters and granddaughters to attend the banquet.

Just because the Kali family said: His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince will attend.

After nightfall.

The lights in the Cali Family Mansion were brightly lit, and nobles holding invitations walked into the hall.

Those who can attend this banquet are all nobles with family backgrounds and reputation in the royal city, at least earls and above. Looking at it, there is no one with a terrifying level lower than the Abyss Level Ghost King.

Even the attendants who serve have their own terror level above the ghost king level.

One can imagine.

How much the Cali family attaches great importance to this banquet.

at this time.

Strings play.

The attendants were carrying wine glasses and walking among the ghosts. Familiar nobles were also gathered in groups of two or three, discussing something. Their eyes fell on the entrance of the banquet from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone to enter.

The eyes of other nobles were almost the same.

All staring in the same direction.

You are also here to meet His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince?

Hey, you guys are asking questions knowingly. Who doesn't know that the fourth prince is the future king? If we don't build a good relationship now, we won't even be able to see him in person in the future.

You are vulgar, clinging to the powerful, and the nobles will lose their face.

A marquis shouted.

The terrifying level of ghosts and gods made his words believable.


There are also those who are dissatisfied.

Then I wonder what the Lord Marquis is doing here? If you don't want to meet the Fourth Prince, why are you coming to the banquet in the middle of the night? Drinking?

Hmph, so I say you are vulgar and only know how to cling to others. Unlike me, I don't think His Highness the Fourth Prince has a hostess to take care of his housework. I came here today to help His Highness the Fourth Prince solve his problems.

The Marquis lightly lifted the beard at the corner of his mouth, pointed at the canary-like granddaughter in the center of the hall, and smiled disdainfully at the nobles.


Damn it?

Good guy.

You made this calculation, and we heard it from as far away as the four realms.


He actually targeted the man's weak spot.

Even my granddaughter was sent here.

The purpose of solving problems is not to use women to cling to the Fourth Prince's lap.

Too bad.

All the nobles gnashed their teeth.

I hate myself for not giving birth to a daughter. Even if I want to give birth now, it's too late.

This overwhelming wealth was missed so abruptly.

I don’t know if I can send her a goddaughter now.

Just thinking about it.

There was movement at the entrance to the banquet.

Many nobles standing over there had grimaces and smiles on their faces, and they were about to walk over with wine glasses in their hands.

The ghosts were shocked.

I understand that the protagonist of this banquet has appeared.

as expected.

The next second.

A tall man who was well-dressed and luxuriously dressed walked in. He had handsome and distinct features, magical golden pupils, long golden hair shawl, and a blood-stained hemp rope tied to his wrist.

It was Shen Jian.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted everyone's attention.

Many female ghosts exclaimed.

The ghost's eyes are full of splendor.

at the same time.

Shen Jian's eyes were also scanning.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The eldest prince, the third princess and the others didn't come to cause trouble?

So disappointing.

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