At this moment.

Facing the gazes of thousands of fierce ghosts, the Third Princess, who had already been mentally prepared, still showed a bit of shock on her face.

I started to feel a little uneasy inside.

She, the Fourth Prince's younger brother, is too extraordinary.

It was such an incredible thing to use the body of a ghost and god to trigger thunder in the sky. It was even more shocking than when she got the ghost Buddha lamp.

What's more important is that this method does not seem to be a one-time thing. From the look of Shen Jian, it looks like a regular attack.

Is this really possible?

Is it possible that her younger brother also received help from a higher being?

Think of this.

The third princess felt ripples in her heart.

If that's the case, then everything makes sense.

The fourth prince's previous impression was not that he was deliberately pretending, but that he was indeed a good-for-nothing dude. However, through some kind of bad luck, he was found by a higher-level being who endowed him with such great power.


The third princess looked at Shen Jian with a different look, extremely deep, as if she was pondering something.

She was thinking.

Thinking about whether she and Shen Jian had flooded the Dragon King Temple.

In her opinion, the existence that gave her the ghost Buddha lamp and the existence that gave Shen Jian the ability, even if they are not the same person, should belong to the same lineup.

In other words.

She and Shen Jian have a natural foundation of attitudes and can completely cooperate.

As for the throne...

As long as she can collect a lamp of lamp oil, make the lotus petals bloom on people's heads, and help her advance to the level of world-destroying ghosts and gods, it doesn't matter whether she takes that position or not.

Think about it this way.

The third princess's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time.

The eldest prince on the other side couldn't bear it anymore.


He hated it when someone stole his limelight. This person was his younger brother who had been bullied by him, which made him even more unacceptable.


He ordered: Don't panic, it's only three things. He has used this method twice, and he has already been on his own. Now he is just holding on for a breath. Warriors of the Western Region, go and crush him. He is just a paper tiger.

Group of ghosts:......

Their eyelids were twitching wildly.

I believe you, you are a very bad old man.

Before saying this, could you please open your eyes? We are not blind.

Look at that man's rosy complexion, full of energy, and a strange smile on his lips. Doesn't he look like he's at the end of his tether?

Even if he was really blind, he should still be able to hear the thunderous heartbeat of the opponent.

This heartbeat is louder than that of a calf, and can be heard for several kilometers. Just one word, outrageous.

For a while.

The battlefield filled with an army of 100,000 fierce ghosts suddenly became silent.

See this.

Shen Jian had a smile on his face, but what he said was the quintessence of Chinese culture: You sons of bitches, there's no joy in life, no sorrow in death. At worst, you'll be a good man again in eighteen years.

But if you don't come now, where will the master you are loyal to be? Where will the family members you work hard to protect be? Where will the country that gave you the environment to grow up be?

Being unfaithful, unjust, unfilial, and having no personnel will be punished even if you die.

Another passionate words came out of Shen Jian's mouth. There was not a single curse word in the whole process, but he scolded them bloodyly, as if if he didn't commit suicide, he would be sorry for everyone.


You are so damn good at deceiving, you must have been a pyramid schemer before.

Fuck, I can't help it anymore. This shit is too arrogant and irritating. We can't go on like this, otherwise we won't be able to hold our heads high in the future.

The fierce ghost with one eye that rekindled its fighting spirit roared angrily.

The Infinite Battle effect takes effect again.

The endless fighting spirit spread at an unimaginable speed through the dense army of ghosts, causing them to once again suppress their rationality and return to their most primitive desire to fight.

In this state, they don't think too much at all, they just know to kill all enemies and fight until death.

Yes, I'll give him a hard time.

A pair of one hundred thousand, even if the ghosts and gods come, they can't win.

Okay, okay, it's on fire. My supernatural power has locked onto the opponent. You only need to attack my position. Even if he escapes, the supernatural effect will automatically correct the target. This is the only thing I can do.

Next, it's up to the brothers to let this bitch know not to underestimate our determination.

Okay, fight to the death!

The ghosts were set alight one after another.

The scene suddenly seemed extremely passionate.

The next second.

The positioning ghost that had just made a sound had itself become blurred, blended into the ground, and turned into a black shadow, approaching quickly, revealing its true form behind Shen Jian.

Then he hugged Shen Jian.

With a look of sadness on his face, he shouted: Shoot at me!

In an instant.

With tears in their eyes, the ghosts immediately launched the most powerful supernatural attack in their lives.

Terrifying supernatural fluctuations stirred ripples in the void, causing the world to change color and turn dark. Tens of thousands of supernatural attacks swept across at this moment.


Shen Jian just said softly: Leifa Gang Lei.

The next second.

The wind and clouds stirred the sky, the clouds gathered, and the white Yang Lei began to flash, rendering the sky into a brilliant white light, carrying the brilliant power of heaven, and struck down violently.

And not one, but five.

Boom boom boom boom—!

Amidst the dull loud noise.

The earth trembled and cracked, and the sky was filled with lightning flashes.

It shattered all the supernatural fluctuations and struck straight at the location where the ghosts were the most numerous.

Just for a moment.

There were countless casualties.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, five bottomless black holes were left on the battlefield.

Inside the pit, there were black debris everywhere.

Not even a complete body could be preserved.

See this scene.

The ghosts were desperate.

This man is too scary.

It seems that he will not be exhausted. His ultimate move has no CD, so he can use it at will.

Seriously disrupting the balance.

The white Yang Lei, which even ghosts and gods couldn't withstand, not only landed five of them easily, but it also seemed like it didn't expend any effort at all, as if it had done something trivial.

It doesn't matter if the enemy is scary, what's important is that he is scary but not exhausted at the same time.

This is simply a deadly killing machine on the battlefield.


Under the influence of Infinite Fierce Battle, this mood only lasted for a while, and then another ghost stood up, its eyes full of fanaticism, and its whole body was like a red-hot iron, as if something was being ignited. An irreversible supernatural influence, always in a state of frantic fighting.

This time, it's finally my turn. I'm here to clear the way for you. One hundred thousand of our ghost soldiers can drown even one of us with a spit of spit. Charge.

Up, up, up!

Fight, fight.

I've caught his shadow. Surround him. Surround him. We can still fight back.

The fanaticism was ignited, and the group of ghosts became irrational again. They only knew how to respond to the orders of the person who boosted morale at the beginning, and launched a charge together.

No fear can suppress this supernatural influence.


The group of ghosts rushed forward again, one after another, regardless of Shen Jian's incredible power just now.

Some ghosts are even willing to die just to help their companions find a chance to get closer.

Under such a fearless attack.

The army of ghosts is getting closer and closer to Shen Jian.

From being unable to get closer within three hundred meters at the beginning, to breaking through two hundred meters, and then approaching one hundred meters.

One after another, the fierce ghosts compose a song and dance.

at the same time.

The commanders of both sides looked at all this with extremely strange expressions.

They remember that both of them seem to be enemies, right?

Even if they obey the order and attack Shen Jian together, they will fight independently without interfering with each other. If they catch the enemy, failure to protect them will cause a wave of fighting for the opportunity to kill Shen Jian.

But now...

The teams on both sides of them actually stepped on their horses and magically merged into one team.

Like warriors who go on and on, their beliefs are united to fight against the devil who destroys everything.

This feeling is so damn weird.

How terrifying is this fourth prince, and how much pressure does he put on this army of 100,000 evil ghosts, so that they can merge together and help each other regardless of their past grudges.

Too grassy.

There was a sense of déjà vu that felt like “I don’t know what to say, but I was shocked.”

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian also became more and more excited as he fought.

The white sun thunder struck down as if it was free of money, the sky was angry, and it was unleashing its power.

Play until the end.

Shen Jian was a little fed up.

The thunder dissipated.

The white electric snake wrapped around his body also gradually disappeared.


In the eyes of the ghosts, the eldest prince and others, all this has become a sign of Shen Jian's exhaustion.

They wanted to look up to the sky and scream.


You finally ran out of strength while riding the horse.

Do you know how long you have been chopping?

A full half hour.

At least half of the evil ghosts were killed, and the army of one hundred thousand evil ghosts was reduced by half.

Killing machine is not enough to describe you.

This is clearly the Living King of Hell.

If you don't give up, it will be our turn to give up.

Think of this.

Everyone had tears in their eyes.

Finally saw the hope of killing Shen Jian.


More ghosts rushed over.

One by one, with the belief of revenge for their companions, they killed Shen Jian.

Shen Jian curled his lips.

He made a shooting motion with an expressionless face.


They were slightly startled.

Almost laughed out loud.

Why, you know you are exhausted and there is no way out, but you still want to bluff and scare us?


Even if Jesus comes today, don't try to stop us from killing you.

A top ghost king wandering in front even laughed ferociously and became playful: Hehehe, I bet there are no bullets in your gun.

The words have not yet been spoken.

Shen Jian had already made a move to shoot and opened his mouth: Bang!

In an instant.

Countless bullets were fired after sinking.

Fire snakes shot out.

Like the scythe of death, harvesting lives.

The leading row fell one after another under the volley of bullets. Blood mist exploded among them. Broken limbs and arms fell everywhere, and ghost blood flowed down.

Everyone was confused.

Don't know what happened.

Until Shen Jian waved his hand, a team of more than 10,000 people appeared on the plain, all holding flintlock guns.

The bullet just now was fired by this group of ghost gunmen.

Jie, Jie, Jie, bet me, I bet your head is not as hard as a bullet.

Shen Jian smiled sadly.

The ghost town mayor waved:

Come on, offer the crown of blood for the birth of the king.

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