Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 871 No need for internal friction, because tomorrow will be more painful

Bang bang bang!

As 13,000 ghost gunmen armed with flintlock guns advanced and fired volleys of bullets, the ghost army that had been killed to only half of them finally panicked at this moment.

Even though he was deeply affected by the supernatural influence of Infinite Fierce Battle, with such a devastating supernatural weapon that could kill the top ghost king in the head with just one bullet, fear had already overshadowed his fighting spirit.

The fear of death is in the heart of every ghost.

after all.

The biggest reason why they were able to muster up the courage to carry out a fearless attack on Shen Jian, apart from being affected by their fighting spirit, was that Shen Jian was alone.

Personal strength will eventually be exhausted.


What they will face now is a new type of army.

They are a strange team that only needs to possess supernatural weapons, even if they are just red-clad ghosts, they can blow the top ghost king's head off with one shot.

There are more than ten thousand such supernatural weapons.

In other words, if everything is calculated according to the most ideal situation, these 13,000 flintlock guns can kill more than 10,000 top ghost kings with only one shot.


There are not so many top ghost kings in the entire Eli Empire combined.

But the supernatural weapons created by the fourth prince can already kill the high-level combat power of the entire kingdom.

It's as simple as being outrageous and opening the door for outrageousness. It's so outrageous.

In this case, give me a spanking.

Haven't you seen other people not caring about bullets at all, just shooting them casually, as long as you don't need money?

If we continue to fight, what's the use besides being a target for others?

No matter how fervent the fighting spirit is, it must be ignited if there is a chance.

But right now, there is no chance at all.

If they dare to come forward, they will be greeted by a fatal shot.


The army of ghosts, whose eyes were glowing red and looking ferocious and twisted at first, all woke up at this moment, broke up and ran away. Each and every one of them only regretted that their parents did not give them two more legs and fled so fast.

Of the mighty army of more than 100,000 people, not only were less than 40,000 people left, but every one of them was injured, which was horrific.

There was chaos at the scene.


The outcome has been decided.

the other side.

Looking at the scene on the battlefield, whether it was the eldest prince, the third princess, the Duke of the West, or the princess' fiancé, they all fell silent.

His expression was full of trance.


An army of 100,000 fierce ghosts surrounded and suppressed one person, but was defeated on the spot and fled in disarray.

What an incredible scene.

It was almost like a dream.

Even if it is a fantasy story, I would not dare to describe it like this.

Because this is too incredible.

It is a miracle that only exists in legends.


A miracle happened before their eyes.

The fourth prince relied on his own strength to kill through an army of 100,000 evil spirits, killing more than half of them, and then his men came over to finish the battle and sweep the battlefield.

The two overlords of the Western Territory and the High Seas join forces, and they are not the enemy of one person.

Who else can resist such a fourth prince?

For a while.

No one spoke anymore.

The eldest prince's eyes were filled with resentment and his face was full of jealousy.

He was shaking with rage.

Such an honor should belong to him.

He has always been flaunting himself as the future king of this country, but today, Shen Jian shattered his dream of being a king with his own hands, and was about to step on his head and ascend to the supreme throne he dreamed of.

The thought of this.

The eldest prince's face twisted.

I can't accept this fact at all.

at once.

He seemed to remember something.

His eyes fell on the Duke of the West, with an expression uglier than crying, and a trace of last hope rose in his eyes: Grandpa, we haven't lost yet, right? Even if the elite of the West are defeated, this will not matter to the entire West. It’s just a drop in the bucket, we still have the support of all the major noble families, as well as Grandpa, the Grand Duke of the West, and the Duke’s Palace. As long as the Duke’s Palace doesn’t fall, we can continue to organize a defense line to keep him out, right?”

The eldest prince eagerly wanted to hear his grandfather give a positive answer.

The face has become more and more ferocious.

It seemed like it would collapse at any moment.

Hear the words.

The Duke of the West opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words as he reached the edge.

An old ghost face was full of bitterness.

The elites of the Western Region have all been defeated. Even if they return to the Duke's Mansion and reorganize the army, the overall lineup will not be as good as it is now. There is no need for the fourth prince to take action. The more than 10,000 ghost gunmen on the field alone are unstoppable.

The Western Territory has indeed not lost yet, and still has the strength to organize a defense line, but losing is only a matter of time.

This result is tantamount to a heavy blow to the eldest prince who wants to sit on the throne.

Think about it.

He decided to say something to comfort him.

After all, he is his grandson, so we can't let him really collapse.


Before he could speak, Shen Jian had already covered his voice. As if he was not angry enough, he continued to add jealousy: Huh? You don't know yet, the Duke's Palace has been taken over by me, otherwise you think it's mine. Why did the centaurs show up just now? You really thought I was playing with you.

Oh, not only the Duke's Palace, but also the Black Sail Fleet has been controlled by my people. Don't even think about making a comeback if you go back. You will only be escorted to me.

As soon as these words came out.

The Great Prince:! ! !

Third Princess:! ! !

The two groups were slightly stunned.

His pupils suddenly widened.

Damn it?

What are you talking about?

The Duke's Palace has been occupied? The Black Sail Fleet was also controlled?

Think of this.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Never thought of this possibility.

At that time, they really thought that Shen Jian was here for fun. Otherwise, why would they leave more than 10,000 ghost gun soldiers unused and instead do it themselves?

Now he told them that the reason why the fourth prince appeared alone was to delay them so that his own people could steal the house?


You are too stupid.

A dignified prince, the Lord of the Three Realms, and with such power in his hands, you don’t choose the royal route, but instead adopt the sneak attack route?

You are such a fucking idiot.

You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain.

This time.

Not only the eldest prince was confused.

Even the Duke of the Western Region turned green.

When the comforting words came to his lips, he swallowed them back with force, his grimace turned extremely dark.

The Duke's Palace is his territory.

If this was taken advantage of, he would be completely disgraced.

The kind that won’t be able to raise your head when walking on the road in the future.

Moreover, the occupation of the Duke's Palace meant that he, the Duke of the Western Region, had become a decoration. Once his huge family fortune returned to before liberation, he became a lonely old man.


He is the one who deserves to be comforted the most.

Fortunately, my home is gone and I can’t go back.

This is too grassy.

He couldn't accept it for a while.

If the level of terror hadn't been high enough, he felt that he would have fainted on the spot and had a chance of getting into trouble.


The Duke of the West Territory was trembling, and it was difficult to speak.

The eldest prince was equally desperate in his heart and shouted unwillingly: This is impossible, you are just a waste. How can you, a fool who doesn't even dare to face me, defeat me? None of this is true, I don't believe it.

Until now.

He still couldn't accept this reality.

He was still immersed in his sense of superiority that he had bullied the Fourth Prince.

I still can't accept that I was defeated by a loser, and it was a complete defeat.

Shen Jian sneered: Despair, pain, how does it feel to be stepped on by trash?

But there is no need to internalize yourself. It is painful today, but it may be even more painful tomorrow. The despair and powerlessness at this moment may be the happiness you strive for tomorrow.

Shen Jian subconsciously drank a wave of poisonous chicken soup.

There is a feeling that the matter is not big enough, so they continue to add fuel to the fire.

Brother Wang, think about it. If you lose today, you will have to go back to the royal city in despair tomorrow and watch me occupy the territory you once operated. Then everyone will know that you have lost, and you have lost to your most powerful enemy. The younger brother you look down upon.”

The day after tomorrow, you will have to pay homage to me, the newly appointed king, in the name of your subject. You will see that the king you longed for is taken by your own brother and works under him. And the mother-in-law you are interested in will also regret that you will be the king. My daughter is marrying you, and you have been thinking of me sincerely. I give you another order to send you your own princess, but you can do nothing but be incompetent and furious.

Think about it, how miserable this future would be. If you think about it this way, wouldn't you feel much better now?

Shen Jian's witty words kept telling the nominal king a more desperate and painful future, hoping to comfort him.

Duke of the West:...

Third Princess:...

The eldest prince:? ? !

Hear these words.

The eldest prince became even more excited.

What the hell are you, what the hell are you, what the hell are you...

In his mind, he kept thinking about everything Shen Jian said.

I couldn't hold it down for a long time.

Because he knows that this is really very likely to become the future.


Shen Jian has defeated all the heirs to the throne and is about to unify the four realms. The winner has been decided in the trial for the king.

As soon as the king abdicates, Shen Jian will become the new master of the Eli Empire.

And he, the eldest prince, is undoubtedly a complete loser.

Unless he was willing to be assigned to a bitter and cold place, if he stayed in the royal city, he would really have no choice but to watch Shen Jian sit on the throne he dreamed of and have him surrender at his feet.

As for the family behind him, the Belchia family, one of the four holy families, they will definitely have a relationship with him.

By then.

He has nothing but a prince title.

What if Shen Jian really wants to take revenge on him and a royal order asks him to send his princess away, can he refuse? Dare you refuse?

As long as he doesn't want to die, then this ending is inevitable.

Seizing the throne and then seizing his wife, which man can accept this?

The thought of this.

The eldest prince was furious and spit out a mouthful of ghost blood. He rolled his eyes and fell into a short sleep.

Your Highness! The Duke of the West's face changed drastically.

The fiancé beside the third princess also trembled with excitement.

Damn it.

If it was really as described, then it would be better to just die.

At least if you die, you won't have to suffer such humiliation.

This fourth prince is too cruel.

The scary things you say sound like they're true

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would really think that the fourth prince had the idea of ​​seizing his wife.


This must not be true.

Because when he seizes his wife, he is still robbing his eldest brother's woman. This goes against the human ethics of the kingdom. As long as the fourth prince still wants to hold on to his position, he will not do such an outrageous thing.

Otherwise, the impeachment would be too great.

at the same time.

Seeing that the eldest prince's mental endurance was so poor, Shen Jian showed a trace of disgust in his eyes and said with a strange smile: You are too fragile. I haven't told you to persuade the eldest princess to climb into my bed willingly.

Third Princess:...

Her calm face couldn't help but twitch.

This Fourth Prince Brother was far more evil than she imagined.

Even evil spirits probably don't have such absurd thoughts that can make people collapse.

The eldest brother was targeted and was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Just thinking about it.

She noticed Shen Jian's eyes falling on her.

To this.

She acted very calm.

Although she was frightened for a moment after learning that the Black Sail Fleet was completely controlled, she gave up her worries when she thought that the two of them were working together.

Then he looked at Shen Jian calmly.

Fourth Brother, I don't have such a weakness for you to catch, but... I did lose. If you need this throne, I will not fight for it again. After all, we are on the same side.


The third princess took out the ghost Buddha lamp.

at this time.

Because of the deaths of tens of thousands of ghosts, more than half of the lamp oil for the ghost Buddha lamps has been collected.

The human head lotus petals above are even more magical.

The strange Buddhist sounds he spat out became increasingly clear.

As if coming back to life.

Shen Jian said nothing.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Feel it.

It is really a supernatural thing from the Buddhist country.

Since entering the world of horror, he has rarely seen supernatural objects related to Buddha. It seems that these objects have been consciously destroyed, or moved to another place.

And this ghost Buddha lamp has a supernatural effect similar to the blood sacrificial soul pill method.

When the lamp oil is full, the lotus petals will unfold.

The supernatural beings that have advanced to the level of world-destroying ghosts and gods are among them.

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