Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 869: Keep the ghost alive, don’t worry about running out of firewood

It wasn't until Shen Jian's figure slowly walked out that everyone present finally believed that the man who was hiding in the dark and causing war between the two sides was really the fourth prince, a wicked guy.

at this point.

It was something no one expected.

after all.

In their opinion, the fourth prince successively occupied the southern, eastern and northern borders in just over half a month, sweeping away all obstacles and achieving an almost miraculous achievement, but at the cost of squandering all the supernatural resources he had accumulated over the past ten years. , they will hibernate for a short period of time and recuperate.


Shen Jian caught them off guard.

Less than five days after conquering the Northern Territory, you appeared on the battlefield in the Western Territory again. Damn it, are you so energetic?

Recovering territory doesn’t require any planning?

Speaking of high emotional intelligence, it means moving forward courageously and bravely.

To put it mildly, this guy is just a square-headed and reckless man.

How did such a person become the Lord of the Three Realms?

For a while.

None of the ghosts understood it.

Fourth brother, do you know what you are doing? These are the elite forces of our Eli Empire. Now because of your vulgar words, they have been killed and suffered huge losses. You can afford the consequences. ?

The eldest prince had a gloomy face.

The tone was full of preaching.

He acted like a big brother taking the lead, full of superiority.

Nothing else.

It is true that the former Fourth Prince was too cowardly and incompetent. Even if he was bullied by them, he did not dare to resist, let alone face them. Under such a stereotype, even if he knew that the current Fourth Prince was completely different from the previous one, The mentality cannot be changed in a short period of time.

The Third Prince's daughter also half-squinted her eyes, and her golden pupils could not hide the shock. Fourth Prince, you are different from before. You have become bolder, and you dare to plot against me.

Shen Jian spread his hands.

Innocent said: I'm just a child, how can I think so much? Besides, your western border and the high seas have lost people, what does it have to do with my southern border, eastern border, and northern border.

Third Princess:...

The eldest prince:......

Group of ghosts:......

They all moved their mouths slightly.

Damn it.

You are so embarrassed to say it.

God is just a child.

A 240-month-old child, right? How dare you say this about not wanting Bilian?


No wonder you can so calmly encourage the two armies of ghosts to start a war. You have no empathy at all. If the second half of this sentence is heard by the people of the kingdom, your support will be reduced by at least 30%.


They were determined.

The fourth prince in front of him indeed seemed to be a different person.

From the original playboy and incompetence, he has become evil, sinister, and has a bad personality... mad seems to be even worse.

Although the former is useless, its scope of activities is limited to the royal city. In addition, there are many restrictions in the royal city. No matter how absurd it is, it is still within the acceptable range.

The latter, however, affected the entire Kingdom Continent.

Especially when the opponent also has a good level of terror, this bad influence will expand rapidly.

Ling Ya Ya, you didn't even have the courage to look at us directly before. Now that you have some strength, you know how to choke people.

The eldest prince became cold.

A grimace looked uncertain.

Being answered in such a teasing tone by a younger brother who had bullied him all his life, he felt a little helpless. He felt that his dignity had been seriously challenged, and he was filled with shock and anger.

On the one hand, I want Shen Jian to be respectful.

On the other hand, he also knew that he might not be Shen Jian's opponent.

This feeling of being surpassed made him extremely jealous and even more disgusting.

It's not that he hates himself, but he hates why Shen Jian is better than him.

That's not fair.

What do you want to do now?

at once.

The eldest prince roared again.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows, with a strange smile on his lips: Can't you see? If you are eliminated, this boring trial for the king will be over. Do you really want to play for five years? No way, No way, it really takes you five years to do something so simple.



The fist is hard.

The teeth will also be broken.

Five years is a short period of time, okay?

The final winner of the past king trials can get the support of the nobles of the first realm, and the victory is basically guaranteed. Who would have thought that you are such a pervert, and you have occupied three major territories in less than two years. You have made it so difficult for those who come after you. How to play?


It's really not the key.

The key is that they know that Shen Jian is very qualified to say such words that deserve a beating, but they can't refute it yet.

This is the most infuriating thing.

It felt like I had eaten fly shit, and I couldn't spit it out, and I couldn't swallow it back, as if it was stuck in my throat.

You know how to hit others' weak spots.

This time.

Even the third princess, who is known for her calmness, could not help but raise her eyebrows, and there was anger in her heart. Then she smiled strangely: Fourth Prince, you seem to be happy too early. You were caught off guard just now, but now... ...The army has arrived, and you have also appeared. Do you think the current army of ghosts will listen to you or me?

The words fell.

At the ends of both sides, a mighty army of ghosts arrived.

Each one's eyes were glowing red, ferocious and twisted, and there were only thoughts of endless fierce battles in their hearts.

Do you know what this is? This battlefield is shrouded in a supernatural effect called Infinite Fierce Battle. If anyone stays here for a long time, their temperament will become more extreme and they will become a killing machine of war. We won’t stop until we kill until the last person is left.”

You can use trickery to order this group of people once, but not a second time.

As long as I don't violate the principle of fighting to the death, I am still the leader of this group of pirates and can still order them. If I don't even have this preparation, how can I dare to use such weird supernatural means.

The words fell.

The third princess changed the topic, pointed at Shen Jian, and said loudly: Everyone listen to the order, change the target, and kill him!

She said this without any hesitation.

Directly issued.

Fueled by ambition and desire, the so-called blood relatives are nothing but obstacles to her and can be abandoned at any time.


How could she have bribed the people around the fourth prince before this to frame her younger brother.

After listening.

The eldest prince was also stunned.

I see.

The reason why he could not command the elites of the Western Territory, but was threatened instead, was not that these ghost soldiers had disowned them, but that his orders had violated the supernatural rules, which produced the influence of Lord Devouring.

As long as this is not stopped, he will still be the commander-in-chief of the Western Region.


The eldest prince followed suit and gave the same order: My people, kill this guy who pretends to be me.

For a while.

The evil ghost armies from both sides shifted their targets to Shen Jianjian.

Each one of them had a look in their eyes that was selective and devouring, and they rushed over as if they wanted to devour them alive.

The excitement reached its peak.

Ordinary people would feel their scalp numb and their whole body trembling just by looking at it.

The third princess said indifferently: You lost, fourth brother. There are more than 100,000 evil ghosts here. Even if the legendary world-destroying ghosts and gods come, they will die with hatred. No matter how deep you hide, there is no resistance. The ability of an army of 100,000 fierce ghosts.

See this.

Whether it was the eldest prince, the Duke of the Western Region, or the men around the third princess, they could not help but show a certain attitude that the overall situation had been decided.

Although it is somewhat funny that two parties that were incompatible not long ago are now united to fight against the other side, this approach is correct.

The threat from the fourth prince was too great.

One person occupies three realms.

His men possess strange supernatural weapons that can kill 4,000 people with 300 people.

If its development is not curbed, there will be no chance of winning the King Trial.


The Fourth Prince's whereabouts are so elusive that it is impossible to trace them.


The future crown prince, who had secured victory in advance, was so bold that he went to the Western battlefield alone. At this time, no matter how many conflicts there were between the eldest prince and the third princess, they knew that the most important thing was to work together to eliminate Shen Jian first.

Their interests are the same.

That is to directly eliminate the fourth prince.

Even if he kills him, he won't hesitate.

the other side.

Looking at the dense army of ghosts that changed their targets and rushed towards him, Shen Jian frowned: I advise you not to be impulsive.

Keep it alive, don't worry about running out of firewood.

Group of ghosts:......


Are you afraid now?

Didn’t we just be asked to show our blood and ferocity?

Didn’t you still call us sons of bitches who only know how to hide under women’s feet?

What are you scared of now?

Show some blood.

Show the confidence you had when you just shouted.

The ghosts smiled ferociously, wishing to tear Shen Jian into pieces.

In fact.

And that's exactly what they're doing.

They went to kill the dog that had given them blood in a mighty manner.

The next second.



A white thunder struck down from the sky.

It hit the most densely populated location of the army.

In just one blow, more than a hundred fierce ghosts were chopped into black dregs, not to mention blood, not even residual limbs were left.


This scene.

The ghosts were shocked.

Eyeballs will pop out.

His eyes regained some clarity and he looked at the source of the attack.

Directly in front of them, Shen Jian, who had been trying to persuade them not to be impulsive just now, was suspended in mid-air, with white electric snakes exploding all over his body. A bright white thunder was reflected in his golden pupils, and he stretched out two sticks in his right hand. Point downward.

A bright white light fell from the sky.

That's Thunder.

White Yang Lei.

The most yang and the purest.

Damn it!

Are you transforming?

Is it so outrageous?

I dare you to say don't be impulsive before. You really have good intentions.

The ghosts were trembling with fear.

Nothing else.

Thunder's restraint effect on ghosts is too good.

Under such brilliant divine power, even those who were deeply influenced by the supernatural power of Infinite Fierce Battle could not help but feel a trace of fear of the divine thunder in their hearts.

It was a fear engraved in my bones.

It's an instinctive reaction.

Especially since their terror level is not very high, most of them are below the Ghost King and the Ghost King, this feeling of fear is even deeper.


Not only the mighty army of evil ghosts.

After seeing Shen Jian waving his hand to call for thunder, the third princess, the eldest prince and others also looked shocked and frightened.

Even they dare not say that they can resist the power of this white Yang Lei.

Of all the people present, I am afraid that only the Duke of the West dares to say that he can block this attack.

Go on, he only has the power of one blow. He is trying to scare you.

The third princess was the first to react.

A ghostly sound rang out.

Haunting in the ears of ghosts.

Inspired by this, and with the supernatural influence of Infinite Fierce Battle still present, the ghosts' eyes became fanatical again, and they charged forward with a roar.


Another Yang Lei struck the densest location.

This time.

Still, hundreds of fierce ghosts were wiped out in ashes.

Only the dregs remain.


this moment.

The ghosts once again recalled the fear of being dominated by thunder.

Subconsciously he looked at the Third Princess, as if to say: Isn't it just one blow? This doesn't look like it. Are you lying to us?

Don't lie to fools.

Third Princess:...

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