Hear the news.

Shen Jian was not surprised at all, and even showed a bit of excitement.


Just as he had guessed, the three princesses had already arrived in the west and started a battle with the eldest prince.

He had already noticed this when he discovered that the high seas had been deserted. Now that he heard the ghost secretary's information, his speculation was officially confirmed.

What happened, tell me in detail.

Shen Jian gestured.

Ghost Scribe Kali Tire also understood the seriousness of the matter. Now was not the time to tell each other about their love. Immediately, she sorted out the information and explained: Just the day before Your Highness left for the North, there was news. The news coming back from the Eastern Territory was from the Noble Freemasons of the Eastern Territory. It was said that drastic changes had taken place in the Western Territory. A few nights ago, hundreds of black sailing ships quietly appeared at the Western Territory pier through unknown supernatural means and occupied it in one fell swoop. Got here.

According to rough statistics, there are at least 50,000 ghost pirates armed with supernatural weapons who broke into the territory of the Western Territory and dragged them into the inland in an organized and disciplined manner.

In just one night, all the land with a radius of 20 kilometers centered on the Western Port was occupied. The town of Bohai was completely occupied and the evil flag was planted. After confirmation, it was indeed the deep sea led by the three princesses. Devil’s Fleet.”

Moreover, such fleets of black sailboats are still appearing in a steady stream, seemingly endlessly. The title of Queen of the Sea is worthy of her name.

Kali Till said sincerely.

The deeds of the third prince's daughter are undoubtedly a powerful shot in the arm for female ghosts like them, who have noble births but have been overshadowed by their glory. Before the fourth prince rises, the winner of the trial for the king in her mind is also the same. She is the third princess.

But now...

Everything is different.

Think of this.

She glanced at Shen Jian cautiously, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, but she quickly stopped and looked away, as if she thought that this way, Shen Jian would not find herself secretly looking at him.

Shen Jian was a little funny.

Pretending not to see it, he allowed this noble lady to secretly make small moves.

Then he continued: Where is the eldest prince?

Kali Tire thought for two seconds and said neatly: In the early morning, under the call of the Duke of the West, the noble group headed by the eldest prince organized a powerful counterattack and defeated the three princesses' continued aggressive expansion. Retreating to the small town of Bohai, the two parties divided the Chu River and Han boundaries and started to confront each other.

In just five days, the two sides have engaged in no less than thirty battles. Each time they were evenly matched, and both sides suffered heavy losses, especially the three princesses' deep-sea devil fleet, because each time they launched a fierce and fearless attack. Although the attack was astonishing in momentum, the damage was also huge, and the casualties were basically at the level of 1:1.3.

If this trend continues, unless the Third Princess has more than twice as many troops as the Western Region, the longer it takes, the easier it will be to die here.

After listening.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

So crazy?

Yes, some people have said that the third princess has been driven crazy by you and is giving it a try. If she cannot defeat the defense line of the Western Territory, all the supernatural knowledge she has accumulated over the years will eventually be revealed here, with the Western Territory. Let’s die together.”

Shen Jian:......

His frown deepened.

Because the logic here is not quite right.

This third princess is so crazy that she does not care about the cost. This should not be the strategy of a sea queen who has a unique vision, planned in advance, and unified the high seas in just one year.

after all.

Even if the Third Prince Jurchen really believed in success or failure and defeated the defense line of the Western Territory, didn't she think that there was a covetous Fourth Prince who was reaping the benefits?

Regardless of the cost, we can only die together in the end, or else we will win tragically, and there will be no supernatural secrets left. Even if we win the Western Territory, we will not be able to hold it.


She was absolutely sure that she could hold the Western Territory after taking it.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

What can be more powerful than the huge army of ghosts, apart from more troops, is only the absolute high-end combat power.

In the Yi Lai Empire, ghosts and gods are already at the peak of their combat power, such as the Grand Duke of the North, who is one of the best.

However, even the Duke of the North, who is infinitely close to the world-destroying ghosts and gods, dare not say that he can withstand an army of more than 70,000 to 80,000 powerful ghosts.

In other words.

The goal of the third princess is still above this.

World-destroying ghosts and gods!

She planned to create a true world-destroying ghost and god.

And the medium is a blood sacrifice?

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

I have an idea in my mind.

The word blood sacrifice was not unfamiliar to him.

Especially this kind of blood sacrifice that creates ghosts and gods and above. He only knows of two examples.

The first example is naturally King Huai's massacre in the town of Yongye Kingdom, and he is preparing to use the method of blood sacrifice soul pill to advance to the level of ghosts and gods.

The second example was when he entered the Qing Kingdom dungeon for the second time. King Pingnan and Emperor Qing joined forces to make a plan, preparing to blood sacrifice the entire Qing Kingdom and advance to the legendary disaster-level ghosts and gods.

And now...

It's the third example.

The three princesses prepared a blood sacrifice to advance to the level of world-destroying ghosts and gods.

Shen Jian's eyes flashed inexplicably.

Because this method of blood sacrificial soul elixir is very likely to be related to the Buddhist kingdom of Luo Fengtian in the fourth place.

Have the Three Princesses ever come into contact with the Buddhist Kingdom?

Or did it get it from Qingguo through some means?


Shen Jian's face already showed a look of imminence.

This Buddhist country is extremely hidden.

He also has far more control over thriller games than he imagined.

They can all have free access to archived copies, and the Buddha Kingdom can naturally do so as well.

Even if the third princess had come into contact, it would not be surprising.

not to mention.

He also wished that the three princesses had frequent exchanges with the Buddhist kingdom.

In this case, he would follow the clues and enter the fourth place, Luo Fengtian.

The importance of this matter will never be recycled again under Luo Fengtian.

Have you thought of anything?

Seeing Shen Jian's pensive expression, Kali Tier asked curiously.

Shen Jian didn't hide it either.

Speak out his thoughts.

at once.

The noble lady's pupils trembled and she couldn't help but said: You mean, Her Royal Highness the Third Princess is going to use this battle for the Western Territory to step on the corpses to advance to the legendary world-destroying ghosts and gods? No, except for the one in the temple , but no world-destroying ghost god has been born in the Eli Empire for a long time.

I remember that it was only in the past five years that the three princesses were promoted to ghosts and gods. What kind of supernatural method can make a ghost who has just entered the ghosts and gods directly advance to the world-destroying level?

Kali Till felt dizzy.

If it wasn't the Fourth Prince who said this, she wouldn't even believe it.

This is incredible.

Shen Jian was noncommittal.

The corner of his mouth curled up: Yes or no, just go and take a look. Anyway, I plan to join the war.

Kali Till:…

She was slightly startled.

Then his face changed: Your Highness, you are not going to go alone again, are you? Please forgive me for being difficult to obey. Other times, you can just be willful. But in the Western Region, there is a gladiatorial arena where tens of thousands of ghosts often participate, and you are alone. It’s too dangerous to go.”

Shen Jian waved his hand: What are you thinking about? This time we will bring everyone with us to end this two-year struggle for the throne.

His voice was flat.

But the confidence in his words spread from the inside out.

The eyes of Secretary Degui were filled with brilliance.

no doubt.

She just likes the current fourth prince.

Flamboyant, confident, and full of charm, just standing there has a unique temperament that looks down on the world.

This kind of temperament cannot be faked.

People can be attracted to him at a glance.

Coupled with the blond hair and golden eyes that were different from normal ghosts, the tall and straight figure, and the handsome and clear facial features, she felt that no woman in the world could resist such charm.

Your Highness, the entire Southern Territory and Eastern Territory will be at your disposal. I will also take down the throne that symbolizes power for you, Your Highness, and dedicate everything I have to you.

Kali Tire knelt down on one knee, his clear voice solemn and serious.

Shen Jian smiled.

He joked: You were much more dishonest last time than this time.

The ghost secretary looked embarrassed and said coquettishly: Your Highness, that is really the tradition of the Cali family. I did not deliberately take advantage of you. If you don't believe it, then I will let you kiss me back.


She raised her little face, moved her delicate and delicate white face forward, and closed her eyes.

It's like I took advantage of you, so you can take advantage of me.

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes were filled with strange color.

Walked over.

The tone was incomprehensible: Have I ever told you what it means to close your eyes in front of a man?


Kali Tier looked confused and was about to open her eyes when she felt a touch of warmth on her lips.

Let her swallow the words she just blurted out and make a sound of Uh-huh.

that moment.

She opened her eyes suddenly, her mind going blank.

Your Highness, kissed her?

Isn't it a kiss on the face?

Dian... um~

She wanted to speak, but her mouth was blocked and she couldn't speak.

A wonderful feeling swept through her body.

Her whole body became limp and she felt dizzy. Her nose was filled with the strong scent of His Highness the Fourth Prince, and she subconsciously responded to this enthusiasm.

It hit me all of a sudden.

for a long time.

Shen Jian just let go.

This noble lady's face was confused at this time, and her breath was full of heat.

From her cheeks to her earlobes to her collarbone, everything was crimson.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you have committed a foul.

The ghost secretary lowered his head, not daring to look at Shen Jian's expression, and muttered quietly.

The kiss I gave you before was obviously just on the face.

She didn't say this sentence out loud, she just said it silently in her heart.

Because she felt that it was not bad to make mistakes like this, especially when the candidate was the fourth prince, she had no strength to resist at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have responded boldly to Shen Jian's enthusiasm.

See this scene.

Shen Jian said solemnly: How about I let you kiss me again? This should be considered a tie.

at this time.


The study door was pushed open.

The ghost town mayor held up the information in his hand and said loudly: Master Kali, here is...

Before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Because the ghost town mayor discovered that besides Kali Tier, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince was also in the study.


The two seemed a little close to each other.

He could clearly see that Master Kali's face was full of blush, which lingered for a long time, and his breathing became even more rapid.

Ghost Mayor:...

He paused.

With an expression uglier than crying on his face, he immediately exited the study and silently closed the door.

Before leaving.

He also said apologetically: I'm sorry, Your Highness, Mr. Kali, you don't need to pay attention to me, I didn't see anything just now.



The door is closed.

Kali Till:...(End of Chapter)

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