Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 867: Get on horseback and be more ferocious for me


The ghost mayor returned to the study.

He was about to cry but had no tears. He lowered his head and did not dare to look into the eyes of His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince. If Niang Xipi had known that something inappropriate for children had happened here, she would not have dared to break in even if she had ten courages.

He clearly knew what a cruel person this Fourth Prince was.

at the same time.

He couldn't help but feel a bit of admiration. Although the fourth prince had been deliberately pretending for more than ten years, how could he not be tainted with a bit of absurd and indulgent character after pretending for more than ten years.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the countess. Now, even the daughter of the Duke of the Cali family, one of the four holy families, seems to be on the verge of falling.

In a non-private place like the study room, they dare to do intimate things secretly.

He is indeed worthy of being the Fourth Prince.

Dare to be the first.

He is simply a role model for our generation.

Tell me, what's the matter?

Shen Jian's face didn't turn red, his heart didn't beat, he looked calm, and he didn't feel any shame at all for being discovered. After all, he had done more extreme husbands in the Current series, not to mention he was just a pure man. of kiss.

The ghost town mayor explained: Since the war between the three princesses and the eldest prince broke out in the Western Territory, Master Kali ordered the Eastern and Southern Territories to produce flintlock guns at all costs. I am here to report the results.

According to statistics, there are as many as 13,000 flintlock guns. We have also selected 30,000 red-clad ghosts who have undergone simple training and can master the accuracy of firearms. There are also 3,000 ghost kings and 300 ghosts. Abyss level ghost kings, as well as more than sixty top ghost kings, are always on standby.

Speaking of which.

The ghost mayor's face couldn't help but blush.

He is just the most ordinary ghost king, the owner of a three-star supernatural land. Looking at the entire southern border, there are countless ghosts like him. They can only guard their own one-third of an acre and cannot make any waves in the trend of history. .

But now...

Everything has changed.

Just because he was the original team member before the rise of the Fourth Prince, and took care of many matters throughout the process, after the Fourth Prince rose up and captured the Southern Territory and the Eastern Territory, the position of Logistics Manager also fell to him.

This allowed him to control an army of nearly 40,000 fierce ghosts.

What is this called?

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

He is now the head of logistics. When the fourth prince wins the King Trial and sits on the supreme throne, he will be the finance minister who rules the country. He will be a highly respected minister, at least a powerful marquis, and maybe even a grand duke. .

Such an honor depends entirely on Shen Jian.

It can be said.

In the entire Duke's Palace, he was the one who wanted Shen Jian to win the most.

to this end.

He does everything himself and doesn't dare to slack off at all.

Hear the words.

A trace of surprise flashed across Shen Jian's face.

Thirteen thousand flintlock muskets, in just a few days, the efficiency is amazing.

According to his original idea, only 10,000 flintlock guns were needed to sweep across the entire kingdom and continent. No matter the four realms, the royal family, or the four holy families, they could not resist the heat of modernization. Dimensionality reduction strike of weapons.


In just over half a month, he had already exceeded his original goal.

Sure enough, conquering cities and territories is the fastest way to develop.

Without the backing of the Eastern Territory, and relying solely on the size of the Southern Territory that has not yet been completely unified, it is not necessarily possible to build a king's army in a very short period of time.

very good.

Shen Jian nodded with satisfaction, looked out the floor-to-ceiling window, and grinned: Come on, how can this battle for the Western Territory be without me?

This boring trial for the king is over.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand.

One grip.

The entire Kingdom Continent seemed to be in his hands.

Every move he held was a look of disdain.


Kali Till, the ghost town mayor, was shocked.

This is a historic moment.

They are witnessing history, witnessing the new master of this country, issuing a declaration of victory from the southern border one hundred thousand miles away, to make this huge empire operate according to his own will.

Your Highness, you will be crowned king and become the sun of the empire!

The two knelt down on one knee.

Western Territory.

The dispute continues.

Bohai Town.

This once prosperous Western Pier has now become a meat grinding ground. The ground is dyed a sticky blood red, and the sky is also dyed red. Ghost blood is steaming, and the red mist fills the air, condenses into clouds, and spreads over the town. .

It rained blood.

On the battlefield, there were corpses everywhere, and broken limbs and arms were everywhere.

Filled with a pungent fishy smell.

Even the ghost, who is known for his cruelty, frequently frowned and his eyes turned red when faced with this smell that was so strong that it stimulated the senses.

The eldest prince's side.

The eldest prince looked excited, with a few rays of red light coming out of his eyes, and said ferociously: Continue to send troops. Since my third sister wants to fight, I will fight a big one. I want to see whether she has more troops or mine. Reinforcements come soon.”

The Duke of the Western Region was aging, but his eyes filled with decay were getting wider and wider, with a permeating coldness condensing in them, Your Highness, the situation is not right, we cannot continue the fight.

The eldest prince frowned dissatisfied: Grandpa, the three princes have already attacked me. If you ask me to retreat now, wouldn't you be saying that I am not hostile to the other party and encouraging others' arrogance?

Your Highness, calm down. Haven't you noticed that your actions are becoming more and more radical and reckless? There is also an army of evil ghosts outside. Each one is very bellicose and will ignite at the slightest moment. I'm afraid who said the last word. When a war breaks out, they will rush forward immediately without looking at who is giving the order. Your Highness, do you really think this is normal?

The Duke of the Western Region scolded him coldly.

The terrifying supernatural threat broke out in an instant.

The temperature on site plummeted.

The intense chill also stimulated the eldest prince to tremble violently.

The red light in his eyes gradually faded.

His expression became extremely horrified.

I...I was affected by something supernatural!?

His horror was by no means feigned.

But it was really shocking.

To know.

As the eldest prince, he is also one of the most promising princes to win the King's Trial. He is surrounded by more than twenty top ghost kings all year round, including a ghost-level being.

Especially after arriving in the small town of Bohai, he followed his grandfather, the Duke of the Western Region, almost every step of the way. Under such circumstances, his thinking was actually affected by unknown supernatural beings, and his thoughts became more and more belligerent and more... Radical, thinking about having a good fight.

This is obviously not normal.

It can even be said to be terrifying.

after all.

The Duke of the West didn't notice anything unusual.

This is the most creepy thing.

An existence that is infinitely close to a world-destroying ghost and god cannot find the source of the supernatural.

What a joke.

His third prince sister actually has such weird supernatural means?

Grandpa, what's going on? Can't you even detect the source?

The eldest prince asked immediately.

The Duke of the West said solemnly: Not at all. If you and other nobles hadn't behaved more and more abnormally, I wouldn't have noticed it now. Excluding the possibility that the supernatural source is more terrifying than me, the only answer left is Yes, this supernatural spread has a huge range, and I suspect that it has radiated to the entire town of Bohai.

After listening.

The eldest prince's pupils shrank.

Has the supernatural influence spread beyond Bohai Town?

The small town of Bohai is more than twenty kilometers away, and it is also nearly ten kilometers away from his defense line. Doesn't this mean that this unknown supernatural influence has spread over thirty kilometers?

How can this be.

Even the ghost realm of ghosts and gods cannot cover such a large area.

not to mention.

If this was a ghost realm, how could the Duke of the West not be aware of the source at all?

In other words, this is not a ghost land.

Rather, it is simply the spread of supernatural beings.

This kind of supernatural diffusion usually only appears in the land of Yin Qi, and some special supernatural objects can also spread this effect.


This spread is limited in scope.

The maximum coverage is more than a few hundred meters.

Thirty kilometers away, what level of supernatural thing is this?

In other words, it is not certain whether there is such a level of supernatural being.

The eldest prince did not believe that three princesses and one princess could possess such a supernatural thing that was not available in the entire Eli Empire.

Grandpa, what should we do now? These three sisters came prepared at first glance. She used this supernatural thing to secretly influence the thinking of all of us, intending to make us only know how to fight. There must be something else behind it. Planning must be guarded against.”

The Duke of the West nodded.

There was also some fearful thought in my heart.

Where did these three princesses come from? Such weird and supernatural things could actually make him, a ghost and god who is infinitely close to the world-destroying level, be attacked without warning. If he hadn't been at an extremely high level of terror, he would have fallen into this situation long ago. In a feverish fighting spirit.

He became a reckless man who only knew how to fight to the death regardless of the consequences.

Even ordinary world-destroying ghosts and gods cannot display such silent supernatural powers.

You have to be an existence on the same level as the glorious ghosts and gods to have this ability.

But he can be sure that this is definitely not the method of the glorious ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, he would not have the desire to fight now, but would want to kneel down and sing conquest.

Recall everyone. The lower the terror level, the more necessary it is to recall. I have just seen that the ghosts below the top ghost king have been deeply affected. Each one is like a powder keg, exploding at a moment. Even the top ghost king has been deeply affected in his heart. The endless fighting spirit is eroding, and their sanity is greatly reduced. As long as someone agrees, they will probably rush forward.

The eldest prince nodded.

Understand the seriousness of the matter.

He was glad that he still had a Duke of the Western Region by his side, otherwise by the time he found out, the entire army of ghosts in the Western Region would have already turned into an irrational killing machine.


Just when he was about to give the order.

An impassioned voice sounded one step ahead of him:

Brothers, charge!

Show your blood and ferocity and let that damn woman know that all the men in the Western Region are good.

Come on! Roar! Be more ferocious!

The words fell.

The army of ghosts from the Western Territory, which had already been ready to attack, burst out with astonishing roars under the encouragement and shouts. Their eyes were scarlet and they rushed forward with ferocious laughter.

A mighty killing spree towards the small town of Bohai.

The Great Prince:! ! ?

He was confused.

Is this...his voice?


He didn't speak.

Who is talking about this horse?

I'm talking about your uncle.

For a while.

The eldest prince's face turned green.


But he reacted quickly.

Now is not the time to look for people. The top priority is to issue the order to retreat and stop the army of ghosts in the west.


He also shouted: Stop, as the great prince of the Eli Empire, I order you to stop. It was not me who gave the order just now, there was a traitor at work.

The sound came rolling in.

It gave some top ghost kings some clarity in their minds.

The eldest prince was delighted.

There is hope.

That's what I thought.

The next second.

The voice sounded again, with full teasing and teasing in its tone, as if watching a good show: This stupid man actually prevented the brothers from making contributions. He must be scared and wanted to retreat, so he pretended to be the eldest prince and issued an order. His heart should be punished, kill him, he is shaking the morale of the army.


The ghosts were filled with fighting spirit.

He screamed.


The idiot who pretended to be the eldest prince just now must not have wanted to die, so he would say such words. Otherwise, why would men from the West be afraid of a woman? This would not be a joke.

How could a person with such thoughts of greed for life and fear of death be from the Western Region?


That's definitely a traitor.


The eyes of the ghosts all fell on the eldest prince.

The scarlet ghost stared intently, choosing people to eat.

The eldest prince...


At this moment.

His face has been twisted into a purple color.

In the eyes of the tens of thousands of fierce ghosts who wanted to tear him apart, they did not dare to say anything.

Because under the influence of unknown supernatural forces, this group of evil ghosts only had overwhelming fighting spirit. Anyone who dared to violate this principle would be attacked.

Especially when there was a bitch hiding in the dark to boost his morale. In this case, if he said another irony, he believed that these ghosts would definitely tear him apart.


What kind of bamboo shoot is this?

Better stay off the horse and let me find you!

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