This time.

Shen Jian was really confused.

There was full surprise in his eyes.

Could it be that the eldest prince is out of his mind? Otherwise, why would he let the eldest princess come to seduce him? What is the difference between letting a sheep go to a tiger to discuss how to drive away the wolf!

The main thing is to give it away for free, right?

what happened?

Shen Jian asked curiously.

The female knight took one look and knew that the man who coveted his sister-in-law was thinking wrongly. She snorted: What are you thinking? It's not the same thing, but it's almost the same.


She handed over the human skin paper.

[eldest prince: There is an urgent task for you to handle. As long as you can complete this task, I will definitely get the position of crown prince. Then I can legitimately accept you as the princess. 】

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

This cake is really big and round.

[Female Knight: Your Highness, tell me. 】

[eldest prince: You ask the princess to seduce the fourth prince, ask him to take you to the manufacturing site of the flintlock gun, and transmit everything you see back. But remember, you cannot let the princess leave your sight. Once the fourth prince has If there is excessive behavior, you should interrupt it immediately. 】

[Female Knight: ...Your Highness, the princess may not be willing. 】

[First Prince: She will agree, just tell her that you are helping me. If I lose, everything will be over. On the contrary, she only needs to please the fourth prince and win the manufacturing process, and we can go against the wind. Comeback, not to mention I have arranged for people to be by her side. If the fourth prince wants to use force, I will send people to stop it. 】

[First Prince: You think of a way to convince the princess according to what I said, she will agree. After all, I and the Belkia family have a mutually beneficial relationship. If I am eliminated, the new king will succeed. , the Belkia family that supports me will definitely be suppressed in the future, whether it is for me or her family, she will agree. 】

[Female Knight: I understand. 】

The message ends here.

Shen Jian was amazed when he saw it.

My eyes lit up.


According to his original plan, when the eldest princess's sister-in-law's favorability towards him reaches above 70 points, he will tell the truth about the eldest prince secretly sending people to monitor her, so as to create a gap between the two of them, so that he can take advantage of it. .

but now……

Even this step is omitted.

As soon as the eldest prince's plan came out, the relationship between the two completely reached a freezing point. Without any effort on his part, the couple was already estranged from each other.

The difficulty of the strategy can be said to have plummeted.

Speaking of which, he had to thank the eldest prince for making such a stupid move.


What was the reason that led the eldest prince to resort to such a method of having the green prairie on his head?

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

Glancing at the chat interface.

The news focused on making a flintlock gun for the eldest prince, and combined with the eldest prince's purpose of letting the princess seduce him, he began to think deeply.

Could this be the player's divine assist?

Calculating time, it is not difficult to create a simple flintlock gun with the perspective of this group of players that transcends the background of the times and the technology that has been advanced for hundreds of years.

Looking at it this way, he estimated that the group of Western players had discovered that the power of the flintlock gun was not as terrifying as they imagined. According to normal logic, the other party would definitely suspect that the Fourth Prince's flintlock gun had other manufacturing techniques.

The purpose of the eldest prince in letting his good sister-in-law seduce him is very obvious.

That is to obtain the manufacturing process that is integral to this part.

Think of this.

Shen Jian understood in his heart.

Although it was a guess, he was basically certain that this was the truth of the matter.

Do you want to tell the princess?

Seeing that Shen Jian didn't move, the female knight asked tentatively.

His eyes were twinkling.

To be honest, although she felt that it was the eldest princess Ainiya who influenced her to take the position of princess, the eldest prince's current behavior was indeed not that of a man.

He is actually willing to let his own woman seduce his younger brother.

Even if she is allowed to monitor, she will inevitably interrupt the fourth prince's excessive behavior at all times, but this just proves another meaning: as long as it is not excessive, it is all part of the plan.

According to her understanding of the eldest prince, this so-called excessiveness probably refers to the pleasure between men and women. In other words, as long as it does not go to the last step, it is acceptable in the eyes of the eldest prince.

Such a man is not someone who can be trusted at all.

In the eyes of the other party, the throne is much more important than women.

For the sake of the throne, women can be given away.

Shen Jian waved his hand: Not now. Being too hasty will make people feel that it has been planned for a long time. Even if it really destroys the relationship between brother Wang and his sister-in-law, it will not be good for me.

Think about it.

Shen Jian still gave up this tempting decision.

Of course he also knew that the content on the human skin paper was a killer, but this content alone might be able to destroy the relationship between the two people, but it had no effect on him.

on the contrary.

This is likely to cause the sister-in-law to have extreme thoughts.

I think all men are unreliable.

By then.

It would be too difficult to open the heart of this good sister-in-law.


Shen Jian asked: What reason did you use to let her stay?

The female knight curled her lips and said: I said you asked me to do an important thing, which is related to the safety of the southern border. I may not be able to go back in a short time. Then I gave up the princess's idea, but... if you dare to go again The frivolous princess, she will probably leave me and go back directly.

Shen Jian:......

Let me see.

He didn't answer.

But it's vague.

See this.

The female knight was full of unwillingness.

How is she worse than the princess?

Isn't it just that the background is a bit different? Isn't it just that the appearance is a little different? Isn’t it just that my skin is two different shades different? Isn't it just too fierce and not delicate enough to push?


All right.

She admitted that compared with the dazzling princess Ainiya, she was indeed a little behind.

But that doesn't mean she's bad, it's just that the eldest princess is too strong.

Otherwise, from the perspective of the eldest prince, how could he be ambiguous with her.

If she is said to be the first class, then the eldest princess is the super class.


She is not inferior to the princess in any aspect.

At least at this point, she's way ahead.

Thoughts are spinning.

The female knight boldly came over, stood on tiptoes, took a bite on Shen Jian's cheek, and then breathed blue into Shen Jian's ear.

Your Highness, no one knows my current whereabouts. Even if I disappear for a day or two, no one will notice anything unusual.

I am the sword in your hand, cutting off all the thorns for you, but sometimes, the sword body also needs a certain amount of maintenance before it can be taken out of the sheath and kill people.

These words.

Hearing this made Shen Jian's blood boil.

Have you forgotten what I said? What are you going to call me?

Hear the words.

The female knight bit her lower lip, her eyes not to mention how seductive she was.

She said charmingly: Master, please ravage me, meow~

This meow completely ignited Shen Jian.

He picked up the little wheat-colored wild cat, and in a blink of an eye, he was back in the bedroom that was in a state of disarray.

Put it away.


An even more seductive meow came from the mouth of this female knight.

The sound is scratchy.

for a long time.

The little wildcat is overwhelmed.

Her identity, status, and appearance are not as good as those of the eldest princess Ainiya, but she has one biggest advantage, that is, she is good at learning.

Including how to please a man and how to make him unable to live without her is also within her learning atmosphere.

Last time.

Because it was the first time, her skills were not very good, and Shen Jian was the one taking the lead.

But this time, she made rapid progress.

There is a ventriloquist in the capital, which refers to her.

as expected.

Now that it has been used in actual combat for the first time, it has produced unexpected results.


She was a little too proud.

In the second actual battle, they were quickly defeated.

The quilt cover at the corner of the bed was tightly clenched by her and twisted into a ball.

The Yin Qi was constantly draining away, much faster than she imagined.

Wait for Shen Jian to open his eyes again.

It is already the third day since returning from the north.

He walked out of the bedroom refreshed, asked the maid to prepare a stomach-nourishing breakfast and sent it here, and then came to his exclusive study room.

There are two office locations in the study.

One big and one small.

One is positive and the other is biased.

The big one belongs to him, and the small one belongs to the ghost scribe Kali Till.

Shen Jian looked around.

On the side seat.

Kali Tire was handling the affairs of the Duke's Palace seriously. She wore a noble purple dress that highlighted her straight figure. Her long, soft ice-blue hair was scattered on her smooth shoulders, making her look perfect. The skin as white as snow is more crystal clear, coupled with the delicate and serious facial features, under the slanting light of the morning sun, there is a beautiful expectation of hope to be fixed at this moment.

Hear sounds.

The ghost secretary raised his head, his sky-blue eyes like the vast ocean blinked slightly, his face showed a hint of surprise, he stood up suddenly, but he didn't know what he thought of, stopped his body, and said: Long time ago I got the information that you came back a day ago, but you didn’t see anyone the whole day. Did you go to that countess’ place again to fool around?”

Your Highness, your status is no longer the same as before. Before, you were indulgent and no one would come to see you. But now you are the Lord of the Three Realms and the future king considered by the people of the kingdom. If you disappear for a day, it is a sign of neglect.

If you do this again in the future, you will be impeached.

Her words were very formal, like a subject's admonishment to the emperor, but Shen Jian could still see her true emotions from the small movements of the other party's mouth and the slight raise of her eyebrows.

It was a complex emotion that was mixed with jealousy and had no name. It was the only way to express one's inner dissatisfaction.

Shen Jian's expression changed.

【Ghost Scribe Kali Till】

[Current status: Jealous, conflicted, entangled, complicated. 】

[Favorability: 72 (ambiguous)]

See it.

Shen Jian smiled and said, I still have you. It's because of you that I can leave with peace of mind. If it were someone else, I wouldn't dare to hand over all the secrets.

Hear this.

A flash of joy flashed in Kali Tire's eyes, but he still stood there reservedly, pursed his lips and said: When Your Highness succeeds to the throne in the future, there will be a large number of people in the royal city who are more powerful than me. By then, my role will be It’s limited.”

Shen Jian didn't hesitate at all.

He opened his mouth to guarantee: No, the person I trust the most is always you. No one can gain my 100% trust except you. Even if I become the king, the prime minister of this country will not be someone else. But you.

The words fell.

Shen Jian could clearly see that the favorability panel was constantly refreshing.

[Favorability +1. 】

[Favorability +1. 】

[Favorability +1. 】


Your Highness...

The ghost secretary looked at the fourth prince in front of him dreamily.

Her eyes were full of watery tenderness, as if they were about to melt a person.

But soon.

She shook her head vigorously.

Adjusting his thoughts, he got down to business: Your Highness, I just got the news that the eldest prince and the third princess have started a war, and the battle for the Western Territory has officially begun.

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