Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 852 You and us are not the same cultivation system, right?

Not long after.

Under the guidance of Gun Ghost, Shen Jian came to a stone tower at the end of Ghost Street.

The tower body is very retro, made of a kind of pitch-black obsidian, and is ten stories high, standing at the end.

The gun ghost thought of his current situation, which meant he would die anyway, so he said vengefully: Brother, this stone tower is the Duke's base for creating evil spirits. Once you enter the tower, the terror level will be suppressed by two levels. If a top ghost king enters, he will become an ordinary ghost king.

And at the top of the tower, there is a small ghost realm that is teleported at a fixed point. Ghosts that have become evil ghosts can be sent out and allowed to wander in a fixed area so that they can be eliminated at any time.

In addition, there are various restrictions in the tower, and supernatural means to restrain the ghosts. Without someone to lead, even ghosts and gods will have a hard time breaking in. However... although this kind of supernatural thing with obsidian patterns can The range suppresses the terror level of evil spirits, but sometimes it fails for no reason. Because of this, evil spirits may sneak out and wander around the streets every few days. This is our goal in searching the streets.

The gun ghost spoke out in one breath.

There is quite an attitude of abandoning darkness and turning to light, taking the lead in making meritorious deeds.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

No hesitation.

He just broke in.

The three players were trembling, feeling their hearts pounding, and they followed suit.

Oh my god.

So exciting!

What is the difference between directly breaking into the enemy's most important experimental base and accidentally entering the big boss Demon King's castle when he was still in the novice village?

This is just a heartbeat.

If you are timid, your legs will become weak at this point and you will have to call your mother.

Although the three four-star players were not so embarrassed, their feelings were similar.

The heart is resisting entering this lifeless ghost cave, but the body is very honest... It's not that they are adventurous and dare to face death, but that if they don't follow, the end will be even worse.

Follow him, at least he still has his thighs in front of him.

If you don't follow him and stay in the Ghost Street, you may be discovered by the patrolling guards at any time.

They can still tell which is light and which is serious.


As soon as they stepped into the stone tower, they regretted it.

In an instant.

An invisible supernatural wave enveloped the place.

The three players' faces paled.

Especially the female player whose ID is [Jana]. Her game level is as high as level 59. She is only one level away from becoming a five-star player and standing at the pinnacle of the supernatural world.

Because of this, her terror level is actually no worse than that of a five-star player who has just entered level 60.

Although she only controlled three ghosts, one of the ghosts she controlled was a complete ghost king-level ghost. Even if she was in a state of death, she still gave her enough strength to temporarily compete with the ghost king.

The distance between his own Yin Qi and the Ghost King is only a fraction of a second.

But now...

She was clearly aware that Jigsaw, the ghost she controlled, was howling and howling. It was extremely suppressed, and her own Yin Qi had dropped to a level that could reach Qingyi level.

The same goes for two other white players.

They are more oppressed.

The strength that was able to fight against the top red-coated level ghosts suddenly dropped to the white-coated level.

From being able to gain a foothold in the horror game area, it has fallen to the bottom of the horror world.

This kind of suppression is unreasonable.

There is not even any means of countermeasures.

When the horror level is suppressed, the chain reaction is that the player's physical condition deteriorates rapidly, and the physical function seems to be decades older, worse than that of an ordinary elderly person.


This is also the current situation of ghost masters.

After controlling the ghost puzzle, as the level of terror increases, their physical functions become worse.

Just like Princess Jana, she has an arm that is slender than an 80-year-old man. She can break her wrist just by lifting any heavy object. But in reality, this old man's hand can not only suppress the evil ghost, but also can kill two people at will. Three normal people mentioned it.

This kind of power is completely dependent on the supernatural.

Once the terror level is suppressed, all the shortcomings of this old man's hand will be exposed.

Become vulnerable.

Just like a real octogenarian.

As for the players who can reach four stars or above, they have not gone very far on the path of supernatural beings. Their bodies have already been riddled with holes by evil ghosts. The reason why they are not dead is because the supernatural beings are maintaining their bodies.


This terrifying supernatural suppression shrouded the three players, and their faces turned pale. With every step they took, they seemed to be able to hear their body parts groaning under the strain.

In this state, let alone confrontation, running is a question.


They looked at Shen Jian and Gungui beside them.

The gun ghost's condition was also very bad, his supernatural fluctuations were sluggish, and his whole body was as wilted as a cucumber.


The opponent's terror level is still considerable, staying infinitely close to that of the Abyss-level Ghost King.

Even though he was suppressed by two levels, he still had this level of terror. This gun ghost was probably an existence that was infinitely close to a ghost.

And such a being, not long ago, knelt down in public to recognize his father.

Think of this.

The player drooled and swallowed.

He looked at Shen Jian.

At this sight, I was completely stunned.

In their opinion, even if Shen Jian is a legendary ghost and god, he will show obvious signs of decline after being suppressed for two levels. He may even have various physical problems like them.

But when they looked at it, Shen Jian looked normal at this time, his face was rosy, and his eyes were shining brightly. Although he was breathing rapidly, it looked like he was overly excited while riding the horse.

what happened?

Why the hell can you not be affected?

Or is it that even if you are suppressed by two levels, it still doesn't matter?


It's noisy.

Be careful, I'm joking and the ghost revives.

After suppressing two levels, you are still calm and composed. What level have you reached?

It’s okay if your fucking style of painting is different from ours.

Now you still have a separate cultivation system?

The players were shocked, and the gun ghost looked at Shen Jian in horror, and couldn't help but said: Brother, don't you feel anything? Generally speaking, the ghost who enters the stone tower for the first time has the strongest reaction, just like you brought The three here are just like weaklings, but how do I look at you, without any effective feedback at all?

Three players:…

Thank you for riding a horse and giving us nicknames.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian said casually: Who said no? Didn't you see that I was already on fire?

Gun Ghost:......

He twitched his mouth.

God is so on fire.

Is this what I'm asking?

I'm asking you why you weren't suppressed to the horror level.

Or is it that your special meow has been suppressed?

Think of this possibility.

The gun ghost's heart was filled with turmoil.

The obsidian supernatural thing here is a supernatural derivative brought back by the Duke of the North when he brought back half of the stone. Even a ghost like the Duke who is infinitely close to the world-destroying level will still be destroyed once he steps into the scope of the stone tower. He was suppressed by two levels and dropped to infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods.

And this man is not affected?

This possibility is simply unbelievable.


If Shen Jian was suppressed, the result would be even more absurd and terrifying.

Because this means that even if this man is suppressed by two levels, his level of terror is still so terrifying that he cannot even sense it.

He had only seen this kind of situation with the Duke before.


Before entering the stone tower, he guessed that Shen Jian might be from the royal family, and his terror level was also infinitely close to the world-destroying level.

But now...

This guess must be overturned.

Shen Jian, who has been suppressed for two levels, still has an unfathomable level of terror. This means that after being suppressed, Shen Jian still has a strength that is infinitely close to the world-destroying level. Under this premise, if he is raised two levels, what level is that? ?

The real world-destroying ghost and god?

Or...far above the world-destroying level ghosts and gods? !

this moment.

The gun ghost seemed to have been hit hard in the soul.

Let his mind go blank.

This man's level of terror is probably above the world-destroying ghosts and gods?

This is a big joke.


Before the gun ghost could recover from the shock and trance, Shen Jian had already moved.

Walking deeper into the stone tower.

In the surrounding corners, there were ghost skins hanging out to dry, piles of bone fragments piled on the ground, and several corpses of ghosts being discarded randomly, like garbage.

The deeper you go, the more impressive the sights become.

Bloody severed limbs, human skeletons, human flesh art puzzles...

Everything here is disgusting.

To this.

Shen Jian was not very interested and even wanted to add to the fun.

Not long after.

He just reached the end.

open the door.

Waves of desperate and shrill wails sounded in the stone room.

Shen Jian glanced away.

I saw that the stone chamber was divided into two separate rooms, inside and outside.

In the outer room.

The devils who were nailed to the wall were scattered in every corner of the stone room.

These ghosts had an obsidian spike piercing their bodies and were nailed to the stone wall. Every time they moved, they would let out unimaginable wails. During the wails, the resentment on each ghost's face became more intense and their expressions became more distorted.

Seeing the visitor, the ghosts wailed and stretched out their weak ghost hands, Brother, help me pull out these damn black stone nails, and I will make you the earl of my territory.

Little brother, save me. If you save me, if you walk sideways in the north in the future, I will give you another ghost limb.

Ah, damn it, you guys who write bad checks, brother, I am the most sincere. If you let me go, I will give you 10 million thriller coins.

The ghosts howled.

Making various promises.

There is only one request: let them go.

Hear this.

The three players behind him were jealous.

The position of earl, the mutilated limbs of ghosts and gods, and 10 million horror coins. As long as one of them can be cashed in, you will reach the pinnacle of life.

Shen Jian watched all this with great interest and asked the gun ghost: Isn't there reincarnation? Why do we still need to adopt such primitive methods?

The gun ghost smiled bitterly and said: Because reincarnation is ineffective against this group of evil ghosts and fierce ghosts. These ghosts are ruthless and have a very high threshold for pain. Even if they are tortured in reincarnation, they cannot collapse. On the contrary, it may cause them to completely freeze.”

And the Duke wanted to create a group of extremely evil ghosts that are more terrifying than evil ghosts, so he kept them.

After listening.

The interest in Shen Jian's eyes became even greater.

The Three Life Stones were used by the Duke of the North, and he was very unhappy.

But the Sansheng Stone was ineffective against this group of ghosts, and he was even more unhappy.

Doesn't this mean that the strange things in his underworld can't even deal with a group of ghosts?

Think about it.

Shen Jian came to the nearest ghost, wearing a luxurious robe but with a bloody face, and said innocently:

You just said that if I let you go, I would give you 10 million thriller coins?

Is it true? (End of Chapter)

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