Supernatural Power: Throw of the Universe!

Between the old man and the old man.

Shen Jian looked solemn, and the sounds of ghosts and gods echoed in the sky, causing waves in the night sky, and the sound reached the extreme level of shock.

It was as if the general trend of heaven and earth was being stirred up, and the power of heaven and earth was to be used to deal a devastating blow to the enemy.


The three players who rushed over were stunned.

Especially Janna, her whole jaw was shocked.

Supernatural power!

This turned out to be a magical power that only immortals can use in the legend of the Dragon Kingdom.

She firmly believed that there were immortals in the Dragon Kingdom.

Because with her status in the Western Holy See and her family's status, she is qualified to know more about the real world than anyone else.

For example... half a year ago, a real immortal figure came to the small town of Gallifrey on the American continent. He lifted a hundred-foot-high pyramid with one hand and walked on the Western continent.

The Holy See received intelligence and carried out a sniper attack on the immortal god in Ferro City, one of the twelve main cities in the west. They deployed all the military forces in the city, but they were unable to have any impact on him.

On the contrary, this immortal god attracted thunder clouds with one hand, destroyed half of the city of Ferro, and walked away.

Until now, the city of Ferro has not been completely rebuilt.

Another example is the country-destroying ghost disaster that swept through the Nanlin Province of the Dragon Kingdom more than two months ago.

According to incomplete information, the ghost disaster consisted of an army of 100,000 evil ghosts. In just a few days, a province in the Dragon Kingdom fell, resulting in the death of millions of people. The tide of 100,000 ghosts also turned into an army of nearly 400,000 evil ghosts, and they headed crazily towards other countries. The provinces invaded and left.

At that time.

The seven kings of hell in the underworld appeared and reversed the crisis in one fell swoop.


She knows that there are indeed gods in this world.

Now, when she suddenly heard Shen Jian shout out supernatural power, a prefix that obviously had extraordinary meaning, she was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized for a moment.

Could it be that the reason why Shen Jian has such strength is because he obtained the immortal means?

And what he is performing now is a kind of immortal method?

Think of this.

Janna's heart was shocked, and her eyes were as wide as bells, trying to understand the mystery.

He also displayed such shocking power.

The two white players who were traveling with him also looked horrified.

They didn't think as much as Janna thought, but just shouting out a name caused such a big commotion. This so-called Throw of the Universe was definitely an extraordinary power that they could not imagine.

The next second.

Shen Jian was so angry that he grabbed the old man's head in the basket on his left hand and threw it out.


Two white men:…

Two ghosts:......

The field immediately fell into silence.

Everyone looked like they had toothache.

That's it? That's it?

This horse riding is what you call magical power! ?

Isn't this just throwing your head away?


We stopped doing this kind of childish behavior of throwing props behind when we can't catch up with others when we were five years old.

You're damn good.

And shouted out.

It's just a shout out, you idiot, you even gave it a name.

It’s okay to choose a name, but to choose such a high-ranking one.

It's better to just take it as high as possible, and to make such a big noise really frightened us.

Next time you go for a run, do you have to shout Gu Wu: catch the cicada in eight steps?

If you wave the flower hand, do you get the phrase immortal magic: Thousand-Hand Guanyin?

Just when the gun ghost's face turned dark and he was about to turn around, preparing to suppress Shen Jian.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong with the Spear Ghost's expression, and he lowered his head stiffly.

I saw that the spear ghost's chest was penetrated by an extremely huge hole. If the edge of the hole were larger, it would not be penetrated, but cut off at the waist.

The gun ghost was confused.

Damn it?

Damn it!

what's the situation?

It's like an action that a child can't afford and can only throw props from behind. How could it penetrate you, a top ghost king?

Is it because the head in his hands is too strong, or are you too weak to ride the horse?

Just thinking about it.

The spear ghost's body had fallen heavily.

Nothing supernatural.

The head of the old man who was thrown out was also smashed to pieces.

It became a mosaic.


The three white players all knelt down.

The quintessence of the country!

The quintessence of the country!

Damn it, is this really okay?

This action, which was as visual as throwing a stone, actually killed a top ghost king.

It's like a dream.

Are they abnormal, or has the world changed?

Is it possible that this is really a magical method?

Is it because of localization?

Otherwise, what is thrown is a magic weapon, a treasure?

For a while.

Janna's inner thoughts of this is magical power rekindled.

His eyes widened again.

I only regret that my eyes are not high-definition 4k uncensored cameras, otherwise I would take pictures of everything in front of me and see if I can steal it.

In such deathly silence.

The gun ghost finally reacted.

He looked at Shen Jian in shock.

You... you are not the evil ghost who escaped. Who are you? This is a place that the Duke of the North has forbidden to enter. We are the instructors of the Duke's Palace. If you kill us, the Duke will not let you go. .”

He finally figured out that the figure in front of him was not the escaped evil old man at all, but a strange intruder who killed the evil old man and robbed him of his supernatural possessions.

And the level of horror is very high.

Possessing unimaginable power.

His attention had been attracted by the name Supernatural Power just now, so that he only now noticed that if a dog has more magical power, it is clearly because the other party used all his strength to smash his head over.

God is so powerful.

This is pure strength.

I don’t know if this bitch grew up eating spinach, but his strength is frightening.

If an ordinary ghost throws its head out, it may hurt others, but it will never cause a fatal wound like this.

This means that the power of Shen Jian's throw has reached an unimaginable level. Anything in his hands can become a murderous weapon.

Even a stone or a branch, with the blessing of such power, can erupt with destructive power that can penetrate rocks.

This is really incredible.

Relying on strength alone, using a round head to pierce the ghost body of a top ghost king is such an abnormal display of strength that even the Duke may not be able to do it.

Who is this man?

What did he want to do when he broke into the Ghost Street?

A chill ran down Gungui's spine.

Since he was promoted to the top ghost king, there have been few things that can scare him so much. The Grand Duke of the North is one, Reincarnation is another, and now, Shen Jian is also one.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian tilted his head and said: I'm very curious. When you say such words, do you hope that I will silence you quickly? You all know that the Grand Duke of the North will not let me go, so you threaten me with a life-threatening death. Disciple, if I can’t escape, what do you think I will do first?”


Shen Jian showed a sinister smile.

Gun Ghost:......

He was stunned.


That seems to be the case.

Since the Duke will not let the intruder break into the Ghost Street, what is the use of threatening a dying person? If the other party is angry and kills him first, then even if the Duke kills the other party again, he will not survive.

For a while.

He couldn't handle this logic.

The key is, he still thinks it makes sense.

If it were him, he would have killed all the enemy's men when he knew there was no hope of escape.


The gun ghost sweated even more intensely.

Inwardly annoyed.

I felt that the words I blurted out were extremely stupid.

Looking for remedies now, urgent!

The next second.

The gun ghost seemed to have thought of something.

Dad, I am your son, are you willing to kill me?

He knelt.

The voice was like weeping and complaining.

There is no hint of reluctance at all.

The main theme is a man who sincerely recognizes his father.

A wild father is not a father...he told himself repeatedly in his heart.

Three players:? ? ?

They were dumbfounded.

A top ghost king recognized his father in public.

This is completely beyond the limits of their imagination.

after all.

Directly killing a top ghost king would shock their outlook, but at least they had seen it before and could still accept it.

But a top ghost king was so frightened that he knelt down and called him daddy. This was something he couldn't do without a few tricks.

Compared with the former, the latter is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

If this scene could be filmed, it would definitely shock the entire supernatural world.

Let countless people be in an uproar.

this moment.

A thought emerged in their hearts: You used to be indifferent to recognizing your father, but now I have made it impossible for you to reach it.

the other side.

Shen Jian glanced at the gun ghost with disgust.

He cursed and said: Get out.

Okay, dad...oh no, brother.

The gun ghost was about to get away from this scary man, but just a second later, Shen Jian cursed again: I mean, let you go to your evil ghost manufacturing base.

Hear this.

The gun ghost's eyelids twitched.

Want to cry but no tears.

He knew that the secret of Ghost Street was only the Duke's ghost manufacturing base, and since this man chose to break in, it must be an evil person. It is not difficult to guess the opponent's goal.

Brother, I am a retainer of the Duke's palace. If I take you there, I will be finished. The Duke will not let me go.

The words have not yet finished.

Shen Jian had already put a knife on his neck.

If you don't take me there now, I won't let you go now.

Gun Ghost:......

He was about to cry.

First he thought of the Duke's methods, and then looked at the serrated sword that was only 0.01 centimeters away from his throat. After three seconds, he made a decision.

Brother, please give me this task. I have long been dissatisfied with the Duke. He threw all the ghosts in the Duke's palace who did not obey his orders into reincarnation and made them evil ghosts. I was the one at the beginning. If I was a little slow in completing the task, he would send me into reincarnation to scare the monkeys.

The gun ghost said with resentment on his face.

He did hate this.

It's just that due to the Duke's terrifying strength and cruel methods, he couldn't resist, let alone dared to resist.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any dissatisfaction.

Shen Jian said seriously: What is reincarnation?

The gun ghost said without hesitation: It's half a stone. Standing in front of the stone, it seems that some unknown pictures can be illuminated, making people's consciousness reincarnate and unable to escape. The Duke transformed it and turned it into a special torture A complete collection of ways to die as a ghost.

Shen Jian was shocked.

The really a three-life stone.

However, it seems to be incomplete.

Was part of it destroyed during the drastic changes in the underworld?

Do you know how the Duke of the North obtained it? The remaining half was not found?

Shen Jian asked.

The gun ghost looked suspicious, always feeling that Shen Jian's reaction seemed too big, but he still explained: I don't know, but some of us speculate that the Duke may have brought this back from the high seas.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian said nothing.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he grabbed the gun ghost and walked away.

Didn't stop for a moment.

He couldn't wait to recover the strange objects belonging to the underworld.

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