Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 853 You can pay in installments and share your body

As soon as these words came out.

In the stone room, the eyes of the ghosts were attracted.

The ferocious and twisted ghost faces were full of surprise.

Because Shen Jian did not carry any badge related to the Duke's Palace in the North, they mistakenly believed that Shen Jian and the three weak chickens who had difficulty walking were all captured by the gun ghost and thrown into reincarnation.

But looking at it now, it seems that is not the case.

Otherwise, the moment Shen Jian walked out of the team, the gun ghost should have kicked him up and beaten him up.

Instead of letting the other person speak without stopping.

There's drama!

The eyes of the ghosts lit up.

Showing some excitement.

Being nailed to death in this dark stone room, enduring excruciating pain day after day, no matter how high their threshold for pain is, one day they will be unable to hold on and become evil ghosts whose instincts are controlled by killing.

This kind of ending is not what they want.

at the moment.

There seems to be a big shot in the stone room, and even the gun ghost is respectful. If we don't seize this opportunity, there will be no such good opportunities in the future.


The deceitful ghost wearing a luxurious robe immediately used his supernatural powers and began to influence the opponent's thoughts vaguely. The black stone nail nailed his ghost body, suppressing his supernatural fluctuations and terror level, but not all supernatural powers could not be used.

after all.

Being motionless is a bastard.

If they were really completely suppressed, coupled with the excruciating pain, they would have died long ago.

And he is a liar.

What he is best at is naturally lying to people.

Even the Duke of the North would eat the pie he painted without paying attention.

Not to mention a young man.

Brother, what I said is true. Look at the robes on my body. To be honest, I am actually the only scion of a down-and-out duke's family. The origins can be traced back to the establishment of the Eli Empire. My grandfather had the foresight to prevent future generations from ruining the family business and left a treasure for future generations to make a comeback.

When the family passed down to my generation, I inherited this treasure map. According to my grandfather's last words, there are more than 10 million horror coins and a large number of supernatural resources buried in this treasure place.

Brother, if you let me go, I will give you 10 million thriller coins.

The deceitful ghost has deep feelings.

Whether it is micro-expressions, movements, tone, or even any subtle changes in speech, they all appear impeccable.

No flaws can be found at all.

In the real world, this does not require supernatural blessing for someone to believe it.

Not to mention the double blessing of supernatural guidance.

Three players is an example.

at this time.

In their eyes, they have automatically transformed the liar's words into a more understandable meaning.

I, Qin Shihuang, v50, make you a general in front of the imperial court and reward you with ten thousand taels of money.

As long as he lets go of this down-and-out duke's heir, he can get 10 million thriller coins.

What a temptation.

It's almost crazy.

If these ten million horror coins were theirs, they could go to a five-star supernatural hotel, eat instant noodles, and then arrogantly ask the waiter to add double eggs and ham and lettuce.


How about it, little brother? You just need to help me pull out the black stone nail on my chest. After I get out of trouble, I will come back to you with 10 million thriller coins. I won't embarrass you with this condition.

The liar ghost endured the severe pain and said without any pain.

It's not difficult, it's not difficult. How can this be difficult? With such good conditions, it's too late for me to be happy.

Shen Jian smiled.

Glancing at the gun ghost who was about to speak, he swallowed the words he blurted out, then shrugged his head and stood there with a look of despair.

See this.

Shen Jian nodded with satisfaction.

Step forward.

He grabbed the black stone nail of the deceiver with his bare hands and pulled it out hard.

With a tingling sound.

The black stone nail was forcibly pulled out.

Liar:! ! !

Ghosts:! ! !

The crucified ghosts were stunned for a moment.

Damn it?

Are you trying to survive?

Did you really fucking pull it out?

What's going on!

They were very familiar with this black stone nail. Once it was nailed, it would be impossible to pull it off unless it was made of a supernatural object made of obsidian.

The supernatural power of confinement is no small matter.

at this point.

They've tried it long ago.

But now...

They saw someone pulling out this forbidden supernatural thing with bare hands, without even a trace of effort being seen.

This is too amazing.

The deceiver who originally planned to pull out the black stone nails and escape by his own strength stopped this idea.

He felt that since Shen Jian had eaten the cake he had drawn, he would use it a few more times to get value for money.

Especially the gun ghost level is not that easy.

Brother, I'm very weak now. Can you take me out? Of course, I don't keep you busy in vain. On the basis of the 10 million thriller coins, I am willing to add another 5 million.

The liar comes as soon as he opens his mouth.

It's a bad check anyway, he dares to write any amount.

As long as he escapes from the Ghost Street, even the Duke of the North will not be able to find him with his recovered supernatural powers that are infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods.

By then.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, he can go wherever he wants.

Hear this.

Before Shen Jian could respond, the gun ghost was the first to become unable to sit still.

He couldn't help but said: Brother, he is lying to you. He has said this trick countless times. It is simply a lie. Moreover, he is not a descendant of a declining duke family at all, but a beggar who founded He is a gang leader, but he is still a low-class gangster.

The liar's face changed slightly.

At this time.

Shen Jian also looked over, as if he had just reacted, and asked: Is what he said true?

It's fake. He has never seen my treasure map, so how can he know whether it is true or false? Brother, I think he simply doesn't want you to get 10 million thriller coins, and even wants to keep it for himself. That's why he slanders me like this. .”

The liar said again and again.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: In this case, I will give you zero down payment. You can leave now, but you must leave something valuable enough as collateral. Otherwise, what will happen if you run away?

Hear this.

The liar looked at Shen Jian as if he were looking at a fool.

Let me pay zero down payment?

Then it depends on whether I pay or not.

In terms of character, I am very good at it.

If you don't pay it back, Te Miao won't pay a penny.


The liar thought this in his heart, but still looked sincere on the surface.

He reached out and took off the luxurious robe, and said in memory: This dress is a relic of my grandfather and a symbol of the family. Now I give it to you for safekeeping. When I get the thriller coin back, I can redeem it. This dress.

Say it.

The liar turned around and walked away.

He looked like his family was in dire straits and had to rely on pawning family belongings to survive, but he was full of reluctance to give up.

No one who looks at it can find anything wrong with it.

You may even think that this person is affectionate and righteous, and a ghost who values ​​commitment.

Wait, I'm afraid you didn't hear me clearly. I meant something valuable, and the equivalent value of 10 million thriller coins is ghosts and gods.

The liar was stunned.

Didn't you say zero down payment? The only thing I have is this piece of clothing worth now.

Who said that?

Shen Jian looked strange.

Fool, the most valuable thing about you is yourself. You can mortgage yourself here.

Liar:? ? ?

He opened his mouth.

I suspect I heard it wrong.

Am I mortgaging myself here?

What kind of ghost world joke are you making?

If that's the case, how do I get the money?

I'm going to get the thriller coins.

The liar reminded.

Shen Jian nodded, I know, so you need collateral.

But I pledged myself, so how am I going to get the money?

That's your problem. Shen Jian innocently spread his hands.



The fist is hard.

The back molars are also broken.

You're fucking closing the loop with me.

If you want to go out, you need to get money first. If you don’t have money to pledge yourself, then I will go out and die.

Of course, you can also choose to pay in normal installments.

The liar suppressed the resentment in his heart and showed a forced smile: Then I don't want zero down payment. I choose to pay in normal installments directly. This dress will be the first installment.

Shen Jian smiled and said: You understand it wrong. The installment payment I am talking about means that you pay part of the body of a ghost and god worth 10 million horror coins in advance. For example, if you are now infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods, then you will pay part of it every time. You can dismember part of yourself and use it to repay the loan in 24 installments, with each installment paying back a body that is no smaller than your head, which is interest.”

Liar:? ? ?

God damn installment payment.

Isn't this payment for dismemberment?

It's mine.

I haven’t got enough to pay back the 24 installments after I divided them, you piece of shit.

More importantly, this is just interest.

If you sell 10 million thriller coins doubled, you are the business genius.

The North cannot develop because of your absence.

Are you kidding me?

For the first time, the liar had such an idea in his heart.


He looked at the gun ghost, then at Shen Jian who didn't know how to deal with it, but he still said weakly from the bottom of his heart: I can't afford it.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's face immediately turned cold.

Can't you afford to pay back? Let me tell you, this is a black shop. I have to pay back even if I can't afford it. Otherwise, what will I do with the time I wasted?


Shen Jian kicked him forward.

Kick it away.

Cursing: I don't have the money to pretend to be rich. Let me tell you, if we don't send the principal and interest, it will be the end of the world for us.


Everyone was shocked.

Forced buying and selling.

It's too black-hearted.

What's the difference between you and those black-hearted businessmen who are blinded by lard?

Oh no.

Others admit that they are a black shop.

How can I scold you?

For a while.

Everyone on the field was a little nervous.

The eyes he looked at the liar showed a bit of pity.

If you encounter such a bamboo shoot thing, just accept it.

the other side.

The liar was stunned.

Seeing the playful and pitiful looks of the ghosts and the ugly face of Shen Jian, the arrogant and black-hearted businessman, he collapsed.

This familiar sense of sight reminded him of the days when he had begged for a living. At that time, his dignity was trampled on like this.


He was already infinitely close to the existence of ghosts and gods, but he was still trampled on like this, and his mentality was completely shattered.

Just a moment.

The liar raised his head full of hatred, the resentment on his body rising to the sky.

Why, why are you doing this to me? Why is my life still so miserable? Why has nothing changed?

I'm so miserable...

Why am I the only one who is so miserable...

With the distorted roars, the Liar Ghost was haunted by resentment, his eyes turned red, and he was murderous and crazy.

And the terrifying level on his body is being upgraded from Ghost King to Abyss level, infinitely close to the top Ghost King level.

this moment.

The ghosts' expressions changed.

Because the level of terror on the deceitful ghost is the effect of being suppressed by the supernatural.

If he leaves the outside world, he will no longer be the top ghost king, but a real ghost god.

And he is a ghost-level evil ghost.

Long live!

This dog competition thing actually turned the deceiver into a devil.

He also helped others complete the transformation from a top ghost king to a ghost god.

Although it is a ghost-level god in the form of an evil spirit, no matter what, it is still a genuine ghost and god.

Among the evil spirits raging in the north, there has never been a ghost-level one.

Liar is the first example.

They wanted to know if Shen Jian regretted it so much now.


When the group of ghosts on the wall looked over.

Shen Jian's face already showed a hint of teachable expression.

? ? ?

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