Yongkang City.

When the player steps into the scope of Ghost Street.

A line of scarlet font appeared.

[It has been detected that the truth about the origin of the evil ghost has been learned, and it has been detected that the player has entered the plot point of the hidden mission, and the hidden mission has been automatically triggered. 】

[Hidden mission: Recover the northern territory. 】

[Content: The Lord of the North allowed the evil spirits to encroach on the North, turning it into a barren land filled with resentment and becoming a restricted area for evil spirits. It severely damaged the homeland security of the Eli Empire and affected a wide range of areas. 】

[Mission conditions: 1: Destroy the Ghost Street. 】

[Two: Drive the Lord of the North out of the North. 】

[3: Stabilize the situation in the north. 】

[Note: This hidden task far exceeds the player level limit. Players can choose one of them to complete. Each time one is completed, the rewards will be stacked. 】

[Note: Hidden risks need to be completely resolved to meet customs clearance standards. 】

[Note: This task is mandatory, and all players who triggered the task need to participate and complete it together. 】

The scarlet panel flashed.

The three players all shrank their pupils and froze on the spot.


Recover the northern territory?

Is this horse-riding mission standard that we can come into contact with?

Can't refuse yet.

Horror game, you goddammit, forced buying and selling.

Do you want to see what the mission requirements are?

Destroy Ghost Street?

Drive away the Lord of the North?

Stabilize the situation in the north?

Needless to say, the third one is a prerequisite for the first two. If one of them is not met, option three cannot be triggered.

But destroying the Ghost Street and driving away the Lord of the North, are you sure this is not a joke?

Even if ghosts and gods come, they dare not say it can be completed.

And they were just a group of four-star players. How could He Dehe trigger a hidden mission that would make even five-star players feel numb?

Hell, there is no rejection option. How is the balance of the thriller game done? It leaves such a mission that is obviously a death mission.

One white player turned pale.

Knowing the truth about the birth of the evil ghost and stepping into the scope of the evil ghost street. If any of these two prerequisites are not met, this hidden mission cannot be triggered. And those who dare to track down here must be mentally prepared, so This hidden mission is really not targeting us.

The other player still has some sense, but the situation is not much better.

His body was trembling, and the tall man of 1.8 meters was even weaker than the frail little girl.

My mentality almost collapsed.

This hidden mission is indeed not targeting them, but the reason why they came here is just to avoid disaster, and they are not prepared to enter the Ghost Street with Shen Jian at all.

Now Leng Buding was stabbed in the back by a horror game, and was passively involved in this hellish mission. He didn't collapse directly, which is already a sign of excellent charisma.

Even [Janna], whose game level is as high as 59, has a bloodless face.

In her plan, entering Yongkang City was already the end of the trip. As for what Shen Jian was going to do, they didn't know, nor did they want to know. They just wanted to stay quietly in this Garden of Eden and wait for Shen Jian. End your actions.

And now...

No more.

The task template given by the thriller game clearly stated that the task was mandatory and required them to complete it together.

It feels like a thriller game also wants to solve the evil ghost crisis, but no player has been able to trigger it. Now that they have found a few villains and triggered the task, they will naturally squeeze it to death.

This is too raw.

Calm down. Janna took several breaths to calm down her fucking emotions, Look at the precautions for horror games. Whether it is destroying the Ghost Street or driving away the Duke of the North, there should be a critical value. Only when this critical value is reached will it be considered completely completed.”

I guess option one, destroying the Street of Evil Ghosts, refers to destroying the base where the Northern Archduke can mass-produce evil spirits...

Before Janna could finish speaking, the white player who was the first to speak had already said in despair: Is this possible? Didn't you hear what the Sixth Princess said before? There are people from the Duke's Palace guarding Ghost Street everywhere, and there are many people secretly there. There are five top ghost kings, and there may even be more. Only by breaking through here can we reach the experimental base for creating evil ghosts. We don't even have an accurate estimate of how many evil ghosts there are.

As soon as these words came out.

Another player who originally had a glimmer of hope also had a dull expression.


With their strength, it is hard to say whether they can break through the blockade of Ghost Street and enter the interior, let alone enter the experimental base for producing ghosts. What if there is still a division of guards guarding it? What if the ghost inside becomes a demon? Thousands of them, how could they possibly destroy this place.

Might as well go back and take a nap.

There must be everything in the dream.

See this.

Janna raised her voice and said: How many dishes are you drinking like this? Do you think you are God? Do you think we can solve it by just a few of us?

Hear this.

The two players were stunned for a moment.

My mind is a little confused.

What's the meaning?

There are only a few of us in the hidden mission. If we don’t rely on us to solve it, who can we rely on?

Janna said with a look of helplessness: Don't forget, no one in this huge Northern Territory knows the crimes of the Duke of the Northern Territory. He knows how to use public opinion to harvest public opinion. We can do the same, as long as we make a big fuss in Ghost Street, It won’t take tomorrow for the news to spread throughout Yongkang City, and by then, we can guide the topic to the direction that the Grand Duke of the North is the source of evil spirits.

As long as you try a few more times, people in Yongkang City will become panicked. Over time, some people will eventually believe it and go to Evil Ghost Street to test it. Once you test it a few times, the loopholes will not be closed.

The same is true for mission two. We don't have the capital to drive away a duke, but the royal family does. As long as the matter in the north cannot be concealed and spread, the royal family will send people over sooner or later. Even if the entrance to the north is controlled, we can only You can’t get in or out, but for us players, the transmission of information is not limited by distance.”

Janna's words were like thunder, exploding among the players.

They were shocked.


There is no rule in Thriller Games that they cannot call in foreign aid.

Moreover, this mission is not at all difficult to be accepted by four-star players. Even five-star players are not qualified to accept it.

In other words, they are not expected to complete the thriller game alone. In this case, the only breaking point lies with the people of Yongkang City.

As long as it is exposed that the Grand Duke of the North is the source of evil spirits, public anger will flood the Duke's Palace sooner or later.

The Ghost Street naturally collapsed on its own.

And all they need to do is to cause a movement in Ghost Street that is enough to shock the whole city.

Look at it this way.

Although the intensity of the task is still beyond the standard, at least it is possible to complete it.

Think of this.

The two players' faces erupted with desire for survival.

Then how do we break through the blockade of Ghost Street? It's not easy to avoid the top ghost king in the Duke's Palace, and none of us are particularly good at hiding our bodies.

Hear this.

Janna couldn't help but cast her eyes on Shen Jian.

Your Highness, what do you think?

Shen Jian glanced at her.

Looked at the scarlet panel.

Except for the same mission template that will appear for all players mentioned above.

There are also a few more lines on his mission panel.

[It is detected that the player's current identity is the fourth prince of the Eli Empire. After completing this hidden task, the player can automatically inherit the identity of the Lord of the North and take charge of everything in the North. 】

[Note: Killing the Northern Archduke will not trigger the divine judgment. 】

[Note: Players with the title of Dungeon Terminator can gain +50 initial favorability from the people of the North by changing the plot points there. 】

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

The reaction of this little brat in a thriller game is too unusual.

Especially the last two lines of scarlet text are impossible to appear in the notes.

This tip from the thriller game was just a matter of telling him clearly that if you kill the Duke of the North, you won't have any worries.

He can also become a hero in the North in one fell swoop.

There are two possibilities.

One: The thriller game is digging holes for him.

Second: The horror game really wants to kill the Duke of the North.

There is nothing to say about the first point.

But if it’s the second point, that’s interesting.

Why should the Grand Duke of the North, who is not even a world-destroying ghost or god, be treated like this by a horror game?

This kind of treatment was not given even to the original Emperor Qing.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

I quickly thought of the most special thing about the Grand Duke of the North.

Create evil spirits in batches.

Looking at all the dungeons he has experienced, whether it is in Nanjiang District, Donglin District, or Qingguo, the entertainment city of Luofengtian, evil ghosts are not common at all.

There are only three or two.

A type of rare species.

Only in the Eli Empire, evil spirits seemed to have become a new ethnic group, emerging one after another.

When he was in the Scarlet Monastery dungeon, he had transformed many evil ghosts into evil ghosts. Naturally, he understood that this kind of transformation would take time.

But with the size of the Northern Territory and the endless number of evil ghosts, it is impossible to do it with just one Duke's Palace.

some of.

There is definitely some unusual secret.


This secret is very special and may not be possessed by the horror world or the deep ghost realm itself.

Could it be that it involves the underworld?

Shen Jian was shocked.

There were waves in my heart.

If this secret is really related to the underworld, it will indeed cause such a big response from the horror game.

after all.

A lost thing from the underworld that can turn the northern territory into a forbidden area for resentment. If it continues to ferment, sooner or later it will affect the entire Luo Fengtian. It is normal for a thriller game to be anxious.

Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Suppress the throbbing in my heart.

Then he looked at Janna.

According to his original idea, he planned to punch in directly.

But if there is something lost in the underworld here, then his choice will be as conservative as possible and he will not want sudden changes.

Think about it.

Shen Jian nodded and said, Just do as you say, I will take you in.

Say it.

The eight ghost eyes on the back of Shen Jian's hand opened.

The scarlet ghost realm spreads invisible.

The next second.

The four figures disappeared into the outer street.

When it reappears.

We have entered the depths of the Ghost Street.

This place looks like an ordinary street, with a road going straight to the deepest part and houses and buildings everywhere on both sides of the street.

A gloomy air permeated the surroundings, filled with some kind of deathly silence.

It's such a cold place. I feel like my heart is being stirred up and I'm becoming a little irritable. If I stay in such an environment for a long time, something will definitely happen.

Janna's expression changed slightly.

In the horror game dungeon, the most fearful thing is the environment that can invisibly affect the player. This means that either there is an extremely terrifying ghost hovering here, or there is some kind of inducement that changes the environment.

No matter what it is, it is an extremely dangerous situation for players.

If you are not careful, you will get tricked.

Then died in the copy.

It's truly a ghost-making camp.

The three players were thinking at the same time.

If it weren't for Shen Jian, they probably wouldn't be able to get in here at all.


Without Shen Jian, they would not have dared to enter such a dangerous place.

To play games, you need to be hugged by your thighs.

Although this thigh is from the Dragon Kingdom, but...he is so obsessed with it, who cares about his nationality?

the other side.

Shen Jian also glanced away.

Patrolling something.

In the deepest part of the Ghost Street, he noticed a distinctive aura, but he was not sure whether it was a lost thing from the underworld.


Shen Jian really couldn't imagine that if this was a lost object from the underworld, what could it be that could have the ability to create evil ghosts in batches.

Creating evil spirits does not seem to have anything to do with the underworld.

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