Until the conversation between the Sixth Princess and Shen Jian ended, the three players who had been in a trance also reacted.

It seems like they don't need to die.

At this time.

Shen Jian set his sights on Janna and the other three.

He showed a hint of harmless expression.

Now, it's time to talk about the things between us. After all, I am a fastidious person. I will not break the contract if I take you out of the north. As for you, don't forget your promise to me. If you fail to do it, I will I don’t mind burying you too.”


Other players:…

They shuddered.

Want to cry but no tears.

Don't be like this, brother, we don't need to be scared.

They naturally knew what Shen Jian's promise was.

Shen Jian was responsible for taking them out of the northern border and out of danger. As a price, after they left the northern border, they went to the western border and joined the team of [Adolf] and others, becoming Shen Jian's undercover agents and providing him with intelligence.

In addition, they also want to tell the Western Holy See’s plan for the Twelve Gods.

Regarding this point, the two of them, players with no foundation and only level 45 in the game, were not clear about this. They only vaguely sensed that the Western world had fallen into an extremely fanatical belief.

Ceremonies to believe in gods are being held everywhere.

But they had only a vague idea of ​​what was going on.

The only one who knows the inside story and specific information is Princess Jana.

Logically speaking, the content of this deal is nothing more than to rebel against the Western lineup and become an undercover agent. With his life in danger, this is not an unacceptable fact.


The important point now is that they are so unsure whether this man is human or not.

Are you sure this deal is not a conspiracy?

Think of this.

The two white players looked at Princess Janna.

The female player with the ID [Jana] was immediately under great pressure.

But when she met Shen Jian's gaze that looked like he was smiling, but was actually faint, she trembled and responded repeatedly: Thank you, Your Highness, we will abide by the terms of the deal.

She didn't refuse.

In other words, does she have room to refuse?

Judging from the man's madness just now, she had no doubt that if she refused, the other party would kill them on the spot.

She could only keep telling herself: He is a human player, and the reason why he became the fourth prince is because the initial identity of the horror game copy is the prince. As for the overwhelming resentment on his body... maybe he picked up a monster somewhere mixed with hundreds of thousands of evil spirits. The isolation device of resentment can keep human beings sane and never go crazy.



Janna's mouth twitched.

She couldn't even convince herself of this reason.

never mind.

Take it one step at a time.

At least now, the other party's attitude is pretty good.


She felt brave and asked cautiously: Your Highness, can we follow you later?

Shen Jian was stunned.

Then he looked at the eyes of the Sixth Princess and the surviving ghosts around them, and immediately understood something.

The campfire defense line was broken from the player's side. No matter what the reason was, someone had to take the blame for this, and the player with the lowest terror level in the game naturally became the most suitable candidate.

In addition, he did not deliberately choose the place just now, but told them face to face. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he knows the three players.

In this situation.

Even the sixth princess would probably interrogate him personally.

In this way, the identity of human players will inevitably be exposed.

Think for a moment.

Shen Jian nodded.

The identity of the human player cannot be revealed for the time being, otherwise it will cause unexpected trouble for him to become the crown prince and inherit the throne.

There may also be problems with the ownership of Luo Fengtian's authority.

At this point, he wasn't willing to take any chances.


Shen Jian left the camp of the Six Princesses.

Just as he came lightly, now he also leaves lightly, not taking away a single cloud.

Only a silhouette is left.

The fierce ghosts in the Sixth Princess' camp dare not speak out when they are angry.

Your Highness, may I ask a question?

en route.

The female player with the ID [Jana] hesitated and said: Your Highness, since you are the fourth prince, then the player who went to the southern border. Is it...

That's it.

Shen Jian glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and said, What? Are there any relatives inside? I can give you a chance to kill me. Do you want to try? What if I have exhausted all my strength and am just pretending now? This If you make a sneak attack when the time comes, you may very well achieve an incredible achievement. Isn't it tempting?

The more he spoke, the more out-of-touch Shen Jian's tone became.

He acted like he was making suggestions for him.


She was a little nervous.

How can anyone give advice to others just to kill themselves?


Exhausted? camouflage? Sneak attack?

Don't you see how your eyes are shining when you talk to me?

To say that you are full of energy now is an underestimation.

Your fishing law enforcement is too naked.

No fool would come forward.

Your Highness, please don't make fun of me. I've just been wondering why the players in the southern region disappeared en masse. But if Your Highness is the fourth prince, then nothing is surprising. If it were me, I would kill them too without leaving any further trouble.

Janna smiled bitterly.

She has now been passively boarded the pirate ship.

In the follow-up, she is destined to face off against three five-star players from the Western Holy See. Either they die or she lives.

to this end.

She had to plan ahead.

Reminding the man in front of you is one of them.


She told: Your Highness, Adolf has begun to manufacture flintlock guns and has also improved it into a new type of revolver. In terms of convenience, it is not comparable to flintlock guns. I hope that Your Highness will pay attention to this in advance. , otherwise once the eldest prince is armed with these new thermal weapons, the gap between the two sides will be infinitely narrowed.

Shen Jian was unmoved.

The old god said something.

If they really build it, they won't be far away from being killed.

Hear the words.

The three players looked confused.

Will it be destroyed if it is built?

Does this mean that the eldest prince will kill people to silence him in order to keep it secret?

No way.

A dignified prince, his status is so low?

What's more, in addition to the flintlock gun, the group of players are also working together to upgrade the flintlock gun into a revolver. In this case, even the most stupid person knows that they can't just kill the donkey.

How could something happen to the players?

They wanted to ask a few more questions.

But seeing Shen Jian shut up, they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

I can only push this matter back to the bottom of my heart.

Not long after.

Yongkang City.

This is the only large city in the North built with high walls.

Its area is much larger than that of Eagle City.

It is almost equivalent to a small principality, ecologically self-contained.

The folk customs are strong and strong.

The road is full of burly ghosts with bare arms.

One player was shocked and said: It is indeed a city built by the Lord of the North. In the far north where evil spirits are raging, this place can even be called the 'Garden of Eden'. It's amazing.

Who says it's not the case? Although the Sixth Prince's Daughter Camp has established a defense line, it still leads a precarious life. It is completely incomparable to this place. The inside of Yongkang City and the outside of the city are completely two worlds.

Janna looked at these ghosts with calm smiles and couldn't help but said sarcastically: The reason why this is happening is not the result of the deliberate control of the Grand Duke of the North. If these ghosts knew the reason why the North became like this, To leave them wandering without being able to return home is because the owner here is deliberately creating evil spirits, and I don’t know if they will destroy the Duke’s Mansion.”

The three players communicated with each other.

Shen Jian said nothing.

Instead, he was trying to identify the direction of the Ghost Street mentioned by the Sixth Princess.

Step forward.

The three players quickly followed.

There is an endless stream of rustling and evil ghosts and gossips.

Have you heard? There seems to be an evil ghost running out of that non-existent street, and now it is being hunted throughout the city.

A street that doesn't exist? What is this place? Why do evil spirits still appear in Yongkang City?

Hey, you're new here. The so-called non-existent street is a street that has not been unblocked since the establishment of Yongkang City. It is said that the Duke ordered the blockade. It is said that there are major hidden dangers in that place and no one is allowed. Enter.

Then why are there evil spirits running out?

Who knows, but it is said that that place is probably the reason why evil spirits are always born in the north. In order to protect Yongkang City, the Duke sent a large number of guards to guard Yongkang City. This prevented Yongkang City from being disturbed by evil spirits. Now the evil spirits If a ghost escapes, we all have the responsibility to find it out and restore peace to this place.

The group of ghosts kept talking.

This made the players who walked over slightly startled.

It seems that the existence of Ghost Street has aroused the curiosity of many people in the North. However, the Grand Duke of the North is also not a vegetarian. He uses his influence to turn the possible exposure crisis into the Duke's Palace to suppress the birth of evil ghosts. place.

Harvested a wave of public wishes.

This is much better than simply concealing it, or forcefully suppressing all voices.

It shows that the Grand Duke of the North, in addition to possessing a terrifying level that can rival the strongest in the Eli Empire, also has a flexible mind.

This kind of ghost is undoubtedly the most difficult to deal with.

Their thinking ability is no longer weaker than that of humans. Perhaps they are limited by the understanding of the times and cannot think of many unique methods of public opinion, but at least they have learned to use the power of public opinion.

It can be regarded as an extraordinary creature in the real world that has the power to destroy a country.


Janna and the other two glanced at Shen Jian.

I saw the lips on this man's face slowly raised in an exaggerated arc, as if he was excited, but also seemed to be smiling strangely, strangely and penetratingly.

The three of them shuddered.

Because they had seen this expression twice before.

For the first time, Shen Jian faced the siege of members of the Six Princess Camp, with a porcelain doll in one hand and an old man in the other. He punched Beihai Kindergarten and kicked Nanshan Nursing Home.

The second time, of course, he faced the wave of evil spirits and used his unparalleled power to remove the thunder from the sky, just like the thunder god descending from the realm.

Very scary.

Think about it this way.

The three players suddenly felt that the Duke of the North was no longer so scary. In comparison, the man in front of them who had displayed pathological behavior was even more frightening.


There was still a trace of pity in their hearts.

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