Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 849: When social cows see you, they will degenerate into social terror

Ghost Street.

Gusts of dark wind blew.

The players collectively shuddered.

In a place like this, if you don't keep your spirits up, it's easy to lose your life over a trivial matter, leaving you with no time to react.

This is the horror of the supernatural.

It is also the most easily overlooked thing in horror game copies.

As four-star players, they are all selected adaptors and naturally have corresponding measures to deal with it.

Janna glanced away.

The collar of the right arm hidden under the long sleeves was lifted, revealing a withered hand like a little old woman, as if it could be completely broken with a gentle squeeze.

The other two white players opened and closed their mouths, making very small whining sounds, one after the other, as if two people were crying in conjunction with each other.

The other one had a big lump bulging out from his chest, and there was a faint human face on it, breathing hard.

The three of them moved carefully.


When they looked at Shen Jian, they found that the man was walking casually, looking around as if he were going shopping, without any precautions. For those who didn't know, they thought he was here for a night walk.

The three of them laughed bitterly.

Comparing people to each other makes people angry.

They could no longer tell whether Shen Jian was an evil ghost, a human, or the fourth prince of the Eli Empire, but there was one thing they knew clearly, that is, this man also had a game panel.

The hidden missions they can receive can also be received by the other party.

Chat private messages are also not affected in any way.

In this situation.

The opponent is a thriller game player.


Whether it is human or not is doubtful.

after all.

If Shen Jian were a human, everything would seem too outrageous.

It's unbelievable.

Janna looked at Shen Jian, thinking of this concern in her heart, and then... subconsciously moved closer, which made her feel more secure, Your Highness, you have seen the hidden mission, right? How do you think we should use it to create a big problem? Movement? It’s best if the whole city can see the movement, so the effect is the best.”

Just saying.

She suddenly saw Shen Jian stop.

Out of the corner of his eye.

The hairs on my hair stood up immediately.

They saw a ghostly figure coming into view on the street path. It was an old man who looked to be in his sixties and was carrying a bone basket.

A pair of eyes with only bloodshot eyes and white eyes, without pupils, patrolled in the darkness, sometimes in a trance, sometimes as if they were actively looking for something.

The next second.

The old man's gaze froze.

This sudden scene shocked the three players.

That's... an evil ghost! ?

They have lived in the north for nearly half a month, and they already know how to judge whether they are evil spirits.

And although this old man's eyes were dazed and he seemed to be in a bad mental state, as if he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the resentment in him had already emerged.

This is a characteristic that only evil spirits have.

Shit, could this be the evil ghost that escaped? Otherwise, the Duke of the North is just stupid and allowed the evil ghost to walk freely on the street.

One white player couldn't help but curse.

The soles of the feet are already facing the opposite direction, and they can run away at any time.

It should be the one discussed in Yongkang City. Otherwise, if the evil ghost is active on the streets too many times, it will always show its flaws. It seems that although the evil ghost went out before, it doesn't know when it will come back again. Got here.”

Another player also opened his mouth.

Janna's face was solemn.

Because there is a message revealed in it.

This escaped evil spirit has a very high level of terror.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter and exit the Ghost Street without being noticed under the eye of the Duke's Palace.

At least it is infinitely close to ghosts and gods.

Think of this possibility.

The faces of the three players turned green.

As soon as they entered the Ghost Street, they encountered a ghost of this level. It was hard to tell whether they were just unlucky or the intensity here was just this level.

Before Janna could react, she discovered that someone had already taken action before her.

Shen Jian stopped first, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and then strode forward to meet him.

Old guy, what are you looking for?

As he spoke, he stretched his head towards the basket and looked at it.

A posture of wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Janna:? ?

Other players:? ? ?

Their mouths were open.

Damn it!

Are you getting sick again while riding a horse?

Listen to what quality words you are saying.

You sound like an old guy. Do you think you are dissatisfied with other people's eyes? You are trying to attract hatred.

With us, if you open your mouth, someone will dare to punch you.

The three of them can't stand it.

the other side.

The old man didn't seem to expect that a stranger would call him old guy as soon as he said it, and he planned to pick up his basket and get closer to see what was inside.

In all his life, he has never seen someone so familiar.

In front of the cow, you will be frightened into fear.

But this thought lasted only a moment.

A new thought reoccupied his mind.

The old man made a hoarse and screaming voice and said in a daze: Have you seen my son?

Your son?

Shen Jian looked at the resentment with great interest, but there was no sign of it breaking out. Instead, he looked like an old man in a dream, and said enthusiastically: What does your son look like? Pointed ears and monkey cheeks? Two faces and a fat head? Big ears? Say it and I'll laugh...oh no, I'll help you find it.



I don’t know why, but I always feel that this person deserves a beating.

That's what your son looks like.

Your whole family looks like this.

The old man glared at Shen Jian angrily. Then, as if he thought of something, his eyes became trance-like and he murmured, Yes, what does my son look like?


The old man's mental state became abnormal.

He stood there stunned for a moment.

It's like Alzheimer's disease and I can't remember.


The old palm touched the basket, and his bloodshot and white eyes suddenly fell on it.

The three players stretched their necks and, relying on Shen Jian's side, leaned over to take a look.

His expression changed.

Because in the basket, there were many bloody heads.

Each head is identical.

He is very similar to the old man.

The only difference is that each of these heads is in a very miserable state of death. Either the orifices are bleeding, the brains are flowing out, or the facial features have been removed. Every face shows a similar look of disbelief.

Could it be...

These are his sons! ?

Who killed that?

The old man himself?

Just thinking about it.

The old man's expression also changed.

More and more twisted.

I remembered, I remembered, my son is dead, and I killed them all in a hundred reincarnations. I killed him with my own hands every time, admiring his desperate and unbelievable expression.

Hehehe, that's great.

A crazy grin appeared on the old man's face, replacing the previous trance, and the overwhelming resentment rose simultaneously, becoming no different from an ordinary evil ghost.

Ferocious, twisted, crazy, murderous...

Hey, hey, my son is dead. Why don't you go see him? What if he is alone down there? Why don't you go and accompany him.

The old man smiled sinisterly.

Repeat this sentence over and over again.

Just a moment.

The three players covered their heads at the same time.

One person was bleeding from all his orifices, one's brain was shaking, and one's eyes were cracked.

Feeling shocked.

The three immediately used supernatural powers to fight.

But the situation didn't get any easier.

That was a being that they considered to be infinitely close to ghosts and gods. How could they, a few four-star players, be able to withstand the opponent's supernatural attack?

Being able to delay for a second or two is already the result of Li Gui running out of puzzle pieces.

at the same time.

Shen Jian was also the one who suffered such a horrific supernatural attack.

But at this time.

Shen Jian's eyes were also dazed for a moment.


He had just heard some key information.

Reincarnation for hundreds of lives?

Combine the reaction and meaning of the old man. He could boldly speculate that this reincarnation caused the old man's consciousness to repeat the process of killing his son over and over again, and each time it was a different way of death.

In such repeated killings, the old man collapsed.


It is the most common method used by evil ghosts to transform into evil ghosts.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

There is only one thing related to reincarnation in the underworld.

That is the Six Paths of Reincarnation.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation is now in the underworld. It cannot appear in Luo Fengtian, let alone be controlled by a mere Northern Grand Duke.

What's more, there is no punishment like the old man in the six paths of reincarnation.


Shen Jian also thought of an underworld wonder with the effect of reincarnation.

Three life stones.

The Three Life Stones can illuminate the past life, this life, and the next life.

This is also a different kind of reincarnation.

But Shen Jian is not sure whether he can achieve hundred generations, and he is even less sure whether the hundred generations mentioned by the old man is a pronoun, or whether it is really repeated a hundred times.


Shen Jian had a vague suspicion in his heart.

The secret possessed by the Grand Duke of the North is most likely related to the Three Life Stone.

Think of this.

Shen Jian grinned.

In the second place, Luo Fengtian found a strange item from the underworld that was suspected to be the Sansheng Stone. This was really surprising.

To know.

After nearly two years of development, the current underworld has been basically rebuilt, but there are still two things that the underworld does not yet possess.

One, Meng Po soup.

The other one is naturally the Sansheng Stone.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian suppressed his surging emotions.

The eyes he looked at the old man became softer and he smiled very kindly: Old man, you really brought me good news. As a reward, I can let you see your son this time.

elder:? ? !

He was dazed for a while.

It seemed that Shen Jian didn't understand why Shen Jian was not affected by his supernatural influence, but instead had a relaxed expression.


Can you allow me to see my son again? The old man was startled, and then smiled ferociously: Hurry, let me see my son again, I thought of a new way to die, but I can't find my son.


They all twitched.

Damn it.

Being your son is simply unlucky.

I've been killed by you countless times, and I'm planning to pull him out and kill him again.

A truly loving father and a filial son.

Don't worry, I'm a professional dream master.

Shen Jian showed a weird smile, took out the knife from his body, raised the knife with his hand, cut off the old man's head, and stuffed it into the basket.

Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction as if he had done something good.

Player:! ! ?

Their eyes widened.


I thought you really had some incredible supernatural power that could bring out the old man's son, but I didn't expect that you chopped the old man down and buried him with his son.

But think about it carefully.

It seemed like he could really see his son again.

But not during life, but after death.

As for whether we can see it, who knows?

I can't help but see him come back from the dead. Let's ask Shen Jian for an explanation.

999... It turns out you are such a master of dream fulfillment. (End of chapter)

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