Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 846 You know how to seize the enemy’s weaknesses

At this moment.

The whole place was dead silent.

Both the players and the fierce ghosts in the Six Queens lineup felt their scalps numb and their hearts palpitating.

Kill hundreds of evil spirits above the red level with one strike.

Still using thunder from the sky.

Not to mention ghosts and gods, even the legendary world-destroying ghosts and gods cannot unleash such amazing methods.

What is the origin of this man who controls thunder?

This doubt appears in the hearts of all ghosts.

And along with it, there is fear.

after all.

What's special about this is that he can't tell the difference between friend and foe. He is an alien among aliens who is in the same lineup. He can kill even his own people without hesitation, let alone them who are not in the same lineup.

With just one more dense mine net, this camp will completely disappear in the north.

It's like it was never born.

Death is infinitely approaching at this moment.

The ghosts never thought that waiting for death is the most tortured thing in the world.

the other side.

Shen Jian retracted his hand calmly, his expression unchanged from the beginning, as if all this was done casually and not worth mentioning at all.


His eyes fell back on the Sixth Princess.

Grinning: My good sister, come on, let's continue the conversation we just had. What do you want to say to me?

Sixth Princess:...

She frowned deeply.

Although there was no obvious emotional change on the surface, he was equally shocked inside.

This man is more dangerous than the Duke of the North.

The horror level was at least infinitely close to the world-destroying level. The reason why she said it was at least because she had never seen the evil ghost using thunder from the sky.

This was far beyond her knowledge.

Mystery too much.

Leave her confused.

for a long time.

She suppressed the uneasiness in her tone and said calmly: Your target is me. I can let you deal with it. I just hope you let the rest of the people go. They don't pose any threat to you. And From what I see, you don’t insist on killing everyone like other evil spirits, so this request shouldn’t be difficult for you.”

Shen Jian was very interested.

He pinched the Sixth Prince's chin and lifted it up.

Good sister, don't pretend to be a holy mother with me here. I'm killing ghosts, but it doesn't matter whether you are good or bad, you are so great, why don't you go to heaven.

The Sixth Princess stared at her dead eyes: Death is not a bad thing. The more you understand this world, the more you know that when human power will eventually be exhausted, death will be another new life. If I was afraid of death, I would not choose Exchange territories with Brother Four and head to this far north.

Shen Jian:......

Not only is she a stone girl, but she is also an artistic potential suicidal person.

Think about it.

Shen Jian let go of the other party.

He said casually: You are my good sister, how could I be willing to kill you? There are actually many beautiful things in this world that are worthy of your nostalgia.

Sixth Princess: I have nothing to miss.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Ghosts appear.

He sank the two assassin maids beside the Sixth Princess, Now that you have it, I still have a group of your subordinates here. Don't you want to save them?

Sixth Princess:?

She was a little stunned.

If there is no beauty, how about creating bad things to cherish?


Your thoughts are simply scarier than a ghost.

Evil ghosts only know how to kill people, and no matter how much they do, they torture the physical body. You go to the next level and torture the human heart.

You know how to seize the enemy's weaknesses and threaten them with death.

The Sixth Princess said coldly: What do you want to do? Judging from your appearance, you probably don't want to kill me. Do you need me for something?

Shen Jian was noncommittal.

I just said that my target is not you, but the North. I need to know whether the evil ghosts in the North are related to the Duke here. If you know any specific information, please tell me.

Hear this.

The expression of the Sixth Princess inevitably changed slightly.

Seems to be surprised.

How did you guess that? According to my information, you should have never been to the North before. How could you associate the evil ghosts here with the Grand Duke of the North? Even I only came here a year after I came here. All of this was connected through clues.”

is it hard?

Shen Jian, the old Shinto.

Sixth Princess:...

What I said makes me seem like a fool.

She looked at Shen Jian with an inexplicable expression.

It's strange. Judging from your thoughts, reactions and daily behaviors, you don't look like an evil ghost at all, but you have a monstrous resentment that ordinary evil ghosts don't have. If it weren't for your strength and methods, they would far exceed those of the royal family. Everything that blood can touch, I might really treat you as the fourth brother.

Finish this.

She continued: Yes, the reason why there are endless evil ghosts in the North is because the Grand Duke of the North is deliberately mass-producing them. Every encirclement and suppression seems to have wiped out the evil ghosts in a large scale, but in fact it has no effect at all. The last batch of evil ghosts After death, the next batch of evil ghosts will be released all over the northern territory, which creates a reality where the evil ghosts continue to flow and the source cannot be seen.

I was aware of this at the beginning, so I sent people to Yongkang City to investigate. I didn't expect that the exposure would lead to the Grand Duke of the North intending to destroy my base. If I hadn't publicized my reputation so much that the other party would be afraid of it, I would have done it long ago. died.

If you want to get the North, you have to kill the owner of the Far North and destroy the base camp where the evil spirits are created. Otherwise, even if you get the North, you will only get an empty shell, without any help.

The Sixth Princess revealed a fact.

It was confirmed that Shen Jian's previous guess was correct.

The Grand Duke of the North is the source of evil spirits.

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged.

He continued to ask: Do you know where this evil ghost manufacturing camp is?

I know, but we have never been close. It is located on a blocked street in Yongkang City. Except for the Grand Duke of the North, anyone who dares to approach will be directly killed by the secret guards. My people have taken a look from a distance. At least there are guards there. There are no less than five top ghost kings, and if there are more secretly, our abilities are limited and we cannot tell.

And we have observed that the Grand Duke of the North also patrols here every day. With his level of terror, there is no one in the entire North who can hide from him.

After listening.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

The guards are so tight that even the Lord of the North often patrols. The possibility of it being an evil ghost manufacturing camp is close to 100%.

This information is very crucial.

It can shorten the time for him to regain the northern territory to the greatest extent.

To this.

Shen Jian was very satisfied.

As for the Grand Duke of the North, you don’t need to know this. Anyway, the Duke’s Palace did not escape.

No matter what happens, if he makes some noise in Ghost Street, the Grand Duke of the North will stop and rush here even if he is in bed and about to spit out the essence of life.

the other side.

Seeing Shen Jian's thoughtful and excited expression, the Sixth Princess was a little surprised: Are you really planning to destroy the Ghost Street and overthrow the Kang Ye family's rule in the north? What do you want to do? Even if you can do this Everything, in a short period of time, the North Territory, which has been ravaged by evil spirits, cannot provide you with any help.

And you have already eliminated me. The North shouldn't be of any benefit to you.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian glanced at her.

He reached out and pinched both sides of the other person's cheeks.

you guess?

Hmm... The Sixth Princess rolled her eyes, staring with a helpless expression, and fell into deep thought. Soon, she came to her senses and said in surprise: The North is a barren land, but there are One of the most valuable and fertile places is the dock. The dock is connected to the high seas, and the high seas are the territory of Sister Three Wangs. Do you want to use this as a stepping stone to eliminate Sister Three Wangs?

Although her tone was doubtful, her face showed confidence that this was the case.

Do you want to win the King Trial so much? Do you want to become the king of this kingdom? To realize a unified empire?

A series of doubts came out of the mouth of this little Loli Sixth Princess.

Now I kind of believe that you may be the Fourth Brother. After I hung him on a tree for a whole night, he told me with red eyes that he wanted to be the king and that he wanted to hang me up too, so that all People visit.”

Shen Jian's expression remained as usual.

He wasn't worried about anyone guessing his thoughts.

In fact, when he successively occupied the southern and eastern territories, many people had already guessed that the fourth prince's goal was to directly eliminate the other princes and princesses, and become the only one in the king's trial with an undisputed crushing advantage. participants.

Such a huge advantage is no longer as simple as wanting to become the crown prince, but pointing to the throne.

after all.

If the four princes can really occupy the east, west, north, south, and the high seas, they will already control a larger area of ​​land than the king of the Eli Empire.

Even if he is a king, his dominance is not as good as that of the fourth prince.

In this situation.

Whenever the king sees something interesting, he will choose to abdicate directly.

Avoid a father-son fight.

Because of this, Shen Jian admitted this openly.

Has anyone ever told you that knowing something but not telling it is a way to avoid being accidentally caught?

The Sixth Princess curled her lips.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Even if she didn't really believe that the man in front of her was her Fourth Prince brother from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to see him become the supreme sun of the kingdom.

But at least for now...

She didn't have the ability to resist yet.

Life is like QJ. Since you can't resist now, just enjoy it first.

At least they still have the same position on overthrowing the rule of the North.


The Sixth Princess nodded emotionlessly.

Okay, brother.

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