Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 840 As long as you endure hardship, there will be endless suffering

Southern Border·Duke's Mansion.

The eldest princess Ainiya was in a state of confusion. She sat blankly by the window, her eyes were in a trance, and her delicate hands were stroking her red lips, as if she was reminiscing and yet she was afraid.

I can't stay here any longer.

She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would really make mistakes and cause irreparable consequences... Although she had done something immoral now, as long as no one discovered it, it meant nothing.

But if the bottom line is exceeded, everything will be different.

Immediately, she called out to the female knight beside her.

It was sent by her husband to protect her.

Of course I want to take them back together.


She shouted several times, but no one responded.

Go outside and take a look.

There was no trace of the female knight either.

Is there something important to do?

She called other servants to inform the other party.

In the farthest bedroom of the castle.

Shen Jian was a little surprised and glanced at the female knight in front of him.

After taking off the heavy armor, the female knight is actually no different from an ordinary female ghost. Although her appearance is not as beautiful and noble as the princess, Miss Tire, or the countess, she is still very attractive.

And there are advantages that other women do not have.

That's wild beauty.

Wheat-colored skin, slender arm muscles that are extremely solid, clearly visible waistcoat lines, and hidden stalwart assets.

The key thing is that the other party has not been touched yet.

This surprised Shen Jian.

He originally thought that with the female knight's thorough love mind, she should have dedicated everything to the eldest prince as early as possible.

Your Highness, this is my capital to become the princess. Of course I will not let myself be passive when I am not sure.

The female knight explained.

Then he straightened up his naked body, hugged Shen Jian's waist from behind, and pressed his face against Shen Jian's strong back.

Your Highness, you are the only one I have.

She knew there was no turning back.

The moment she did not choose to die heroically but to survive, she was destined not to return to the eldest prince. Now, she has given herself completely to the man who once planned to crush her to death. It can be said that, She has been tied to the Fourth Prince's pirate ship.

It's too late to regret.

At this time, even if she is a top ghost king who is infinitely close to ghosts and gods, she can't help but feel uneasy and in urgent need of a sense of security.

See this.

Shen Jian also made his own promise: This kingdom has a part of you.

Hear this.

The female knight showed a relieved expression.

Quietly leaning on Shen Jian's back, feeling this complete sense of security.

It didn't take long.

The servants of the Duke's Palace came and brought news about the eldest princess.

I disappeared for several hours, and the princess sent someone to find me. I have to get there quickly.

The female knight stood up immediately.

Shen Jian supported her.

Together they walked into the princess's bedroom.

Seeing this brother-in-law coming back, Princess Ai Ni Ya's face became a little hot, and her eyes dodged. However, seeing the abnormality of the female knight beside her, she asked with concern: Are you injured?

The female knight glanced at the princess in front of her, a bit guilty.

See this.

Shen Jian glanced at the female knight thoughtfully, raised his eyebrows and said, She's fine. I just tested her level at school to see if she can protect my sister-in-law. The result was pretty good. She is indeed suitable for escorting my sister-in-law. She is a hard-working person. A hardy knight.”

Female Knight:......

Her heart was pounding.

Fourth Prince, you are too bold.

Fortunately, the eldest princess didn't know what had just happened, otherwise she would have thought of something when she said these words.


This is so exciting.

Think of this.

She also plucked up the courage and glanced at Shen Jian angrily, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince was joking. I had no choice but to endure hardship.

Shen Jian lingered on her lips for a second and said casually: Actually, it's good to suffer a little more. Eating a little will make you wiser. If you eat too much, you will get used to it in the future.

The female knight's heart beat faster.


She understood what Shen Jian meant by bitterness.

Recalling the memory of crawling over at that time, her wheat-colored skin could not help but have a trace of blush. She subconsciously said: Your Highness, you have never suffered. Of course you don't know what people who have suffered are like me. Only those who have experienced hardship know how unbearable it is.”

Shen Jian said seriously: You can only become a master if you endure hardships.


She despised His Highness the Fourth Prince's fallacies.

As long as you suffer, there will be endless suffering.

What a waste.

the other side.

Looking at the two people quarreling with each other, the princess suddenly felt a little suspicious in her heart: When did the relationship between these two people become so good?

She clearly remembered that from the beginning, she, the female knight, had a very bad and defensive attitude towards the fourth prince. They had not seen each other for a few days, so how could the relationship have warmed up?

Or is it that the female knight saw Shen Jian's strength and was impressed?

She thought about it and felt that this was the only possibility.


She also said a lot.

His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is quite right. Suffering a little more can indeed make ghosts grow faster. His Highness has endured for more than ten years. He must have suffered more than we imagined. Otherwise, he would not have grown up in just half a year. Within a month, we have successively occupied the southern and eastern territories. In this regard, the fourth prince does have a say.

Shen Jian:......

He looked strange.

The female knight couldn't help but laugh, and the corners of her mouth curled up. She thought about all the sad things she could think of in her life, and then she didn't laugh out loud.

What's your reaction?

The eldest princess looked confused.

Isn't she right?

It's nothing. Since my sister-in-law is so passionate about enduring hardships, next time, I will find a special time to let my sister-in-law endure some hardships with me and experience what it feels like to endure hardships.

Shen Jian blinked.

A pun.


Shen Jian turned and left.

The two were left to discuss private matters.

As for what it is, he will soon learn from the female knight.

There's no need to do such a thing as eavesdropping.

Return to the study.

Shen Jian opened the chat panel.

The Western players in the Southern Territory have been killed by him, and all the Eastern Territory players have gathered in the Western Territory. The only ones left are the players in the Northern Territory and the high seas. Due to the special geographical environment, they cannot go out of the territory with their own personal strength.

[Janna: @Adolf @Sam @William, some of our players in the North also know how to make firearms and weapons. Aren’t you already on the line of the Great Prince? Let the eldest prince send someone to escort us away, and say that some of us can make more sophisticated weapons. 】

She sent a message three times in succession.

Even the stupidest player knows what happened in the North and the situation is very wrong.

Shen Jian looked at it.

He remembered that when he first revealed his identity, the player with the ID [Jana] also caused quite a stir.

It's not because this person is also a five-star player.


The opponent is a female player.

Level up to level 59.

It is said that in the real world, she is a descendant of the royal family and a real princess.

Before the horror game invaded and the strangeness descended, such a royal princess was a top dignitary that no one here was qualified to have access to. Although she only had a title but no real power, she was still a goddess-like figure sought after by the world's top financial families.

[Adolf: I had asked the eldest prince a long time ago and stated the seriousness of the situation, but when the eldest prince heard that he was going to the north, he bluntly rejected my request and said that in a place like the north, whoever goes there die. 】

[Adolf: What happened to you over there? Although the environment in the North is harsh, since the thriller game places the players there, it proves that you can survive. Could something have happened? 】

[Jana: Damn it, the situation is worse than this. Even if the conditions are bad, this place is actually full of evil spirits. If the place where we came was not right on the edge of the Six Princesses' defense line, we would all have died on the first day. But now the situation is not much better. We are on the edge of the defense line. If we want to go to a safer place, we need to make a contribution, and our contribution is to kill the evil ghost. 】

[Janna: For this reason, we have already lost six people. If we stay here any longer, all of them will die sooner or later. 】

Saw this news.

All players were shocked.

Is the situation in the north so bad?

Out of ten players, six have already been lost.

This casualty rate is astonishing.

The most important thing is that they have not entered the copy for half a month.

According to this casualty trend, the players in the north will be wiped out in less than a month.

No wonder this royal princess in the real world desperately sought help.

We are at the end of our rope.

Compared with fate.

The so-called dignity is not worth mentioning.

All players know the seriousness of the matter, and also know that if they can save each other's life at this time, they will definitely be able to climb high when they return to the real world.


When they thought that that place was the northern border, and that there were evil spirits raging, their little thoughts that were about to move calmed down again.

[William: Princess Janna, didn’t you say that you are in the territory of the Sixth Princess? We can pass on the manufacturing process of the flintlock gun to you. If you take it and offer it to the Sixth Princess, you may be able to gain support. 】

[Jana: It’s useless. According to my observations during this period, the Sixth Princess rarely has time to patrol the defense line. We can’t contact each other at all. In addition, I suspect that in addition to resisting the evil ghosts, the Sixth Princess is also fending off other people. There was no time to take care of the sneak attack, and the force responsible for the sneak attack was suspected to be Yongkang City where the Grand Duke of the North was located. 】

[Jana: The Sixth Princess is attacked from both sides. It’s hard to say whether she can survive. After all, she is not the Fourth Prince, and she cannot occupy Yongkang City in one fell swoop. I can’t hide in time, so how could I be involved? 】

See this.

Shen Jian was startled for a moment.

Is the Grand Duke of the North dealing with the six princesses?

This is valuable information.

Maybe it could verify one of his conjectures.

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