What little composition did you write? Let me see?

When this somewhat joking voice sounded, the female knight who was hiding in a corner of the Duke's Mansion and was about to report the matter immediately felt her scalp explode.

He felt as if the blood all over his body was frozen, and a chill shot straight from his toes to the sky.

She turned around with difficulty.

What he saw was the hateful face of the Fourth Prince.

at this time.

The fourth prince was looking at her teasingly, with a playful look in his eyes like a hunter looking at his prey.

The next moment.

Within a tenth of a second.

She unfolded her ghost realm and completely disappeared into the Duke's Palace.

at the same time.

She wrote down what she saw and heard on human skin paper as fast as she could in her life, hoping that the eldest prince could see the message.


Before she could react, the scarlet ghost realm occupied her sight. She had already used the ghost realm to teleport out of the Duke's Palace, but was back to where she was in the next second.

The human skin paper in his hand has turned into a fallen leaf.

The real human skin paper fell into the hands of the fourth prince in front of him.

Tsk, you really want us brothers to kill each other. It's so vicious.

Shen Jian grabbed the human skin paper and stood defenseless in front of the female knight. Then, he grabbed the female knight with his big hand and pinched the female knight who was infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods.

In an instant.

A feeling of suffocation came over me.

The female knight's cheeks turned red, and a hint of fear finally flashed through her inconspicuous eyes.

She imagined many endings in which she was discovered to be the one exposed.

And the current one is undoubtedly the most serious.

Judging from the fourth prince's attitude, he obviously had no intention of letting her go, but chose to squeeze her to death to keep this secret.

Judging from the increasing force on her neck, she probably wouldn't be able to hold on for five seconds before her throat was crushed and she died on the spot.

She doesn't want to die.

She has been striving to become a palace knight since she was a child. As an adult, she was successfully selected by the eldest prince because of her excellent results and became his personal knight.

It can be said that she is the person who has been with the eldest prince for the longest time. Even the eldest princess does not know the eldest prince as well as she does.

And she is not willing to be just a personal female knight.

So under her active approach, the eldest prince successfully shifted part of his attention to her and began to chat with her casually.

She thought she had a chance to become the princess.

But the appearance of Ai Niya took away the position of princess that originally belonged to her.


He was about to die on the spot.


Why could that woman already have an eldest prince, and still have an affair with the fourth prince, and be between the two best men in the empire? And she could only die here in obscurity?

This time.

Fear, despair, and unwillingness completely occupied her heart.

His eyes were full of weakness.

at this time.

The female knight suddenly found that the hand holding her neck loosened.


She lay on the ground, coughing violently and panting like a bereaved dog.

I can tell from the look in your eyes that you don't want to die.

Old God Shen Jian said.

Looking down at the second sister-in-law from a high position.

Naturally, he would not kill the other party.

This female knight is the key figure who completely caused the rift between the eldest princess and the eldest prince. If she wants to conquer the eldest prince's wife, she needs her help.

Hear this.

The female knight looked up and nodded hesitantly.

She really didn't want to die.

Once the computer crashes, you don't know when you want to wake up. It may be decades, hundreds of years, or forever.

She was already infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods, how could she want to die?

If that's the case, then...climb over here.

Shen Jian was neither sad nor happy, and said quietly as if giving an order.

This time.

The female knight hesitated longer.

Teeth clenched.

His body was shaking slightly.

I don’t know if it’s fear or humiliation.

But in the end, she climbed over.

Because she knew that she had no room for bargaining. As long as the fourth prince did not want his affair with his sister-in-law to be exposed, he would never let her go.

If you don't want to die, you can only do what the other person says.

Shen Jian squatted down.

The plate armor on the chest of the female knight was taken apart.

The inner shirt was exposed.

His palms were already grabbing at the collar, as if he wanted to rip it off.

The female knight raised her head sharply, her face changed drastically, she mustered up her last bit of courage, and said tremblingly: Your Highness, the fourth prince, I am the eldest prince's son, and I am also one of your future queens-in-law. What you are doing is unacceptable to the world. Shameful.

Shen Jian paused.

Just when the female knight thought that Shen Jian's conscience was still intact, she saw Shen Jian showing an even more excited expression, I love my son the most. It's okay if you don't tell me, but I'll be even more excited when you tell me.

Female Knight:......

At this time.

She suddenly remembered that she had just seen the two of them having an affair, and even the eldest princess dared to hook up with each other, so what could she, a sister-in-law who didn't even have a name, matter?

What is the difference between saying that you are Mrs. Wang and telling a gangster that there is money here?

Just thinking about it.

A tearing sound.

The undershirt was torn.

Shen Jian looked around.

Somewhat emotional.

Unexpectedly, this female knight turned out to be the kind of person who hides herself deeply.

I was wearing a battle armor before, which covered all the female features, and no traces could be seen at all. I didn't expect that when I took it apart, it would be so magnificent.


Some things, until the last layer of veil is torn off, you never know what kind of uproar it will cause.

This female ghost is difficult to control.


What he likes most is to challenge things he cannot control.


Shen Jian stood up.

While admiring the beautiful scenery, he opened his mouth and said:

You have two choices now. First, let me crush you to death on the spot. Second, become mine.

You hooked up with the eldest brother because you wanted to become the princess. When the eldest brother succeeds to the throne, you will be the mistress of this empire. But... the eldest brother already has a wife, and there is also a Belkia family standing behind you. It is impossible for you Righted.

Moreover, as long as I am here, it is impossible for the Great King Brother to ascend to the throne. No matter how hard you struggle, you can only get the position of a side princess. But I am different. I have unified the southern and eastern territories one after another, and the next step is the northern and western territories. , the eldest prince you have placed high hopes on will soon roll back to the royal city in despair, powerless and furious.

And I will be crowned king.

Which side you choose is up to you to weigh.

Shen Jian's voice kept ringing.

echoed in her ears.

The female knight looked confused.

She must have some feelings for the eldest prince.

But this emotional foundation is bound to the fact that the eldest prince can ascend to the throne and become the master of the empire, and she will also share the honor and disgrace, and use the resources of the royal family to advance to the level of ghosts and gods.

If not.

Then this little emotional foundation is not worthy of her loyalty to the death.

And so far, the one with the greatest advantage in the King Trial is undoubtedly the fourth prince in front of him.

Even if he

The other party is doing nothing now. Once the five-year period is up, the four princes who have unified the southern and eastern territories will become the undisputed winner, the crown prince of the Eli Empire, and the future king.

Think about it this way.

The female knight's expression became complicated and full of wavering.

Shen Jian didn't speak either.

Instead, he watched quietly.

Until a moment.

It was the female knight who raised her head again.

Shen Jian was asked a question that he didn't expect.

Can my status be compared with that of the eldest princess?

Think about it.

Shen Jian lifted her chin, slowly moved his palm down, caressed her neck and collarbone, and focused on her erect breasts.

That depends on how proactive you are.

Hear the words.

The female knight looked at Shen Jian's eyes. Although there was shyness and bitterness on her face, she still said firmly: From today on, I will be your sword, cutting through thorns and thorns for you.

A cheeky smile appeared on Shen Jian's lips.

I hope you can serve as the sheath for my sword first.

The female knight was indeed a female knight. She had practiced hooking up skills, and she immediately understood what Shen Jian meant.

First he lowered his head shyly, and then slowly squatted down.

at the same time.

Western Territory.

The eldest prince looked at the message with only a few words written on the human skin paper, and was a little confused.

He had great trust in this personal female knight.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to escort the eldest princess to the southern border, and even the secret operations of monitoring the eldest princess would also be handed over to the other party.

In his eyes.

Everyone here might betray her, but not this female knight.

Not only because of his identity and status, but also because this female knight had a secret crush on him and wanted to marry him.

Think of this.

The eldest prince took back the worry in his heart.

He probably felt that the authenticity of this information needed to be verified, so he didn't report it.

With this thought.

The eldest prince came to the underground of the Western Duke's Mansion.

This is a ghost craftsman's forge room.

How is the research and development of the flintlock gun going? My fourth brother has already shown his fangs, and I am afraid that he will attack the Western Region soon.

In the forge room.

The five-star player with the ID [Adolf] came out in disgrace and said excitedly: Your Highness, we have preliminary developed the blueprints and will be able to actually create a flintlock gun in less than half a month.

Not only the flintlock gun, we have also improved this supernatural weapon and designed a revolver that can fire multiple rounds. Its performance is many times better than the flintlock gun.

Hear this.

The eldest prince's eyes lit up.

Okay, if you can really create it and let me defeat the Fourth Prince's brother, the position of Duke belongs to you.

Thank you, eldest prince.

Adolf was equally excited.

That's the position of a duke.

Compared with this position, all five-star players and the Western Holy See are rubbish.

A King of the South emerged from the Dragon Kingdom and became the city lord of three game areas. He also gained a superior status in the dungeon here.

but now……

These are all rubbish.

There is no comparison between the city lord in a thriller game and the duke in a deep ghost realm.

Although the former is the supreme ruler, his overall strength is weaker than any of the four major realms in the Eli Empire, and the Duke is the largest noble in the realm.

As long as you give him some time, surpassing it won't be a problem at all.

A bright future is beckoning to him.

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