Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 841 Wrong guess? The worst that can happen is that someone dies.

The far north.

The royal princess with the ID [Jana] looked at the chat interface somewhat helplessly.

She has golden curly hair that is exactly the same as the royal family of the Eli Empire. When she first entered this dungeon, she was indeed regarded as a princess by many ghosts. Unfortunately, she was exposed not long after, and the living environment became even worse.

Because she happened to land on the defense line of the Six Princesses organization, because of her hair color, she was regarded as an ugly ghost who wanted to pretend to be a princess, and was hostile to many people.

Because of this, she has been unable to leave the edge of the defense and go to a safer place.

At this point.

She lied.

after all.

If other players knew that she had offended the ghost people in the north, they would be even less likely to come to rescue her.

Princess Janna, what should we do? There are only three of us left.

Two mixed-race players came over.

Typical European white man.

Their levels are all around level 50, and they are the only three remaining players in the North.

Janna was equally anxious.

Baytooth bit his nails.

The thriller game has a total of ten players in the North. Except for the six who died, there are only three of them left here. In other words, there is still one player whose whereabouts are unknown.

She was not sure whether the missing player was the [King of Yama] from the Dragon Kingdom.

Do you think that [King of Yama] will help us if we ask him for help?

There was silence for a while.

Janna said abruptly.

The two white players were shocked.

Ask the people of the Dragon Kingdom for help. If the five-star players who entered the dungeon knew about this, they would probably be suppressed, hostile and alienated even if they returned to the real world.

As if she knew what the two of them were thinking, Janna said: Didn't you see the message on the chat interface? They have given up on us and left us to fend for ourselves, so why do we still follow their orders? The West The Holy See and the Dragon Kingdom are incompatible, what does this have to do with us? If you can't save your life, even if you die in the dungeon, no one will care.


Janna took action.

She asked other players for their opinions. She just wanted them to stand in the same lineup as her so that they could resist risks together. Even if the two players were unwilling, her thoughts would not change.

the other side.

Shen Jian looked at the final frozen chat message thoughtfully.

The Duke of the North takes action against the six princesses?

Although it is speculation and the source of the news has not been confirmed, a group of players who have just entered the dungeon less than a month ago can detect that another force intends to destroy the Six Princesses' organization, which shows that the other party's actions are no longer concealed.

And in the entire Northern Territory, who dares to take action against the Six Princesses, and who has the capital to deal with a royal bloodline, besides the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory?

If this is the case, it is somewhat intriguing.

The Sixth Princess is obviously another line of defense against the evil ghosts. Why does the Lord of the North want to destroy them when they are on the front line against the evil ghosts?

In addition, the only descendant of the Grand Duke of the North, the former Saint of the Elim Temple, secretly created batches of evil spirits and directed and staged plans to purify them. This was very similar to the situation in the North.

He had reason to suspect that the reason why the evil ghosts in the North could not be eradicated had something to do with the Duke of the North.

As for the reason...

That would naturally make the North independent.

If there were no evil ghosts as a natural barrier, the royal family would immediately settle in the polar regions. By then, the Grand Duke of the North would have no reason to monopolize control of the North.

A lot of power needs to be handed over.

will be restricted by the royal family.

But it's different when there are evil spirits.

Not only does the royal family need to provide material support every year, but it is also unable to take over the situation in the north. It can only allow the Kang Ye family to grow bigger and turn the north into its own territory.

Think of this.

Shen Jian smiled.

He always trusts his own judgment.


Even if he guesses wrong, the most he can do is beat the Northern Duke to death.

He has nothing to lose.

at this time.

A private message caught Shen Jian's attention.

[Janna: Your Excellency, I don’t know if you are in the Northern Territory. I want to trade with you. Don’t worry, I won’t say a word about what happened today. I swear on the credibility of my family. 】

[King Yama: Come and listen. 】

[Janna: Your Excellency, we have not dealt with you before. We have a basis for cooperation. If you are in the North, we can work together to escape from the North. 】

[Janna: As a price, I can become your undercover agent in the Western Holy See and leak information about this group of people to you. 】

[King Yama: Not enough. 】

[Janna: My family occupies an important position in the Western Holy See. I can give you a large number of supernatural resources, one hundred thousand horror coins, and a castle worth hundreds of millions. 】

[King Yama: Not enough. 】

See this.

Janna, who was far away in the far north, turned pale.

One hundred thousand horror coins and a large amount of supernatural resources were already the largest share she could mobilize, and it would require her to overdraw all her resources in the next five years to get it.

If it's not enough, she really has no capital left.

But soon.

She seemed to have thought of something.

[Jana: In the real world, I am the princess of the Western Principality, and I can marry you. 】

Seeing this line of text, the other two white players stared.

This sacrifice is too great.

Although the rights system of principalities is no longer popular in the real world, in some places, these principalities still have the same power as the kingdoms in ancient times.

Marrying a princess is probably the ultimate dream of every man.

Who can resist such a temptation?

[King Yama:...]

the other side.

Shen Jian was a little stunned.

In order to survive, he has to bend and stretch.

No wonder that as a female player and a princess with a high status, she can reach level 59 step by step in the horror game copy. This kind of courage alone is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

Think about it.

[King Yama: Do you know the plan of the twelve main gods of the Western Holy See? 】

[Janna:...I know part of it. 】

[King Yama: Very good, send me the coordinates. 】

Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

He showed a bit of satisfaction.

He had heard the Western Holy See's Twelve Lord Gods plan mentioned before entering the Yi Lai Empire dungeon at the Great Xia Longque Headquarters, and he had always kept this matter in mind.

This is the third most important thing besides taking back Luo Fengtian's authority.

Now that I can get clues, it can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

Looking at the coordinates sent by the female player with the ID [Jana], Shen Jian's lips curled up.


The reason why he did not go to the Northern Territory immediately was because he had escorted his sister-in-law, and secondly, he did not know the specific information about the Northern Territory, let alone its specific location.


He successfully found out the base of the Six Princesses.

It's time to secure the third territory.

Knock knock knock.

At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

The female knight poked her head in furtively.

Seeing that there was no one in the study, he gently closed the door.

Looking at Shen Jian with a strange expression, he said: Your Highness, the fourth prince, you have scared the eldest princess. She just told me that she is preparing to leave the Southern Territory in the next few days. As for the sacred ruling, she will inform the Belkia family. Others will supervise.”

Leave? That's not okay.

Shen Jian shook his head, You think of a way to delay it for a few days. After I finish dealing with the problem in the north, we will discuss how to force her to submit.

Female Knight:......

Is it really okay to just express your dirty thoughts in front of me?

Can you cover it up a little?

Am I conspiring with the thief to frame the princess?

You already have me, and she is just a spent flower. She is not worthy of your attention anymore, Your Highness.

The female knight said tentatively.

Shen Jian glanced at her and gave a shameless reason: She is also my sister-in-law, and she is genuine. I like her.

The female knight who was once considered a prince and princess looked at Shen Jian resentfully and couldn't help but said angrily: Your Highness, your quirk is hopeless. Sooner or later, you will become infamous because of your son and be recorded in ancient books.

Are you blessing me?


Finished solving the problem of the eldest princess.

Shen Jian disappeared into the Duke's Palace castle without alerting anyone.


The far north.

In a town.

It's freezing cold.

Snowflakes are falling.

A bonfire is placed in front of the three players, burning with green flames.

There are such bonfires every few hundred meters, surrounding all buildings with a radius of five kilometers.

Princess Janna, is that Dragon Kingdom person really in the north? Why is his starting point different from ours? He shouldn't be in Yongkang City.

One player asked curiously.

The people from the Dragon Kingdom that other players are looking for are in their northern border. If this news gets out, it will definitely shock everyone.

Don't forget, he is the first city lord in the history of mankind to become a city lord in the Thriller World game area. It is normal to have some privileges. Thriller Game also said this at the beginning. Even in Yongkang City, there is nothing surprising.

Janna was warming herself by the fire, but her head was wandering around, as if she was on guard for something.

Hey, I really don't know how he did it. We in the Western World obviously entered the horror game more than half a year earlier than Dragon Kingdom, but let alone becoming the city lord of the three major game areas, we haven't even finished exploring the three areas of the Western Region. Game area.”

I remember that among us Western players, the highest position now is probably the steward in the city lord's mansion.

Two white men talking to each other.

There was deep envy and jealousy in his eyes, mixed with a lot of doubts and confusion.

With a time difference of half a year, the people of the Dragon Kingdom were able to reach this status faster than their Western players.

If this was a fair competition, wouldn’t it be that Western ghost controllers couldn’t even see other people’s car taillights?

It really destroys other people's confidence.

Cheating is not done like this.

When a thriller game is your home server.

According to Long Guo: This child is so terrifying.

Listen to this.

Janna couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time, she felt a bit of anticipation in her heart.

She was about to meet this player who had been touted as a myth by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

She was fully interested in what the other party looked like.

In her opinion, this [King of Yama] must be like other five-star players. He likes to look at people with his chin. He is extremely arrogant and avoids strangers, revealing an ascetic style.

If the demonization is extremely deep, it may even be abnormal.

Just thinking about it.

She caught a sudden glimpse out of the corner of her eye.

Near the bonfire, a ghostly figure is emerging, with a faint shadow.

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