The Grand Duke of the East is walking in the meeting castle.

The confusion on his face only increased.

Believers in the Elim Temple are indeed spread all over the kingdom's continent. Whether it is the four major realms or the remote high seas, there are believers in the glorious ghosts and gods.

The East Territory is naturally no exception.


As the ten most powerful directors in the East, and as a group of beings closest to the level of ghosts and gods, they clearly know that belief in glorious ghosts and gods is not a good thing.

The royal family of the Eli Empire allowed the development of the Temple of Elim. On the surface, it looked like the coexistence of royal power and divine power and friendly exchanges. But in fact, the royal family was eager to destroy all churches and temples so that the royal power would dominate.

Under such circumstances, they, the largest nobles in the Eastern Territory, cannot openly stand on the side of the Elim Temple in order to avoid suspicion. Otherwise, no matter how weak the royal family's control over this place is, the iron cavalry will march all over the Eastern Territory.

The Grand Duke of the East was puzzled, had Earl Renne's group had their brains kicked by a donkey? How dare you openly carry the temple's religious items.

If this was discovered by the second prince, he would choose to report it to the royal family.


The problems of this group of people must be pointed out at the board meeting to ensure Dongfang's position.

With this thought.

The Grand Duke of the East quickly entered the conference room.

On the round table.

There were ten people sitting in total.

Earl Renne, Earl Morgan, Earl Jerov, Earl Red Hair...

Marquis of Raging Lion, Marquis of Gold and Silver, Marquis of Payne.

Six earls and three marquises, nine in total.

The remaining person sat calmly and calmly in the first row down from the front seat. His blond hair and golden eyes symbolized his status as a prince of the Eli Empire. His handsome features were full of arrogance and were embroidered with gold and silver threads. He was wearing exquisite clothes, with a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg pinned to his collar, and his wrists were each decorated with two emeralds. The whole person looked extremely luxurious.

It is His Highness the Second Prince of the Eli Empire.

The Grand Duke of the East nodded slightly towards the other party.

Then he turned his attention to the entire audience.

Just as he was about to raise his objections to the cross issue, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the three marquis on his left and right hands with a cross hanging around their necks.


When he typed this question mark, it was not that he had a problem, but that he felt that the other party had a problem.

Damn it.

What are you doing on horseback?

It’s okay for a group of earls to do this. The three of you are marquises and ghosts and gods. Looking at the entire kingdom and continent, you are also at the top. Even if you are facing the glorious ghosts and gods, you do not have no right to speak.

But you guys with thick eyebrows and big eyes actually hang up the faith cross of Elim Temple?


Are you tired of being a noble and are you ready to become a believer?


what on earth is it?

No reason.

The Grand Duke of the East had a bad feeling in his heart.

The blood-red pupils kept scanning over the three Marquises of Furious Lion, Jinyin and Payne.

It seems to be saying: You are playing tricks on me on purpose, right?

Marquis Payne:…

A smile uglier than crying appeared on his face.

He wanted to say something, but he swallowed his words after thinking about the gift package of death that Shen Jian said before.

He no longer looked at the eyes of the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory.

So does everyone else.

Some raised their heads, some wiped cold sweat, some lowered their heads, some looked away...but no one dared to take off the cross.

For a while.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

The eyes of the Grand Duke of the Eastern Region were even more different.

Something is wrong.

The current situation is really wrong.

He knew this group of directors, and because of this, he knew that the attitude of this group of people did not look like they were wearing the cross voluntarily, but rather as if they were forced to do so.


Who in the Eastern Territory has the ability to force nine nobles, the lowest of whom are top ghost kings, to volunteer?

The thought changed.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory also swallowed his words, and then changed the subject and said: After several days of decision-making, you should have made your own judgment. Now we will vote on the Strategy for the Southern Territory proposed by His Highness the Second Prince with a show of hands.

As a Duke, I will set an example first and agree to the second prince's proposal.


He looked at the others.

Under normal circumstances, as long as he raises his hands to vote on his decision first, other directors will maintain the same opinion as him.

after all.

Their interests are aligned.

As for the southern border, the eastern border has a lot to offer.

First of all, the Southern Territory is right next door to the Eastern Territory, making it easy to infiltrate or lurk.

Secondly, the fourth prince occupied the southern territory, deprived the nobles of their interests, and his ambition to become the master of the southern territory was disliked by the nobles. No nobles wanted to see a prince who usurped the interests of the nobles come to power.

Finally, the second prince had reached a certain agreement with him and would give a large amount of benefits to the Eastern Territory.

in this way.

This made him choose to support the second prince.

the other side.

The second prince's face also showed a bit of sinisterness.

In order to impress the largest duke in the East, he spent a lot of effort and promised to make the East completely autonomous after he ascended the throne, which indirectly caused the Eli Empire to lose a piece of territory.


He doesn't care.

As long as they can win the King's Trial, giving up the Eastern Territory is not an unacceptable reality.


He had no other choice.

After learning that his fourth brother, known as the Prince of Waste, occupied Eagle City and was about to become the Lord of the South, he almost went crazy.

He didn't understand how his fourth brother, who had been bullied by him since childhood, managed to become a loser.

He also heard a lot of speculations about the fourth prince.

For example: the fourth prince's impression of being a playboy and incompetent was just an act. He had already secretly made some primitive accumulation, and was just waiting for the time to be right to become a blockbuster.

To this.

He didn't believe it.

He didn't believe that the fourth brother who had been bullied by him since he was a child and who didn't even dare to look up at him had such forbearance and ambition.

He suspected that there were traces of other organizations behind the Fourth Prince.

The so-called Lord of the Southern Territory is just a puppet pushed to the forefront.

What he has to do now is to muddy the waters in the Southern Territory and let this mysterious organization reveal clues.

In this matter, he is very confident.

after all.

The Grand Duke of the East has publicly supported him, and even if the other directors have criticisms, they will not openly oppose him.

This was what he was thinking a second ago.

The next second, his face froze.

Because after the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory voted with a show of hands, the remaining nine directors bowed their heads in silence.

What this means is already obvious.

Nine of them disagreed.

What's happening here?

The second prince was a little confused.

Although he has been focusing on attacking the Duke of the East during this period, he has also been in contact with other people, and it seems that he has not done anything to offend these directors, right?

Why don't any of these people agree?

The one who had such doubts was the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory himself.

At this time, there was already a trace of sweat on his back.


So weird.

From the moment he arrived in the conference room, everything was wrong.

The silence of the nine directors now magnifies this unusual point to the extreme.

at this time.

A ghostly voice sounded.

Nine to one, the decision is not passed. Now, let's start the second proposal.

The words fell.

Go to the first position at the other end of the round table.

A figure suddenly appeared and sat on it.

The visitor had the same blond hair and golden eyes as the second prince, and a smile appeared on his handsome and clear facial features.

The blood-stained hemp rope stretched on the wrist rose up, seeming to express the emotions of its owner.

this moment.

The whole place was dead silent.

Until the second prince's pupils shrank, he stood up suddenly, and said in horror: Fourth, fourth brother?! You...why are you here!

His tone could not conceal his shock.

Almost growled.

Supernatural fluctuations escaped uncontrollably.

Expressing his unease at the moment.

At the board meeting of the Eastern Noble Masonic Association, the fourth brother of the Southern Realm suddenly appeared here, showing an arrogant and scornful attitude.

This is so unusual.

He was completely different from the fourth brother in his memory.

Make him lose his mind.

Thoughts in confusion.

Then he heard Shen Jian open his mouth and said quietly: The second proposal, show of hands: kick the second prince out of the East.

Who is in favor? Who is against?

Say it.

The second prince saw that the nine directors who had been silent before, whether they were counts or marquises, all raised their hands immediately, as if they were afraid that if they were slow to raise their hands for a second, they would suffer unimaginable torture.

that moment.

His face turned green.


I bet you guys, you guys have already been subdued by the fourth prince.

When did this happen?

How come I don’t know anything about riding a horse?

You must have done a great job in keeping things confidential.

It's better to be an aristocrat than just go undercover.

Just thinking about it.

He looked sharply at the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory.

There was strong expectation in his eyes.

The Duke of the East has a veto power. As long as the Duke uses this power, this so-called proposal will not be established.

Moreover, he had already promised so many conditions, and he did not believe that the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory could resist such doubts.

as expected.

On the first seat at the other end, the Grand Duke of the East stared at Shen Jian across from him with a gloomy expression, You bribed other directors, but only left me out. Are you looking down on me?

Just as he was about to use his veto power to make the fourth prince's plan fail, the next second, Shen Jian said quietly: Grand Duke, you have to think clearly, the nine directors of your East Territory are already on my side, even if you veto If you accept my proposal, the situation will not change. Can you veto this matter or other things? I can even let this group of people support the Southern Territory unconditionally and evacuate the Eastern Territory.

Hear this.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory paused.

He looked at the other nine people in disbelief.


I originally thought that you were just bribed by the Fourth Prince, but now that it sounds like you mean, you are supporting the Fourth Prince unconditionally? The kind that can even give away its own benefits?


What are your weaknesses that have been exploited? Do you need to compromise like this?

Nine directors:…

The corners of their mouths twitched together.

He lowered his head in shame.

It's so insulting.

These four princes didn't save any face for them.

They have never suffered this kind of shame since they became ghosts.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory saw this.

A sentence comes to mind: Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

I originally wanted to take off with the entire Eastern Territory, but I never thought that my home would be stolen.

Shoujia's teammates were instigated to rebel, and the springs were blocked by the enemy.

Fuck (end of chapter)

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