Chapter 835 I was once extremely angry...

at this time.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory was in a dilemma.

Just as the fourth prince said, he has already instigated the rebellion of the other nine directors of the East Territory and can intervene in the affairs of the East Territory at any time. He does not need to do anything more. He only needs to ask the nine directors to hand over their respective properties and take control of everything they own. He opposed the decision, and within a few months, the Eastern Territory was completely in chaos.

In order to support a prince whose outcome is not decided, the price of gambling the entire Eastern Territory is too high.

But the promise of the second prince is not unattractive.

Once the second prince comes to power, all the autonomy of the Eastern Territory will belong to them. This means that if the Eastern Territory becomes independent, even if they establish a new kingdom on their own, the royal family has no right to interfere.

For a while.

The Grand Duke of the East showed an uncertain expression on his face.

He looked at the second prince on his left.

At this moment, the second prince's eyes were about to burst, and his otherwise good facial features were full of ferociousness and distortion. He stared at the fourth prince, as if he wanted to eat him alive. He had no princely dignity at all, but instead Like a gambler who can't afford to lose, he is guilty of sex.

On the other hand, the Fourth Prince who was directly opposite him had his lips curled up, as if he was watching a good show. There was no trace of worry in his expression. It seemed that whether he objected or not, it would not affect the situation.

Between the two of them, it was clear at a glance whether they were high or low.

At this time.

A voice suddenly sounded in the head of the Grand Duke of the East.

It was Marquis Payne.

Grand Duke, please obey. His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is suspected of being a legendary world-destroying ghost and god.

Grand Duke of the East:! ! !

His pupils widened.

He turned his gaze to Marquis Payne in disbelief.

Destroy, destroy world-level ghosts and gods! ?

What a joke.

The only known world-destroying level ghost and god in the entire Yi Lai Empire is the Glorious Ghost and God. It is not a simple world-destroying level ghost and god, but a ghost and god that has reached an unimaginable state.


Looking at the entire Kingdom Continent, world-destroying ghosts and gods are completely disconnected.

Now tell him, the fourth prince is the world-destroying level?

It's noisy.

He stared at Marquis Payne, as if to say: The way you look at me, do I look like an idiot?

In desperation, Marquis Payne could only tell everything that happened yesterday.

The eyes of the Grand Duke of the Eastern Region became even wider.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

I just felt that the stool under my butt was getting prickly.

Make him restless.

I can't wait to use my supernatural power now to move to the farthest place where the bloody footprints are.

So that I can stay away from this living ancestor.

It was too scary to destroy three ghosts and gods at once, leaving them with no strength left to resist. Even he didn't have the ability.

I am afraid that only the glorious ghosts and gods can have such strength.

Look at it this way.

To say that the fourth prince is suspected of being a world-destroying ghost and god is a bit conservative.

Think of this.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory no longer hesitated.

He also raised his hand and said righteously: I also agree with this proposal.

The words fell.

All the directors present breathed a sigh of relief.

Only the second prince froze suddenly and fell back to his seat, his eyes becoming dull.

My brain is even buzzing.


Did he lose just like that?

Being taken out of the Eastern Territory means that even his original territory has been reclaimed, and a prince who has lost his territory will automatically lose the qualification to participate in the King's Trial.

He never imagined that the territory he had worked so hard for almost two years would lose everything because of a word from the fourth prince.

He couldn't accept this fact.

He couldn't even accept that he would be the first to be eliminated in the King's Trial.

Damn it, you loser, why did you eliminate me? How could you, a loser who didn't even dare to look up at me before, beat me!

The second prince made a ferocious face and roared.

As if out of control, he rushed forward.

The target is naturally Shen Jian.

The next second.

The second prince was held down.

His hands were pressed behind his back, and he was lying on the ground.

And the one holding him down was naturally Marquis Payne at the next table.

Let me go. I am the second prince of this country. What qualifications do you have to restrict the actions of a prince?

The second prince struggled desperately.

The supernatural beings belonging to the top ghost king are sweeping wildly.

Unfortunately, the one holding him down was a ghost, and his struggle was destined to be useless.

As if he also wanted to understand this, the second prince raised his head hard, stared at Shen Jian with red eyes, and roared: Fourth, if you have the guts, compete with me, you loser, do you dare to face me!

Hear the words.

Shen Jian glanced at the second prince.

Stand up.

Looking down at the second prince from a high position, he said casually: Now, it's you who can't raise your head and face me directly.


Shen Jian was not in a good mood.

Waving his hands, he said: Throw him out of the Eastern Territory, and put up a plaque at every border of the Eastern Territory. It says on it: The second prince and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Group of ghosts:......

They gasped.

Damn it!

You know how to insult people.

In the territory that the second prince originally operated, he wrote a sign stating that no entry was allowed, and even compared it with a dog. This was completely like pressing a prince's face to the ground and rubbing it.

It's still the kind of friction.

It is light to fight to the death.

If it weren't for the fourth prince's order, they wouldn't even dare to carry it out.

after all.

This is undoubtedly a public slap in the face of the royal family.

In other words, the fourth prince is also of royal blood, so it can be understood as a family matter, otherwise it would be a proper rebellion.

Marquis Payne faithfully fulfilled this order.

in this process.

The second prince is almost crazy.

There was a tendency for resentment to reach its limit and turn into evil spirits.

Before leaving.

Shen Jian thought for a while.

The last words to the second prince.

I was so angry that I stayed angry for a whole day.

The red-haired Earl gave a nice wink: Your Highness, what does this mean?

That is to say, he is in a rage of incompetence.

Shen Jian spread his hands.

The words fell.

Outside the conference room.

There was a loud roar like a killing pig.

Ah! You really deserve to die!

Group of ghosts:......

They were sweating profusely.

This fourth prince has such a damn bad character.

He never misses the opportunity to add insult to injury.

I don't care about human affairs at all.

for a long time.

The conference room finally became quiet.

All the directors looked at Shen Jian uneasily.

By driving away the second prince and allowing the fourth prince to settle in the Eastern Territory, it can be said that they have been bound to Shen Jian. From then on, they will both prosper and suffer.

They all wanted to know what the fourth prince would do next.

And Shen Jian also agreed.

How is the situation in the north?

Hear this.

The ghosts were shocked.

Considering that Shen Jian is now the master of the southern and eastern territories, the fourth prince's intention is already obvious - to capture the northern territory.

Think of this.

They couldn't help but get excited.

It seems that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince's ambition goes far beyond this. His real purpose should be to control the four major territories at the same time. The Northern Territory is the next one, but it is not the last one.

In the history of the Eli Empire, there has never been a time when the princes from the four realms of the kingdom have been unified during the King Trial. If the fourth prince can really do it, he will become the most powerful crown prince in history, and it is absolutely certain that he will take the throne.


The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory knew everything and said: Your Highness, the situation in the Northern Territory is very complicated. Evil ghost attacks occur there all the year round, and the environment is relatively harsh. There are few ghosts living there, and few big nobles would choose to get involved in it. Therefore, the Northern Territory is a The unified state is controlled by the Grand Duke of the North. If you want to get the North, the Duke of the Kang Ye family is the key. If you convince him, the North can easily fall into your hands.

But... the Sixth Princess is currently in the Northern Territory. With her extremely high reputation, she has gathered a large number of small nobles and civilians whose families have been destroyed by evil spirits. She occupies almost half of the sky in the Northern Territory, and has formed an alliance with the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory to fight against the evil spirits. The strongest line of defense.”

If you want to occupy the Northern Territory, the Sixth Princess is also a factor that cannot be ignored, and because of the harsh environment in the Northern Territory, it is not convenient to transmit news. The information I know was already a month ago. What is the situation in the Northern Territory now? , I can’t guarantee it.”

Furthermore, Her Royal Highness the Third Princess's Deep Sea Devil Fleet seems to have the intention of landing in the North. As to whether it is true or not, there is no way to be sure.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory talked a lot in one breath.

Apparently he had explained all the information he knew.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

In the south, nobles of all sizes were independent, in the east, the Freemasonry was founded, and in the north, one person ruled.

This situation is even more special than in the East.

After all, the royal family will not just watch a noble become the master of a realm. The result of this is that the royal family completely loses control of the northern realm, and there is no room for intervention.

No matter how much the Eastern Territory behaves, at least they will not oppose the royal family on the surface. In the Northern Territory, the Duke can really listen to the instructions but not the announcement, and the royal family can't do anything about it.

after all.

The North also needs the Duke to resist the attack of evil spirits.

As for the Sixth Princess, that is also a problem.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

The princes and princesses of the Eli Empire are all quite capable.

It is not that he has not participated in the drama of seizing the heir in the Qing Kingdom, but the treatment of the princes is obviously not as good as that in the Eli Empire.

This king-fighting trial seems to be to test the governance level, but in fact it gives the princes and princesses the power to organize an army and take over a large area.

This is true for the Deep Sea Demon Fleet of the Three Princesses, and it is also true for the defense line against evil spirits organized by the Sixth Princess.

If it can become bigger and stronger, it will undoubtedly allow a vassal king to rely on his own troops and give the other party a chance to rebel.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian asked: The high seas where the three princesses are located is very close to the northern border?

It's really not far. The most important thing is that there is a dock in the north, and the dock is connected to the high seas. Under normal circumstances, the Grand Duke of the North also needs to rely on merchant ships sailing at sea to replenish food and other resources, so most of the merchant ships on the high seas will go there. The Northern Territory trades, and the three princesses have unified the high seas and formed the Deep Sea Devil Fleet. The relationship with the Northern Territory will be deeper than we imagined.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory explained.

The outcome of today's King Trial has become completely unknown.

The Fourth Prince is still the undisputed number one candidate.

But the three princesses should not be underestimated either.

There is also an eldest prince who has the support of the Belchia family, one of the four holy families. His grandfather is also the Duke of the West, and each one is stronger than the other.

No one knows the final outcome until the end.

very good.

Shen Jian's face showed a bit of excitement.

He wants to eat the Northern Territory and the high seas together. At that time, together with the three major territories, he will point his sword at the Western Territory and completely end this trial for the king.

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