Come out of the conference room.

A simple smile like an old farmer showed on Shen Jian's face.

Behind him were a group of eight directors who looked like dead parents.

Until Shen Jian left, this group of Eastern nobles did not come out of their trance, but the wooden cross hanging around their necks felt so real.

They knew that they had boarded a pirate ship and signed an unequal oral treaty that was humiliating and humiliating.

He is destined to be bound to the fourth prince in this life.

Think of this.

Six of the directors immediately laid their eyes on Earl Morgan and Earl Jerov who were squatting on the ground, their grim faces full of resentment.


It was these two damned souls who actually led the Japs here.

As a result, they experienced an unforgettable midnight terror and were completely embarrassed.

This revenge must be avenged.

The red-haired Earl closed the door of the conference room sadly.

Ah! A ghost has appeared!

the other side.

Shen Jian returned to Earl Ren's manor.

With the other party's expression full of resentment and daring to express his anger, he moved into the largest castle in the manor and waited for the board of directors meeting to be held tomorrow to formally confirm his dominance in the East.

Shen Jian is satisfied with this rate of progress.

According to this progress, after tomorrow, the southern and eastern territories will be completely in his hands, and the second prince will soon become the first royal heir to be eliminated due to the loss of territory.

This is the first, but not the last.

His goal is to eliminate everyone, occupy the four realms, and end the King Trial ahead of schedule.

Only in this way can he obtain the half of Luo Fengtian's authority in the hands of the Eli Empire royal family in a short period of time.

Shen Jian's heart couldn't help but tremble when he thought about the second authority of Luo Fengtian that was about to be reclaimed.

The unlocking condition for Asura Path, one of the six paths of reincarnation, is to recover three complete Luo Fengtian permissions.

At present, he has recovered the Zhou Jueyin Heavenly Palace (Qingguo), Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace (Entertainment City) and Luo Fengtian, leaving only the last Zongfei Qiling Heavenly Palace (Ilai Empire) authority. , you can successfully unlock the Asura Path.

The unlocking of the Six Paths of Reincarnation must be related to the legendary Emperor Fengdu.

He hoped that the system reward would be the status of Emperor Fengdu.

In this case, he is the legitimate Lord of the Underworld.

There will be no higher being in the world than him.


In the underworld system, he merged with the Ten Palaces of Yama, and to a certain extent, he was considered the real master of the underworld. However, without the most important status of Emperor Fengdu, his name was always unfair.

He wanted to complete this.


It is necessary to reclaim Luo Fengtian's authority here.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

My mind is racing.

at this time.

Shen Jian noticed that Princess Ainiya rubbed her temples.

There was a hint of fatigue in those striking emerald eyes.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

It belongs to the professional ability of famous doctors and is activated by disease insight.

There was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

Think about it.

Shen Jian stepped forward and said with concern:

Sister-in-law, are you feeling uncomfortable?

It's okay, it's just overuse of supernatural influence. Just take a nap and you'll be fine. But Fourth Prince, I have to remind you that in the conference room just now, none of the eight directors was sincere, and eight out of ten words they said were The sentence is false.

Her tone was filled with concern.

As a top ghost king, it is very difficult for her to use supernatural effects on ghosts and gods with a higher level of terror than her, especially when it is necessary to distinguish which words of these people are true and which words are false, which is even more labor-intensive.

And the result was beyond her expectation.

These eight directors basically didn’t tell the truth.

Even joining the Four Princes lineup is a lie.

This was the first time she encountered a situation like this.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was startled.

He laughed.

Why are you laughing? This is a very serious issue. If we don't handle it well, they may turn against you tomorrow.

The eldest princess was extremely angry.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Shen Jian lightly.

She worked so hard for this brother-in-law, and he was actually smiling.

Sister-in-law, it turns out that this is what you are thinking about. Even without your supernatural power, I can still tell that these people are not sincere. Don't forget, no matter what, the essence of this matter is coercion. As the powerful people in the East, How can the largest noble be really willing to accept my proposal and become my vassal?

Then you can leave with peace of mind? You don't need to watch them?

No need. The moment they verbally agreed, the matter was a foregone conclusion. Regardless of whether they accept it or not, they can only obediently become mine.

Old God Shen Jian said.

The nobles in the southern border also want to resist me now. The reason why they didn't resist is just for one reason. They are afraid of me, and so are the nobles in the eastern border.

Sister-in-law, you have to know that the reason why I was able to occupy the Southern Territory and force the Eastern Territory directors to accept my proposal was based on my ability to crush them, not on my so-called character, status, or reputation.

Speaking of this, Shen Jian's tone was faint.

Hear the words.

The eldest princess's heart trembled.

He stared blankly at the confident and mysterious uncle in front of him.

Compared with her husband, the eldest prince, the fourth prince in front of her was completely on the other extreme.

Her husband was gentle and polite, and maintained a humble attitude all year round. He had an excellent reputation in the kingdom, attracting many nobles to rush to join him.

The fourth prince is unruly, paranoid, high-profile, and has an extremely bad temper. He enjoys playing tricks on others, is very public, and has countless enemies.

Under normal circumstances, she would try to stay away from people with this kind of temperament. Although she didn't dislike them, she wouldn't take the initiative to approach them.

But Shen Jian is an exception.

Ultimately, perhaps it was the realness that made her feel more relaxed to get along with him.

Even her husband couldn't do this.

In front of Shen Jian, she didn't need to distinguish which words were true and which words were false, while her husband was half-truthful and half-false to her.

With comparison, she realized how easy it was for her to get along with Shen Jian.


The first person she met was not the Fourth Prince.

As soon as this idea came up.

The eldest princess immediately felt stunned.

He shook his head and cut off this thought that shouldn't exist.

When he looked at Shen Jian again, there was a little panic in his eyes.

See this.

Shen Jian suggested: Sister-in-law, I've worked hard on you just now. Let me massage your head to alleviate the influence of the supernatural.


Shen Jian walked over.

No, no need, I'll just take a nap and be fine.

The eldest princess panicked and refused.

be terribly upset.

In just a few days, she actually started to compare her husband with her brother-in-law, and felt that her husband was inferior.

I don't know how her thoughts will change if she stays here any longer.

She decided.

After her trip to the east, she dealt with the sacred ruling as quickly as possible and stopped seeing the fourth prince.

Sister-in-law, what are you thinking about? I told you that I will bless you and Brother Wang, and I will not interfere in your relationship. I just can't bear to see you suffer.

Shen Jian pretended to be sad.

The movement was extremely powerful, and he came behind the eldest princess Ainiya without any explanation.

He helped her sit on the sofa and placed both hands on her temples.

Five fingers exerted force at the same time and pressed lightly.

Wisps of yin energy are injected into it.


Caught off guard.

The eldest princess Ainiya made a seductive hum.

The voice is charming and tingling.

Even though it was Shen Jian, his movements also paused slightly.

The strangeness in his eyes deepened.

The shouts of this good sister-in-law are so exciting.

This good voice is wasted just for talking.

Should try some swallowing, blowing, sucking, calling in all aspects.


The eldest princess also reacted.

Her pretty face was suddenly covered with clouds.

Covering his face.

It was as if it was hard to say anything, and I was ashamed.

Shen Jian said calmly: Sister-in-law, express yourself boldly if you feel comfortable. Don't suppress yourself too much. In front of me, you can show your truest self. No matter what, I will not dislike you.


Shen Jian continued to massage.

Knead, rub, push and tap on the temples.

Following Shen Jian's movements, the princess also hummed rhythmically.

It's just that it's the kind with one hand covering your mouth.

While humming, he showed an expression of pleasure mixed with confusion.

He seemed to be wondering where the fourth prince learned the massage skills.

So comfortable too.

Especially the eyes that were tired due to excessive use of supernatural powers seemed to be nourished by the sweet spring at this moment and became dazzling again.

just one time.

Just enjoy this once.

She kept telling herself to keep a distance from the fourth prince, her nominal brother-in-law, and not to cross the line.

【Princess Ainiya】

[Current status: Comfortable, ashamed, relaxed, nervous, contradictory. 】

[Favorability: 51 (familiar)]

The next day.

The central city of Winter City.

Conference room building.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory was notified and came to attend the meeting jointly held by the eight directors.

As for the content, it is naturally related to the decision made by the second prince.

He walked like a dragon and a tiger, and with every step he took, there would be a bloody footprint on the ground.

This is his supernatural power.

Wherever the bloody footprints go, he can teleport away at any time.

He thought it was prudent, but other nobles seemed to think he was making a fuss out of a molehill, fearing death to the extreme and going to the extreme.

You also need multiple insurances on your own property.

To this.

He didn't care.

Because he is the largest nobleman in the East and a hereditary duke, he is the largest here.

Your Majesty the Duke.

On the way to the conference building, Earl Ren seemed to have just arrived and greeted him respectfully.

While bending down, the cross on his neck swayed slightly.

The Grand Duke of the East was a little surprised: When did you convert to Elim Temple?

Count Wren:...

Hear this.

He showed an expression that didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

Leaving resentfully.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory was puzzled, but he didn't think much about it.


Right in front.

Two more figures came into view.

It was Earl Morgan and Earl Jerov.

The two of them had a bruised nose and swollen face, and they were supporting each other, looking like brothers in distress.

More importantly, he found that the two earls also had wooden crosses hanging around their necks.


He slowly typed a question mark.

Has Elim Temple's business expanded to this extent?

Get a cross for every purchase?

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