Qingshi Highway Toll Station.

When Liu Feng came here, he found that the surrounding environment had changed.

The originally bright sky suddenly turned cold, and the sky became gloomy, with gusts of dark wind blowing.

The highway toll station also faded at this moment, turning into a dark mountain gate. A miserable green mist rose up, dyeing everything into the color of the underworld, making it eerie and terrifying.

The mountain gate is empty and vast.

Engraved on the blood-embroidered horizontal plaque are three characters - Gate of Hell.

The stone gates on both sides are inscribed with couplets:

The King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, how can he keep you until the fifth watch?

This is... the gate of hell? The entrance to the underworld?

Seeing the legendary gate of hell appear in front of him, Liu Feng's heart was beating so fast that he felt like his throat was about to jump out.

First there were ghosts, then Hei Wuchang, and now I saw the gate of hell again.

Stepping into the gate of hell, did he really enter the legendary underworld?

What truth is this world hiding from him?

He was shocked.

A glance out of the corner of my eye.

Suddenly, another figure emerged from the mist.

The visitor was dressed in white, wearing an ancient official hat, with a long scarlet tongue sticking out, and his face was as pale as white paper.

Bai Wuchang!

Liu Feng's pupils trembled.

Recognized the person's identity.

Like Hei Wuchang beside him, Bai Wuchang also held a chain in his hand. On the other end of the chain, several dead souls like him were bound. Every time Bai Wuchang took a step, the bound souls moved with difficulty. One step later, he was in a state of panic.

Especially when he saw the three characters Ghost Gate, he collapsed to the ground.

He wanted to run away, but was pulled back.

The other end.

A tall figure with a bull head and a horse face walked past Liu Feng.

The clanging sound of chains echoed here.

Behind him, cries continued.

Bull head and horse noodles.

Just when Liu Feng had this idea in his mind, Hei Wuchang had already taken him into the gate of hell.

Pass through the gates of hell.

Then we entered a gray world.

The black soil under his feet seemed to be alive. With every step he took, he could feel that the ground was trying to swallow him and bury him.

Further ahead.

A wide road comes into view.

Old, rough, showing the original appearance of cement and soil.

Huangquan Road.

With this idea in mind, Liu Feng embarked on this road.

Halfway through.

A voice began to call him, the voice getting clearer and louder.

Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng, where are you going?

The voice penetrated his ears like a demonic sound, and he couldn't help but turn around.

He happened to see the folks in the building who had raised him appear here, reaching out to him to take him away.

He couldn't help but reach out his hand.

Death is like a lamp going out. You should forget all your past lives. Otherwise, if you deviate from the road to hell, you will become a lonely soul who can only stay in the underworld and cannot be reincarnated because of your obsession.

At this time.

Hei Wuchang suddenly spoke.

Liu Feng was startled and woke up immediately, looking at the villagers who were leaving in the distance with lingering fear.

at the same time.

He looked at Hei Wuchang with some curiosity.

He didn't understand why this underworld handsome man wanted to remind him.

Hei Wuchang said nothing.

He just glanced at Liu Feng with cold eyes.

A few days ago.

Master Yan Jun asked them to bring millions of dead souls from Nanlin Province back to the underworld, and according to the requirements, select those with meritorious deeds, those with serious sins, and those who are neutral between good and evil.

And the person in front of him is a meritorious person.

And the merits are profound.

If he can stay in the underworld as an errand, he will most likely become a city god in the future, and as the supervisor who recommended Liu Feng, he will also receive a lot of credit.


Only then did he want to speak out and wake him up.

Of course, he couldn't force Liu Feng to be a spy, as this was an illegal operation.

Let's go.

The words fell

Hei Wuchang continued to pull Liu Feng forward.

A black lake blocked the way.

At the end of the lake, bright red light dyed half of the lake red, and bright red flowers bloomed on the other side.

On the bridge, there is an ancient arch bridge standing on both sides.

Death River, flowers on the other side, Naihe Bridge...

Liu Feng passed by one by one

Even though it was only his first time entering the underworld and seeing everything in the underworld for the first time, he still recognized these famous wonders.

Nothing else.

The legend of the underworld is so famous.

It is so famous that any person can accurately name these underworld buildings.


He came to a magnificent palace at the end.

Qin Guangwang Palace.

Faced with these big characters, all the dead souls who came here were as silent as a chill.

Even the most ferocious criminals, the most inhumane thugs, and the underworld who are immune to the law, all have their heads lowered at this moment and dare not breathe a single breath.

I was afraid that something might happen if I breathed heavily.

Liu Feng looked.

In front of King Qin Guang's palace, there is a huge stone mirror.

The dead souls made moves in front of the mirror one after another, and were then taken away by Yinsha.

A sentence came to his mind: There are no good people in front of the evil mirror.

no doubt.

This is the legendary Nie Tai Mirror.

You can tell where the ghost should go by looking at the evil things it did during its lifetime.

But when a good soul stands in front of the evil mirror, it will only be empty.

His eyes scanned.

Those ghosts who had ghosts in their hearts, had done wrong things, and committed evil deeds were all trembling and looking panicked.

after all.

No one would have thought that the legendary underworld actually existed.

The sins they committed during their lifetime will be fully borne after their death.

To this.

Liu Feng took a look at his life.

His life was very simple.

Before the age of eighteen, he grew up eating a lot of food. After he turned eighteen, he completed his studies through part-time work, joined in the work, and had a close relationship with the folks in the building. He never had any thoughts of hatred.

Even before he died, what he thought about was that it was worth using his own life in exchange for the survival of others.

There were no big regrets in his life.

Not long after.

He took a photo in front of the Nie Tai mirror. The stone mirror was empty and glowing with a faint light.

Hei Wuchang smiled and said: Liu Feng, you have two choices now, return to the sun, or stay in the underworld as an errand.

On errand?

Yes, ghosts are rampant in this world. I believe you have seen it. By becoming an underworld agent, you can save more people. Moreover, you have the opportunity to become a city god because you have a high starting point.

I've been a spy, can I still go out?

Hei Wuchang paused for a moment and said mysteriously: The duty of Yin Chai is to go out and patrol major cities. I can arrange for you to patrol the city where your home is and become Yin Chai. You can reshape your soul body. Although You can't take the initiative to interfere in the affairs of the world, but no one will object to some care.

Hear this.

Liu Feng was silent for a moment.

He said firmly: Okay, I choose to stay in the underworld and work as an errand. Although my life is not perfect, I am satisfied. I want to... choose another way of life.

The underworld welcomes you.

Hei Wuchang smiled sincerely.

A new City God's Temple will be built soon in your city. If you work hard enough, you can be elected. By then, you can bless the whole place and protect the peace of the whole place. Of course, this requires the consent of the King of Hell.

What kind of person is Lord Yama?

Liu Feng asked curiously.

The legendary Lord of Hell, he believes that no one is not curious.

Hei Wuchang pointed in one direction.

There is the palace of Yama.

The lights are bright.

Faintly, it seems that a mysterious and majestic figure can be seen, handling government affairs inside.

You see, according to you humans, Master Yan Jun is a considerate and diligent boss who cares for his subordinates. He stays up late to deal with affairs every day until the employees get off work, and he is also a good boss who protects his shortcomings and is generous.

Liu Feng heard about it.

In awe.

As the Lord of Hell, he is so responsible.

Apart from anything else, from this point alone, he could know how great the brilliance of Yama's humanity was.

No wonder Hei Wuchang can be admired and worshiped so much.

Will he become an employee of Lord Yama from now on?

It always feels...a bit unreal.

at the same time.

Yama Palace.

Lin Yan, the protagonist trained by world-weary ghosts and gods, is currently sitting in the deputy seat. According to the requirements set by Shen Jian, he carefully handles the information handed over by Yin Zai, selects a list of people who can return Yang, and compiles it into a book.

He had extremely dark circles under his eyes.

His eyes were full of resentment.

Looking at the mountains of information, I almost collapsed.

He still vaguely remembered what Shen Jian, oh no, his eldest father said to him before he left.

Yan'er, I'm going to take care of your mother. You can handle these lists and compile them into a book before giving them to me. I believe you.


Leave him to deal with the information on these millions of dead souls while he takes care of his mother.

This horse riding thing is nothing.

He was suffering, but Shen Jian was hugging his mother, saying love words and doing some things he loved, Gan.

the other side.

Entertainment City·Zero Farm Copy.

After taking over all the authority of the Entertainment City, Shen Jian can now enter and exit the place freely.


He has been staying at Su's Medical Center.

Chatting with the beautiful woman Su Zhi.

Xiao Shen, is Yan'er really okay? He has been missing for several days.

Su Zhi nestled in Shen Jian's arms, her cheeks rosy.


The two had just had a fierce physical fight.

At this moment, Shen Jian gently held the temples of the beautiful woman in his arms and kissed her earlobe.

Su Zhi trembled.

She felt something abnormal coming from her body, and there was a body structure that didn't belong to her, sticking behind her.

Xiao Shen, you think again... spare Aunt Zhi. If you come again, I won't be able to bear it.

The beautiful woman is coquettish.

He was obviously a little afraid of Shen Jian.

While feeling happy, I couldn't help but clutch my lower back. This little Shen is good at everything, but it happens too often.

Maybe it's because of youth.

She was even scared of a red-clothed level ghost.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly, Aunt Zhi, Xiao Yan is an adult now. He has his own things to do, and I can assure you that he is fine now. I asked him to help me with something, and now... I guess Just work hard.

You guys have such a good relationship, so I'm relieved. I'm worried that you won't be able to accept Xiao Yan.

How could that happen? But Aunt Zhi, you can't favor one over the other. Xiao Yan has grown up and can't stay with you for a long time. I hope to have a child that belongs to us.

I believe that Xiao Yan will also like to have an extra sibling.


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