time flies.

A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

Because of the invasion plan of world-weary ghosts and gods, millions of people died in Nanlin Province, and a large number of souls needed to be brought back to the underworld for unified processing. It can be said that this is the busiest period since the reconstruction of the underworld.

More than 30,000 Yinmen were divided into day shift, night shift and double shift, working day and night to bring the souls of the dead back to the underworld one by one.

Then through the Nie Tai Mirror, the Five Lands City God simply sorted it out.

It is worth mentioning that Shen Jian has handed over the position of City God of Qingshi to Wei Wuliang, the first human ghost to enter the underworld and who was recognized by Shen Jian as the successor of the City God.

He is a native of Qingshi.

Shen Jian became a ghost master before. Although he was not a horror game player, he controlled two ghost puzzles by chance in the real world and solved many supernatural incidents for Qingshi.

In the end, due to his old age, his decaying body could no longer withstand the erosion caused by the supernatural, and he could no longer control the third ghost, so he died in the Ghost Controller Hospital.

Although it is not the end of life, it is still a very exciting life.

Shen Jian had already determined that he would become the Qingshi City God.

Another new city god is the green-skinned ghost king.

The leader of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect brought out by Shen Jian from Nanli Ghost Town was once his enemy, but under the influence of his love and justice, he had abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side and became a member of the underworld.

He is the City God of Tuchuan City, Xiping Province.

At the beginning, Shen Jian had promised that if he could maintain order in a city, he would be made the local city god.


It can be regarded as fulfilling the promise.

at the same time.

The data processed by the City God of the Five Lands will be sent to the Palace of King Yama, and according to his requirements, targets who can return Yang will be screened out.

Shen Jian handed over this job to the protagonist Lin Yan.

In fact, it should be the ghost teacher who handles the affairs of the Palace of Yama. The other party is the civil judge, one of the four major judges he identifies, who specializes in handling the business of the King of Hell.


Who told him to be at Lin Yan's mother's house now?

If you don't give the protagonist something to do, if he goes home, he will have to cover up, which is not pretty.

Anyway, Lin Yan can be regarded as an entrepreneurial tycoon. He founded Tianshen Temple from scratch. Shen Jian still believes in the data coordination aspect.


He will choose it again at the end to prevent mistakes.


Qingqing, I am in the middle.

The door to the second floor of Su's Medical Center was pushed open.

Su Rou, the ghost professor, walked in wearing a professional teacher's outfit, wrapped in a black short skirt, and exposing her long legs.

Hear sounds.

The beautiful woman suddenly sat up from Shen Jian's arms.

After adjusting her clothes, she picked up the open neckline and half-stripped dress, and glanced at the visitor with a blushing face.

Su Zhi frowned fiercely when she saw it was her sister.

She was basically sure that her sister had some thoughts about her man, otherwise she wouldn't have been a guest at her house for a month and almost regarded this place as her own home.

Su Rou, are you free? If you don't work well as your professor, why would you cross a city all day long to come to my place? I remember you have a house over there in the university town, don't you?

The beautiful woman said angrily.

He wanted to let this sister leave, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Sister, didn't I tell you that I'm studying psychology on my own recently and am preparing to take the exam for a psychology expert's certificate? Don't I want to verify the effect? ​​With my young husband here, this is a ready-made example. Why should I look for it? Other stinky men.”

Su Rou blinked.

Ignore your sister's attitude.

Little husband, you will be my experimental subject, right?

No, this time it's me. If you need experimental samples, how can one be enough? Even if you want to perform surgery, you need to find a different case to prove your level.

Su Zhi stood up.

Looking directly at his sister, there was a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

Su Rou's eyes moved slightly, and there was something strange in her eyes: It's okay, but the sofa side is too soft, which is not conducive to my performance. Come to the dining table, and the young lady husband will also come over, and I will compare it.

Shen Jian just walked over.

Su Zhi pulled him to sit next to her, as if to declare her sovereignty.

Su Rou didn't care either.

Sit opposite.

He took out the teaching materials very professionally and started a conversation with his sister.

Shen Jian listened.


He seemed to notice something, and his expression changed.

He glanced under the dining table without leaving any trace.

I saw a long white leg stretched out from the opposite side and placed on him.

The five crystal toes flexed slightly.

Moving around on him.

What are you rubbing against?

Shen Jian's expression changed even more obviously.

She looked at the ghost professor Su Rou with some surprise.

This sister-in-law is really bold.

How dare she touch her brother-in-law in front of her sister.

This is a naked provocation to Su Zhi.

However, the beautiful woman Su Zhi seemed not to notice anything and listened carefully to her sister's conversation.


Su Rou seemed to feel that one foot was not enough, so she stretched out both feet at the same time.

Shen Jian could clearly feel the strange feeling brought by the ten toes.

This feeling... is amazing.


Okay, sister, I've got your control group, now it's my husband's turn.

Su Rou's eyes were a little rosy.

He looked at Shen Jian with a hint of charm.

Shen Jian looked over.

My mood is also ups and downs.

This kind of morally bankrupt sister-in-law will not pay for her life if she seduces people.

Think about it.

Shen Jian said: Aunt Zhi, I want to eat fruit.

Okay, I'll cut it for you.

The beautiful woman just left.

Su Rou stood up, crossed the dining table, and pulled Shen Jian close.

Red lips are offered.

You and my sister are developing very fast. Next time you come to my house, I have a surprise for you.

Parted lips.

Su Rou's cheeks felt hot, and while she felt ashamed, an emotion called excitement occupied most of her thoughts.

Let her become more immersed in this atmosphere.

If one day, I can do it in front of my sister...

Thinking of this possibility, Su Rou despised herself in her heart and felt that she was really a bad sister. Even if her sister did not forgive her, she would understand.

But on the other hand, she was like a moth to a flame, unable to resist this urge.

Not long after.

When the beautiful woman came out with the fruit, the two of them sat in their respective places as if nothing had happened.


What Su Zhi didn't see was that on Su Rou's toes...

When Shen Jian returns to the real world.

It's already a month later.

During this period.

He lingered between the two sisters, and the ghost professor Su Rou tried her best to teach the young husband taboos in all aspects in front of his sister.

Shen Jian was even a little intoxicated by it.

Yama Palace.

Looking at the list of one million people who have returned to the Yangtze River, and the main character Lin Yan lying on the table with his eyes blank and in a trance.

Shen Jian thought for a while.

She patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: Xiao Yan, if you can endure hardship now, you will be able to endure more hardship in the future.

Lin Yan:......

He rolled his eyes at Shen Jian.

Is there anything so comforting?

You feel so good about letting go of the shopkeeper. I have processed millions of lists day and night, and now I have ghost images of everything I see.

You tell me, there will be more opportunities to endure hardship in the future.

Gan, what poisonous chicken soup?

Well, I have some good news for you.

See this.

Shen Jian said again.

What good news?

You're going to be a brother soon.

Lin Yan:? ? !

His pupils were startled.

Then he reacted.

Damn it, do you want to give this man another child?

In other words.

During his hard work for a month, this man actually ate and lived with his mother, and they became a family.

When he thought about his mother being occupied by a man of his own age, and wanting to give birth to this man's child so that he could have a half-brother and sister, his mood became very subtle.


He was indeed impressed by Shen Jian's power and strength.

Previously, he even called Dad in front of the public.


He still didn't know how to feel about his mother being snatched away.

He could only look at Dad in front of him with resentful eyes.

To this.

Shen Jian was in a good mood.

Ignoring the resentful look of this cheap and good boy, he carefully checked the list of one million copies.

Lin Yan explained awkwardly: These are all selected based on your requirements. Those with meritorious deeds will return Yang unconditionally, and those with mixed good and evil deeds will be judged based on the dangerous deeds of evil deeds and specific deeds of good deeds. The total is so much.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Not really surprising.

In this world, there are indeed only a small number of people who truly have the subjective consciousness to do evil.

By screening according to this standard, a large number of people can naturally be screened out.

More than one million people, which was about what he expected.

for a long time.

Shen Jian turned over the last portion.

Lin Yan's ability was given the greatest recognition.

The selection was completely based on the requirements he set, and there was no problem.

That being the case.

There is no need to review anything.

Just return Yang directly.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of dead souls with heavy bad karma are staying in the City of Wasted Death, waiting for the final verdict.

real world.

At that time, Nanlin Province was still in the process of reconstruction.

Still has not regained its former prosperity.

But on this day.

In countless morgues, in coffins, and underground, a large number of ordinary people fake corpses.

Caused huge panic.

Daxia Longque headquarters received the news immediately.

What? Someone has been resurrected again? How many are there?

Unable to count.

What's the meaning?

It means that there are too many people who have been resurrected and cannot be counted in a short time. But judging from this trend, the number of people who have been resurrected this time is at least one million. Moreover, the first thing they said after they were resurrected was: They I saw the underworld!”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone fell into deathly silence.

One million people were resurrected, which accounted for almost two-thirds of the casualties in Nanlin Province.

In other words.

In this supernatural incident in Nanlin Province, only a few hundred thousand people actually died.

Distributed to major cities, this proportion is even smaller.

More than a month later, the underworld has sent us a surprise. Moreover, for those who entered the underworld, the underworld did not erase their memories and allowed them to return to the Yang world with their memories of the underworld. This is There's going to be a big mess.

Qian Kuan's breath twitched slightly:

Underworld is no longer planning to hide their existence...

at the same time.

Shen Jian opened the game panel.


[It has been detected that the player has used Qingguo’s authority and scanning has started. 】


[Scan completed. 】

[Location: Qingguo. 】

Shen Jian:......

His facial muscles twitched slightly.


He still has three dragon energy left to collect.

One is in the extremely yin place of Luo Fengtian in the fifth place.

One is located in the Qingguo Imperial Palace.

There is one missing trace.

What he wanted to find most was the last clue to the dragon's energy.

But this time, his luck didn't seem to be very good, and he directly searched for the Qingguo Imperial Palace.

This luck + max is really useless.

Think about it.

Shen Jian still decided to enter Qingguo according to the location he searched for according to his authority.

after all.

If you don't enter this time, you will have to wait another month.

He didn't want to wait.

If the supernatural incident in Nanlin Province had not had such a huge impact, more than a month would have been enough for him to complete a new round of dungeons.

Think of this.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

Choose to enter Qingguo.

[It has been detected that the player is a five-star player and relevant permissions have been enabled. 】

[Players can choose a dungeon with a star rating of no less than five stars from uncompleted hidden tasks to enter. If there are no uncompleted hidden tasks, they will be randomly matched. 】

[It is detected that the player carries the [Wrath of the Eternal Night King] hidden mission, [The Hidden Plot of the Princess of Daqing] mission, and can enter the Qingguo dungeon. 】

【Whether to enter. 】


[Matched. 】


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