In the Blood Pool Hell.

A group of ghosts and gods listened to the conversation between their master and Shen Jian.

It was a hot day and they were roasted by the fire, but they were covered in cold sweat.

OMG, is this a secret we can learn? Don't wait for a while and kill us to avoid future troubles.

What a Buddhist country, what Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, we are just a bunch of weak ghosts and gods, we don’t want to know all this.

It’s different from other people’s reactions.

Shen Jian's face showed unwarranted malice.

Regardless of whether the supernatural master who controls Luo Fengtian in the fourth place is Ksitigarbha, the other party has already shown his malice towards the underworld, that is, he is the enemy of the underworld.

If you are an enemy, you will be destroyed.

Even the Buddha in the mythical age was the same.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian calmed down.

Anticipation for Cleopatra's return is growing.

He let Cleopatra go, and Cleopatra also promised that when she returned to the deep ghost realm, she would give him a response and let him enter the fourth Luo Fengtian.

As for breach of contract, Shen Jian had not considered it.

Because this has no benefit except making her situation more difficult. What's more, Cleopatra's attitude towards thriller games can be described as a deep hatred. How could she miss the opportunity to target thriller games.

at the moment.

It just takes time.


Shen Jian asked again: Do you know...Mother Meng?

The traces of Ksitigarbha from the Buddhist kingdom were an unexpected gain.

The first thing he wanted to ask was about Po Meng's whereabouts.

after all.

It is the key to reincarnation. To a certain extent, this is more important than recovering Luo Fengtian.

The world-weary ghost was stunned.

A little silence.

The disembodied voice continued to circulate: The legendary God Meng Po? I don't know, but I was in the extremely dark place and heard that someone was selling a potion that makes people forget their past and present lives. The ghosts can return to their best days, and they can also wash away the karma of evil ghosts, which has been well received by people in extremely yin places.

Is this...Meng Po soup?

Shen Jian was slightly surprised.

It's possible, but according to the information I got, the effect of this potion is not permanent and can only last for a month at most, so I'm not sure it has something to do with Goddess Meng Po.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

There is only the fifth Luo Fengtian place that can be called an extremely yin place by beings like world-weary ghosts and gods.

Unlike the four Luo Fengtians of the Qing Kingdom, the Yi Lai Empire, the City of Entertainment, and the Buddha Kingdom, the fifth Luo Fengtian does not have an absolute master. It is still in chaos and is still competing for the final controller.

It is a chaotic place without order.

But in a place like this, there is a medicine with similar effects to Meng Po Decoction. It is difficult to say whether this is related to Meng Po Decoction.

But either way, this is a clue.

And this also made him more certain that Meng Po Tang was not impossible to copy.

He can definitely gather more famous doctors and gradually perfect Meng Po Tang just like he developed the No. 1 drug.


Even if he discovers that there is something wrong with Po Meng, he doesn't need to worry about killing her, which will completely stop the operation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Have your doubts been answered? Does that count as atonement?

At this time.

The voice of the world-weary ghost brought Shen Jian back to reality.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

He said casually: After serving a hundred years in prison, you will be sent to the Blood Pool Hell.

Say it.

Shen Jian turned around and disappeared from here.

When it reappears.

He has returned to the Palace of Yama.

Sitting in his seat, he fell into deep thought.

Today, the harvest is great.

Although it’s just two pieces of news.

But no matter which one it is, it is particularly important to the underworld.

Needless to say, Po Meng is an important condition for the operation of the six paths of reincarnation.

Ksitigarbha, who is suspected to be an enemy of the underworld, is also a huge threat.

after all.

When it comes to understanding the underworld, Ksitigarbha is far above him.

If the other party really has some back-up plan and can take over the underworld as his own, that would be a really unfavorable crisis.

He is the Lord of the Underworld and the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces, but he is not the real Emperor of Fengdu yet.

It can only be said... that he has most of the authority of Emperor Fengdu.

If he wants to truly become the Great Emperor of Fengdu, he still needs to continue to unlock the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Judging from the fact that one can get a system reward by unlocking one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, when he unlocks the Asura Path, he should also be able to get rewards.

This reward, even if it is not the status of Emperor Fengdu, is most likely related to it.

He had an intuition that when he fully unlocked the Six Paths of Reincarnation, that would be the time when he truly gained full authority from Emperor Fengdu and became the undisputed Lord of the Underworld.

Look at it this way.

It is still necessary to obtain the complete authority of Qing Kingdom and Yi Lai Empire as soon as possible.


There is one more important thing that needs to be done right now.

Shen Jian's lips trembled.

The voices of ghosts and gods rang out, resounding throughout the underworld.

The head of an ox and the face of a horse, the impermanence of black and white, the judge of rewards and punishments, the city god of the three places.

The words fell.

Less than ten seconds.

A group of figures stepped into the palace of King Yama.

Lord Yan Jun.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Starting today, the underworld has officially entered the operational stage. We are going to bring back all the millions of souls who died in Nanlin Province. It's time for the City of Wasted Death and the Eighteenth Level of Hell to be opened.

Yang Shi, it's time to know the existence of the underworld.


Until everyone leaves.

A flash of light flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

In nearly two years, it was time for the underworld to appear.

This time, the supernatural incident in Nanlin Province resulted in the death of millions of people.

He could not allow these ordinary people who were killed by evil spirits to be affected by the supernatural influence of this world. They gradually devoured and evolved from lonely souls and wild ghosts, and evolved into other supernatural events, which affected the expansion of the underworld.

The simplest way is to bring all these dead souls back to the underworld.

Those who are guilty will be sent directly to the eighteen levels of hell.

Those who have no sins and have merit can choose to return to the sun or stay in the underworld as errands according to their wishes.

Those who are neutral between good and evil enter the City of Unearned Death and temporarily become residents of the underworld, waiting for the six paths of reincarnation to officially run, and then choose the place of reincarnation based on the conditions during their lifetime.

This is the best way.

He has read the life and death records of millions of people, and roughly one-fifth of them can return to the world, which is nearly 500,000 people.

But in Shen Jian's opinion, it was still too little.

Even if the original population of Nanlin Province is added in, the total number has fallen below the 10 million mark, and the influx of millions of dead souls into the underworld at once will cause the city of Fusei to fall into chaos.

Shen Jian thought for a moment.

Perhaps, he should give ordinary people who are neutral in good and evil a chance. Life and death will not depend on the specific evil deeds, but will only evaluate the sum of good and evil in a person's life.

Moreover, in the judgment, killing animals, even watering ants, and indirectly causing the death of someone is considered evil, but compared to killing and other things, the degree of evil is not high.

Most of these people are actually good at comparison.

As long as they know the existence of the underworld, it is equivalent to hanging a sword of Damocles above their heads. He admires those who dare to do evil.

in this way.

This way, the souls of the dead city can be controlled within a stable range.

When the underworld continues to expand, more people will be added.

It’s just that the workload may be a bit heavy.


This is all the work of his subordinates, not him.

How can you experience the professionalism of Hell members without going to trouble?

Shen Jian nodded.

I think it's very reasonable.

If he doesn't do it, there will be no workload.

at the same time.

Nanlin Province.

A group of transparent gas slowly changed, gradually turning into a human form and the appearance of a young man.

Liu Feng opened his eyes.

His eyes were confused at first, and finally became stunned.

I am...

He glanced at his body pressed under the boulder, then at his transparent hands, and immediately understood what was going on.

I am dead……

When he said this, he felt a little scared in his heart, but more importantly, he was happy.

Because he looked around.

There was no one but his body.

This means that others did not die here.

They survived, and he saved them.

Liu Feng recalled the scene at that time. Five days ago, a legendary ghost appeared in this city and appeared in his home.

The residents in the same building as him were frightened.

Not moving at all.

There is no way.

He could only attract the ghost's attention and lure it out.

But unexpectedly, he was suddenly attacked and buried by the activated wall.

when he wakes up again.

It became what it is now.

So this is the human soul, so now I have become a ghost?

Liu Feng said excitedly.

He is an orphan.

I grew up eating food from hundreds of families.

To him, the neighbors in the building are all his family.

He felt it was worth it to exchange his life for their hope of escape.

Moreover, it seems that he did not die, but became a lonely ghost.


This excitement didn't last for a few seconds before he was confused.

What's the use of finding out that he has become a lonely ghost? Can anyone tell me?

No one can see him.

Liu Feng experimented.

His hands can penetrate boulders, and his body can sink into walls to achieve wall penetration. But other than that, he can't do anything. There is no one around, and he can't pick up anything. Moreover, even if there is someone, he probably can't see it. I couldn't even hear him speak.

He was abandoned by this world.

Just thinking about it.

A strange sound of footsteps sounded beside him.

A deep blue light suddenly emerged, along with an icy and gloomy chill. It was a chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, making people's bodies start to tremble in an instant.

Even Liu Feng, who was in the state of a dead soul, trembled unconsciously.

He looked in the direction of the blue light.

A figure came out from there.

He wears a black robe, wide sleeves, a dark complexion, and a black official hat with the words Peace in the World written on it.

Liu Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

Black... black and white are impermanent? !


To be more precise, it is black and impermanent.

You...are you here to take me away?


Liu Feng reacted.

Fierce ghosts seduce souls, and impermanence demands life. The so-called black and white impermanence is the messenger who seduces souls.

Those who are hooked are dead souls like him.

At this moment.

There was only one thought left in his heart: the legendary underworld actually existed.

Liu Feng, come with me.

With a cold tone, Hei Wuchang threw out the soul-seducing chain, but it did not pierce the opponent's soul body, but tied his hands.

Turn around and leave.


Liu Feng followed and left.

When it reappears.

He had arrived at a gloomy green portal.

There are three words written on it——

gate of hell!

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