at this time.

Daxia Longque headquarters fell into deathly silence.

They are all commanders of first-tier cities. In ancient dynasties, they were the existence of princes. In the cities under their jurisdiction, they were basically the emperors.

However, at this moment, their faces were ashen.

It was broad daylight, but I felt unusually cold.

The blood all over his body seemed to be frozen.

Everyone was frightened by the numbers Qian Kuan said.

Half a million, or even a million ghosts, this is such a desperate number of words.

War on this scale is rare in ancient times.

It is reported that the largest war in history was when Emperor Sui Yang personally led a million-strong army to attack Goguryeo, investing a total of more than one million troops.

But humans are different from ghosts.

In a war in which humans invest millions of troops, there may be less than 300,000 to 400,000 soldiers who can actually fight, and the rest are just cannon fodder and logistics.

However, the tide of one million ghosts is truly a million ghosts that can only kill people.

Even though most of the transformed ghosts are low-level ghosts below the green-clothed level or even the white-clothed level, for ordinary people, there is not much difference between the red-clothed level ghosts and the white-clothed level ghosts.

after all.

Their supernatural powers are fatal to humans.

Think of this.

Deep despair appeared in the eyes of all the senior officials.

They finally figured out that this man was the city leader of Qing City, named Shen Jian. He had an excellent reputation on the supernatural forum, and his reputation surpassed all the players. He was called the living Buddha among ghost controllers.

But this is only the surface identity of the other party.

Judging from the respectful but excited expressions of Qian Kuan and Gu Instructor, there is no doubt that this man is related to the underworld.

He is the first god to be resurrected from the underworld.

At the same time, it is also the most widely circulated existence - the Lord of the fifth palace of Yama in the Ten Palaces, King Yama.

five days ago.

When the horror game invades, if this Lord of Hell shows up, everything will be possible in time, but it is already the fifth day of the horror game invasion.

Eight cities in Nanlin Province have been occupied and turned into ghost caves.

Even if the Lord of Hell showed up, it would already be too late.

after all.

He is alone.

Incapable of doing anything else.

No matter which city he chooses to support, the remaining populations of the other cities will be wiped out.

Not to mention, he is the King of Hell in the underworld.

It is natural to choose to support the main battlefield of the underworld and the horror game.

In other words.

People in the remaining six cities in Nanlin Province are still isolated and helpless.

A rough estimate is that the number of stranded residents in the six cities is at least five million.

Five million people died, what is this concept?

No one could have imagined the consequences.

Because of this level of casualties, Longguo had no budget at all.

Think of this possibility.

The atmosphere on the court became even more depressing.

a long time.

Qian Kuan said in a difficult tone: Mr. Shen, I leave everything to you. We will try our best to delay the remaining six cities in Nanlin Province. We also hope that Mr. Shen can repel the enemy as soon as possible.

He didn't say much.

Even if he is King Yama of the underworld, a god who only exists in legends, he still has limits.

Shen Jian is alone, and it is impossible for him to ask the other party to launch a rescue operation for the entire Nanlin Province at the same time. This is simply fanciful.

He only hoped that Shen Jian's joining could defeat the invasion on the main battlefield as soon as possible, freeing up his hands to suppress the ravages of ghosts and gods in other cities.

During this period.

Everything can only be left to Daxia Longque.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

You guys? Delaying time?

Among the seven battlefields, in addition to the main battlefield invaded by world-weary ghosts and gods, the remaining six cities are all occupied by five-star supernatural lands led by a ghost and god. This kind of lineup may have gathered the power of half the Great Xia Longque. I can barely resist it.

With all the calculations, Daxia Longque's limit is only two or three cities.

Qian Kuan said firmly: The Great Xia Longque was born to resist the evil ghosts. Every member has this awareness. We will organize people nationwide to invest in these cities to attract the attention of the evil ghosts and delay time.

In fact, we have already been doing this kind of thing, otherwise we would not be able to urgently evacuate ordinary people to the city where ghosts are raging. But this time is different. We have hope, and the road ahead is no longer dark.

I just hope...Mr. Shen, you can come as soon as possible. We don't have many people left...

Qian Kuan bowed deeply.

Please, Mr. Shen.

Pain flashed in the eyes of the ancient instructor, and he also bowed ninety degrees, because his son also voluntarily entered Nanlin Province.


More and more people stood up.

They are the commanders of major cities. Their families, friends, partners, and even comrades-in-arms also voluntarily entered Nanlin Province to attract the attention of the evil spirits and buy time for ordinary people to evacuate.

The longer it takes, the less likely it is to survive.


The only hope lies in Shen Jianjian.

See this.

A bit of surprise flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

Voluntarily entering Nanlin Province to attract the attention of evil ghosts is a real attempt to die. Anyone who dares to enter these ghost caves has already put life and death at risk.

It can be said.

After this battle, at least half of the Daxia Dragon Bird members nationwide would have to die to achieve the delay that Qian Kuan said.

I see.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

He didn't say much.

Qian Kuan's actions were not stopped.

Because we need people to clean up the mess.

The words fell.

Shen Jian disappeared on the spot.

When it reappears.

It has reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

He looked far away in the direction of Nanlin Province, his eyes twinkling.


A golden wheel with six sides and corners appeared behind Shen Jianjian.

Each of the six edges and corners shows a blank area.

The first area is engraved with an angel with golden wings spread out, the body of an angel and the head of a devil.

The second area is engraved with an exotic woman. There are shadows around her, and six figures seem to be faintly revealed behind her.

Come on, my past and future body...

Shen Jian raised his hand.

The golden wheel is fixed on the supernatural power of Cleopatra.

this moment.

He has the complete supernatural existence of Cleopatra.

This is the clerical ability of the Wheel-turning King, the Lord of the Tenth Palace of Yama.

The words fell.

The void trembled.

There are ripples in the space, and supreme terrifying fluctuations are spreading.

The next second.

A person walked out of the ripples of the void.

He has black hair and dark eyes, and his facial features are exactly the same as Shen Jian's, but there is no blood-stained hemp rope on his wrist.

Immediately afterwards.

It's the second one, the third one.

This is the past.

It's Shen Jian's real body that came out in the past three days.

Then continue.

Three figures also walked out of the ripples in the void on the right.

The same black hair and dark eyes, the same appearance, the only difference is the blood-stained hemp rope that disappeared from his wrist.

This is the true form for the next three days.

Coupled with the fact that he was the source of the supernatural, seven Shen Jian's eyes met together at an altitude of 10,000 meters in an area where no one could observe.

Unlike incarnations, these seven people are all true entities.

There is no question of who is true and who is false.

The only difference is that Shen Jian, who has the blood-stained hemp rope, is now.

The rest only exists in the past and future.

Let's go. This world is small, so small that it can only accommodate the underworld. But this world is so big, so big that the underworld will exist all over the world.

The seven figures each disappeared in place.

Running towards the seven major battlefields in Nanlin Province.

Luteng City, Nanlin Province.

In front of a house.

With a pop sound, a young man wearing a Daxia dragon bird vomited blood from his mouth, with several pieces of internal organs mixed in the blood.

His name is Feng Cheng, and he is one of the members of Daxia Longque in Luteng City, Nanlin Province. He is not only a three-star player of the thriller game, but also a ghost controller. However, he has only controlled one ghost and is not very strong.

Beside him, there was a family of six following him.

The young man wiped the blood, and his defeated face proved that he was at the end of his strength, but he still managed to hold on to his strength and lead the family of six to a safe area.

Just now.

He provoked an extremely terrifying red-clothed ghost and used all his supernatural powers to finally get rid of the red-clothed ghost and lead ordinary people to escape.

Brother, are you okay?

The family of six looked at the young man with worried faces. The youngest boy took his hand and asked.


A forced smile appeared on Feng Cheng's face.

Ever since the destruction of the Daxia Longque branch in Luteng City, he had put life and death aside. In the confrontation just now, he had used his supernatural power to the limit, and it was not far away from the resurrection of the evil ghost.


He came to a stone door.

Press the button and a passage to the underground is opened.

Come in, it's safe here now.

he knows.

It was already difficult to get support from several cities in Nanlin Province. The only thing he could do now was to follow the instructions from the headquarters and try to evacuate ordinary people to designated safe areas.

By then.

The headquarters will send people over to take away ordinary people from these designated locations.

It can be regarded as retaining the last single seedlings in Luteng City.

Brother, won't you go in?

The little boy held Feng Cheng's hand and asked curiously.

Big brother still needs to save people, but big brother promises you that when everything is over, I will treat you to ice cream.

The hook.

Okay, hook up.

Feng Cheng smiled and completed the agreement.


As he watched the little boy's family enter safety.

A series of terrifying supernatural threats enveloped the entire place.

Jie Jie Jie, it turns out that you humans have hidden people in these places, as well as supernatural props that block the perception of ghosts. It seems that this city has also gained a lot of benefits in the thriller game.

In an instant.

One ghost after another appears.

The leader is a man wearing a gas mask and a white coat. From the transparent material of the gas mask, you can clearly see half of this man's face with a crazy smile.

There was also a boning knife in his hand.

And his level of terror is that of ghosts and gods!

Behind him, the dense crowd of ghosts also stared with scarlet eyes, like madmen, staring at Feng Cheng and the stone gate behind him.

this moment.

Feng Chengru was struck by lightning.


Little did he know, he was being followed.

And his wrong judgment attracted the ghosts and gods that were raging in the city.

It’s over!

But what he didn't see was that a figure was also looking at him 10,000 meters above him.

found it!

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