Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 677 Your name is King Qin Guang in the book of life and death

Chapter 677 Your name is on the book of life and death——King Qin Guang

Green Vine City.

Safe base.

A local Daxia Dragon Bird member named Feng Cheng looked at the scene on the street as if he were mourning for his heir.

There are many ghosts and shadows on the street, and the evil spirit is sweeping across.

The climate that was originally clear and clear became gloomy at this moment.

An atmosphere of depression and despair is spreading.


The streets are full of ghosts.

Some of these ghosts were wearing white coats, and some were wearing blue hospital gowns.

The only thing they have in common is the crazy smiles on their faces.

Like a madman.

And the reality is exactly the same.

According to Feng Cheng's understanding, the five-star supernatural place that has descended on Luteng City is called the Madhouse. The man wearing a gas mask and holding a boning knife is the director of the madhouse.

A sick experiment between normal and abnormal.

One day, this experimental subject overthrew the rule of the madhouse, made the mentally ill the masters, and spread the idea of ​​madness. Everyone who saw it would eventually become crazy and become a member of the madhouse.

The reason why the Daxia Longque branch in Luteng City was covered overnight was because the director of the lunatic asylum personally took action and spread his ideas to everyone's minds through supernatural means.


Everyone went crazy.

The huge Daxia Longque branch was wiped out so effortlessly.

They were the only ones who were on missions outside and survived by luck.

But apparently, his luck was over.

Being targeted by a ghost who easily destroyed the Daxia Dragon Bird branch in Luteng City, he had no power to resist.

Just showing him a cruel smile made him uncontrollably have all kinds of dangerous thoughts in his heart.

Think of this.

Feng Cheng felt increasingly bitter inside.

It didn't matter if he died, since he was about to recover from Li Gui anyway, but he misjudged Li Gui's IQ and brought the potential threat back to the safe base.

This time, not only is he going to die, but the survivors hiding in safe areas behind him may not be able to survive either.

It's his fault.


The head director of the lunatic asylum laughed ferociously, Human, I can give you a chance to join us. Come, grab my boning knife, kill the six members of the family behind you who are protected by you, and kill the little boy. His father made a vessel, picked out the flesh of his brothers and sisters, and then poured the blood of his mother on it, and a serving of ice cream was completed.”

As long as you feed that little boy, I will let you all join in and avoid death.

Sad sounds echoed in the streets.

This made Feng Cheng refresh the level of cruelty of ghosts.

It makes people feel extremely cold.

He looked at the family of six huddled behind him, and then at the ghosts everywhere. He clenched and loosened his fists, loosened them again, and finally hung down helplessly.

He is a three-star player, and he only controls one ghost controller. He has no chance of winning against any of the ghosts in the madhouse.

Let alone hundreds or thousands of them.

He couldn't help but look up.

A silent roar came from his mouth.

Just as he was about to vent his last breath and spatter the opponent with blood, his pupils shrank sharply.

Because there seems to be something above the sky.

It's human!

It's a person!

Feng Cheng fell into shock.

He knew that he was not mistaken, nor was he hallucinating. It was indeed a person walking towards him in the sky.

That figure was walking high in the sky, strolling in the void, as relaxed and carefree as stepping on the earth. In just a moment, this figure had already appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The black-haired man with dark eyes stared at the ghosts below with a quiet expression, his eyes especially lingering on the ghost holding the boning knife for the longest time.

It was Shen Jian.

To be more precise, it is one of Shen Jian's past incarnations.

at this time.

The director of the lunatic asylum also saw the person coming from the sky.

A hint of surprise flashed across the originally ferocious face.

With dark eyes and walking in the void, could this be the dangerous person mentioned by the master?


Is he sick?

If you don’t go to the main battlefield, why are you here in my rear area?

Aren't you afraid of the complete collapse of the underworld's defense line?

Or are you saying that I have a grudge against you, and would rather let you suffer heavy losses for your men than come and kill me first?

at this time.

The ferocious smile on the face of the director of the lunatic asylum turned into a serious one.

There is something square inside.

If this person is really the target that the master is afraid of, then he is definitely not an opponent.

But under normal circumstances, this person would never bypass the main battlefield and appear in the rear.


The director of the lunatic asylum was the first to yell: Who are you?!

While speaking, the terrifying supernatural threat belonging to ghosts and gods enveloped the entire audience, causing all the ghosts in the audience to be infected and reveal a clown-like smile.

My name is...King Qin Guang.

Shen Jian spoke calmly.

The mouth contains the words of ghosts and gods.

Once the word is spoken, it ripples across the nine heavens and ten earths.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Especially the humans headed by Feng Cheng were stagnant in place.

King Guang of Qin?


Is this the Lord of Hell? !

They were confused.

The legendary underworld really exists, and so does the Lord of Hell.

Have they seen God?

Their prayers finally paid off.

The legendary underworld reappears, and the Lord of Hell appears.

Feng Cheng then looked at Shen Jian blankly.

Then he showed an excited look.

There was a supernatural incident involving the arrival of angels in Ivy City, and rumors about the appearance of King Yama spread a lot.

And now...

King Qin Guang also came.

This is the second resurrected god from the underworld.


King Qin Guang has appeared, so King Yama should also show up.

The birth of two great kings of hell might be able to reverse the defeat of Nanlin Province.

The thought of this.

His originally dead soul was rekindled with some hope.

the other side.

Hearing Shen Jian's words.

The face of the director of the lunatic asylum turned from solemn to pale.

There was a hint of horror in his expression.

As a ghost and god, as the supernatural master of the madhouse in a five-star supernatural place, and also one of the protagonists trained by world-weary ghosts and gods, he knows the true purpose of world-weary ghosts and gods invading the human world.

She also knew that the main reason why the world-weary ghosts and gods launched such a large-scale invasion was because they were afraid that some being would destroy everything she had worked so hard to build.

Because she was afraid, she chose to strike first.

And that existence is the King of Hell in the underworld.

at the moment.

Another King of Hell has appeared in the human world.

Who provided this false information?

I have never heard that there is a second King of Hell in the underworld.

Is this the underworld’s trump card?

Too old.

Why did it come to me by chance? I must be very lucky.

The director of the lunatic asylum roared in his heart, his face uncertain.

at this time.

Shen Jian spoke again.

The voices of ghosts and gods resounded.

Your name is on the life and death book, and you are sentenced to death!

The words fell.

There was a judge's pen in Shen Jian's hand. On the dark pen body, there was a faint pattern of an evil ghost, exuding a cold and mysterious aura.

Holding it in your hand, it seems to hold the fate of all things.

Whether it is gods, immortals, demons, or Buddhas, they can determine life and death with one stroke.

Immediately afterwards.

A dark, cold book also appeared in Shen Jian's hands. The pages of the book turned automatically, and each page turned seemed to have witnessed a hundred lifetimes of experience.

On the back of the book, the words Life and Death are clearly visible.

Holding it in your hand, the fate of all living things in the world is written in it. Just a touch, a touch, or even a tear can easily deny a person's existence.

at this time.

Shen Jian holds the book of life and death on his left hand and the judge's pen on his right hand. What is reflected in his eyes is the fate of the ghosts.

King Qin Guang, the master of the first palace of the underworld, specializes in life and death in the human world, and is in charge of good omens in the underworld. He is also the controller of life and death.

His clerical ability, the Eye of the Netherworld, is the eye that can see through all good omens. It is a weakened version of the life and death book.

See this.

The director of the lunatic asylum opened his pupils and his whole body trembled.

There was a sense of déjà vu, as if he was being watched by a terrifying entity. That feeling made his heart palpitate, his scalp numb, and he couldn't help but run away.

But he can't run.

His intuition told him that Shen Jian could not be allowed to continue. That book and pen could decide his fate at will.

No matter how far he ran, it was of no avail.

No, stop!

The director of the lunatic asylum roared angrily and grabbed the book of life and death in Shen Jian's hand.

To this.

Shen Jian's expression remained as usual.

Under the horrified gaze of the other party, the judge's pen was raised.


The whole world began to buzz.

Scenes of hell in all directions appeared around him.

Threads of fate intertwined with the director of the lunatic asylum and manifested themselves in front of everyone.

they know.

These lines are the life of a ghost.

If all the threads of fate are broken, even ghosts and gods will die.

No, no, no, don't!

The horrified voice of the director of the lunatic asylum continued to sound.

He stretched out his hand to grab Shen Jian.

The next second.

The judge's pen in Shen Jian's hand had already written a big X on the page of the opponent's book of life and death.

As the last stroke fell, the thread of fate intertwined with the ghost and god of the madhouse director strangely oozed blood, and then broke together.

that moment.

The figure of the director of the lunatic asylum shattered in mid-air.

Turn into fragments and dissipate between heaven and earth.

Only a heart remains.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand.

Take the heart.

This is one of Luo Fengtian's permissions in the third section, and its completeness is about 7%.

this moment.

There was total silence.

The ghosts looked at Shen Jian with frightened expressions.

Their supernatural master, a ghost and god, was just gone?

This is unbelievable.

Isn’t the human world a group of weak humans? Why would there be a being who can instantly kill ghosts and gods?

What on earth is going on with this horse riding!

The ghosts fell into panic.

Shen Jian took a look.

The dark luster in his eyes deepened.

With a click of the judge's pen, a top ghost king who was infinitely close to ghosts and gods died silently.

With a stroke of the judge's pen, a top ghost king who had escaped a thousand meters away was reduced to ashes in horror.

At this moment.

The sky above Green Vine City.

Everyone can see a figure holding a book of life and death and a judge's pen, single-handedly deciding the fate of ghosts.

Wherever it passed, hundreds of ghosts howled and turned into ashes.

Just less than ten minutes.

In the entire Green Vine City, no ghosts survived.

And that figure is King Qin Guang, the King of Hell.

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