Daxia Longque Headquarters.

at this time.

The atmosphere in the conference room fell into deathly silence.

Commanders, big and small, and high-level members gathered together. Here were the commanders from all the first-tier cities in the entire Dragon Kingdom. Once something went wrong, the entire Dragon Kingdom would be paralyzed.


It was such a group of people who stood at the pinnacle of power in the Dragon Kingdom. At this time, their faces showed an unconcealable helplessness, and they were all silent.

How's the situation?

At this time.

Someone asked.

A hoarse voice sounded.

It was Qian Kuan, the commander of Qingshi.

He is clearly only in his thirties, and with his clean hair, he has the energy of a seventy-year-old man, and his haggard face makes him look twenty years older.

It's a bad situation.

In just two days, all eight cities in Nanlin Province fell and turned into ghost caves. According to clues detected by satellites, the number of ghosts is at least 100,000. The Daxia Longque branch of Nanlin Province also finally A message was sent back, saying that a two-dimensional passage leading to the horror world was opened, and its source came from here.

At the same time, our people also sent back information. Among the hundreds of thousands of fierce ghosts, none of them have a terror level lower than the red-clothed level. Most of them have reached the ghost king level or even higher.

Obviously, this is not just a single supernatural place that has turned into a copy, but a large-scale invasion of the horror world. The number of evil ghosts mobilized has far exceeded the scope of a single horror world game area. I am afraid there are twelve Even if we take away half of the high-end combat power from a certain area, we won’t be able to put together such a lineup.”

Hear this amount.

Everyone present fell silent.

A hundred thousand ghost tides, which city can withstand such a force?

To know.

In the real world, even a single supernatural event, as long as the danger level reaches level A or above, can cause panic enough to plunge a city into chaos.

And this only requires a red-clothed ghost that can move and whose killing patterns are easily triggered.

Further up, there are S-level supernatural events caused by ghost king-level ghosts.

This is almost the upper limit of the level of ghosts that can descend into the real world in the horror world.

But on top of S-level supernatural events, there are SS-level and SSS-level supernatural events.

This level of disaster is the difficulty of judgment designed by Daxia Longque for the ghost tide.

If more than ten ghost king level ghosts move together, they will automatically be upgraded to SS level.

If there are more than a hundred ghost kings, they are considered to be SSS level.

But in fact, large-scale ghost disasters rarely occur in the Dragon Kingdom.

The few times it happened were quickly resolved and there was no time to spread.

But this time is different.

A wave of 100,000 ghosts, even if they were all red-clad ghosts, would be enough to bring down the Dragon Kingdom, not to mention that most of them were still ghost kings.

Even the ghost masters in the entire Dragon Kingdom could not deal with more than twenty powerful ghosts of this level.

Twenty vs. one hundred thousand.

How desperate.

I'm afraid even the legendary ghosts and gods would be drowned in such a disaster.

Where's the underworld?

Another voice sounded.

The voice was full of expectations.

As if expecting something.


Qian Kuan's words broke his illusion.

Underworld has no time to take care of us. It has been five days since the disaster broke out, and Nanlin Province has only persisted for two days. Who do you think is resisting in the remaining three days? If it weren't for Underworld, these three days would be enough Let two more provinces turn into ghost caves.

Even the underworld can't stop such a wave of ghosts?

The person who spoke earlier fell back into his position.

The tone was full of disbelief.

The underworld in myths and legends, the end of the dead souls, and the place of six reincarnations. Such a mythical force cannot resist the invasion of the horror world?

At this time.

The ancient instructor of the Demon City said with difficulty: There is no doubt that the underworld is very strong, but in this era, the underworld has only just recovered in less than two and a half years. Even the number of city gods is not much, and the king of hell has only recovered. Now that I’ve married someone, do you think this is the underworld in its heyday?”

Hearing the words Lord of Hell, everyone had a stress reaction.

They are all leaders in major first-tier cities, and they have heard about the deeds of King Yama for a long time.

That is the first resurrected King of Hell in the underworld

He is also the first god to appear on earth.

His name is known to everyone in the world.

Everyone from the 80-year-old man to the literate child knows him.

The myth of King Yama is also unique in the history of the Dragon Kingdom.

If it were this man, there might be hope.

Where has he gone? If he is here, we can definitely unite with Daxia Longque and the remaining living forces in the underworld to minimize the losses.

Qian Kuan shook his head and said: Since the thriller game entered the adjustment stage and the chat interface became unavailable, no one can contact him. He disappeared. No one knows where he went, what he encountered, and when he came back.

Hear the words.

The little fighting spirit that everyone had just raised was ruthlessly destroyed.

Then what to do now? We have supported Nanlin Province and Xiping Province to the maximum extent, but our power is completely useless in the face of the ghost tide. The ghost controllers and support personnel sent can do everything but evacuate the residents. No, if the defense line of the underworld collapses, then the world will be over.

More and more people started to argue.

Some people proposed the use of destructive weapons, namely nuclear bombs.

Even though they know that human weapons are ineffective against evil spirits, they can die with them in the most honorable way.

Qian Kuan sighed.

Nuclear bomb, this is indeed the last dignity of mankind.

Once the underworld is captured, not to mention the Dragon Kingdom, even the entire Eastern Continent will become a breeding ground for evil spirits. In this case, there is almost no difference between human beings and being destroyed.

This is an environment worse than nuclear winter.

If it cannot be stopped, then the entire human civilization and the evil ghosts will be dragged to death together, and the evil ghosts will lose the soil and environment to breed. Perhaps as time goes by, the existence of the evil ghosts will slowly disappear.

By then.

The surviving post-disaster humans on this land can revive human civilization in a hundred or thousand years.

Think of this.

Qian Kuan's eyes became silent again.

Mr. Shen, where are you...

The words just fell.

A faint voice sounded.

You're looking for me? Just in time, I'm looking for you too.

The words fell.

Shen Jian appeared at the highest meeting of Daxia Longque Headquarters.

His eyes glowed with a faint light.

There is some indescribable depth hidden deep in the pupils.


There was dead silence.

Some people's expressions changed greatly. This is the headquarters of Daxia Longque. Even a fly flying in will trigger the alarm, let alone a ghost.

However, this person appeared here silently.

Doesn't this mean that if he wants, he can kill them at any time before they can react?

The other part is surprised.

They looked at the man who had appeared mysteriously.

He has black hair and black eyes, with clear and handsome features, and the black pupils are shining with a dark luster. A blood-stained hemp rope hangs from his wrist, which adds a bit of weirdness.

This outfit looks so familiar.

A bit like the living Buddha player mentioned in the supernatural forum.

That is, the city leader of Qing City, a top ghost controller named Shen Jian.

And this person seems to have another identity...

Mr. Shen!

At this time.

Qian Kuan also stood up suddenly.

The range of his movements was so large that he overturned the chair beneath him.

The ancient instructor from Magic City also stood up excitedly.

There were three parts of shock, three parts of excitement, and four parts of ecstasy on his face.

Mr. Shen, you...you finally came out.

Neither of them expected that Shen Jian would appear at such a critical moment.

They have never doubted Shen Jian's strength, let alone that a prince of hell has thoughts of escaping or retreating from battle.

They speculated that Shen Jian either did not get the news in the thriller game, or that he was deep in the underworld, planning to revive the other ghosts and gods in the underworld.


Shen Jian glanced at the hundreds of people present.

No cover-up either.

He said directly: Tell me the situation, what's going on in the underworld.

He did not choose to return to the underworld, but came to the Daxia Longque headquarters.

Because he knew that the power of the underworld was only limited to the three surrounding provinces, and even in terms of intelligence exploration, it could only cover Xiping Province and a few cities, which was far less comprehensive than the intelligence of Daxia Longque.

I see.

Qian Kuan said excitedly: According to the intelligence we currently have, eight cities in Nanlin Province have fallen, and the two cities bordering Xiping Province have become the center of the fighting.

The remaining six cities have completely become ghost caves and are regarded as a breeding ground for cultivating evil ghosts. Because of this, the number of evil ghosts is increasing. On the underworld side, three city gods led tens of thousands of evil spirits to resist tenaciously. , but the decline is very obvious.”

Not only because the number of people on one side of the horror world is ten times that of the underworld, but also because there are too many ghosts and gods on the opposite side. Even though six ghosts and gods have been separated in other cities in Nanlin Province, the number of ghosts and gods fighting against the underworld is still more than nine. .”

The three city gods each fight against three ghosts and gods, and there is no way they can join the battlefield.

And our people, at most, can help to clear up the staff, but they can't participate at all.

Qian Kuan said quickly.

Today, time is life.

An extra minute to liberate a city can save hundreds of people.

No delay.

After listening.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

In other words, in addition to the main battlefield of the underworld confrontation, there are still six cities that no one has taken over?

Qian Kuan smiled bitterly: Yes, each of these six cities is led by a ghost and god, and there is at least one lineup from a five-star supernatural place under his command. While they are sweeping the cities, they are also transforming humans into human beings to the greatest extent possible. Li Gui, fill the gap.”

If they wait until they completely occupy the six cities, the number of ghosts will probably exceed 500,000, or even millions...

Hear this number.

Everyone shuddered.

A wave of ghosts numbering in the millions, even the largest war in human history, would not have this kind of lineup.


The advantages of ghosts are too obvious compared to humans.

A wave of millions of ghosts could flood the world without any problem.

Shen Jian listened.


Seven locations are just enough...

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