Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 664 Oh my God, I discovered the secret of immorality


This place is located deep in the valley and is built on a mass grave. In other words, the so-called cemetery is to put tombstones on top of the mass grave. If there are too many tombstones, it becomes a cemetery.

When Shen Jian came here.

Everywhere you look is dark.

There is a ghostly atmosphere, and a large number of tombstones and grave mounds formed by wooden plaques are scattered around.

Some of these tombstones are new, some are worn, and some are mostly missing, and even the words on the tombstones are blurred.

Shen Jian glanced around.

You can see a large number of ghosts above the Ghost King level gathered here.

Abyss level appeared in piles, and there were also many top ghost kings.

This kind of number is undoubtedly abnormal when placed in a normal five-star dungeon. The Eternal Night Kingdom dungeon is already considered an extremely difficult mode in a five-star dungeon, but even so, the number of top ghost kings does not exceed 10.

And this dungeon, which is advertised as a five-star movie difficulty level, has nearly 20 top ghost kings in just one Yin Cao headquarters, and this does not include the number in the Temple of Heaven and Wutong City.

And here, there are more.

He just took a quick look and found that there were at least 30 top ghost kings appearing in the God Burial Valley, and there were even more ghost kings at the abyss level and below.

After all, there are at least two hundred ghosts gathered here, including ghost kings.

This scale is already considered a ghost tide.

Once gathered together, it is enough to overthrow any five-star supernatural land. Even the top five-star supernatural land with ghosts and gods sitting there cannot withstand the ghost tide of this scale.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

In this thriller game, Bitchi is as shameless as ever.

A copy of this level dares to advertise that it is only five-star difficulty.

It was meant to deceive players who had never participated in a five-star dungeon and had never seen the world. But for him, he knew exactly how difficult a five-star dungeon was.


Several voices sounded.

Little husband.

Brother Shen.

One voice is playful, the other is crisp.

Shen Jian looked over.

It is the ghost professor Su Rou and the school beauty ghost.

Little husband, what was it that you injected into my body? It was numb and numb. It felt very comfortable. My luck has improved a lot. You see, I have reached the abyss level.

Ghost Professor Su Rou came close to Shen Jian's ear, exhaling hot breath, and a fragrant wind blew into his face.

Her eyes were full of curiosity.

The golden dragon energy injected into her body before the young lady's husband finally disappeared in the God Burial Valley must have some effect that she didn't know about, especially after entering the God Burial Valley, she could be said to be possessed by the European Emperor.

First, she directly appeared in a place of Yin Qi and picked up a handful of ghost weapons. After walking a few steps, she picked up a fruit full of condensed Yin Qi. After swallowing it, she was infinitely close to the abyss-level Yin Qi. Qi, a breakthrough came all of a sudden.

Then, she walked into the valley, which was obviously an extremely dangerous place, without triggering any supernatural attacks, and arrived at the cemetery as if she were sightseeing.

The whole process was boring.

This smoothness reminded her of Shen Jian's last operation.

Shen Jian:......

His eyes were different.

Can the injection of one-stop energy produce such an effect?

He has five dragon auras, and his luck has reached the maximum, but there are very few opportunities to trigger this characteristic. Let alone picking up artifacts while walking, even if he is looking for them, he may not be able to gain anything.


Is this Qingguo's authority acting on me? Or is it that luck + max can’t bring me along?

Shen Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

I suppressed this sad thought.


Shen Jian smiled.

Subconsciously, she put her hand on the head of this intellectual female professor.

This action made Professor Degui Su Rou roll her eyes at Shen Jian and said angrily: You really think I am a child here to show off, young lady, you are much younger than me.

She emphasized the word small.

There was a little playfulness and some suggestive bad taste in the words.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the protagonist's aunt who showed provocation to him, and then at the school beauty ghost who was still standing aside, there was a wave of confusion in his eyes.

This intellectual female professor seemed to be holding herself back.

Dare to tease him on this occasion.

However, since the protagonist recognized his relatives, he has indeed not exchanged taboo topics with Su Rou. After all, there are too many people in the family and it is too dangerous.

And the beautiful woman Su Rou also occupies him. Even if he is a master of time management, it will be difficult for him to secretly communicate with the protagonist's aunt about his unethical behavior without anyone noticing.

the other side.

The school beauty ghost, who was also ready to share the joy, watched the interaction between the future father-in-law and the boyfriend's aunt. The more she watched, the more she felt that something was wrong.

The two of them seemed too close.

And she discovered that this familiar and most beautiful professor at Scarlet University seemed to be teasing her father-in-law, intentionally or unintentionally.

They don't behave like a family member at all, but rather like a man and woman in an ambiguous period.

She had actually noticed this phenomenon a few days ago.

But I didn’t think much about it.

But now she saw the heavy behavior between the two with her own eyes, and she thought of some possibility.

Some kind of ridiculous idea.

Think of this possibility.

She lowered her head in panic, her face was a little hot, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Oh my god.

Not only did she have some thoughts about this future father-in-law, but even her boyfriend's aunt seemed to be very fond of this man, and it had already reached the stage of ambiguity.

Is this a man who wants to steal his sister?

It's too immoral.

Isn’t she an ideological and political professor at Scarlet University?

Why would you do this? Or do this with your sister’s man?

Countless thoughts arise in the school beauty ghost's mind.

It caused a storm in her heart.


She also seems to have no position in calling the professor morally corrupt.

Because after she knew that this man would be her future father-in-law, she also had some small thoughts.

Although there is no actual action yet, according to human terms, this is already considered spiritual cheating.

For a while.

She was distraught.

This scene.

Naturally, it also fell into the eyes of Ghost Professor Su Rou.

She bit her lips lightly and whispered in an ambiguous tone: Young husband, you are really charming. She is my nephew's fiancée and my sister's daughter-in-law, but the way she looks at you is obviously not right, and there is something hidden behind it. thought.

If my nephew knew that you not only stole his mother, but also his fiancée also has feelings for you, he would probably fight you to the death.

Shen Jian:......


I really haven’t conquered the main character’s fiancée.

She had Stockholm Syndrome and became dependent on me.

The more he ignored her, the more she started to attack herself.

Thoughts are spinning.

Suddenly, a private message appeared on the chat interface.

Shen Jian took a look.

It was sent by Wang Lan.

[Sister Lan: Brother Shen, can you come? I have something important to tell you. 】

Shen Jian was startled.

He glanced at Wang Lan, who was standing among a group of players, and then looked at the distance between them, which was less than a hundred meters...

It takes a few steps to reach him.


Wang Lan also noticed the hidden meaning in Shen Jian's eyes.

[Sister Lan: I just wanted to go there, but I was forced to come back. The protagonist’s aunt, she didn’t let me go, or she was warning me...]

Speaking of which.

Wang Lan was also speechless.

She just wanted to make her presence felt and explain the information here to Shen Jian.

Unexpectedly, the protagonist's aunt immediately became murderous.

Guard against him like a wolf.

She was so wronged.

Moreover, Shen Jian is a human being, so what's the use of you getting involved?

How could humans be interested in a cold body of a ghost?

at the same time.

Saw this message.

Shen Jian glanced at the innocent-looking female professor standing next to him.

The more he came into contact with this intellectual female professor, the more he discovered that the other person's appearance and interior were too well disguised.

On the surface, she is a highly respected female professor. She is cold and cold. Although she will not reject people from thousands of miles away, she will not show any kindness to anyone that goes beyond a normal relationship.

Behind the scenes, she is a rebellious girl who is a little naughty, full of bad taste, and has extremely low moral quality.

Oh, he's also quite possessive.

Think about it.

Shen Jian clicked on the chat interface.

[King Yama: Just tell me directly. 】

[Sister Lan: Okay, I just communicated with other players, and they all agree that the ghost and god hiding the plot mission is here, but we don’t know which tombstone belongs to him. 】

[Mr. Qi: Master, this is indeed the case. I followed the exploration team of Tianshen Temple here. After some testing, it seems that there are some supernatural rules in the tombstones here. As long as someone wakes up the existence under the tombstone, there will be something under the tomb. A ghost crawls out, and whoever awakens the ghost will attack the person. 】

[Mr. Qi: Even if you kill the tomb ghost, the tomb ghost will pass on the supernatural curse after death. This curse has no solution and is an absolute hit. 】

[Mr. Qi: According to our observations, once there are more than three tomb ghost curses on the body, it will also trigger some unknown supernatural attack, dragging the cursed person into the cemetery and forming a new tombstone. 】

[Liancheng: Brother Shen, the current situation is that no one dares to try anymore. They are all waiting for Leng Touqing to experiment one by one. But according to the current situation, I am afraid it will take more than 300 ghosts to experiment one by one to achieve accurate results. Find out the location of the ghost. 】

[Sister Lan: The situation is like this, but it is still not the most critical thing. We found that the purpose of this group of ghosts who entered the God Burial Valley seems to be different from ours. Our purpose is to prevent the ghosts and gods from being born before they wake up. However, the evil spirits are preparing to awaken the ghosts and gods. 】

[Sister Lan: We have no chance of winning...]

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