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Looking at the dense collection of intelligence, everyone was silent for a while.

I wish I could scold all the 18th generation ancestors of horror games.

Letting a group of players with an average level of 20 or 30 enter a five-star movie dungeon is already an extremely outrageous act. It can be said that there is no lower limit.

But now they discovered that the behavior of horror games is not the most outrageous, only more outrageous.

According to the requirements of the hidden plot mission, they need to go to the Valley of the Buried Gods to prevent the birth of ghosts and gods. On the way, they rely on the Tianshen Temple as an endorsement and tell the ghosts who plan to enter the Valley of the Buried Gods that the birth of this ghost and god will bring unknown things.

The effect is very significant.

Many fierce ghosts expressed that they could not allow a ghost whose position was uncertain to appear in Wutong City.


When they entered the God Burial Valley and arrived at the cemetery, they realized that they had thought too simply.

Most of the ghosts who are willing to work with them to prevent the birth of ghosts and gods are local ghosts in this copy. There are many top ghost kings among these ghosts, but the number is too small.

A full shot would only be three to five.

But there were more than 25 people who wanted to wake up ghosts and gods.

With such a huge disparity, awakening ghosts and gods has become a certain fact.

They spoke lightly and did not dare to come forward at this time, for fear of being targeted and killed on the spot.

In other words.

Their mission failed.

With such a huge lineup, whoever dares to object may instantly become a thorn in the side of dozens of top ghost kings.

Not to mention them, even Shen Jian, the big boss who single-handedly destroyed the Yincao headquarters, they didn't have much hope.

Saying it will only increase your worries.

Trying to survive.

See these.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

He didn't show any embarrassment, but instead wanted to laugh.

Because his stance is really different from the players.

The next second.

Shen Jian looked at the messy tombstones.

There are more than 300 tombstones here.

According to players, there is a tomb ghost buried under every tombstone. Once awakened, it will automatically haunt the being who awakened it until the death of one of them.

And after the tomb ghost dies, it will also impose a layer of curse before death.

Once there are more than three curses, the supernatural laws of the cemetery will be triggered, dragging the cursed person underground and becoming a new tombstone.

It can be said that this is completely the big blind box of death.

If he awakens a ghost whose terror level far exceeds his own, the consequences can be imagined.

Even if he had the strength to deal with the tomb ghosts, he would only dare to wake them up twice. Among the more than 300 tombstones, the possibility of randomly awakening the ghosts and gods twice was close to zero.

The only way is to let more unknowing cannon fodder wake up these tomb ghosts one by one and use the elimination method to filter out the correct answers.

But it also creates new problems.

Where did so many people get taken advantage of?

Except for players, the ghosts who dare to enter the God Burial Valley basically have the strength above the ghost king level, and they are not fools. When faced with this situation, most people choose to wait and see for the time being.

It’s been a long time.

It will evolve into another situation.

If you don’t have enough cannon fodder, you’ll have to force it out.

Start selecting from the weakest ghosts.

And among all the evil ghosts in the audience, who else has a lower level of terror than the player?

Shen Jian quickly thought of this possibility.

Once it evolves into this situation, it is not a question of whether the player can complete the task, but whether he can survive.


Wang Lan and others realized this situation and chose to ask him for help.

Think of this.

Shen Jian came to a tombstone.

Watched with interest.

The black soil is connected under the tombstone, which isolates all sensory-type supernatural beings and all ghost-type supernatural beings. It can also suppress the supernatural effects, causing the ghosts to completely lose their special characteristics as ghosts. Once buried, even the top ghost king cannot escape.

at this point.

He had already seen it from the grave ghost.

He was very interested in this black soil.

I think it can be used as the underworld earth.


Ghost Professor Su Rou stepped forward, her face became solemn, she shook her head and said: Don't try, I have already tried it once. Killing the tomb ghost under the tombstone will be infected with a layer of supernatural curse. Although one or two will not affect your own condition, But it’s hard to guarantee whether there will be any other sequelae.”

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Have you not considered not killing the tomb ghost?

Ghost Professor Su Rou:...

She was slightly startled.

He looked at Shen Jian with an inexplicable expression.

As if looking at a fool.

If she doesn't kill the tomb ghost, she will be attacked by ghosts all the time. Once the other party superimposes supernatural powers to the limit, even she is an abyss-level ghost king, and she is not safe.

The school beauty ghost also said weakly: The tomb ghost awakened by Professor Su is also an abyss level. If we don't kill it, the professor himself will die.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Under normal circumstances, ghosts of the same level may have the supernatural power to kill each other, but suppressing and imprisoning them is not possible at the same level, unless the strength of the supernatural power far exceeds the normal level, and the supernatural power is suitable for imprisonment.

In this case, for the sake of insurance, it is naturally safest to kill.


Drop this sentence.

Shen Jian came to a tombstone.

Kicked over the tombstone with one kick.

Ghost Professor Su Rou:? ? !

School belle:? ! !

A group of players:! ! !

Damn it!

What the hell are you doing?

If you want to wake up the tomb ghost, you can't use such a rude method.

This will do no good unless it angers the ghosts buried in the grave.

They had seen a ghost king overturning a tombstone before. The tomb ghost underground immediately became furious, and the level of terror suddenly reached the abyss level. It directly dismembered the ghost king who overturned the tombstone into dozens of unevenly sized pieces.

It can be said that angering the grave ghost is the stupidest idea.

the other side.

All the fierce ghosts gathered at the scene also saw Shen Jian's extremely rough behavior.

Everyone showed an expression of watching a good show.

They just need such a stupid young man to wake up the tomb ghost and let them rule out a wrong answer again.

Just thinking about it.

The next second.

The pupils of the ghosts widened and their eyes stared straight.

They see.

As Shen Jian violently kicked over the tombstone, a cold aura emerged.

That was the precursor to the tomb ghost's awakening.

And the level of terror has reached the level of the top ghost king.

Sure enough, angering the tomb ghost is the stupidest choice.

Every stupid young man who angers the tomb ghost will eventually face a ghost that far exceeds his own level of terror.

That young man is finished.


A pale hand stretched out, and then the head of an old man with a face covered in mud, like a skinny monkey, emerged from the grave. His eyes were full of gloom, and he looked around.

He seems to be looking for the dog that kicked over his tombstone.

But after scanning around, the withered old man could only see a dense group of people standing not far away, but he could not find the unqualified murderer.

Dry old man:?

There was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

what's the situation?

Where are people?

Shouldn't he just run away after getting addicted to feet?

If that's the case, that's too cheap.


The dry old man noticed that the people outside were looking at him a little strangely.

He glanced down.

He has already stretched out a ghost hand and a head. Climbing out of the tombstone is not a problem. There is nothing wrong.

So what are these people looking at?

She looked at him like she was looking at animals from across the zoo.

Just thinking about it.

The withered old man suddenly noticed that a big hand stretched out from behind his back and grasped both sides of his head little by little. Judging from the position, it seemed to be pressing his temples.

Such a scene.

All the ghosts present were stunned for a moment.


Now you regret irritating this man, are you ready to be a dutiful son and give him a massage?

Is there a possibility that it's too late?


In an instant.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking.

Immediately afterwards.

The withered old man's head quickly rotated 90 degrees and was completely removed.

this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Damn it.

I bet you're not helping your temples to find a point of grip and then remove someone else's head?


It's so filial, it's like being filial to everyone.

See this scene.

The ghosts were in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Shen Jian as if they had seen a ghost.

The one who cares about his mother is the master.

In the most gentle way, he removed other people's heads with a smile.

The whole process was chilling.

For them, being killed and dismembered is not uncommon. Their threshold for cruelty is inherently higher than that of normal humans.

But just looking at Shen Jian's method of quietly removing the head of a top ghost king made them feel a bit horrified.

Unknown death is often the most frightening thing.

For the withered old man, that moment of contact would probably give him a heart attack.


There were also some top ghost kings who looked at Shen Jian with fear on their faces.

Removing the head of a top ghost king in an instant and causing it to freeze is not like a human being, who will die if the head is removed. For the top ghost king, removing the head will not affect normal actions at all.

However, the reality is that the dry old man is dead.

Fell into a dead state.

This shows that the moment Shen Jian came into contact with the withered old man, he not only removed the opponent's head, but also directly suppressed the supernatural power of a top ghost king, making him powerless to resist.

Such strength may only be achieved by those beings who are infinitely close to ghosts and gods.

For a while.

The place fell into a deathly silence.

for all this.

Shen Jian ignored it.

Holding the old man's withered head, he came to the nearest tombstone and placed the head on it as a tribute.

There are still words in his mouth:

Look, how kind I am to you. I came to worship you and brought tributes. Eat quickly. After eating, I will steal tributes to support you.

Group of ghosts:......

They stared at Shen Jian's behavior in stunned silence.

They all took a deep breath.

If you just listen to the voice, this is an affectionate man who chooses to trample the law to support himself and his family in order to make a living.

However, the reality is that this is a cemetery, and the ground is full of corpses. And the so-called affectionate man is muttering to himself and smiling strangely. The so-called tribute is that he just cruelly picked off the head of a lonely old man. .


Their scalps felt numb.

Damn it, I suggest you strictly check this man's mental state.

He doesn't look like he's acting!

What kind of ghost is the scariest?

Evil ghosts are cruel and evil ghosts are violent. These can be seen from the appearance.

But there is another ghost who behaves very normally.

Get off work at 8 o'clock every day at the latest, don't smoke or drink; go to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening and ensure a sufficient 8 hours of sleep; drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed, and then do 20 minutes of soothing exercise to warm up before going to bed, and never let fatigue and stress go away Leave it to the next day, and even the doctor said it was normal.

This kind of ghost is the scariest thing.

They couldn't imagine what kind of mysterious and cruel past this seemingly humble man had.

If he died, the funeral would be worth at least 100 million.

There was a moment of silence.

A top ghost king bit the bullet and said: Brother, although you are powerful, the supernatural laws of the cemetery are not vegetarian. It is better to keep your useful body and wait until the end to show it.

And it's useless even if you do this. Once the Tomb Ghost is awakened, there will be no room for us. Reasoning with reason and emotion are useless.

Or, it would be more useful if you simply dig the grave. If you do this, the grave ghost may not know that you are trying to wake him up.

Hear this.

Shen Jian shook his head.

Digging the grave is a great disrespect to the deceased. I would rather go to trouble and wait for him to come out before killing him, rather than pollute the resting place of the deceased.

Just imagine, after you die, your grave will be trampled and destroyed by strangers, will you feel better?


Shen Jian glanced around the crowd with a disappointed look on his face.

As if they were some heinous villains.

Group of ghosts:......

Their facial muscles twitched wildly.

You're so cute, what's your position in saying this?

Aren't you the one who trampled the deceased the most just now?

If you knew how to respect, you wouldn't show the withered old man's dead head.

Shen Jian was unable to deal with all the top ghost kings.

Just about to say something.


Another cold breath emerged.

The source came from Shen Jian.


Shen Jian's rambling words still revived the tomb ghost.

Judging from the fluctuations of Yin Qi, this turned out to be another top ghost king.

This is too much luck.

Awakening the tomb ghosts at the top ghost king level twice in a row.

Such a supernatural curse might be as effective as three times.

Think of this.

The ghosts watched intently.

Everyone wants to know whether the supernatural laws of the cemetery have any effect on a being that is infinitely close to ghosts and gods, or whether a top ghost king of this level can withstand the supernatural attacks in the cemetery.

If possible, it proves that the supernatural power of the cemetery has its limits.

If not, then we can only follow the original plan and let those low-level ghosts become cannon fodder.

With this thought, they waited and watched one by one.

One minute...two minutes...three minutes...

Waited for a long time.

Nothing crawled out.

Only the fluctuating aura of Yin Qi proved that there was indeed a tomb ghost at the level of a top ghost king under the tombstone, but for some reason, the tomb ghost did not choose it.

Ghosts:? ? ?

They were stunned for a moment, and then their pupils suddenly shrank.

Is this tomb ghost scared?!

Damn it, a top ghost king is actually scared?

It just blinds me. No matter how ferocious the tomb ghost is, he still picks people up. Wait, isn't this saying that we are all weaklings?

Bah, I can only bully the weak and fear the strong, and be a coward.

It shouldn't be, and can the tomb ghost not appear? If so, how can we find the burial place of that ghost and god?

Seeing the tomb ghost, everyone really didn't dare to show up, and everyone suddenly became noisy.

I find it incredible.

That is the tomb ghost known as the Big Blind Box of Death.

I was so scared.

Even if he was awakened, he didn't dare to stand up and confront Shen Jian.

What a shame,

After this wave, not to mention treating the tomb ghosts for autism, they will also become depressed.

at the same time.

Shen Jian was also a little surprised when the ghost from the tomb did not come out.

He glanced at the tombstone.

There are still vague writings on the tombstone.

Shen Jian saw it.

Buried beneath this is a female ghost. According to the handwriting on the tombstone, her name seems to have the character 月 in it.


Shen Jian cautiously guided her step by step: Sister Ghost, Yueyue? Sister Yueyue? I am your Brother Ri.

I know you are hiding in there, stop hiding, come out quickly.

Don't worry, there are good people out there, and I will protect you.

As the sound rang out.

The Yin energy under the tombstone fluctuated even more violently.

It seemed that he was a little emotional.


That big-headed ghost Yueyue.

Do you think I'm a three-year-old?

I live next to that old man on horseback. Do you think I can't see what you just did?

Even if I starve to death or suffocate underground, I will never crawl out.

The surging Yin Qi showed her unease at the moment.

Even though she is a top ghost king, she is still a woman who is most afraid of meeting a pervert.

He is also a pervert who is stronger than her.


Shen Jian saw no movement for a long time.

His expression also became dangerous.

A casual wave.

Golden light surged.

The void rippled and turned into golden whirlpools.

In the vortex.

Golden spears emerged one after another.

Aiming at the tombstone where the female ghost is.

There is a sense of déjà vu that if you don’t come out, you will be pierced by thousands of swords and stabbed to death by random guns.

Female grave ghost:......

She hid underground, looking at the dense golden whirlpools and thousands of spears in the upper room of the void, she was almost frightened out of her soul.

Damn it? Damn it!

Brother Ri, don't be impulsive.

After three strokes, five divided by two, the female grave ghost used all her strength to dig open her own grave, and got out directly. She was about to cry but said without tears: Brother Ri, your sister Yueyue has come out.

It would be great if it were like this earlier.

Shen Jian said quietly.

He looked at the King's Treasure House that he had already used.

His eyes suddenly fell on the other tombstones.

Think about it.

The words of ghosts and gods are activated.

The sound of Jiuyou resounded throughout the sky.

You sons of bitches, you losers who are wasting air when you are alive and waste of land when you are dead, get out of here.

The sound resounded and quickly spread throughout the cemetery.

A large amount of Yin Qi fluctuations began to surge around.

The dense ghost energy erupted at the same time, creating a gloomy ghost mist.

It makes one's hair stand on end.


Everyone was confused.

We want to use the elimination method to find the burial places of ghosts and gods hidden in the cemetery. We don't want you to fire the map cannon and anger all the ghosts in the cemetery at once.

Your map cannon is going to kill people!

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