Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 663: If the neck is entangled, of course it is to chop the neck.

at this time.

The atmosphere at the scene fell into silence.

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

The excitement on his face was undisguised.

He did not expect that he would suddenly get such valuable information. Although it was not verified, he was basically sure that at the moment when the underworld reappeared, Luo Feng had a sense of each other for six days, abandoning his previous actual control. By.

Because of this, Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace, that is, the authority of the Qing Kingdom, would suddenly collapse one day and turn into nine dragon auras, scattered all over the place.

As for the second place, Luo Fengtian, Olympus, because of its incomplete authority, it did not collapse.

The third place, Luo Fengtian and Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace, which is the city of entertainment, has complete authority in the hands of world-weary ghosts and gods, so it also collapsed.

However, unlike Emperor Qing, the world-weary ghost and god did not let the complete authority leave the scope of the entertainment city. Instead, she planned to let the fierce ghosts in her territory control part of the authority, firmly holding the complete control of Luo Fengtian in her hands. .

From this point alone, world-weary ghosts and gods are much more capable than Emperor Qing.

And he doubted it.

Those fierce ghosts who have mastered part of Luo Fengtian's authority on behalf of the world-weary ghosts and gods will probably end up not much better. After all, a ghost with authority, random thoughts, and ambitions, no matter how weak the terror level is, will still want to bite its master.

Not to mention, the ghosts who can be selected by Luo Fengtian's partial authority are by no means simple figures. They are the top ghost kings with the lowest level of terror. All ghosts and gods are not surprised.

No one would allow such a hidden danger to happen.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

If his conjecture is correct, the God Burial Valley, which has part of the authority of the Taisha Liangshi Sect Heavenly Palace, must have the backing of world-weary ghosts and gods.

Or limit the permission recipients, or simply control them directly.

At the same time, Shen Jian also thought of a question.

Luo Fengtian has the authority to choose the master, and the most special being here is undoubtedly the protagonist Lin Yan.

If the plot develops according to the plot, the protagonist will definitely gain the greatest benefits in the God Burial Valley, and there is a good chance that he will become the permission holder. In other words, the so-called protagonist is actually just a puppet who helps the world-weary ghosts and gods control the permissions.

Think of this.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

He thought of a word - breeding farm.

The protagonist of every large-scale supernatural movie is a tool man mass-produced by world-weary ghosts and gods. Whoever can help her control part of Luo Fengtian's authority will stand out.

Like standardized products on the production line.


Shen Jian came to his senses.

His eyes fell on the grave ghost again, his eyes burning.

Graveyard Ghost:......


He put his hands in front of the stone pillar, as if to say: Brother, I am not 0.

Shen Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

Fight with a big cock.

He cursed and said: The interrogation, be very serious, do you know the exact location of that ghost and god?

I don't know. As soon as I entered here, I triggered the supernatural in the cemetery and was buried here without even exploring the process.

The grave ghost shook his head.

Shen Jian said with disdain: Then you are useless, just erect it here as a totem. Maybe thousands of years later, it can become a totem symbol of a tribe.

Say it.

Without any hesitation, he turned and left.

Huh? Wait, brother, I don't know, but I know who knows.

The ghost on the grave is dancing.

He has some tricks up his sleeve.

This guy is so fucking realistic.

Once you know that he has no use value, just give him up.

Not even the slightest hesitation.

Before, he would have been very happy.

Because in this way he can break free from the stone pillar on his own and regain his life.


The moment Shen Jian turned around and left, strong supernatural fluctuations suddenly came from the ground in contact with the black soil, dragging the stone pillar where he was buried back into the hole.

According to the current efficiency, it would take less than two minutes for him to return to his previous state, continue to be suppressed, and be buried in the black soil, never to see the light of day.

at this time.

Only then did the ghost on the grave know that the reason he didn't sense the supernatural coming from the black soil just now was because Shen Jian was helping him suppress it all.

Shen Jian left.

The supernatural power of the black soil really exploded.

And he had no chance to break free.


He panicked.

Prepare for another wave of rescue.

Brother, before I was buried here, I walked around here. I saw a top ghost king hanging nearby. That ghost was definitely a powerful ghost that originally existed in the God Burial Valley. The other party must know that ghost. The whereabouts of ghosts and gods.”

Hear this.

Shen Jian made a move.

He raised his foot and stomped it again.

The black soil surrounding the grave ghost was decomposed bit by bit, and finally it was struggling to fall out of the stone pillar.

this moment.

The grave ghost was completely shocked.

Only he, who has truly seen the terrifying suppression of supernatural beings in the black soil, knows how terrifying this place is. Even he, the top ghost king, has no power to resist.

However, Shen Jian could easily suppress and even dissipate this supernatural force. More importantly, he did not see any decent supernatural fluctuations on Shen Jianjian during the whole process, as if he completely suppressed the black soil with just a slight stamp of his foot.

Such strength is incredible.

Strong as a yuppie.

It shocked him.

Damn it.

If you have such strength, why do you want to compete with us little shrimps?

He was furious inside.

His attitude became more respectful.

lead the way.

To this.

Shen Jian's expression didn't change much, as if he just did something he could easily do, and said calmly.

The ghost on the grave did not dare to hesitate.

Immediately guided Shen Jian to his destination.

The distance is not that far.

It is located less than a hundred meters away from the cemetery.

Rows of black trees take root on both sides of the black soil, and all the plants growing there are coated with a dark luster. Under the shade of the trees, everything looks dim, like a bloody mouth open wide, waiting for prey. Take the bait.

The grave ghost stopped, a bit of fear flashed in his eyes.

Brother, it's right here. When I first moved here, I originally planned to go in to find out what was going on, but I encountered an extremely terrifying hanged ghost inside. The level of terror was at least at the top ghost king level. I even suspected that , the other party has been infinitely close to the ghosts and gods, which is why I escaped in such a panic, and happened to step on the black soil of the supernatural being, and was buried underground.

Hear this.

Shen Jian moved.

Stepping into the territory of the black forest.

The surrounding trees began to sway.

A strange wailing sound was made.

The trees seemed to come to life, with rustling sounds blowing on the tree trunks, and heads hanging down. These heads were all ghosts, with a grim and twisted face opened, and their eyes fell on Shen Jianjian.

For a while.

A feeling of depression and suffocation came over me.

When the grave ghost saw this, his scalp suddenly went numb.

Damn it.

The terrifying scene he experienced at that time was actually not the limit of the Hanged Ghost. If the Hanged Ghost had lowered the heads of these evil ghosts to surround him from the beginning, he would not even have a chance to walk out.

Brother, we seem to be surrounded. This hanging ghost is more terrifying than I imagined. The heads hanged here are all ghost kings above the abyss level. There are more than ten top ghost kings. Although it is cumulative, this The number is astonishing.”

Shen Jian looked as usual.

He cast his gaze into the depths.

Take one step.

The distance of a hundred meters became a mere inch, allowing him to cross the border in one step.

Appeared in front of an extremely lush tree.

On the tree with a human head hanging, a man with tattered clothes looked like a ghost crawling out of a grave. His head was hanging low, and half of his neck was about to fall off as the thick tree trunk strangled him.

Realizing that Shen Jian suddenly appeared in front of him, the Hanged Man raised his head suddenly and his pupils opened wide.


When I type this question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem.

How the hell did you get here?

The black soil isolates all ghost realm-type supernatural beings, let alone teleportation. If you can expand the ghost realm, you are considered awesome.

But just now, he saw this guy move directly to him. How could this be possible?


Shen Jian also stared directly at the hanged man, with an evil smile on his face.

Why are you climbing so high at night? It's too dangerous. Don't panic. I'll save you.

Shen Jian said.

He took out an ancient long sword from his body.

The sharp edge of the long sword flashed in the darkness.

Hanged man:! ! !

His expression changed.

piss off.

I need you to save me. Can't you see that the tree is my real body?


If you save people, you save them. Why did you take out your sword?

This late at night, you were holding a sword, with a weird smile on your face, and you came to save me one after another. I really believed in your evil talent.

The hanged man felt a chill in his heart.

But at this time.

Shen Jian is getting closer and closer.

There was a smile on his face, but the malice in his eyes was not concealed at all: Don't be afraid. Judging from your appearance, your neck is entangled in the tree trunk. I will come to rescue you right away.


Shen Jian raised the Seven-Star Demon Sword in his hand.

Don't. The hanged man's face turned green: Where are you aiming? Are you cutting down the tree trunk or my head?

Shen Jian gave him a strange look.

What I'm saying is, my neck is wrapped around my neck, why should I chop down the tree trunk?

Hanged man:? ? ?

He was completely stunned.

My uncle, you are really a little genius.

I was speechless at what I said.

Even the Mentally Retarded Association doesn't accept this Zhenruozhi.

Think of this.

The hanged man couldn't hold himself any longer, and his whole body exploded with yin energy. He stared straight at Shen Jian with a pair of dead fish eyes, and said sullenly: You deserve to die if you really step on the horse.

The words fell.

A thick branch hung down from the tree with a human head, and wrapped around Shen Jian's neck like a python.

See this.

The hanged man was overjoyed.

I originally thought that Shen Jian was some kind of being who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. He can use teleportation in areas where ghosts are prohibited, but he didn't expect that he would be tricked so easily.

Although the branches wrapped around Shen Jian's neck looked easy to tear, in fact, once his supernatural attack was launched, even the top ghost king could not break free.

They will be tightly entangled, their heads will be chopped off, and their ghost bodies will be dismembered.

It’s useless no matter how powerful you are.

That's what I thought.

The next second.

A cold light passed by.

Shen Jian raised the Seven-Star Demonic Sword and with a slight stroke, the branch broke directly.

this moment.

The sinister smile on the hanged ghost's face froze.

Before he could react.

Shen Jian struck out with his sword again.

The human-headed tree, which was more than dozens of meters high, was cut in half.

Hanged man:! ! !

He was dumbfounded.

How could his own body be dismembered so easily?

Damn it!

It's noisy.

My roots are rooted in the black soil. Even if ghosts and gods come, it is impossible to dismember his body in this situation. This guy is too outrageous.

Just thinking about it.

The hanged man was horrified to find that the ancient sword that had just dismembered his body was already placed around his neck.

I helped you free yourself, are you touched?

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

I don’t dare to move, I really don’t dare to move.

At that time, the sword was only 0.01 centimeters away from me, so I dared not move it.

If you move, you might end up dead.

Brother, I'm convinced. Please use your magical powers. Brother, I can't help but be scared.

The hanged man surrendered in humiliation.

Hands raised.

He said he no longer dared to do so.

See this.

Shen Jian asked: Do you know where the ghosts and gods buried here are?

The hanged man was stunned.

Then he pointed out the direction without any hesitation.

Over there in the cemetery is the most dangerous place of Yin Qi. There are a lot of ghosts buried there who are ready to move. The ghost and god is sleeping in one of the cemeteries, but no one knows which one it is.

You don't know either?

Shen Jian asked.

I don't know. Although I have lived here a long time ago, the ghost and god were actually buried here not long ago. Before that, this place was just a slightly dangerous supernatural place. It was not that big at all. Something special.”

Smell it.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

The complete collapse of Luo Feng's authority happened within the past two years, but this God Burial Valley existed when the protagonist was born and became the protagonist of this movie copy. Judging from this time, the special thing is indeed It only existed not long ago.


In the original plot summary, it was doubtful whether this ghost and god would revive.

Got the information I needed.

Shen Jian suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Looking at the hanging man's shaky head, he chose to help.

Take off the opponent's head.


It won’t drive you to death from obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Do it all.

Shen Jian showed a satisfied smile.

Out of the black trees.

Shen Jian brought the grave ghost with him.

This top ghost king is a local ghost from the third Luo Fengtian Entertainment City and knows a lot of information about world-weary ghosts and gods.

After Shen Jian repeated the words of the hanged ghost, the grave ghost immediately said excitedly: This is the right place. Before we came in, we had thought that the most special place in this supernatural place is located where the gods are buried, which is the cemetery. , cemeteries, mass graves and the like.”

As for how to find this ghost and god, we don't actually have to look for it, because judging from the trend of supernatural places coming to Wutong City, this ghost and god is actually in the stage of recovery, and maybe it has already awakened. We just need to wait, and the other party will It will happen naturally.”

The grave ghost was extremely excited.

Although he had no chance to obtain the permissions mentioned by the City Lord of Entertainment City, he didn't have much hope in the first place, and his failure could only be said to be expected.

But his newly recognized elder brother was different.

That strength was simply the most terrifying of all the ghosts he had ever seen.

It was completely random killing in this supernatural place.

As long as ghosts and gods are born, the ultimate winner will only be his eldest brother.

If you can't become a permission holder, becoming the permission holder's younger brother seems to be a good choice.

after all.

Obtaining authority means that one has entered the eyes of the City Lord of Entertainment City. Coupled with the already terrifying strength of the eldest brother, as long as he leaves here, he will immediately become a high-level executive of Entertainment City and become the City Lord's right-hand man.

By then.

As a younger brother, shouldn't he be able to follow his elder brother and enjoy the good life?

Think of this.

The grave ghost is more active.

He took the initiative and said: Brother, maybe we can go to the cemetery more slowly. If this ghost and god is already in the recovery stage, then the cemetery is undoubtedly the most dangerous place right now. Is there any faster shortcut to recovery than swallowing a group of ghosts? ?”

I suspect that the cemetery has become a slaughterhouse for that ghost and god. As soon as a certain number of powerful ghosts appear there, the ghost and god will activate their supernatural powers and attack everyone.

We can definitely follow the example of humans, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. Once those people consume the power of the ghosts and gods, we will reap the benefits.

Hear this.

Shen Jian glanced at the grave ghost.

Then have you heard a word yet?

It's called, no matter what conspiracy you have, I will defeat it myself.

Say it.

Shen Jian walked towards the cemetery.

Rather than sneaking around and fishing in troubled waters, he prefers to give this ghost a head-on blow when he is most proud, most rampant, and most excited.

As for whether he would lose it, that was not his consideration.

As the King of Hell, he is also the Lord of the Underworld and the Lord of the Underworld with the incarnations of the eight Yamas. He does not need to sit back and reap the benefits.

Graveyard Ghost:......

He stared blankly at Shen Jian's back.

So arrogant... No, it's confidence.

This big brother is extraordinary.

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